Warsaw, 21.04.2009 Iwona Chojecka The municipal Eurobonds as a global financial instrument of financing regional investments Key words Eurobonds, financial instrument, capital markets, stock exchange, procedure of issue, regional investment Abstract The article concerns the various aspects of the municipal Eurobonds’ issues as an instrument of the global financial markets. The main aim of the text is the presentation of the detailed and general models, the challenges and the threats of the issues of bonds denominated in currencies not national to the official currency of the municipal subjects, where they are issued. The article is divided into the five chapters. The first chapter describes the history and the general characteristic of the Eurobonds, which allows varying them from other foreign bonds and other bonds denominated in the foreign currencies. This part shows the different types of divisions of the Eurobonds. The second chapter presents the specific functions of the Eurobonds connected with the municipal character of the issues and the international aspects of issues these debt securities as an international global financial instrument. The third chapter characterizes the subject organized the Eurobonds' issues procedures and there are described the role of this entities in this process. The fourth chapter presents the procedure of the municipal Eurobonds’ issues from the primary financial market point of view and the text treats about the steps of the municipal Eurobonds’ issues types procedures: the open priced, the bought deal, the fixed price reoffering, the yield pricing, the auction issue and the mixed procedure. The fifth chapter describes the introduction of the municipal Eurobonds to the regulated market at the example of Poland. The sixth chapter presents the Polish experiences with the municipal Eurobonds’ issues. The article is summarized by the future prospects and directions of developing the Eurobonds municipal market paying attention to the advantages and the threats connected with this debt securities' issues to the stability of the global financial market. The introduction The subject of hereby thesis is the attempt to present the possibility of financing the regional investments by Eurobonds' issue, which allows to gather the capital on the international financial markets. The main aim of the thesis is the popularization and the presentation of the municipal Eurobonds issues' procedures and the possibilities of introducing them to the organized market at the example of Polish regulated capital market. In hereby thesis was presented also the first polish experiences connected with the Eurobonds' issues by the cities. 1 1. The general characteristics of Eurobonds The first issues of Eurobonds took place in 60's of the XX century in the response on introducing the tax imposed on the incomes from the foreign bonds offering on the American financial market. The situation caused the higher amount of issues denominated in American dollars outside the United States. The first this type of issues was realized by the British banks. At this historical field, the bonds denominated in currencies other than the national currency are described as Eurobonds even if, they are issued at another market than European market and whey are denominated in other currencies than American dollar. The Eurobonds as an instrument of international capital markets characterize by the privileged fiscal statues and the issue creating with the attendance of international financial syndicate. The Eurobonds is qualified as the securities, which create the obligation to the issuer to pay to the owner of the Eurobonds the amount (once or periodically) with the proper interest rates on previous described conditions in the issue's procedure. The Eurobond can be dominated in every currency, including the currency of home country of the issuer under the condition that it is changeable outside the home country of issuer. At this point is necessary to take into account, that in case of Euroland the issue of bonds denominated in national currency of euro by one of the member countries of EU to the other member countries of EU will fulfill the conditions of the home issue, named in case of the member of The Economic and Monetary Union - the issuance of Euroland or the euro zone. The home issues of Euroland should be differed from the issue of the bonds denominated in euro with the intention of offering them to the investors outside the euro zone (the international issue of Eurobonds). With the fiscal neutrality of Eurobonds is connected the anonymity of trading this debt securities and the lack of tax obligation excluded the existence of the eventual capital incomes tax. The anonymity of trading the Eurobonds can be displaced in material or dematerialized form organized by the issuer with the attendance of the special depositary register, which identifies the borrower on the basis of the bank's account number. The issue of Eurobonds takes the basis on the high reputability of the issuer connected with the lack of the hedging of this debt securities in the form of mortgage or the different type of guarantees, which can be similar not only with the higher investment risk on the investors' side, but also with the narrowing amount of the issuers. It is worth to underline, that the choice of the law, which will be the basis of the regulation of the relation between the subjects participated in organizing the municipal Eurobonds' issues neither were supervised by the governmental entities in the home country of the issues, nor submits to the supervision of the Eurobonds' issue by the governmental entities in the country, which the currency was used to denominate the Eurobonds. The Eurobonds should be differed from the foreign bonds denominated in the currency of the home country of the issuer and issuing in anther country than the home country of the issuer in the currency of this second country and submitting to the law of this country and to the procedures concerning the debt securities force in this country. The potential buyers of 2 Eurobonds are indicated in different countries in contrary to the foreign bonds, which are designed for the investors from the one, indicate national market. The foreign Eurobonds denominated in dollars placed at the American market are named Yankee bonds, the bonds issuing in Holland were named Rembrandt bonds, the bonds issuing in Japan - Samurai bonds, the bonds issuing in London - Bulldog bonds. The type of the foreign bonds is the bonds, which is served by the national syndicate in the country of borrower. The other type of bonds, which we can not qualified neither to the category of the Eurobonds, nor to category of foreign Eurobonds are the bonds issuing by the national subjects in foreign currencies (ex. Shogun bonds created in Tokyo, or Sushi Bonds placed on Japan’s market). The complexity of Eurobonds' market results their differences in the types of the issues. We can vary the Eurobonds at the point of the interest rates, the currency of denomination, the manner of the purchase, the rights connected with the securities, the form of the debt securities, the type of issue or the period of the maturity. 2. The functions of the municipal Eurobonds The municipal Eurobonds characterizes the specific functions base on the peculiarity of Eurobonds as an international instrument of financial markets. The municipal Eurobonds join the long - term credit functions and the accumulation of significant financial assets by their issuer. The high quality of issue creates the possibility to gather in short term period (even during a month) the significant capital. In case of the debt securities issuing by the cities hereby function is more important because of the potential lack of he liquidity of the debt securities market. The Eurobonds guarantee to the cities the diversification of the sources of financing, which allowed differentiating the grade of the risk generated in connection with the financing of investment by the external capital. The various types of the issues of Eurobonds create the possibility to fit their construction to the necessity and the request of the cities (tailor’s made issuance). The Eurobonds constitute the more attractive source of investment than the "traditional" bonds to the foreign investors by minimizing the currency course risk. Additionally, the denomination of the securities issuing by the cities in the trustworthy currency on the international market might guarantee the success of the debt securities' issue. The Eurobonds issue attracts the foreign capital to make the direct investment at the particular municipal area. The Eurobonds issue is the signal to the foreign capital, that this municipal area indicates high level developing potential and it is worth to pay particular investment attention. This circumstance is connected with the promotion function of the city among the foreign investors. Even the previous signals of the potential issue of Eurobonds, and next appropriate high assessment of Eurobonds giving by the rating agencies, and at least the success of Eurobonds issue, enlarges their credibility and enlarges the prestige of the city not only as an issuer, but also as a trustworthy target of following investments. At this field are created the developing function of the municipal Eurobonds, which are noticed by the new buildings, the development of enterprise in the region and the creation of new places of the work. The function of municipal Eurobonds as trustworthy securities gather the functions of cumulating the capital, the easy process of change the owner and the comfortable process of 3 transferring the rights connected with these debt securities from the debtor to the creditor. This is also necessary to pay the attention to the fact, that the Eurobonds less than the traditional bonds indicate the guarantee function. Commonly, their issue isn't guaranteed by mortgage or other guarantee or the outcomes from the issuer's investment and doesn’t submit to the supervisory procedures of the supervision authority. Additionally, the anonymity of trade and the privilege taxation status create impossibility to employ the protection procedures against money loudening occurrences. The simplified issues of Eurobonds in case of bought option should result by creating the gray market of turn over of these debt securities. The attempt to protect against generating hereby risk factor was the creation of the simplify type of issue the Eurobonds - fixed - price re-offer. This procedure impacts on the subjects participating in the syndicate, even after its dissolution, the obligation to place the Eurobonds' issues at the detailed price (re-offer price). 3. The entities engaged in the issues of the municipal Eurobonds The procedure of issuing the municipal Eurobonds begins the stage of preparing this issue, including the choice of lead manager. This subject assesses the financial credibility of the future issuer and it advises at the stage of negotiations. The initial parameters of issue are characterized by lead manager in the form of intention letter, which are presented to the issuer in order to achieve his acceptance in the form of giving the official mandate for the lead manager. The initial phase concerns the gathering of necessary documentation connected with the issue: the offering circular or the conditions of issue. The conditions of issue present the analogous construction to the appropriate document of the traditional municipal Eurobonds. The offering circular commonly consists the form of information brochure, in witch we can indicate the basic data concerning the issue and the detailed information about the issuer and optionally, about the guarantor of the issue, and also the statement of issuer about the truthfulness and the complexity of information and the warnings concerns the fact, that any subject hasn't the authorization to make the statement or to give information not including in the offering circular and the warnings about the possibility of changing the financial situation of issuer of eurobands from the date of publishing the document. Next, the issue procedure of the municipal Eurobonds goes into the stage of building the banking syndicate (syndication process) by the lead manger, which is organized by the banks as the guarantors, the managing participants and dealing participants. The lead manager can undertake the actions towards promotion the new issue among the investors (road show). Later banks, which was joined in issue procedure on the basis of the engaging the invitations from the lead manager, make the researches of the potential demand on the municipal Eurobonds among the final buyers. The collecting data during the syndication process allows to establish the optimal amount of municipal Eurobonds' issue comparing to the demand. The role of the lead manager not only presents the process of building the syndicate, the marketing actions, but also is connected with the supervision activities under the secondary trading of Eurobonds in the form of appointing the trustee, the fiscal agent, the principal paying agent. The trustee makes the role of protecting the rights of the possessors of the Eurobonds by the possibility of representing their interests in the front of the courts, the active supervision of issue' s process. The analogous activities can fulfill the fiscal agent, at the difference that, this subject represents the interests of the issuer. The paying agent is responsible for the technical 4 service of payment in the form of the interest rates and the capital. The co-managers of the issue creating the management group are commonly the group of about the 6 to 20 banks, which undertakes not only the placement the issue among the final investors, but also it fulfills the underwriting of issue by the purchase of 40 % or more the issue of Eurobonds in order to next offer them on their own risk. The co-managers also play the role of the creation in the syndicate by building the group, which joins the guarantors and the dealing organizers. The co-managers undertake the actions on the basis of signing the subscription agreement, in witch they oblige to guarantee whole issue (underwriting) and to place the Eurobonds among the investors at the detailed price. The additional agreement is signed among the managers, in witch was detailed their obligations. It allows making the internal definition of the area of the responsibility among the co-managers, whose responsibility are regulated at the field of underwriting agreement. It is also possible to sign between the managing groups the subwriting agreement with other subjects at the case of the lack of the successful placement of the municipal Eurobonds between investors creating the possibility to sell this Eurobonds, which hasn't still purchase. The underwriters by subscription the declared amount of municipal Eurobonds on the basis of the underwriting agreements guarantee to the city the success of issue by the complex placement of issue among the investors. The selling group, in which participate even the 200 institutions, fulfills the operational functions by making the activities of selling the Eurobonds between the final investors. To this group belongs also co- managers and underwriters, but their role besides the purchase of the particular amount of the Eurobonds from the lead manager, consists also the obligation to convene the investors to the investment. The participants of selling group act their tasks on the basis of the agreement signed between the co- managers, which describes the discount of the offering municipal Eurobonds to the selling group, the amount of the placed debt securities, the method and terms of paying. 4. The municipal Eurobonds' issues procedures 4.1. The stages of the issue the municipal Eurobonds on the basis of open priced procedure The basic procedure of the Eurobonds' issue in the case of open priced procedure indicates the following elements: after the starting stage of the municipal Eurobonds' issue, next the stage of negotiation and the stage of building the syndicate, it appears the final stage of creating the issue conditions and the public placement. The term of the estimation of the final issue conditions of the municipal Eurobonds is previously the announcement day in the financial newspapers about the start of the municipal Eurobond issue. Next, the lead manager send the invitation telex previously by informal information sending by e- mail or telephone, which consists the invitation to the selected banks to create the syndicate. The invitation presents the first, non- binding conditions of the issue, which final description appears on the pricing day. The invitation consists: the amount of the issue, the interest rates, the maturity period, the issue price. The withdrawal of the offer by the issuer is possible only to the period of making the agreement in the final conditions area. Hereby situation 5 can appear in case of the unacceptable cost at the issuer side. The conditions of the issue proposed by the lead manager, after its acceptance by the issuer, are subjected to present to the syndicate. The conditions constitute a basis to sign the appropriate agreements between the co- managers and the issuer, witch build the fundaments to taking the common and solid responsibility of the subscription whole issue. If the supply of Eurobonds among the investors outdoes the demand on the debt securities, the creating area of the Eurobonds is subjected to placement by lead manager among the underwriters. As the moment of the appropriate issue procedure we can establish the moment of acknowledgement by the underwriters the intent of giving the guarantee of the Eurobonds by signing the underwriting agreement. The following step of the Eurobonds' issue is the offering day, when the lead manager conducts the placement between the syndicate participants in the declared amount in the response on the invitation. The lead manager informs the syndicate participants about the final price allotted Eurobonds with the issue conditions containing the directions at the payment area. Next, the co- managers and the selling group conduct the public placement of the municipal Eurobonds among the final investors in about two weeks. It is also the period, in witch are made the procedure of introducing the Eurobonds to the stock exchange trade (commonly in Luxembourg or London). The closing day of the Eurobonds' issue is the date of passing the assets gaining from the issue from the final investors to the lead manager. The final stage of Eurobonds procedure takes the place at the moment of publication by the lead manager the so- called tombstone in the specialized financial newspapers containing the information about the municipal Eurobonds issue with the list of the syndicate participants in the hierarchy arrangements starting from the participant characterized by the highest stage of engagement. 4.2. The stage of the municipal Eurobonds issue at the basis of bought deal procedure The issue of the Eurobonds at the basis of the bought deal procedure is subjected to the significant simplicity in comparison to the open priced procedure. The lead manager organizes the syndicate of banks. The advantage of bought deal procedure is the abbreviation of time, in which the issuer can gain the assets from the issue. The task of the lead manager is signing the agreement with the appropriate parameters of the Eurobonds' issue (the amount, the interest rates, the issue price, the structures of costs) and subscribing the whole issue before its formal announcement. It takes place in this situation the transaction making on the over-the-counter market (OTC) under the suspended condition of final success of the issue and the reservation of the detailed term describing by the issue date. At the later stage the creation of syndicate begins by sending the invitation to the selected banks describing the general Eurobonds' issue conditions with the proposal of signing the underwriting agreements. In the response on the invitation the participants establishes the demand on the municipal Eurobonds, which is similar with taking the responsibility for the final investors. The allocation's 6 process of the Eurobonds can commence with the moment of acknowledgement by the participants of co-managers group the intent of guarantee the issue on the basis of underwriting agreement. Generally, after one day, accordance with the appropriate standards and after the allocation of the Eurobonds, it takes place the assignment of the subscription agreements between the participants of the co-managers group and the issuer, and later also the appropriate agreements between the co-managers detailed their responsibility. 4.3. The municipal Eurobonds' issue on the basis of fixed price re-offer procedure Besides the advantages of the simplicity of the bought deal procedure, we indicate some risk factors, which should be take into consideration. The transaction between the participants of syndicate concerning the Eurobonds is realized between the launch day (the day of announcing the starting of the issue) and the closing day (the day of the allocation the bonds). The syndicate's participants in case of forecasting the unpositive prognoses of the appropriate placement of Eurobonds among the final investors can undertake the steps towards to the withdrawal of the assets from the investment by previous offering this Eurobonds to this investors on the lower price than detailed in the announcement of the issue. In case of the positive prognoses of the possibility placement's area of the Eurobonds' issue among the final investors, the participants of the syndicate can propose on the gray market the price different from the previous issue price, what can not only hinder the creation of the syndicate in case of unacceptable by the participants of syndicate the level of the final Eurobonds' issue price, but also can convene the issuer and lead manager to make the decision connected with the change of the issue conditions in order to guarantee the success of this issue. In order to prevent against hereby practices is employed the fixed price re-offer procedure. The characteristic element of this issue is the fact, that the syndicate's participants are obliged to make the transaction of the Eurobonds on the detailed price on the primary market up to the moment of breaking the syndicate. The final issue price is subjected to establish commonly by the issuer, the lead manager and the syndicate taking into consideration their experiences in the researches of demand on the Eurobonds. 4.4. The municipal Eurobonds' issue on the basis of the simplified procedures In order to simplify the process of the Eurobonds' issue are employed the following procedures: the yield pricing procedure and the auction issue. The yield pricing procedure concerns the ideal efficiency of the secondary trade of debt securities. The final issue price is established on the basis of the comparable method concerns the research of the character of the comparable issues of the securities. The auction issue begins the announcement of the auction about the Eurobonds' issue by the issuer. The demand at the investors’ side results the establishment of description of parameters of the Eurobond issue. This is the type of issue devoted to the issuers characterized by the high level of credibility on the financial markets and it concerns the placement of issue with the attendance of the bank's syndicate. Actually, we can observe the tendencies to diminish the amount of the participants in the 7 syndicate and to pass the weigh of the responsibility for the placement of issue to the lead manager by subscribing by them the majority of the offering debt securities. 4.5 The rating The obligatory element of the municipal Eurobonds' procedure is giving the rating by the rating agencies. The rating is the independent and objective assessment of the credit risk of the subject taking out the loan on the market, using the special symbols. This assessments make the rating agencies - the special institution created in this aim. Thanks the transparent rating both investors and the clients of the issuer take the necessary information about their credit credibility. The high rating underlines the prestige and makes the strength of this subject on the financial market, what stands out them from the competitors being at the same time a promotion tool and causing the increase level of the credibility of the issuer. This rating assessment can be very important to the city, because it can impact on the significant method in order to diminish the financial cost of the credit in the form of issuing the Eurobonds. The rating assessments can directly impact on the conditions of achieving the financial assets by cities at the form of Eurobonds' issue. The low assessment automatically can negatively impact on the final placement of the issue among he investors. The rating agency, in the aim of giving the assessment of the economic and financial condition of the entity, assesses the plans of the development and also it researches the economic surroundings of the entity and it assess the potential risk of the investment. 4.6. The subjects organized the trade of the Eurobonds The organization supervises the professional trade of the Eurobonds is the International Securities Market Association (ISMA) (previous the International Securities Market Association (ISMA). The association has the main office in Zurich and gathers the financial institutions, which are actives on the primary and secondary market of Eurobonds. The rules voluntary employed by the ISMA members generally are used on the secondary trade market of Eurobonds. The easy trade of Eurobonds is conducted by the electronic system of making and acknowledging the transitions (TRAX). The aim of the association is the popularization of Eurobonds as a financial instrument employed to achieve the assets in order to invest them. ISMA also fulfills the education functions by organizing the courses and publishing activity, guarantees and supervises the quality of the services making by the members, among whom we can differ also the market makers and the brokers. The main task of market makers is the organization the liquidity of the secondary market. The main task of the brokers is connected with the joining the sides of the transactions. 4.7. The clearing process of Eurobonds The transferring of the ownership between the sellers and the buyers takes place with the attendance of the international clearing institutions like Euro-clear and Cedel. The function of clearing institutions is noticed by taking the Eurobonds in the depositary, 8 and next by placing the issue between the syndicate's members distributing the debt securities. The participants of the syndicate transfer the assets gaining from the final investors to the main lead manager on the special currency account. Later the transactions on the secondary market run also with attendance the clearing system, what presents the realization of the honesty trade of the financial instruments rule by making the transparent settlement between the sides of the Eurobonds' transactions. 5. The introduction the municipal Eurobonds to the organized market in Poland The municipal Eurobonds might be also the subject of trading on the stock exchange market. The public offering of the purchase of the securities in Poland, including the municipal Eurobonds, to not less than 100 persons or undefined addressee in order to introduce securities to the regulated market, is submitted to the public offering act, the executives’ acts and the regulations appropriate to the particular markets. The regulated market in Poland is the part of the organized market of financial instruments subjected to the supervision and the control of Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA). The regulated market consists the stock exchange market in the form of Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw, in witch we can differ the basic market and the parallel market. At the frame of the regulated market functions also the non stock - exchange market in the form of MTS-CeTO S.A. The second part of the organized market of the financial instruments is New Connect, which isn't subjected to the control of PFSA and it belongs to the alternative system of trade of the financial instruments. In case of the debt securities issuing by the cities submitted to polish law is established the exclusion from the obligation of notifying the PFSA about the intent of introducing the debt securities to the regulated market in Poland. According to article 7 sec. 2 point 2 the public offering act the public offering of the municipal bonds needn't draw the prospectus and acknowledge it by the PFSA and also offering to the public the prospectus. It means, that the municipal Eurobonds' issue in Poland in case of offering this debt securities to the public needn't fulfilling the formal demands proper to the prospectus or the information memorandum. The information document, which is the basis of this proposal, can exist in any form and it isn't subjected to the obligation of the publication imposed generally by the public offering act. These liberal demands are also used towards the municipal Eurobonds introducing to the polish organized market by the non - polish cities. Additionally, we should pay attention to the situation, when the Eurobonds are listing at some stock - exchange in the EU and the issuer wants to introduce them also at the polish stock exchange, than the Eurobonds must be submitted to single passport procedure. The PFSA acknowledges the receiving of the appropriate documents from the authority in the home country of the issuer, which is similar with the acknowledgement of the information document, but without the formal verification. In case of introducing the municipal Eurobonds to organized trade, they have to be dematerialized. The essence of the dematerialization is consisted the fact, that the rights joining with the Eurobonds aren't connected with the document, but electronic account organized by the 9 clearing institution (in Poland - The National Depositary for Securities, KDPW). The introduction of the Eurobonds to the organized market in Poland demands the signing by the cities the depositary agreement in KDPW. The dematerialization of the bonds presents the aim of guaranteeing to the issue participants the maximum safety stage and the appropriate conditions to the secondary trade of the Eurobonds. The dematerialization allows eliminating the problems connected with printing the bonds and protecting them from the forgery, the lost or the damage. The dematerialization guarantees also the possibility of organizing the easy transfer of this bonds between the buy and sell sides. 6. The municipal Eurobonds' issues in Poland Poland belongs to the group of the countries, in witch the municipal Eurobonds' issue is gaining the popularity. The first Eurobonds' issue in Poland was the debt securities issue denominated in DEM in 1998 making by the Krakow city. The nominal price issue was established on 66 millions DEM, but the issue price was established on 99,9 DEM for 100 units. The credibility of Krakow city as an issuer was acknowledged on the rating basis assessed by the Standard & Poor’s for the Krakow city on the BBB for the international market and on BBB+ for the polish market. The bank's syndicate was builded by the following entities: Westdeutsche Landsbank Polska, CIB Securities, West Merchant Bank, Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy, Bank Zachodni, natomiast agentami płatniczymi zostali wyznaczoni- Westdetusche Landesbank Giorozentrale oraz WestLB International, Weil, Gotshal & Manges. The interest rate of the debt securities paying in the 2 parts in the year (27 May and 27 November) was based on the changing interest rate LIBOR for the DEM including the provisions (1%). The Eurobonds was introduced to the regulated market in Luxembourg. The gathering assets from the Eurobonds' issue was devoted to the municipal transports needs, and particular for building the trains' lines, building the roads and purchase new buses for the municipal transport. The next, Cracow city Eurobonds' issue, denominated in euro, was conducted in 2000 in order to renew the Eurobonds' issue with the previous buyout option. The Cracow city makes the previous buyout option in 2005 on the market price of shares listed on the stock exchange in Luxembourg. The next Eurobonds' issue is planned by the capital city of Poland - Warsaw and the region Mazowsze. According to the act passing by the Municipal Council of Warsaw (number XXI/710/ 2007 on 20 December 2007) and changing it by the act dated 10 July 2008 (number XXXVII/1115/2008) the Warsaw city will issue the 10- years bonds at the constant interest rate. The main aim of the Eurobonds' issue is the achieving the assets in order to support the municipal budget and to pay the financial commitments. The tax concession for non- residents will be connected with the outcomes achieving from the interest rate title from the selling this bonds to the end 2019. On the basis of executive act of the Ministry of Finance dated on 27 November 2008 hereby municipal Eurobonds' issue will include the tax concession for the non - residents investors, witch means, that the authorities will 10 desist the income from the Eurobonds' issues making by Warsaw on the foreign markets in 2009 from imposing the income tax. Hereby tax concession can impact on enlargement the liquidity of Eurobonds on the secondary market by creating the advantage for the investors to make the decision about the bought out of the municipal Eurobonds. The lack of establishing this concession could have difficult or even to stop the Eurobonds' issue at the face of the high level of competition on the foreign financial market and might enlarge the costs of the issue. The tax concession for Warsaw Eurobonds will concern the incomes gathering to 31 December 2019. The ratting agency Moody's assessed the credit ability of Warsaw city on „A-„. The Eurobonds' issue are planned also by the Mazowsze region. The Mazowsze region's council on 8 September 2008 passed the act of issue the bonds by Mazowsze region on the foreign market in 2008 (the act number 165/08). The maturity period of the bonds denominated in euro was described on 25 years, but the bought out is planned from 2029 to 2033. The Eurobonds' issue is established on 50 000 EUR. The issue will have the non-public character and will be addressed to the foreign legal persons or the companies without the legal ability. The municipal Eurobonds' issue is devoted to gather the pecuniary assets in order to supply the budget and to pay the credits. The assets achieved from the issue will be devoted to financing the expenses not including in the planned incomes in the budget of Mazowsze region. Additionally, the Fitch Ratings- London assessed the Mazowsze region for the credit in foreign currency at the „A-„ level. The Summary The advantage of the municipal Eurobonds' issue can be the fact, that they are the excellent source of achieving the new assets in order to finance the regional investments by the entities of public sector, and particularly by the cities. In this method the cities can gather the capital not only by issuing the debt securities denominated in national currency, but also by issuing the debt securities denominated in different currencies than the national currency. In this method by issuing the global financial instrument - the Eurobonds - the cities can achieve the capital on international financial markets and place them according the regional needs. The municipal Eurobonds' issue guarantees not only the capital flow, but also presents the excellent promotion activity of the city as a place of capital investments and enlarges their investment credibility towards also the foreign capital. The advantage before the global financial markets is connected with guarantying the transparent procedures of municipal Eurobonds' issues and guarantying the investment safety even towards to the debt securities' issue by the public entities sector. The risk factors results from the investment of assets in the municipal Eurobonds' issue with using the financial construction and with the instability of the financial situation and also the political and economic situation in the issuer's country and at the global scale, the changes of the legal environment, the changes takes place on the financial markets, the changes of the interest rates, the changes of the currencies' courses, the trading on the secondary market, the level of liquidity, the credit ratings and the construction of the particular financial instrument. 11 In order to mineralize this risk factors serves the employment of the appropriate issue Eurobonds' procedure at the international scale and submitting this debt securities issue to the rating procedures. The maximization of the supervision under the issue and the appropriate rating procedures towards municipal Eurobonds' issues should resulted from the fact, that by issuing the municipal Eurobonds are achieved and are invested the assets on the public aim by the public sector. The future prospects and directions of the municipal Eurobonds' issue indicate on the face of financial crisis the necessity of guarantying the international stability to the financial markets. One of them is noticed at the reforms of financial supervision in the international scale in order to eliminate the gray market of debt securities trading. Additional risk factors are connected with the exclusion the Eurobonds from the supervision of national authorities and the anonymity of the investors and the investing capital, witch can result the investments making in accordance with the anonymous source of capital. The relevant factor is the assessment of Eurobonds making by the independent institutions. It is necessary to take into consideration the creation the uniform and harmonized rules of the international taxation of the income from the Eurobonds including the settlement of loses resulted from the course changes. The author is the employee of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Hereby text consists the private ideas of the author and does’t present the official statements of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. 12