Agenda Item No. 9 NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE DEMOCRATIC ARRANGEMENTS TASK AND FINISH GROUP Present: 13 April 2005 Councillors Fowler, Hayfield, Phillips, Powell and Sweet. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hayfield and Swann In attendance: Jerry Hutchinson and David Harris 1. Chairman It was proposed by Councillor Fowler, seconded by Councillor Sweet and Resolved: That Councillor Powell be elected Chairman for the meeting. 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the Group held on 23 February 2005 were agreed as a true and correct record. 3 4 Matters Arising (a) Overview and Scrutiny - Jerry Hutchinson reported that a letter had been received from South Derbyshire District Council inviting Members and Officers to observe Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings at that authority. A mutually convenient date for a visit would be arranged in due course. [Action John Bird] (b) Portfolios - It was noted that a meeting of Portfolio Holders / Shadow Portfolio Holders and Lead Officers was still to be arranged. [Action David Harris] (c) Agendas and meetings – It was agreed that further consideration be given to the structure of agendas, reports etc. [Action: David Harris] Review of Rationalisation of Task and Finish Groups The Group was invited to consider the current status of the Task and Finish Groups. It was agreed that those Groups which had completed its business e.g. CPA Member Steering Group or were no longer required e.g. Licensing Panel could be deleted. It was further suggested and agreed that the remaining Groups be split into two categories:(i) (ii) Task and Finish Groups Others e.g. Special Sub-Group D:\106760084.doc [Action David Harris to circulate revised list for consideration in the new Municipal Year]. 5 Outside Bodies The Group was invited to consider the current list of outside bodies. [David Harris to confirm current status of a number of outside bodies then circulate to Group Leaders]. 6 Review of Democratic Arrangements The Board was invited to consider suggested amendments to the democratic arrangements. Recommendation to the Council: a That the Regulatory Board be re-named the Planning and Development Board and the necessary amendments to the Constitution be made; b That, following consultation with Extended Management Team, the Chief Executive be asked to bring forward detailed proposals for a review of the Responsibility for Functions set out in the Constitution (Part 3), in particular proposals to place all housing functions under the responsibility of Resources Board and all Leisure functions under the responsibility of Community and Environment Board, and that further consideration be given to a mechanism for appropriate policy recommendations to go to Service Boards and then Full Council; and c That the delegation to the the Assistant Director (Leisure and Facilities) as set out on Page 50 (k) of the Constitution be amended to read as follows:(k) 7 To determine applications by charitable organisations for the use of recreational and other facilities, including the Market Square, Atherstone, at free or concessionary rates, subject to recovery of heating, lighting and other costs from the organisation and to a report being submitted for information to the next meeting. (This power is to be exercised after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board). Date for Future Meetings Wednesday 25 May 2005 at 4pm Wednesday 22 June 2005 at 4pm Wednesday 27 July 2005 at 4pm Chairman D:\106760084.doc NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE DEMOCRATIC ARRANGEMENTS TASK AND FINISH GROUP Present: 25 May 2005 Councillors Fowler, Hayfield, Phillips, M Stanley, Swann and Sweet. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Powell In attendance: Jerry Hutchinson and David Harris 1 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the Group held on 13 April 2005 were agreed as a true and correct record. 2 3 Matters Arising (a) Overview and Scrutiny - it was noted that the visit to South Derbyshire District Council was still to be arranged; (d) Portfolios - that the meeting of Portfolio Holders/Shadow Portfolio Holders and Lead Officers was to be held on Monday 20 June 2005; (e) Agendas and meetings – that the review of agendas and reports be reported to the Executive Board. Public Participation in Meetings and Council Business The Group was invited to consider ways of engaging the public in meetings and other Council business. Initially it was agreed to concentrate on two areas namely Question Time at Full Council meetings and Public Speaking at Planning and Development Board meetings. Recommended: a That the Council supports the principle of public questions at Full Council meetings; b That the Chief Executive be asked to report to a future meeting of the Executive Board setting out a proposed scheme for the implementation of a above; c That the Council supports the principle of public speaking at meetings of the Planning and Development Board; d That the Chief Executive be asked to arrange visits to local authorities who currently operate a policy of public speaking at Planning and Development meetings; D:\106760084.doc 4 e That members of both this Group and the Planning and Development Board be invited to attend any such visits; and f That following the visits, a further report be submitted to this Group. Developing Role of Area Forums by Greater Engagement with Local Communities and Consideration of Increased Powers The Group was invited to consider how it could contribute to the development of the role of Area Forums by greater engagement with local communities and consideration of increased powers, as recommended in the CPA Improvement Plan. There was a general discussion and it was agreed:a That at the recent round of Area Forum meetings there was greater involvement from Parishes, agencies and the local community; b That Parish Councils be invited to submit items for consideration at future Area Forum meetings; c That with regard to publicising meetings, Members be asked to notify the Democratic Services Section of the most appropriate sites and locations in their Wards for material to be sent; d That ‘North Talk’ be used to promote the work of the Forums and, in particular, highlight where and on what money has been spent; and e That the Group considered the current Scheme of Delegation to Area Forums to be adequate. C Hayfield Chairman D:\106760084.doc NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE DEMOCRATIC ARRANGEMENTS TASK AND FINISH GROUP Present: 22 June 2005 Councillors Phillips, Powell, M Stanley, Swann and Sweet. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Fowler and Hayfield In attendance: John Bird and David Harris 1 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the Group held on 25 May 2005 were agreed as a true and correct record. 2 3 Matters Arising (a) Overview and Scrutiny - it was noted that the visit to South Derbyshire District Council was still to be arranged; (f) Agendas and meetings/Area Forums Review/Public Participation in Meetings and Council Business – David Harris informed the Group that a report was being presented to Executive Board on 4 July 2005 on these issues. Democratic Arrangements The Group was invited to consider a number of issues relating to the Democratic Arrangements, namely Housing and Leisure functions, policy issues, overview and scrutiny and the work programme. Recommended: a That the revised responsibilities for functions for the Resources Board and Community and Environment Board, taking into account the changes for Housing and Leisure, as circulated at the meeting, be agreed; b That the necessary amendments be made to the Constitution to reflect the changes at a above; c That, following further investigation, the Chief Executive be asked to report to the Group on the most appropriate arrangements for formulating the overall policy framework of the Council; d That the minutes of the first meeting of the Fourth Option Special Interest Group held on 25 May 2005 be noted; and e That progress on the work programme be noted. D:\106760084.doc 4 Meeting Between Portfolio Holders/Shadow Portfolio Holders and Lead Officers The draft notes of the meeting held on 20 June 2005 were circulated. 5 Dates of Future Meetings Wednesday 27 July at 4 pm Wednesday 7 September at 4 pm Wednesday 19 October at 4 pm Chairman D:\106760084.doc