Arabic 1 Syllabus

Arabic 101
5 Units
48941 (02:00am – 04:43amT/TH)
Building BE Room 124
Fall 2009
Instructor Name : Huda Aljord
Deadline to add: 9/11/ 2009
Deadline to drop: 11/20/ 2009
Course Description:
This course concentrates on developing basic skills in listening, reading, speaking and
writing. Emphasis is placed on acquisition of vocabulary, structures and grammatical
patterns necessary for comprehension of Classical Arabic in conjunction with Modern
Standard Arabic as spoken in the Eastern Arabic countries and in Egypt. This course
includes discussion of the Arabic world, culture and daily life. Total of 90 hours lecture
and 18 hours laboratory.
Prerequisite: None
Approach to the Material:
Lectures, class practice and laboratories will be dedicated to the development of
receptive skills (listening and reading) and communicative skills (speaking and
writing). The topics will be presented in an appropriate order and will be
reintroduced frequently throughout the semester. Given the fact that in the foreign
language acquisition process, comprehension precedes production, more emphasis
will be placed on the development of receptive skills than of communicative skills
and a higher level of competence will be expected in this area. Only the basic
structural and grammatical patterns necessary for effective communication will be
Homework should be completed prior to each class. Please see the schedule for
Course Objectives For Arabic 101
By the end of Arabic 101 you will, in-shaa'a-llaah:
1. have mastered the Arabic alphabet and sound system, be able to
distinguish and pronounce all Arabic sounds, and write accurately from
2. initiate social interactions, ask for basic information, and be aware of basic
cultural aspects of social interaction in the Arab world;
3. be able to talk about yourself, your education, and your family with native
speakers of Arabic;
4. comprehend simple written texts on familiar topics;
5. comprehend simple audio/video texts on familiar topics;
6. be able to compose simple paragraphs about yourself; and
be familiar with some of the differences between formal and spoken
1- Alif-baa, Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds, by Brustad, AlBatal and Al-Tonsi,
2nd Edition .
2- Al-Kitaab fii Ta callum al-cArabiyya with DVDs
A Textbook for Beginning Arabic: Part One, Second Edition
Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, Abbas Al-Tonsi
The textbook has a website:
3- Syrian Colloquial Arabic Course: with complete FREE downloadable manual. to be use for the lab work
Important Dates:
You are responsible for knowing and adhering to due dates for readings,
assignments and other in-class activities. I will announce any changes to the
schedule during class time. You are responsible for noting all changes and
adhering to them.
This schedule is subject to modification and revision depending on the needs of the class.
Topic: Introduction to the course and the materials.
Tues Sep 1
Begin Unit One
Thru Sep 3
Topic: Unit One
Homework: Read preface pp vii-viii and Introduction p 1- 8
Read, write and listen to the DVD and repeat all the listening
exercises in page 9 – 17.
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1 – 4
Tues Sep 8
Topic: Continue Unit One
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 17-24
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 5 - 10
Thurs Sep 10
Tues Sep 15
Thurs Sep 17
Topic: Unit one
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 24 – 27
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 11 – 14
Topic: Unit Two
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 28 – 39.
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1 -11
Topic: Unit Three, Quiz in Unit One and Unit two
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 40 - 50. Write on
separate paper and hand in drills 1 - 10
Tues Sep 22
Topic: Unit Four
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 51- 57
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1 - 6
Thurs Sep 24
Topic: Unit Four
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 57 - 66
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 7 - 17
Tues Sep 29
Topic: Unit five, Quiz on Unit Three and Unit four
Homework: Homework: Read, listen and write pages 67 - 71
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1- 6
Thru Oct
Topic: Unit Five
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 72 – 80
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 7 – 19
Write 10 phrases using any vocabulary we have learned
Tues Oct
Thru Oct
Topic: Unit Five
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 81 - 85
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 20 – 24
Write 10 phrases using the new vocabulary from drill 23
Topic: Unit Six
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 86 - 102
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1 – 12
Topic: Skit Presentation # (1) and Quiz in Unit five and Unit
Tues Oct 13
Topic: Unit seven
Homework: Prepare a skit with a partner for presentation in
class using only expressions we have learned in class
Read, listen and write pages 103 – 120
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1-12
Thru Oct 15
Thru Oct
Topic: Unit Eight
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 121 – 130
Write on separate paper and hand in drills 1 – 12
Topic: Unit Nine , Quiz in Unit seven and Unit eight
Homework: Read , Listen and write pages 131 – 140
Write 20 phrases using any vocabulary we have learned
Topic: Unit Ten
Tues Oct
Homework: Review for the quiz and go over old notes and
homework sheets.
Read , Listen and write pages 141- 151
Write in separate paper and hand in drills 1- 5
Thru Oct 29
Tues Nov 3
Topic: Mid Term
Homework: Prepare for the Mid term
Topic: Lesson One (Al-Kitaab fiiTaallum alArabiyya )
Homework: Listen to the story
Memorize and Write the new vocabulary a sentence
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 1, 2, 3,4,5
and 17
Thru Nov 5
Topic: Lesson one
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 7 – 16
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 8, 9, 10, 12,13.
Tues Nov 10
Topic : Lesson two
Homework: Listen to the story
Memorize and Write the new vocabulary in a sentence
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 1, 3, 10 ,13, 15
Thru Nov 12
Topic: Lesson two
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 22 – 28
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 4 ,5 , 7 and 14
Tues Nov 17
Topic: Lesson three Quiz In Lesson 1 and Lesson Two
Homework: prepare for the quiz
Homework: Listen to the story
Memorize and Write the new vocabulary in a sentence
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 1, 3, 4, 13, 14,
15and 17. Culture
Thru Nov 19
Topic: Lesson three
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 41 – 45
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 6,7 and 8
Nov 24
Tues Dec 1
Topic: Lesson Four
Homework: : Listen to the story
Memorize and Write the new vocabulary in a sentence
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 1, 2, 5, 13, 14,
and 19
Topic: Lesson four
Homework: Read, listen and write pages 56 - 62
Write on separate paper and hand in exercises 7, 8 , 9 , 11 ,
and 12
Lesson Five
Homework: Study for the Quiz, Listen and read page 69 -78
Memorize and Write the new vocabulary in a sentences
Write exercises 1, 2, 3 &4 ,7,9 and 11
Thru Dec 3
‫ة‬/‫ رسالة الى صديق(ـة) عربي‬: ‫واجب‬
This is your first letter to a pen pal. Write two
paragraphs (100 words) about yourself, your
study/work, family, friends, and anything else you
want to share with your new penpal
Tues Dec 8
Thru Dec 10
Topic: Lesson Five Continue
Homework: Listen and read pages 81, 82 & 83
Write exercises 15 & 16
With a partner, prepare a 5-minute skit for presentation in
class. Skits will be graded based on the following:
1)creativity, 2)extent to which you’ve used vocab and
structures we’ve learned, 3)clarity of pronunciation and
delivery, 4)inclusion of some of the colloquial elements
we’ve studied (questions, pronunciation, phrases). Skits
should include only elements that have been introduced in the
class. Choose five of the verbs introduced in Drill 8 and write
conjugation charts for them following the mode chart on Page
57. Write all short vowels on the conjugated verbs
toeCorl erutluC
For this final project, you need to produce a short video
clip 7-10 minutes about yourself (you may want to post
it on You Tube). You may choose any aspect(s) of your
life to talk about (study, family, friends, dog, This is
expected to be a real presentation not a reading exercise.
You may divide your presentation into different scenes
as in Maha’s scenes.
This final project can be submitted on a DV tape, CD, or a
.Final Exam
Dec 15
Responsibilities: The syllabus and any handouts are the primary sources of
instructions for this course. Read them carefully and refer to them regularly.
Write down any instructions given orally and, if necessary, ask questions before
due dates. Please try to look up information first so that you can ask informed
questions, and if you can’t find the answers, ask me during appropriate class
times, after class or email.
Find out how you can most easily learn the material in this course. You may find
it helpful to take a learning styles inventory to guide your study habits. You can
access one online at If you have
difficulty figuring out how best to learn the material in this class, please make an
appointment to see me and bring your survey results with you.
Classroom Conduct: The following are important considerations to help make
the class pleasant for everyone. Please:
 Be ready to start class at the appropriate time.
 Turn off all beepers, cell phones, and watch alarms that make noise
before coming into class; they are a serious distraction in college classes
and cannot be tolerated.
 Instruct relatives or friends to call campus security in case of an emergency.
Security will look up the class in the system and then send someone to the
 Avoid side conversations and whispering because this is disruptive and
distracting to other students. Many students have made huge personal
sacrifices to come to college, don't disrupt their class. I may ask students
who are engaging in side conversations to leave the class if they persist in
annoying those around them.
 Plan to conduct yourself in a professional manner because college is a
professional environment; it’s just like a job. Please be sensitive to what
might offend or distract others (like sending text messages, grooming
yourself, or use of potentially offensive language).
Communicating in Class: I encourage you to communicate with me and
to work out difficult questions or problems. I am always approachable, so
please do not feel or assume that I am “too busy” to talk with you. If I am
too busy at that particular moment, I will tell you and offer an alternative
time. I may advise tutoring if you need extensive assistance. Let me know
if you are going to miss a class or if you are having trouble completing an
assignment. I am available during office hours and via voice mail and email
ATTENDANCE IS VITAL, and you must/should be present and ON TIME
for all class sessions. If you miss more than two class sessions, please be
aware that on the third absence, you may be dropped from the class;
however, this is not a guarantee that you will be dropped.
Students who are allowed to add this class on or after the first day of class
must officially register with Admissions by the ADD deadline and pay fees
per Admissions and Records procedures.
Students who choose not to continue the course are responsible for
turning in a drop card to the admissions office. Please do not assume
that I have filed a drop card. Failure to officially drop the course may
result in an "F". If you miss assignments/tests after the deadline to drop and
have an acceptable reason (like hospitalization), an "Incomplete" would be
more appropriate. When in doubt, communicate.
Note: Homework and additional assignments and enrichment
material will be in the weekly handout.
Grading: This course is graded on the following scale:
This course is graded on the following scale:
A = 810 - 860 points or 90%
B = 859 - 700points or 80-89%;
C = 699- 640 points or 70-79%;
D = 639- 580 points or 60-69%
F= 579 - 0 or 59% or lower
Grades will be based on the following:
6 quizzes @ 50 =
2 Skits @ 25
26 homework assignments @ 10 = 260
Possible Points =
Questions about course content, related issues, grading, study habits,
and so forth are welcome. Every reasonable effort will be made to assist in a
student's success, especially when that need is expressly communicated.
Keep records of all work (including test scores) at least until you have received
your grade from the admissions office following completion of the course. If you
believe an error exists, communicate no later than ten days after the start of the next
session / semester.
Keys to Success
Commitment: School is your job!
Organization: Keep a neat notebook and follow a schedule.
Completeness: Get the work done on time, even if it's not perfect.
Persistence: If you stumble, dust yourself off and get with it again.
Respect: Respect yourself, your instructor, and your classmates.
Enthusiasm: Get into it! Ask questions; form student groups; come
to office hours.
7. Responsibility: Don't look for whom or what to blame. Assume
control of your life.
8. Optimism: Assume you will succeed and put your energy into
learning, not worrying.
9. Downtime: Schedule work and play. Don't take more than two
courses if you have a full-time, paying job.