Informative Speech Outline


Informative Speech Outline

Speaker’s Name: ________________Madeline Moulton_______________________________

Speech Topic: _____Strange Foods _________________________________

General Purpose: To Inform you of different and strange foods and eating habits of those in different cultures

Central Idea (Main Goal): to show how people’s lives and culture differ from just a few hundred miles

A. Introduction

Attention Grabber:How many of you like and have had fried chicken?


In all parts of the world you can find things on the menu that make you gag ,but some people find these foods delicious.

B. Body

Stange foods

First and foremost we have the century egg now this egg is not some egg that takes ages to come about

this is just to put it simply is a rotten egg

The “chefs” cover the eggs in ash, salt , and other spices and minerals, and let them sit for a few months. By this time the yolk is a dark green and gives of a powerful stench

,even so this is considered a great delicacy in China and surrounding areas.

Another food that many people including myself would turn their head to is tuna eyeballs. In Japan these are plucked out and sold for low prices at supermarkets. Cooking is simple. All you have to do is either boil or steam and season with garlic and soy sauce. It doesn’t come with much of a surprise that they taste a little fishy

Now this next one can give people goose bumps down to their toes. I find that eating the head cheese is disgusting. This is usually made by skinning the head of a sheep, cow or pig and getting rid of all of the organs. It is then boiled until tender and then made into a sort of gelatin that can be eaten on salads and sandwiches


As you can see people like to eat strange an different things that make some people want to hurl.

Here are some eating habits that people in different cultures might find disgusting or disgraceful.

Culture differences


Smaller potions half the Americans

Food is usually shared in a more communal way

In china it is not unusual to see people just spitting bones and other food on the tables or floor be prepared

As you can see there are major differences now let us look at Germany


1. Don’t wait to be seated you can even go sit at someone else’s table if the chair is not occupied, but first ask politely

Water is usually not complementary and if you ask and don tell them they will usually give you bubbly water

Most people do not accept credit cards and the waiters and waitresses do not come around you have to signal them

Finally I will show you the eating habits in Australia. If you usually stay the phrase “I’m stuffed” after a meal you might want to refrain from doing so, for this means “I’m pregnant” in

Australia. Arrive on time, for it is considered very rude if you don’t. Barbeques are very common occurrences in Australia


Now that it is apparent of how different people eat, here are some different ways in which people in different religions eat.

Religion eating

A. Jewish people

In the Jewish faith you cannot eat pork or crab you also cannot eat meat and dairy together, for you have to wait 6 hours in between

B. Islam the islam law prevents you from eating “dead meat” (further explain) blood and pig

C. Mormons


1.mormans cannot drink tea coffee and alcohol


C. Conclusion

Signal the End

As you can see everyone around the world has different eating habits, rules, and the actual food.

These differences can seem gross or strict to people, but everyone thinks differently. It is never bad to try new things.

D. Bibliography (MLA or APA): Full Citation


The Telegraph . Telegraph Media Group, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014


"Seven Strange Foods from Around the World."

. N.p., n.d. Web. 27

Oct. 2014.


"17 Weird Foods of the World | Photo Gallery." Weird Food Gallery . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

4. "Eating and Drinking in China." ChinaHighlights . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

5. "Australian Customs and Etiquettes." Manners in Australia . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

6. "Australia - Cultural Etiquette - E Diplomat." Australia - Cultural Etiquette - E Diplomat . N.p., n.d.

Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

7. "Becoming Jewish." : Converting According to Jewish Law . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

8. "5. Rules Concerning Swine." Laws of Religion, Judaism and Islam . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

E. Visual Aids:

PowerPoint: Number of Slides ___12________


