1 BIOSAND FILTER DENGAN REAKTOR KARBON AKTIF PADA PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR LAUNDRY Putri Aulia Halim[1] D 121 09 273 Mary Selintung [2] Johannes Patanduk [3] [1] Mahasiswa S1 Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Jurusan Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar [2]. [3] Staf Pengajar Jurusan Sipil Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar Abstrak In Makassar in general an increase in the number of people from year to year . With a city population of increase , there will be also an increase in demand for goods and services , one of which is in great demand services are laundry services . On the other hand , laundry services this negative impact is the generation of waste generated from the rest of the laundry process tigak treated before it is disposed so that raises the potential for pollution to the environment, especially on water . Activated carbon filter biosand technology is a combination of appropriate technologies that are effective in treating surface water . This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a decrease in the concentration of Biological Oxygen Demand , Chemical Oxygen Demand , Total Suspended Solid , and phosphates at the end of the laundry waste . Sampling was done every 2 days for 1 week and perform repetitions 3 times . After processing by using technology effectively biosand Filter Activated carbon reduction in Biological Oxygen Demand concentrations ranging from 71.39 % on average , Chemical Oxygen Demand ranged from 85.42 % , Total Suspended Solid averaged 82.65 % , and the average Phosphate average ranged between 76.03 % . With the sewage treatment with Activated Carbon Filter Technology biosand can reduce ketercemaran and can prevent the negative impact caused by waste water effluent rest of the laundry . Keyword : Biosand Filter, Activated carbon, Biological Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solid, And Fosfat Preface Background In Makassar, generally, there is an increase population from year to year. Population growth can be caused by birth and migration. With a city population increases, there will be also increased for goods and services, one service that is in demand which is laundry services, with the laundry services have eased the household chores and provide considerable benefits by reducing the number of unemployed. on the other hand, laundry services has negative impact which is generated from the waste pile residual of the process that is not treated before it is disposed so it can lead to pollution to the environment, especially on water. Water pollution due to laundry waste caused by detergent. Including the pollutants inside it called Alkyl benzene, which is known as hard detergent. It’s due to harshness to be corrupted by microorganism (nonbiodegradable) so it could cause pollution to the environment (Afri Yunita, 2011). Water from laundry waste contain chemical compound with high level concentration of phosphate, surfactant, ammonia, dan nitrogen, also dissolved solid, turbidity, BOD, and COD (Ahmad dan El-Dessouky, 2008). These substances when disposed over the channel and then discharged into the waters of the river will disrupt and degrade water quality if it's not through the processing first. Taking into account the problems that exist, it should be considered a tool or technology that can reduce the level of danger posed by the activities of laundry services. In this study used parameters BOD, COD, TSS, Phosphate and use equipment or technology "Biosand Filter Activated 2 carbon". Liquid waste treatment purpose is to reduce organic and inorganic pollutants in wastewater to a level where microorganisms can not grow and the toxic compounds can be eliminated (Safina, 2012). Hopefully from the results of treatment with this tool, the concentration of pollution can be reduced, so that when released into the environment it does not cause environmental damage and decline in the quality of the environment both aquatic and other environmental. Based on the background above, then the formulated problems are how is the technology of Biosand Filter Activated carbon, how much the effectivity gained by using “Biosand Filter Activated carbon” in processing laundry waste water, and what is the superiority and inferiority of Biosand Filter Activated carbon in processing laundry waste water LITERATURE Waste water definition According to Republic of Indonesia Government Law no. 82 year 2001, waste is residual of work or activity that contain dangerous or hazardous substance that could endanger environment, health, and existence of human and all other living being directly or not due to its nature or concentration and amount (Purba, 2009). Whereas according to the decree of minister of environment no. 51 year 1995 on quality standards of waste water for industrial activities waste water is waste in the form of liquid that produced by industrial activities and discarded to the environment and expected to causing decrease in the quality of environment For the definitions above, waste water generally can be conclude as residual of works or activities in form of liquid that came from household, industry, or other common places that usually contain substance that endanger humans living also disturb the preservation of environment. Dirt is things the did not suppose to be in textile or other surface. This dirt usually consists of combination from some component, depends on the kind and the use of the fabric. As in image 1 below is a laundry waste is used as a sample. Image 1. Laundry Waste The clarification of laundry waste is dirt Water soluble dirt is dirt that can be wash off when it rinsed by water with or without detergent (Table 1), Dirt the dissolved to solvent is hard to washed off and oftenly can’t be lift completely (Table 2), and the last is Dirt that need bleaching in cleaning proces Tabel 1. Easy water-solluble dirt eggs Protein Pigment Carbohydrate Oil and fat other's Sauce blood faeces Dust Strach Mineral oil Vegetable oil Urine sugar salt Tabel 2. Hard water-solluble dirt Natural Dye Artificial Dye fruits Sauce medicine Blood Industry Dye 3 Tabel 3. Dirt that need bleaching Perklon Fat Oil Paint Vernish Most of the dye Biosand Filter Biosand filter is a technology that proved adaptable and able to survive in developing country. BSF is pretty much resemble slow sand filter in a mean that majority of the filtration and the turbidity move happens in the peak of the sand layer in its association with the decreasing size of pores due to dismissal of granules particle. This technology 99.99% typhoid’s bacteria eliminator (Murcott & Lucas, 2002) In image 2 is a unit biosand active carbon filter used in the study. Image 2. Biosand Filter The mechanism in eliminating contaminant in biosand filter In biosand filter there is some mechanism in eliminating contaminants in waste water. Those mechanisms such as (Huisman, 2004) : The first is mechanical straining the filtering process of suspended particles that are too large to pass through the holes between the grains of sand. This process occurs on the surface of the filter. The second mechanism is sedimentation, this process is a process to precipitate suspended particles finer pore size of the holes on the surface of the granules. The third mechanism is adsorption, this process is the most important because it eliminates the colloidal article derived from organic and inorganic materials that are not sedimented. The fourth mechanism is biological activity, this process involves a microbiologist who lives in the filter. Microorganisms naturally found in raw water through the filter and when it can be retained on filter granular (Azwarali, 2012). Biosand filter activated carbon has advantage and disadvantages. Several advantages such as: Effective because biosan filter is a treatment institution that can independent as well as to improve the water quality of the physical, chemical, biological and even may eliminate pathogenic bacteria but with the provision of operation and maintenance of the filter is done properly and correctly. Cheap because Basically slow sand filter need no energy dan chemical material, also filter. Simple Because the operation and the maintenance low in cost, also it doesn’t need specialized operator so its fit to be use in rural, specially in developing country. Meanwhile that disadvantages this unit such as: Too sensitive with the variation of standard pH water, the sedimentation period take pretty long, thus the filtration period also take time if in big capacity, because of the washing generally done manually so it take many man power, but it’s lighter in smaller scale Activated carbon Activated Carbon is an amorf carbon that mostly consists of free carbon also have high adsorbility. Activated Carbon used as bleach, gas trapper, logam trapper, etc. (Rahayu, 2004). In image 3 is a activated carbon that is used for study. Image 3. Activated carbon 4 quality requirements of activated carbon can be seen in Table 4 below : Table 4. Requirment of Quality Activated Carbon This happens because the carbon surface is considered heterogeneous, so that only a few types of substances that can be adsorbed by the more active parts of the surface, which is called the active center. No Type of test Unit Requirment 1 Missing piece on heating 950 ⁰C % Maks 25 2 Water % Maks 15 3 Ash Partt into charcoal Absorption of a solution of I ₂ % % Maks 2,5 Tidak ternyata Meanwhile factors that affect the adsorption is as follows: Physical and chemical characteristics of the adsorbent, such as: surface area pore size, chemical composition. Physical and chemical characteristics of adsorbate, among others: the molecular size, polarity moleku; chemical composition. Adsorbate concentration in liquid phase. Adsorbtion time system mg/g Maks 750 In Table 5 below can be seen several uses of activated charcoal as: 4 5 (Source : SNI No 06-3730-1995) Coconut shell is a fine material to be made as activated carbon that used as adsorbance. Not only for it hardness, but also because it’s not too thick so it possible the adsorbing to work evenly. Activated carbon able to adsorb both organic and anorganic compound, but the mechanism of the adsorbing still unclear to resolve. The adsrobing mechanism that known until now is adsrobance of fenol grous and aldehid aromatis and its derivate. The compound of fenol-aldehid and the compound that adsorbed by carbon happened because of donor-accpetor electron phenomenon. The carbonil group on the surface of carbon act as electron donor. Because this happened, the core of benzene will tied with the carbonil group on this surface : With the micro pores between particles are very numerous on activated carbon, will cause that led to the gejela capillary adsorption. In addition, the pore size distribution is an important factor in determining the ability of activated carbon adsorption. For example, the size 20 angsrtom can be used to eliminate the mixture of taste and smell, just more effective for cleaning the gas, while the size of 20-100 angstrom effective to absorb the color. At varying conditions apparently only partially surface having absorptive capacity. Table 5. The use of activated carbon for liquid substance No 1 2 purpose Food and pharmateucal factory Beverage and alcohol 3 Petroleum chemistry 4 Water cleaning 5 Shrimp cultivation 6 Cleaning of waste water 7 Reused dyes (Sources : anonim, 2009) use Filter and remove color, odor, and bad taste Remove color and odor Refining of raw material, intermediating substance Filter odor, colors, pollutant, and as protector of resing in refining water Purification and remove odor and colors Setting and cleaning waste water and pollutant, color, odor, and heavy metal Withdrawal of a variety of solvents, residual methanol, ethyl, etc. 5 Activated carbon making process Chracoal process, this process is the formation of charcoal raw materials. In general, perfect carbonation is heating raw materials in the absence of air, to a temperature high enough to dry and evaporate in carbon compounds. The results obtained are usually less active and have a surface area of only a few square meters pergram. Acitvation process is the conversion of the low absorptive capacity of carbon into carbon that has a high absorptive capacity. To increase the surface area and obtain porous carbon, activated carbon using hot steam, carbon dioxide gas with temperature between 700 - 1100 ⁰ C, or addition of mineral materials as activator. In addition, activation also serves to expel tar attached to the surface and pores of the carbon. Activation raise internal wide area, resulting in a large volume, derived from the small capillaries, and change in the surface pore structure (Mifbakhuddin 2010). Biological Oxygen Deman (BOD) BOD is a characteristic that showing the amount of dissolved ocygen needed by microorganism to decomposing organic matter in aerobic condition (Umaly dan Cuvin, 1998; Metcalf & Eddy, 1991). Based on South Sulawesi Governor Decree Number 14 Year 2003 Quality Standard BOD value given for the detergent industry wastewater was 75 mg / l Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) COD is the amount of oxygen required to oxidize organic compounds in water, so the COD parameter reflects the amount of organic compounds that are chemically oxidized. COD test is used to calculate the levels of organic matter that may oxidized using strong oxidizing chemicals in acidic media (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991). Based on South Sulawesi Governor Decree Number 14 Year 2003 Quality Standard COD value given for the detergent industry wastewater is 160 mg / l. Total Suspended Solid TSS is one of the parameters used to measure water quality. TSS measurements based on the weight of Kerin particles trapped by the filter, usually with specific pore size. Commonly used filter has a pore size of 0.45 lm (Seandy Laut Biru, 2013). The content of TSS has a close relationship with water transparency. The presence of suspended solids will prevent light penetration into the water. The presence of suspended solids can still have a positive impact if it does not exceed the tolerance distribution suspense water quality standards set by the Ministry of Environment that is 70 mg / l (Seandy Laut Biru, 2013). Based on South Sulawesi Governor Decree Number 14 Year 2003 Quality Standard TSS Value given for liquid industrial waste detergent is 60mg / l.. Phosphate Phosphate is a polyatomic ion or radical consisting of one phosphorus atom and four oxygen. Phosphate is the only mineral products (excluding water) that has a cycle, the element phosphorus in nature adsorbed by living things, phosphate compounds in tissues hifup beings who have died and then accumulates and decomposes in the sea sedimented (Wartapedia, 2010). The presence of excess phosphate in water bodies causes a phenomenon called eutrophication. To prevent such occurrences, the waste water to be disposed of must be processed first to reduce the phosphorus content up to a certain value. In the processing of phosphate waste ait can disisihakan with physico-chemical processes and biological. Several studies aside to make innovations in the phosphate compounds have been carried out (Masduqi, A. 2000). Laundry wastes containing high phosphate. phosphate is derived from Sodium Tripoly Phosphate (STPP) which is one of the ingredients in detergents. STPP has a function as a builder which is the second most important element after surfactant because of its ability to eliminate the hardness minerals in the water so that the detergent can work with optimal. Excessive PO4 in the water body will result in eutrophication. Eutrophication is the environmental problems that result in damage to the aquatic ecosystem especially in fresh water where the plants grow very 6 fast compared to normal growth (Subroto, 1996). Based on South Sulawesi Governor Decree No. 14 of 2003 Top Quality Standard Phosphate given for liquid industrial waste detergent is 1 mg / l. This type of research is to be carried out experimental research, which is followed by the analysis of samples in the laboratory to determine the ability of domestic wastewater treatment with Activated Carbon Filter biosand technology to stage BOD, COD, TSS, and Phosphate in wastewater effluent laundry (Bung Laundry). With the study location Bung Laundry, Makassar Is where the sample been taken. The water laundry located around bung street, perintis kemerdekaan, makassar Ministry of Health health polytechnic Makassar. Is where the Biosand filter – activated carbon tool made. Laboratory Polytechnic Makassar Health Department Environmental Health. Is where the analysis of water samples to determine the value of BOD, COD, TSS, and Phosphate. Tools and materials Biosand filter – Activated carbon Length : 30 cm Width : 30 cm Height : 100 cm Media total height : 70 cm Hoggin : 10 cm Fine sand : 10 cm gravel : 30 cm Activated carbon : 20 cm Freeboard : 30 cm Media dimension : Fine sand : 0,25 mm ( > 50% pass filter No.200 ) Hoggin : 0,85 mm ( < 50% pass filter No. 200 ) gravel :6 mm ( 6 mm – 15 mm ) activated carbon : 1mm (Sources : Cony Puspitahati, Studi Kinerja Biosand Filter dalam Mengolah Limbah Laundry). (a) (b) (c) (d) image 4. Media fine sand (a), hoggin (b), gravel (c), and activated carbon (d) Reservoir that is used is a jerrycan with ± 20 liter capacity water reservoir as a result of filtration and jerrycans with a capacity of ± 20 liters are used to place raw water to be treated. In image 5 is used in study resvoir Image 5. Reservoir Implementation of this study consisted of three phases. These stages are as follows: First is media preparation, Media that has been sifted according to the diameter of the grain, then washed. The goal is to wash the dirt contained in the filtration media disappear. After that the media dried using an oven at 105 ⁰ C to be sterile media. The second stage is Biosand filter – activated carbon preparation. BS-CA unit is rectangular unit made of glass 0.6 mm. glass used in the manufacture of this unit aims to biofilm formation and filtration process can be seen visually. Before the filtration the media is inserted into the unit, the unit in the ready to use. Once the unit is ready, then the filter is inserted into each of BSF units, where each unit has a different media height. The third stage is Tool Calibration Before being filled with laundry wastewater, BS-CA unit is first necessary to support the calibration of the system to be used for sewage treatment. The calibration phase begins with determining the flow rate to be 7 used for waste water by opening the tap on specific openings and store water output in a measuring cup until the desired flow rate is obtained. Once the flow rate is obtained, the water will flow according to usual procedure for a one-day trial. determination of the flow rate contained in image 6 below. image 6. Tool calibration The last stage is Sample Testing / Laboratorium analysis. Raw water that used as the object of study is taken from the rest of the laundry waste and tested in laboratory Polytechnic Makassar Health Department of Environmental Health to determine the content of each concentration of BOD, COD, TSS, and phosphates contained in the waste water contained in water use the waste using methods as shown in Table 6 And can be be seen in image 7, the difference between before and after the treatment of waste. Image 7. Inlet and Outlet of waste Table 6. analysis parameter method No 1 2 3 4 Parameter BOD COD TSS Fosfat method Winkler spectrophotometri photometri spectrophotometri Operating procedures Biosand Filter Activated carbon For the first wastewater from industrial laundry poured into the reservoir with a volume of 20 liters ± that is located higher than the reactor. The second stage waste from the reservoir flows into the reactor using a hose. The height of the waste in the reactor is maintained ± 5 cm above the top of the the media. The third is outlet 2 taps on the reactor was opened slowly to allow air to exit and wastes can fill each layer the media. When the waste has been filling the the media layer made arrangements faucet openings outlet 2. Fourth step, when the reactor operates, samples were taken to measure the content of BOD, COD, TSS, and Phosphate. The last, tests conducted at the outlet once every 2 days for 1 week and three times a day so the total research trial is 18 days. Below in image 8 are sketches of biosand filter activated carbon Image 8. Sketch of Biosand Filter Activated carbon RESULT AND DISCUSSION Water waste before treatment In this study, we used Biosand Filter Carbon Active reactor to decrease the concentration of phosphate from laundry waste, where the waste come from a laundry service “Bung laundry”, located at Bung St., Perintis kemerdekaan km 6, Makassar. The 8 result of domestic waste before processing showed in table 7. Table 7. Waste water before treatment Parameter Experiment unit result Satndard quality governor decree No.14 yr. 2003 BOD I II mg/l 125 275 75 COD III I II III TSS I II III PO4 II mg/l mg/l I III 300 430 364 257 269 315 346 10,9 = Discharge (m³/hr) = filtration rate (m/s) = filter surface (m²) Filtration rate calculation is obtained as follows: = 144 l/day = 6 l/hr 0,006 m³/hr = 0,09 m² 160 So : 60 30,35 mg/l Where: 1 0,19 (Source : Hasil analisis Lab. Poltekkes Makassar, 2013) Concentration of BOD ( I = 125 mg/l, II = 275 mg/l, dan III = 300 mg/l) detected above the standard written in the governor of south sulawesi decree no. 14 yr. 2003. Concentration of COD, TSS, and phosphate that detected also above the standard quality, concentration of COD ( I = 430 mg/l, II = 364 mg/l, dan III = 257 mg/l and standard quality of 160 mg/l), concentration of TSS ( I = 269 mg/l, II = 315 mg/l, dan III = 346 mg/l and standard quality of 60 mg/l), and concentration of PO4 or phosphate( I = 30,35 mg/l, II = 10,9 mg/l, dan III = 0,19 mg/l and standard quality of 1 mg/l). high concentration of BOD is an indication that organic substance has pollute the environment. Processing the water waste begin with microorganism growth period for 12 days. After biofilm grow, the processing then start in 12th day by pouring the water waste continuously for 6 days and do it over again for same period of time until three times experiment. Filter operation continue for 6 days with continuous flow of water. Flow rate is set on valve opening by keeping the filtration rate at 0,144 m³/hr. calculation can be seen in the equation below (equation 1) : ……………………… (1) Discharge can be known by measuring the volume water of outlet in a measuring cup per time unit (minute). Processing result Below are the results of observations and laboratory analysis of BOD, COD, TSS, and Phosphate: Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD) Analitycal result of BOD’s concentration in laundry water waste and after the processing also the effectivity of eliminating BOD as showed in table 8. Table 8. Effectivity of BOD’s elimination No 1 2 3 Operati ng time (day) BOD before (mg/l) 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 125 125 125 125 275 275 275 275 300 79 62 46 132 69 35 - 300 300 300 64 50 42 BOD after (mg/l) effectivi ty (%) 36.80 50.40 63.20 52.00 74.91 87.27 78.67 83.33 86.00 Quality standar d (mg/l) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 (source : Hasil analisis Lab. Poltekkes Makassar, 2013) Result analysis shows that the BOD Waste Laundry before processing exceeds quality standards established and after the BOD values processing meets the requirements for which industrial use of 9 detergent. The lowest value of 42 mg / l on day6. Laundry wastewater BOD concentration overall decreased uniformly from 79.00 mg / l on day 2 to 46 mg / l on day 6 as well as on perobaan to II and III decreased regularly. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analytical result of the COD’s concentration in laundry water waste and after the processing the effectivity of eliminating COD as showed in table 9 on day 2 to 20 mg / l on day 6 as well as on perobaan to II and III decreased regularly Table 10. TSS’ elimination effectivity No I II III Operating time (day) COD before (mg/l) COD after (mg/l) (%) Satndard quality (mg/l) 0 2 4 6 430 430 430 116 43 73.02 90.00 160 160 160 430 29 93.26 160 0 2 364 364 103 71.70 160 160 4 364 364 46 37 87.36 89.84 160 160 257 257 257 186 98 27.63 61.87 160 160 160 257 66 74.32 160 6 0 2 4 6 (source : analysis result. Lab. Poltekkes Makassar, 2013) Result analysis shows that COD Laundry Waste before processing exceeds quality standards established and COD values after processing has met the requirements for the industrial use of detergent. The lowest value of 29 mg / l on day 6. Laundry wastewater COD concentration as a whole has decreased regularly from 116 mg / l on day 2 to 29 mg / l on day 6 as well as in experiments II and III there is a regular decrease. 3. Total Suspended Solid Analytical result of TSS’ concentration in laundry water waste and after the processing also the effectivity in eliminating TSS as showed in table 10. Result analysis shows that TSS Waste Laundry before processing exceeds quality standards established and after the processing of TSS has met the requirements for the industrial use of detergent. The lowest value of 20 mg / l on day 6. Laundry wastewater TSS concentration overall decreased uniformly from 67 mg / l TSS before(m g/l) 0 269 269 67 75.09 60 60 269 269 53 20 80.30 92.57 60 60 315 315 315 195 51 38.10 83.81 60 60 60 315 42 86.67 60 346 346 346 180 47 47.98 86.42 60 60 60 346 32 90.75 60 2 4 6 0 I 2 4 6 II table 9. COD’s effectivity elimination No Operatin g time (day) 0 2 4 6 III TSS after (mg/l) (%) Satndard quality (mg/l) (Source : Analysis result of Lab. Poltekkes Makassar, 2013) 4. Phosphate Analytical result of phosphate’s concentration in laundry water waste and after the processing also the effectivity in eliminating phosphate as showed in table 11. Table 11. PO4’s elimination effectivity No I Operating time (day) PO4 before (mg/l) 0 30.35 - 2 30.35 30.35 21.38 0.28 29.56 99.08 30.35 0.11 99.64 0 2 4 6 10.9 10.9 10.9 5.83 0.49 46.51 95.50 10.9 0.21 98.07 0 2 4 0.19 0.19 2.86 -1.41 0.19 0.07 63.16 1 1 1 6 0.19 0.02 89.47 1 4 6 II III PO4 after (mg/l) (%) Standard quality (mg/l) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Source : Analysis result of Lab. Poltekkes Makassar, 2013) Result analysis shows that PO4 laundry waste before processing exceeds quality standards established and after processing PO4 value has met the requirements for the industrial use of detergent. Lowest value of 0:02 mg / l on day 6 in the experiment to III. Laundry wastewater PO4 concentrations decreased regularly on trial for I and II, but on day 2 in experiment III to this increased concentration of saturated due to the unit biosand activated charcoal filter. After experiencing reactivation PO4 10 concentrations decreased back regularly. And a decrease on day 6 III trials to be more effective than the trial I and II. Discussion Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD) study result showed that by using biosand filter carbon active technology weith flow rate 6 l/hr and using continuous flow, water waste’s BOD level can be decreased. The level of the BOD before the process fluctuated to around 300 mg/l can be decreased to 42 mg/l in day sixth. Processing with effectivity about 86%, this mean that the BSF effectivity until day eighteenth is flawless. If its to be associated with satndard quality in governor decree no.14 yr. 2013 which is 75 mg/l, then the result starting in day fourth already fulfill the criteria. The elimination effectivity keep on increasing to day sixth. Look in image 9 generally have high value of COD. As seen in sample with amount of COD 257 mg/l – 430 mg/l before processing. It describe there are many organic material contained in the water waste. Effectivity in elimination of COD increase up to 93,26% on day sixth at experiment III. The high value of elimination showing that the processing has working properly and effectively until day sixth of the processing. Analytical result in laboratorium show that COD’s parameter on day fourth is 43 mg/l – 98 mg/l which fulfill the criteria of standard quality demanded in governor’s decree No.14 yr. 2003 which is 160 mg/l. effectivity 74,32% to 93,26% met in day sixth. This mean that the processing working flawlessly and effective. as seen in image 10 below: Efektivitas Penurunan COD 500 below Konsentrasi COD (mg/l) 450 Efektivitas Penrunan BOD 300 Konsentrasi BOD (mg/l) 270 240 210 180 400 350 300 200 Percobaan II 150 Percobaan III 100 Baku Mutu Percobaan I 50 120 Percobaan II 0 90 Percobaan III 60 Baku Mutu 150 Percobaan I 250 0 2 4 6 Waktu Pengoperasian ( Hari ) 30 0 1 2 3 4 Waktu Pengoperasian (hari) Image 9. BOD’s concentration reduction effectiveness Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Chemical Oxygen Demand is amount of oxygen needed by oxydator to oxydating material/substance organic and anorganic in one liter of water waste. COD’s banyaknya oksigen yang dibutuhkan oksidator untuk mengoksidasi bahan/zat organic dan anorganik dalam satu liter air limbah. COD’s concentration usually two times bigger thatn BOD’s, because chemical compound that can be oxydated cemically bigger than biological oxidation. The bigger the amount of BOD and COD, the higher the level of pollution in a water (Manik, 2003). Parameter of COD bery important because its an indicator of water pollution. the water that polluted by domestic waste Image 10. COD’s concentration reduction effectiveness Total Suspended Solid amount of TSS in sample before processing is 180 mg/l – 315 mg/l, which describe there is many sedimentation (mud) and organic material that contained in the water waste. The analytical result in laboratorium showing that the TSS’ parameter on day fourth is 47 mg/l – 53 mg/l, this value has met the demand in standard quality in governor’s decree No.14 yr. 2003 (image 4.2) which is 60 mg/l. this showing that the processing again has work an effective and flawless work which is due to the processing has been equipped with early sedimentation hence quicken the decrease of suspended solid. The effectivity of TSS elimination increase up to 92,57% on the day sixth. This 11 Efisiensi Penurunan TSS 360 330 Konsentrasi TSS (mg/l) 300 270 240 210 Percobaan I 180 Percobaan II 150 Percobaan III 120 Baku Mutu 90 been equipped with early sedimentation hence quicken the decrease of phosphate. The effectivity in TSS’ elimination increase up to 92,57% on day second. The high elimination concentration showing that the processing worked finely until day second. . Phosphate’s elimination effectivity increase up to 99,64% on day sixth. The high level of the elimination concentration meaning that the process has work flawlessly until day sixth. as seen in image 11 below: Efektifitas Penurunan PO4 35 Konsentrasi PO4 (mg/l) high concentration of elimination show that the process works finely until day sixth Laboratory analysis results indicate that the parameters TSS day 4 was 47 mg / l - 53 mg / l, this value meets quality standards Kep. Gub 14 In 2003 (Figure 4.2) is 60 mg / l. This suggests that the perfect and effective for treatment comes with an initial deposition of suspended solids and therefore accelerate declines. Effectiveness of TSS allowance increased to 92.57% on day 6 processing. Provision of high concentration showed that the treatment has been running well until day 6. as seen in image 11 below: 30 25 20 Percobaan I 15 Percobaan II 10 Percobaan III Baku Mutu 5 0 0 2 4 6 Waktu Pengoperasian (hari) 60 30 0 1 2 3 4 Waktu Pengoperasian (Hari) Image 12. PO4’s concentration reduction effectiveness Image 11. TSS’ concentration reduction effectiveness Phosphate Laundry water waste contained chemical material with high concentration, one of them is phosphate. This is due to phosphate is the primary material in the making of detergent (Rosariawarim 2010). before the sample undergoing the process the level of PO4 reach out until 0.19 mg/l – 30,35 mg/l , this describe how corrupted the water because of the laundry water waste. The increasing of concentration also causing eutrofication, which is enrichment of water with nutrients in the form of organic materials needed by plants (Effendi, 2003). Analytical result in laboratorium show that the parameter of PO4 on day fourth is 0,07 mg/l – 0,49 mg/l, which fulfill the demand in governor’s decree No.14 yr. 2003 which is 1 mg/l. this showing that the processing has did an effective and flawless work which is due to the processing has Conclussion Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be drawn a few conclusions based on the research objectives are as follows : a. Based on the research, Activated carbon filter unit biosand effective in lowering the concentration of BOD, COD, TSS, and thus Phosphate waste into environmentally friendly laundry. b. Laundry Wastewater Treatment with Activated Carbon Filter Technology biosand a flow rate of 6 l / h and a continuous flow of effective use of the allowance for BOD, COD, TSS, and phosphate and can improve the quality of wastewater : 1). BOD waste water can be derived from the 125 mg / l - 300 mg / l to 42 mg / l - 46 mg / l. And effectiveness of BOD allowance has increased to 87.27% Maximum Effectiveness 12 2). Parameter COD decreased from 257 mg / l - 430 mg / l to 29 mg / l 66 mg / l to 93.26% Effectiveness. 3). Parameters of total suspended solids (TSS) during processing decreased from pre-treatment values 269 mg / l - 346 mg / l to 20 mg / l - 42 mg / l with the highest allowance The effectiveness with value 92.57%. 4). Parameters PO4 concentrations experienced drop in regularly on the first and second trial on the value of 30.35 mg / l to 0.11 mg / l and 10.9 mg / l to 0.21 mg / l. But in the third trial of activated charcoal to burn out until PO4 concentrations initially increased to 0.19 mg / l and 2 menjdi on the day to 2.86%. After having reactivation back PO4 concentrations decreased regularly in day 4 0.07 mg / l and 6 days to 0.02 mg / l with highest effectiveness 99.64%. 5). 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