Name: Block

Islamic Empires Study Guide
Unit Test: Monday March 24th
Essential Question: How did trade and religion
contribute to the scientific, artistic and
intellectual achievements of the Islamic
How should you study?
 Review all class handouts, class notes, and textbook Chapter 10 (pgs 233-247)
 Go through the course website and make sure you have all handouts, things from when
you were absent, and extra postings you need (
 Make sure your Vocabulary List from Day 1 of the unit is properly filled out
o Do NOT use the Internet or the Dictionary to do this
o Use your class notes, then use your handouts, then use the textbook
Make sure your can answer the questions below for each section use the vocab. words
listed with the section to answer them, be able to define the words and relate them to
Islam and/or the Empires to answer the question
What are the main beliefs and practices of Islam? How did Islam begin?
 Where and when did Islam develop?
 Describe Muhammad’s early life and his religious experiences.
 What is the importance of the Qur’an?
 What are the practices and meanings of the Five Pillars?
 How are Judaism, Islam and Christianity similar and different?
 Why is the story of Abraham important to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
Vocabulary: Islam, Muslim, prophet, Muhammad, Allah, Qur’an, Mecca, Ka’aba, Five Pillars,
Hajirah, Hajj, Ramadan
Where were the Islamic Empires? How did they grow and expand? Why were they
 Identify and locate the major caliphates, important cities (and the modern day
countries they are in) and the physical features of the Islamic Empires.
 Why did Muhammad’s death lead to a crisis and a difference in religious beliefs?
 What are some examples of the ways the Islamic Empires improved infrastructure?
 Why were the Islamic Empires successful politically and militarily?
 Why was Islam appealing? Why was it successful?
 What are some examples of the ways religious beliefs influenced government and
Vocabulary: caliph, Sunni, Shi’a, Rightly Guided Caliphs, “People of the Book”, mosque
What was traded within the Islamic Empires? How did goods and ideas move from one
place to another? How did the Islamic Empires encourage trade?
 How did Islam encourage trade?
 What goods were traded within the Islamic Empires?
 How did these goods lead to innovations or new ideas?
Vocabulary: sakk, urbanization
What were the scientific, artistic, and intellectual accomplishments? How did Islam
influence these accomplishments? How did trade influence accomplishments?
 In what ways did the House of Wisdom preserve Greco-Roman, Indian, and Persian
 What were some of the scientific, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of the
Islamic golden age?
 How did Islam influence some of the achievements?
 How did trade influence some of the achievements?
Vocabulary: House of Wisdom, cosmopolitan, urbanization, golden age
Things to Help You:
Chapter 10: Section 1, 2, & 3
Your notes
Empires of Faith Video
Inside Mecca Video
Human Drama Readings: Muhammad and the Spread of Islam & Why Were the Islamic Empires
Golden Age Café Notes