Week 11

GR 202 Continuation of Beginning Greek
Week 11 NAME / ὈNOMA ΣOY: _________________
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Vocabulary
Add the Vocabulary for Chapter 42, Section 42.7 to your Flashcards
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
3. Chapter 42, Sections 42.1 and 42.2
a) Which case is used for the subject of a sentence :
b) Which case is used for the object of a sentence :
c) Which case is used for the indirect object :
d) What does the term "Genitive Absolute" imply :
e) What participle would one us for circumstances happening at the same time as the main verb :
f) What participle would one us for circumstances happening before the time of the main verb :
4. Chapter 42, Sections 42.3
a) What is implied by a Present Participle :
b) What is implied by an Aorist Participle :
c) Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
5. Translate into Greek
1. While the priests were going up to Jerusalem, Jesus was teaching the crowds.
2. After the angel had come down from (the) heaven, Joseph and Mary went (use a tense of ἐρχομαι ) (in)to the
3. While Peter was in the city, Jesus was talking to the woman.
4. After the soldiers went out of the city, Jesus spoke to the women.
5. After the dragon fell out of heaven, the kings of the earth fought (use πολεμεω ) one another.
6. While the scribe is reading the book, the lads (use παις ) run into the fields.
6. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 2:5 - 12 aloud.
Check here when done ___
( Although we translated v.5 last week, I am including it here for the continuity of the account. )
b) Translate Mark 2: 5 - 7
Helps : ἀφιενται = "they are forgiven" (Present Passive of ἀφιημι - I forgive, remit )
τινες = "some" (Masculine Nominative Plural of τις τις τι - someone, something)
τί ; = Why ?
οὑτως = "this way" ( οὑτως is the adverb derived from the adjective οὑτoς - this )
τίς ; = Who ? (Masculine Singular Plural of τίς ; τί ; - who? what? )
( See Chapter 43 for τις τι and τίς ; τί ; )
ἀφιεναι = "to forgive" (Aorist Infinitive of ἀφιημι - I forgive, remit )
εἰ μη = except
εἱς = one (Masculine Singular of εἱς μια ἑν - one )
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 5 - 7 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Chapter 42, Section 42.4 - Translate the sentences into English
3. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 2:5 - 12 aloud.
Check here when done ___
b) Translate Mark 2: 8 - 9
Helps : ἐπιγνους = "having realized" (Aorist Participle of ἐπιγινωσκω - I recognize, realize)
οὑτως = "this way" ( οὑτως is the adverb derived from the adjective οὑτoς - this )
τί ; = Why ? What ? How ?
εὐκοπωτερος = easier (Comparative of εὐκοπος - easy, easy work )
εἰπειν = "to say" (Aorist Infinitive of λεγω ἐρω εἰπον - I say )
ἀρον = "pick up !" (Aorist Imperative of αἰρω - I pick up )
κραββατος = mattress, bed
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 8 - 9 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
4. Vocabulary
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
WEDNESDAY Section 42.5
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Chapter 42, Section 42.6
a) In your GNT, read Mark 14:3 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
a) In your GNT, read Mark 14:22-25 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
3. Vocabulary
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Vocabulary
Add the Vocabulary for Chapter 43, Section 43.7 to your Flashcards
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
3. Chapter 43, Section 43.1
Read aloud the declension of τις τι three times
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
4. Translate into Greek
1. A certain man (Someone) said to Jesus, "Lord. I will follow you."
2. A certain woman saw Jesus under the fig-tree.
3. Some of the scribes were saying, "This one is a prophet."
4. I saw a certain book in the synagogue.
5. I have something to say to you (plural).
6. The king spoke to some of the fathers.
5. Chapter 43, Section 43.2
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
6. Translate into Greek
1. A certain king said "What do you (plural) wish ?"
2. Some of the priests ask (present tense) John, "Why are you baptizing ?"
3. Some women said, "What are you (singular) doing ?"
4. A certain scribe said, "Who is my neighbor ?"
7. Chapter 43, Section 43.3
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
8. Translate into Greek
1. Whoever wishes to follow Jesus . . . .
2. There were some women who saw Jesus . . . .
9. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 2:5 - 12 aloud.
Check here when done ___
b) Translate Mark 2: 10 - 11
Helps : εἰδητε = "you might know" (Perfect Subjunctive of οἰδα - I have found out - I have seen = I know )
ἀφιεναι = "to say"
(Aorist Infinitive of ἀφιημι - I forgive, remit )
ἀρον = "pick up !" (Aorist Imperative of αἰρω - I pick up )
κραββατος = mattress, bed
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 10 - 11 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Chapter 43, Section 43.4 - Translate the sentences into English
7. Chapter 43, Section 43.6
a) In your GNT, read Mark 2:6 - 12 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
a) In your GNT, read Luke 9:7-9 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
8. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 2:5 - 12 aloud.
Check here when done ___
b) Translate Mark 2: 12
Helps : ἠγερθη = "he arose" (Aorist Passive (intransitive) of ἐγειρω - I raise, intransitive - I rise )
κραββατος = mattress, bed
ἐξιστασθαι = "to be amazed, knocked out of one's socks" (Aorist Infinitive of ἐξισταμαι - I am amazed)
οὐδεποτε = "never" (οὐ + δε + ποτε )
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 12 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
9. Vocabulary
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___