Choose the correct pronoun(s) for each sentence.
1. She/Her went to the store.
2. It was she/her.
3. We talked to he/him.
4. It is I/me.
5. Talk to they/them before making a decision.
6. Can you go with we/us?
7. Betsy and she/her have quit the team.
8. They asked he/him and I/me to join the staff.
9. That call was for I/me, not he/him.
10. You didn’t tell we/us that they/them were here first.
11. I/me wonder what he/him could have said to she/her.
12. A message arrived for he/him and she/her.
13. Tell Dan and she/her that I/me called.
14. I am as willing as he/him to work hard.
15. She invited he/him to be her escort.
16. Nancy called Helen and I/me as soon as she could.
17. It is they/them.
18. Beverly is more nervous than she/her.
19. It will be we/us who win this election.
20. Kathleen invited Lester and I/me to the movie.
21. This is he/him speaking.
22. She invited I/herself over.
23. Give the results to Jim or to me/myself.
24. If you were I/me, would you accept the job?
25. The confusion annoyed my friend and I/me.
26. It was she/her who cast the deciding vote.
27. In favor were Jan, Fay, and I/me.
28. The reservation for he/him and Barbara was made yesterday.
29. Shirley is as likely to get a raise as he/him.
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