SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS – FALL QUARTER 2006 – ELEMENTARY SPANISH I – SPA 101 INSTRUCTOR CONTACT INFORMATION: Instructor: Sra. Connie Renee Zornes-Padovani Office: 16-131 Office Phone: 512.2782 Office Hours: Tu 10-11 & 4-5 in 16-131; Th 9:30-11 in 16-131 Th 2-3 Spanish Conversation Table in Library; Sa 8:30-9 in 2320 Internet Address: Webpage: DEPARTMENT INFORMATION: Division: Department: Department Chair: Liberal Arts and Sciences Humanities, Govt and Modern Languages Luis Samuel González Acevedo M.A. Philosophy, Juris Doctor Assistant Professor of Philosophy Office: Bldg. 3, Rm. 240 F Telephone: 937/512-3605 E-Mail: Office hours: By Appointment COURSE INFORMATION: Course Title: Course Number: Course Section: Days: Time: Room: Credits: Prerequisite: Beginning Spanish I SPA 101 51 Tuesday and Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 8:40 p.m. 5321 4 hours of University Parallel Credit None Course Description: Emphasis is on vocabulary practice, grammar, pronunciation, diction, simple sentence structure, conversational drills and reading. This course is the first of three courses that make up the first year of university parallel language study; four hours of in-class interactive activity supported by in-class lecture and inclass handouts. FIVE (5) hours of Language Lab attendance is required per quarter. Students must see the instructor on an individual basis by the fourth class meeting to arrange for optional ways of covering the Language Lab attendance if this is a problem. Course Objectives: To develop basic communicative competence in Spanish through the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the target language. To understand and use basic gestures and other discursive / sociolinguistic features of the language appropriately with native Spanish speakers. To appreciate and interact with the diverse cultures of the Spanishspeaking world through in-class discussion, and independent and service-learning opportunities. Required Texts and Ancillaries: Nexos textbook Media Edition): by Sheri Spaine Long, María Carreira, Sylvia Madrigal Velasco, and Kristin Swanson; Houghton Mifflin Company, Publishers; Boston and New York; 2007. Nexos Student Activities Manual (Workbook/Lab Manual): by Sylvia Madrigal Velasco, and Kristin Swanson; Houghton Mifflin Company, Publishers; Boston and New York; 2005. A notebook for MI DIARIO journal entries. SUGGESTION: Purchase an adequate Spanish/English, English/Spanish bilingual dictionary, with regionalisms, if possible. NOTE: The Learning Resources Center (LRC) / Library, located beneath Buildings 1 and 7, offers a variety of bilingual dictionaries and other Spanish-language resource materials. Visit the Library today to add to your Spanish-learning experience. ATTENDANCE POLICY Language classes are highly interactive, therefore, attend and participate in each class. Practice outside of class. Prepare and complete all assigned homework so that the partnered and smallgroup activities provide successful learning experiences. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. It is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet each day. You will be counted absent if you do not sign since the attendance sheet is your proof that you attended class. Leaving class early or arriving late constitutes a half-absence. Points will be deducted from your final grade for absences. ABSENCES 0, 1, 2 = no deduction 3 = -60 pts 4, 5 = -80 pts 6+ = -100 pts An absence assignment may be completed to regain some of the points forfeited by the absences. The assignment must be submitted by Thursday, November 16, 2006. Assignments submitted after this date will not be accepted. EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to access their email / portal accounts between classes for important e-mail messages, grade access, announcements, web links and handouts. The instructor’s webpage at should be used to access the course syllabus, class schedule, independent/service learning projects, absence assignments, web links and more. Sinclair Honor Code: "As a member of the Sinclair College community of students, faculty, and staff, I will uphold the values of citizenship, socialresponsibility, and personal accountability. I will maintain the highest standards of professional and academic ethics. I will uphold my personal integrity, dignity, and self-respect by being fair and honest at all times and by treating all individuals with respect. By honoring these ideals, I will be building a better future for myself, my college, and my local, regional, and global communities." Any student found in breach of Sinclair Community College’s Honor Code may be administratively withdrawn or withdrawn in any other manner consistent with the policies of Sinclair Community College. Students are expected to attend and participate in each class. Students are also responsible for their learning as well as their conduct in class. Get the contact info for at least two classmates in order to find out about missed classes, assignments, etc. Educational Support Services: Students must inform the instructor at the beginning of the academic term regarding any special learning needs or special accommodations and provide any documentation necessary to support these needs. Tutorial services are offered throughout the term free of charge for enrolled Sinclair Community College students and are available in Building 10 Room 444 (512.2792). Institutional Policies: See the available document on for Sinclair Policies. Class Schedule: The attached class schedule is tentative and subject to change at any time during the quarter. Other Information: Please feel free to speak with your instructor before or after class, contact her by phone, or contact her by e-mail. The instructor is available during scheduled office hours and by appointment for discussion of any aspect of the course, or regarding any issues or concerns you may have. The course total is 1000 points. following the third exam. No credit will be awarded for assignments received past this date. Lab Attendance (80 pts): The Modern Languages Multimedia Laboratory is located in Room 2321. Students must sign in and sign out using their TARTAN CARD each time they visit the lab. Students will receive 80 points for five hours (300 minutes) of attendance in the Language Lab. Lab attendance must be completed on or before Monday, November 20, and no more than 30 minutes of lab time will be counted during this week. To use the Lab Manual at home, two options are available: 1)Take a CD-R for each chapter covered to the Language Lab to be recorded; 2) Access the Puntos de partida Online Learning Center Laboratory Audio Program through my webpage. Independent Learning Project (150 pts): Detailed information on the project can be viewed at: GRADE SCALE 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D 0-59=F Accessing any form of pornography in the Language Lab will result in immediate and permanent expulsion from the lab. DURING EXAMS ALL electronic devices must be switched to the off position or to silent mode during class. The owner of any such device which activates during an exam is subject to a lowered score or failing grade for the exam at the instructor’s discretion. DO THESE IN THE LAB: Access the Interactive Nexos program. For the Independent Learning Project, two submissions must be made, one related to cultural experience. Watch text videos and Spanishlanguage films. Listen to lab manual audio files. Assigned Work (270 pts): Exams (300 pts): Several written assignments will be collected for credit, up to 270 points, including work assigned to be completed at home, in the Language Lab, online, and work completed in class. Several of these assignments are compositions designed to practice your writing abilities using learned vocabulary and grammar concepts. Others are aural in nature to practice listening skills, interactive for hands-on applications, and a few handouts will be collected to practice grammatical concepts learned in class. Three exams will be given during the quarter. Each exam will cover two chapters from the text. Exams will test listening, reading and writing skills. See the attached tentative schedule for dates and times this quarter. Listen to Spanish Language music. MAKE-UP EXAMS are given rarely, only after conference with the instructor and only at the instructor's discretion. Students must contact the instructor before or on the day of the missed exam to discuss options. Use the Atajo word-processing program to complete your homework assignments. Late submissions (up to seven calendar days from the original collection date) will receive reduced points. However, work not submitted to the instructor or the instructor’s mailbox in Bldg 16 within seven calendar days of the due date will not be accepted for credit. Assignments are posted in the Tentative Class Schedule and Assigned Work Calendar. Assignments are due on the date listed. The final assignments, including late assignments, must be submitted on or before the date The final exam is comprehensive and covers the material learned throughout the quarter. It is scheduled for the last class meeting date of the quarter. See the attached tentative schedule. Access the Internet to explore Spanish-language and other cultural websites. Check and weekly. Review your course grade on Final Exam (200 pts): THERE ARE NO MAKEUP FINAL EXAMS. STUDY TIPS ☺Make flash cards. ☺Practice on a daily basis. ☺Get a “study buddy.” ☺Watch a movie in Spanish. ☺Listen to music in Spanish. ☺Conjugate all the verbs in each chapter. ☺Speak out loud in Spanish. ☺Label items in Spanish with sticky notes.