Advanced Methods in Biotechnology II (BIOL 5832-01) Spring 2007 Instructor: M.Bazlur Rashid, Ph.D. Office - BAYOU 3531-4 Phone - 281-283-3756 E-mail - Office hours: Thursdays 5:00 to 6:00 PM. If necessary, appointments can also be scheduled. Section: BIOL 5832-01, Thursdays 7:00-9:50 PM, BAYOU 3108 Prerequisites: Molecular Biology I or instructor's approval. Text: - Understanding Biotechnology: An integrated and cyber-based approach. George Acquaah. 2004 Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-094500-5 - Laboratory Notebook REQUIRED. All lab procedures and recording of data will be in this lab notebook. Supplemental texts: From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology by Jeremy W. Dale and Malcolm von Schantz. John Wiley & Sons; (October 4, 2002) ISBN: 0471497835 DNA Science: A first Course, second edition, by David A. Micklos, Greg A. Fryer, and David A. Crotty. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (2003). ISBN: 0879696362 Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, by Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 3rd Labmn edition (January 15, 2001), ISBN-13: 9780879695774 Course Objectives: This course is designed to provide students with the advanced skills that will help them to work in a modern laboratory or a biotech company. The course will focus on modern isolation, purification and characterization methods of proteins as well as regulation of protein function by other proteins through protein-protein interaction. Students will learn various protein analytical and purification techniques (e.g. SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Calmodulin affinity column chromatography etc.). Laboratory skills in yeast two-hybrid system will help students learn yeast molecular biology e.g. culture, small-scale-transformation, and screening of positive colonies to analyze protein-protein interaction. In addition to these specific skills, students will develop an appreciation for the current scientific literature and acquire problem-solving abilities in a collaborative setting. Students will learn how to maintain a laboratory notebook containing a detailed record of the experiments carried out and prepare written reports describing these experiments. Testing: All the material covered in the exams will be based on information from the text-book, handouts and laboratory exercises. In order to do well in this course, the assigned reading must be read before lecture to help you grasp the problems and to ask for clarification of concepts when necessary. Remember that during the lecture because of time limitations you will get just a brief introduction to the topics you must know to pass this course. UHCL Honesty Policy: Please review the UHCL Academic Honesty Policy on pages 78-81 of the 2006-2007 UHCL catalog. All students at the University of Houston-Clear Lake are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in all academic work attempted while enrolled at the University. This standard of conduct includes reporting incidents of alleged violation of the honesty policy to the instructor involved or, if necessary, to the appropriate academic dean. Each student acknowledges, by the mere act of turning in work for a grade, that he or she has honored the Academic Honesty Code, which states, “I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty.” Grades: Midterm Final Exam Lab Notebook Pre-lab/assignments Group Presentation Total = 30 % 40 % 10 % 10 % 10 % (must submit your PowerPoint presentation printouts) 100 % Grading Scale: A AB+ 93-100% 88-92% 86-87% BC+ C 80-82% 77-79% 73-76% D+ D D- 67-69% 63-66% 60-62% B 83-86% C- 70-72% F < 59% Testing: There will two exams: midterm and final during the semester. Each exam will consist of fill-in-theblank, true/false, matching questions, definitions and short answer questions. The exams will include 50% lecture and 50% lab related questions. Final will contain 70% new topics not tested yet and 30% old topics. There will be a 10% bonus question in each exam for extra credit. Group presentation must be between 15 to 20 minutes. Points will be taken off if you exceed the timing limit. The title of presentation will be like “purification of protein X” that will be based on an original article. Grading of presentation will be based on clarity of your talk and answering two general questions from the instructor about your topic. Make Up Exams: Make up test will be offered only to those who will serve valid excuses (e.g. physician’s note). Make up tests will be more difficult than actual tests. There are no make-ups for labs. If you miss the lab, it is a zero for that lab. Laboratory Assignments: A detailed description of laboratory exercises will be provided at the beginning of each laboratory. Instructor or teaching assistant prior to the laboratory assignment will demonstrate assignments. Students will keep a laboratory notebook describing the assignments, the procedure, the results and the conclusions. Laboratory Safety: Students are expected to behave professionally at all times and follow laboratory safety rules. Wear safety glasses at all times during performing experiments. Be cautious with all equipments. If you have questions about the operation of a equipment, please ask. Dispose of all materials that have contacted cells into red or orange biohazard bags. Dispose of all solutions according to instructions from the instructor. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory at any time!! When another student is performing an experiment do not purposely distract them. Individual who either purposely or persistently violate these safety procedures will be given an 'F' for that laboratory procedure (It is up to the instructor to determine a safety violation). If an emergency situation occurs in the lab, call the campus police (#2222) using the phone in the Tissue Culture Laboratory. One of the buttons has been programmed for the campus police number. Laboratory Notebook: Lab notebook has to be maintained. The instructor will check the notebook time to time to grade for prelab purposes. Outline and rules for lab write-ups: The following outline should be used. You must follow this outline and rules. At the end of the semester, you will hand in your notebook for a final grade. A. Title of Experiment and Date B. Purpose of Experiment C. Materials (include calculations for all solutions) D. Methods (write pre-lab on the left half of the page and record procedures performed on right half during experiment.) E. Results: Record all results in the notebook. All pictures and printouts are raw data and should be properly taped into the notebook and labeled. F. Conclusions: Record your conclusions for the experiment in the notebook. NOTE: Rules for writing in the laboratory notebook. 1. Write in black ink only (no pencil!). 2. If you make a mistake, mark through the mistake. Do not rip the page out or use whiteout. 3. Have "Advanced Methods in Biotechnology II Notebook (Spring 2007), Instructor: Dr. Bazlur Rashid, then your name, and your phone number or email address" written on the front cover and also first page. Advanced Methods in Biotechnology II BIOL 5832-01 Spring 2007 Tentative Schedule (modification in the schedule may be made whenever necessary) Date Activity/Reading Lecture Laboratory 01/18/07 Introduction Chapters 1, 2, and 3 -Lab safety -Introduction to Biotechnology and review of genetics -The Nature of Living Things: The Central Dogma -Preview of lab 1 01/25/07 Chapter 14 (page 190191) and hand outs Lecture on Yeast cells and Yeast two-hybrid System Preview of lab 2 Lab 1: Preparation of media for yeast culturing 02/01/07 Chapters 4, and 6 -The nature of living things -Recombinant DNA technology Preview of lab 3 Lab 2: Yeast two-hybrid System- transformation Discussion of yeast two hybrid system Preview of lab 4 Lab 3: Yeast two-hybrid System- analysis 02/08/07 02/15/07 Chapters 8 Hand outs Lecture on "Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins" Preview of lab 5 Lab 4: Yeast two-hybrid System- analysis 02/22/07 Chapters 9, 10 Molecular markers, and DNA fingerprinting PCR Lab 5: Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins: Isoelectric focusing Preview of lab 6 03/01/07 03/08/07 Chapter 13:section 2 Protein structure determination Discussion of 2D gel data Review for midterm exam 03/15/07 Spring Holidays No Class!! 03/22/07 Midterm Chapter 14 Lab 6: Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins: SDS-PAGE analysis and staining Lab extra day Lab extra day DNA Microarrays Preview of lab 7 Preview of lab 8 03/29/07 Chapter 15 04/05/07 Modifying protein production Lecture on “cloning and overexpression of protein PYI” Lecture on “Calmodulin affinity column” Preview of lab 9 Preview of lab 10 Lab 7: Preparation of media for bacterial culture Lab 8: Setting up PCR to amplify PYI gene from genomic DNA Discussion of labs 7 to 10 Lab 9 : Transform BL21 cells with PYI-containing plasmid Preview of lab 11 Lab 10: Transform BL21 cells with pTC12 that contains CBPfused LacZ gene Preview of lab 12 04/12/07 Chapters 18, 19 Industrial applications Environmental applications Lab 11: Preparation of lysates from BL21 cells (obtained from labs 9 and 10) Preview of Lab 14 Preview of lab 15 Lab 12: Calmodulin affinity chromatography Lab 13: Purification of PYI protein 04/19/07 Chapter 25 Lab 14: SDS-PAGE analysis of CBP-LacZ and PYI Lab 15: Enzymatic analysis of PYI 04/26/07 05/03/07 Review for final exam Student Presentations! FINAL EXAM Notebooks due!