A Proposal for Stimulating Fuel Economy of Road Transport in India Rita Pandey Senior Fellow National Institute of public Finance and Policy January, 2006 Abstract: It is being increasingly recognised in India, that there is a need to implement measures to reduce energy intensity in various sectors including transport. The inter-ministerial group has identified energy saving potential of up to 20 per cent in transport sector. Fuel saving has implications not only for resource conservation but also for reduction in local regulated emissions and GHGs. This paper revisits the vehicle fuel economy debate in India to assess whether government intervention is necessary to stimulate vehicles fuel economy in India and what form should it take. The paper recommends a vehicle purchase tax (eco-tax) based on fuel economy of vehicles. Rates of eco tax have been suggested for two category of vehicles; passenger cars, jeeps etc. and two wheelers. Each vehicle category is sub-divided into three classes for the purposes of the tax. Address: Rita Pandey, Ph.D National Institute of public Finance & Policy 18/2 satsang Vihar Marg New Delhi India Tel: 91-11-26569303 Fax: 91-11-26852548 Email: rita@nipfp.org.in; rita_pandey@yahoo.com 1 A Proposal for Stimulating Fuel Economy of Road Transport in India Rita Pandey 1. Key Issues Concerns about growing oil consumption, and also about the rising import share of it have resulted in serious debates in many developed and developing countries on whether the governments should intervene to stimulate the fuel efficiency, and if so, what would be the best way to do this. The recent oil price surge has given fresh air to debates on fuel efficiency. Besides the macro economic impact associated with oil price “shocks”, there are other externalities associated with oil consumption: burning of fossil fuel has bearing on green house gas emissions (GHG) as well as other regulated emissions; and imperfections in fuel efficiency markets due to consumer myopia or technology spill over effects etc. may lead to insufficiently small investments in improving fuel efficiency. All over the world, the transport sector has significant share in total demand for fuel. With the changes in pattern of development in most cities in the world in which distances between house, job, and services are increasing, the demand for urban transport is increasingly expected to rise. Further, poor/inconvenient/uneconomical public sources of transportation, as well as rising income levels in big cities create a built-in demand for private vehicles which in-turn will result in increased demand for transport fuel. Recognising the important environmental and social benefits of reducing fuel consumption in transport sector, the governments in a number of countries in North America and Europe have taken measures to encourage improvement in fuel economy of the new vehicles. For instance, the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) program in the USA, and the Tax for Fuel Conservation (TFC) in Ontario, Canada. While CAFE follows a regulatory approach to achieving improvement in fuel performance of new vehicles, the TFC involves an economic incentive to the purchasers of fuel “efficient” vehicles and a penalty to the buyers of fuel “inefficient” vehicles. Although the TFC was the first feebate of its kind, the model has since been adopted elsewhere, such as Maryland and California. Also, vehicle manufacturers in France have taken upon themselves to voluntarily work towards improving fuel efficiency. A variety of other approaches such as subsidies/grants for R&D, insurance reform, fuel taxes have been put forward in the literature. 2. Fuel Efficiency Debate in India The Indian transport sector already consumes nearly one-fourth of the total commercial energy, and almost half of the total petroleum products1. Energy demand from urban transport in Delhi alone is expected to increase three-fold over the next decade. It is reported Senior Fellow, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, India. 1 The steady growth in GDP and purchasing power on part of the Indian population has resulted into a corresponding growth in consumption of petroleum products in India. Over 70 per cent growth in road transport vehicles during the last five years is particularly significant in this regard. What is more, in 2004-05, private vehicles constituted 82 per cent of the total vehicle sales (78.6 % two wheelers; 13.44 % four wheelers). 2 that the explosive growth in personal transport will dominate the increase in transport-related energy demand in the future. The compound annual rate of growth of vehicles during 199091 – 2001-02 was 9.2 per cent. The rate of growth was the highest for two wheelers (9.7 per cent), followed by cars, jeeps and taxis (8.6 per cent), others including tractors, trailers, three wheelers and other miscellaneous vehicles (8.0 per cent), goods vehicles (7.4 per cent), and buses (6.4 per cent). In the absence of public policies to encourage mass passenger transportation, the shares of two wheelers and cars will increase over time with the higher rate of growth in GDP and also preferences toward personal mode of transportation. Considering the vast potential of energy savings and benefits of energy efficiency, the Government of India enacted the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The Act aims at promoting end-use energy conservation and efficiency improvements. The Act provides for the legal framework, institutional arrangement and a regulatory mechanism at the Central and State level to embark upon energy efficiency drive in the country. The focus of the Act, however, is only on electricity. Under the Indian Industry Programme for Energy Conservation (IIPEC) the Task Groups for Textile, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Fertilizer, Chlor-Alkali, and Aluminum have been formed. Transport sector/automobile industry is not included under IIPEC. The issue of promotion of fuel efficiency in automobiles was however discussed by the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Policy in India. The Committee though recognised the merit of fuel efficiency of vehicles; no specific recommendations were made for bringing in fuel economy regulations. It is believed that this was largely under pressure from vehicles manufacturers’ lobby that put forth before the Committee the conventional wisdom that there is no relationship between fuel economy and motor vehicle emissions. Harrington (1997) however, rejects this argument. This argument also overlooks the potential benefits of resource conservation and GHG reduction that would result from improvement in fuel efficiency. The report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Policy recommended various regulatory, fiscal and institutional measures for containing vehicular emissions in India in a phased manner. In order to address the issue of fuel economy of vehicles the committee suggested a mandatory voluntary declaration of fuel economy by the manufacturers for each model "to enable informed customer choice" (GoI, 2002). The fact that such voluntary measures are not sufficient to address intoxicating fuel inefficient vehicles on Indian roads came to sharper focus in a recent study on eco-taxes (Chelliah, et al, 2004). This report shows how close we are to a worsening fuel economy. As of today, a large number of car models fall in the fuel economy range of 12-16 km/litre and their engine capacity ranges from 796 cc to 1800 cc, with most models in the 796 cc to 1400 cc range. But already a dramatic shift is evident towards mid engine capacity (1000-1700 cc), a trend that is expected to only accelerate in the medium term. This segment is likely to dominate the Indian car market - already the combined share of the total sales in this segment has increased from 44.5 per cent in 2001 to 63.3 per cent in 2003 (ICRA, 2003). The report (Chelliah, et al, 2004) thus observes that there is a need to simultaneously reduce the pollution-energy-carbon intensity of urban transport vehicles by sending appropriate signals through a system of incentives/disincentives2. The report also observes that since the regulation for enhanced environmental compliance in a phased manner ( from the year 20052010) has been enacted in India, environmental performance is likely to be the major factor 2 The report does not consider commercial freight and passenger vehicles as they have only a few models falling within a narrow band of variation in terms of fuel economy. 3 prompting change in automobile technology in India. The report concludes that this therefore would be the right time to set the target for improvement in fuel economy of vehicles by sending appropriate signals through a resource tax on vehicles. 3. Objective of the paper The objective of this paper is to revisit this debate with a view to examine the rationale of policy intervention to encourage fuel economy of vehicles in India and identify appropriate policy measures for reducing pollution-energy-carbon intensity of transport in India. 4. Policies and measures to stimulate fuel economy Despite a continuing need for fuel conservation in transport and curb local and global emissions, India has not implemented any policies to increase the energy efficiency of road transport in spite of energy conservation act passed in 2001. A number of policies could produce higher fuel economy, reduced oil use and lowered CHG emissions. 4.1 Rationale: Discussion on the rationale of encouraging fuel economy of automobiles in the literature brings out the following concerns favoring government intervention (Portney et al, 2003; Greene et al, 2005; and Harrington, 1997). o Need for fuel saving o Environmental consequences; both local and global emissions o Imperfect markets for improvements in fuel economy (i) Let us look at the first point first. The energy consumption of transport is increasing rapidly in India because of the increased demand for passenger and freight transport, increasing private ownership of vehicles, and the substitution of road transport for rail or water transport for the movement of goods. India is an oil importing country. Production of crude oil in India constituted less than one third of total consumption demand in 2001 (Economic Survey, 2001). This gap is growing rapidly resulting in increase in oil imports bill. Recognising that oil dependence needs to be checked the government responded by setting up Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA). One of the main objectives of the PCRA is to function as a Think Tank to the Government of India for proposing policies and strategies on petroleum conservation and environment protection aimed at reducing excessive dependence on oil. PCRA plays the role of a catalysing agency for achieving petroleum conservation in transport, agriculture, industry and domestic sectors. The major thrust areas of activities of PCRA in transport include driver training program, model garages, emission check program, engine replacement schemes and mass awareness program. The inter-ministerial working group has identified a saving potential of 20% in transport sector (PCRA, 2006). The current efforts alone may not be sufficient to realize this potential. Instead it would require a sustained policy targeting both behavioral attributes – driving habits, miles driven, good maintenance etc. – and determinants of choice of vehicle such as fuel economy, power, weight and size. 4 Arguably there are costs of our oil dependency. Also, there are macroeconomic effects of oil price volatility. Vulnerability of oil importing countries to increase in oil prices depends on the degree to which they are net importers of oil and the oil intensities of their economies. Since developing countries are less able to weather the financial turmoil wrought by higher oil-import cost, adverse economic impact is more severe than for developed countries. In India oil import bill was as much as 3% of GDP in 2003. A recent study (IEA, 2004) estimated that loss of GDP in Asia would average around 0.8% following a $10 per barrel oil price increase. With the per capita consumption level in India being only about 60% of that in China in 2001, a strong growth potential exists in India, given particularly the projections for higher GDP growth and a large population base of over a billion. The only way to insulate the economy from these disruptions is to reduce the fuel intensity. (ii) The primary environmental justification for governmental intervention to reduce fuel consumption is concern about emissions produced from burning of oil – which have implications for future global climate change – and local regulated emissions. The former is of greater concern because unlike other auto emissions, abatement technologies do not exist for carbon dioxide emissions, so emissions are proportional to fuel use. A wide range of estimates of the economic impacts of future climate change on human health, agriculture etc. are available in the literature. Apart from GHGs the fuel consumption results in emission of other regulated pollutants namely; CO, HC and the oxides of nitrogen that create airborne particulates. Those opposing government intervention for fuel economy argue that since tail pipe emissions in India are regulated, better fuel economy has no direct effect on pollutant emissions. This however is not correct. Emission standards in India for new vehicles are specified in terms of gm/km basis rather than gm/lt.-of fuel basis. Thus, specification of standards assumes a fuel economy value based on some criteria not published by the regulators. Thus the requirement that all vehicles meet a common emission standard based on g/km distorts the link between fuel economy and emissions both in new and on-road vehicles. However, Harrington (1997) shows that better fuel economy is strongly associated with lower emissions of CO and HC and that the effect gets stronger as vehicles age. By the time vehicles get to be a decade old, fuel economy is a major factor in explaining emissions. The study also shows that a gm/gallon model is far more successful in explaining vehicle emissions deterioration than a gm/mile model. This result has important policy implications for the methods used in estimating vehicle emission inventories as well as setting vehicular emission standards. (iii) A particularly contentious issue is whether, the market would provide the optimum level of fuel economy or government intervention will be required even in the absence of emissions or oil dependency externalities. Technological solutions for improvement in fuel economy involve costs. Increase in costs to be paid upfront and the benefits in terms of future fuel savings is one set of determinants of demand for fuel economy. The other determinant is consumer preference for vehicle weight, power and other design features which affect fuel economy of vehicles. Many engineering studies suggest a wide range of technological possibilities for improving fuel economy that could pay for themselves in the vehicle lifetimes through fuel savings (National Research Council, 2002). The pertinent question then is why vehicle manufacturers may not adopt the technologies that would pay for themselves. This can happen due to two reasons. First, when consumers may undervalue potential fuel savings either due to short horizons (lack of information), or because they are uncertain about future fuel prices. This is a possibility in India, as it is not mandatory to put stickers on vehicles revealing fuel economy although this has been recommended by the government appointed Expert 5 Committee (GoI, 2002). Presence of consumer myopia justifies a corrective action through government intervention. Second, when vehicle manufacturers perceive that consumers value fuel economy less than they actually do. In an oligopolistic automobile industry, as in India, profit maximising manufacturers could undersupply vehicle attributes even when potential buyers would value them. Today most fuel efficient car and 2-wheeler available in India are twice and one and a half times more fuel efficient, respectively, over the current fleet average. This indicates there is substantial scope for improvement in fuel economy in other vehicles available in the market, and points to the need to investigate approaches such as mandatory fuel efficiency standards and consumer information programme to realize more fully the CO2 reduction and potential fuel efficiency improvements. Significantly, enactment of CAFÉ in USA dramatically improved the fuel economy of vehicles (Greene et. al., 2005). Another potentially significant market failure arises from inadequate incentives for R&D into vehicle fuel economy. There is evidence to suggest that the social returns to R&D may exceed the private return (Mansfield et al, 1977). 4.2 Policies and measures: A number policies and measures have been used for stimulating transport fuel economy in various countries. These can broadly be grouped into price measures such as higher fuel prices/taxes, higher tax/fee on fuel inefficient vehicles; and non-price measures such as CAFE. The main role of public policy measures is to create the necessary conditions to encourage and speed up the development and production of fuel efficient vehicles at affordable prices; increasing awareness about individual and national benefits of it; and risk sharing with producers and consumers of fuel efficient vehicles. These can take several forms: energy efficiency regulation, fee, rebate, tax credit etc. 4.2.1 Fuel Pricing In principle, increase in fuel tax/price would provide an incentive both to increase fuel economy and reduce vehicle travel. However, in reality besides that the most governments may find it difficult to implement higher taxes/prices owing to presence of a powerful constituency lobbying against higher taxes, this may not always be the most effective policy measure especially in dealing with market failures such as consumer myopia, oligopolistic structure of the auto industry, and inadequate R&D incentives for fuel economy. For instance, if consumers do undervalue fuel savings, an important implication for policy making is that fuel taxation would have a smaller impact on improvement of fuel economy vis-à-vis fuel economy regulation. Shifting the price signal from fuel to the price of vehicle should then be more effective than a fuel tax. Also, Nivola and Crandall (1995) have identified a number of obstacles to higher fuel taxes in the US. These include high levels of vehicle ownership, poorly developed public transport system, and promotion of low density development. In India also, poorly developed public transport system, fast growth in vehicle sales in the last 4-5 years, and impact of fuel prices corrections on the CPI are some of the factors which make increase in fuel prices difficult. Taxation of fuel then appears to be just a component of various policies and measures of promoting fuel economy because of its much larger socio-economic aspects, but it certainly determines the effectiveness of such policies and measures. 6 4.2.2 Fuel economy standards and feebates Little is known about how consumers estimate the value of improved fuel economy and factor that information into their vehicle buying decisions in most countries. Studies in US show that the consumers undervalue the true economic value of fuel saving. For, they reckon only first 3 years/50000 miles of fuel saving when considering the value of higher fuel economy (German, 2002, Patterson, 2002). In another survey (Patterson, 2002) when consumers were asked what they would be willing to pay for a doubling of fuel economy, the responses implied a much higher (5 years) payback period as compared to 3 years in the earlier two studies. It could well be that the apparent undervaluing of fuel economy is a result of bounded rational behaviour. Consumers may not find it worth the effort to fully investigate the costs and benefits of fuel economy (Greene, 1996). However, if consumers undervalue fuel savings, there are several important implications for policy making. Increasing the price of fuel would have a smaller impact on fuel economy. Setting fuel economy standards would be a more effective approach because regulation circumvents the market failure. Shifting the price signal from fuel to the price of the vehicle should also be more effective than a fuel tax. Vehicle prices appear to play an important role in their purchase decisions and this should motivate manufacturers to accurately weigh the costs and benefits of increasing fuel economy so as to avoid fees and capture rebates. This suggests that a system of rebates for high fuel economy vehicles should be an effective fuel economy policy. To date, this has been used only in Canada and Austria. The essential elements of a feebate system are a pivot point that divides vehicles into two groups based on fuel economy — vehicles falling in one group are charged a fee and those in the other receive a rebate; and a rate that specifies the fee or rebate as a function of distance from the pivot point. A single pivot point can be used for all vehicles or vehicles can be divided into classes (e.g. passenger cars, light trucks) and different pivot points assigned to each class. A key advantage of feebates over fuel economy standards is that they provide a continuing inventive to increase fuel economy as the new technologies are developed (Gorden & Levenson, 1989). Disadvantages of feebates include the possibility that they will be perceived as a kind of tax and that they will undoubtedly confer different benefits and costs on different manufacturers. The first disadvantage can be mitigated by designing feebates to be revenue neutral. The second disadvantage can be mitigated by establishing different feebate schedules for different vehicle classes. Previous Studies of Feebates Greene et al. (2005) presents a comprehensive review of previous studies of feebates. This section draws heavily on Greene et al. (2005). Previous studies are reviewed here with a view to find answer to the following: a. Whether feebate was effective in encouraging fuel economy. b. Whether it produced technological innovation. A comprehensive study (Davis et al., 1995) for the USA, found that adoption of fuel economy technology accounted for about 90 percent of the overall increase in fuel economy brought about by feebate systems. Changes in consumers’ choices (shifting sales toward higher fuel economy vehicles) were always a minor factor. 7 A potential feebate system for Canadian vehicles based on GHG emissions was assessed in a study for the Canadian Government (HLB, 1999). A focus of the study was estimating the effect of a Canada-only feebate system vs. a harmonised US-Canada system. The study concluded that the latter was more cost effective with a marginal benefit of $2 per ton vs. marginal cost of $60 per ton of GHG reduced in the case of the former. Feebates for reducing CO2 emissions from cars in Europe was evaluated by Koopman (1995). The study broke cars into five classes: small, medium and large petrol vehicles, plus diesel and LPG. The feebates approximately equal to about $700-1175 per 0.01 gallons/mile produced an estimated reduction in fuel use of 11.8 percent and in CO2 emissions of 10 percent. Another study (DRI, 1991) in the US which evaluated a feebate system and a gasguzzler tax found, like Davis et al., that the overwhelming majority of the fuel saving from feebates came from the adoption of fuel efficient technology by manufacturers (mix shifting never accounted for more than 18 percent of the increase). Greene et al. (2005) assessed feebates using recent data for the US found that a feebate rate of $500 per 0.01 gallons/mile produces a 16% increase in fuel economy, while a $1000 per 0.01 gallons/mile results in a 29% increase, even if consumers count only the first 3 years of fuel savings. Unit sales decline by about 0.5 percent but sales revenue increase because the added value of fuel economy technologies out weights the increase in sales. In all cases, the vast majority of fuel economy increase is due to adoption of fuel economy technologies rather than shifts in sales. 4.2.3 Other economic measures targeting cars A study conducted by the World Energy Council (WEC, 2001) surveyed 50 member countries with the aim to identify policy measures which have been effective in encouraging fuel efficiency of vehicles. The measures discussed in the report however pertain mainly to cars. This section summarises some of the major findings of the report on this aspect. The report observes that the share of car-related expenditure in household budgets (around 15%) suggests that economic measures should have an influence on the key factors which affect energy use and CO2 emissions by cars: ownership levels, annual usage, and specific consumption/emissions. Incentives for scrapping old cars: Incentives for scrapping old cars often have a double objective: to accelerate the renewal of the car fleet to stimulate the car industry; and to remove old cars from the fleet, as they are usually fuel inefficient and have a high level of emissions. It is usually a temporary measure implemented over 1-2 years. Such a measure has been implemented in about 10 countries (Annexure 1). Evaluations show that this measure accelerates the renewal of the fleet, but may have unintended side effects, including "free riders" and a shift to bigger cars. Subsidies for clean and efficient cars: Subsidies for clean and efficient cars are not so common: only 10 countries in the sample provide subsidies to buyers of electric or CNG cars (Annexure 1). The main objective is to reduce the price of these cars, which are more expensive to buy but have lower utilisation costs. A second objective is to create a market for such cars, so as to reduce the production cost through increased production levels. 8 Car ownership tax: The second level of taxation is on car ownership. Consumers will take an annual registration tax into account in their car-buying decisions (whether a new or a used car). The main advantage of such a tax is its visibility. Because it is not associated with any other payment, people are aware of the level of the tax, and car manufacturers take it into account in their strategy3. In most countries, this tax varies according to an index representative of the power of the car, which has a link with the fuel consumption. On the other hand, this link is not absolute and in few cases a more powerful engine may be more efficient. A move towards more explicit consideration of CO2 emissions can be observed in a few countries. Road pricing: Road pricing and tolls for road use are never in place on the total territory of a country. Tolls are generally limited to certain freeways. Toll freeways are important in France, Italy and Spain, for example, but freeways are generally free of charge in countries such as the Netherlands, the UK and Germany. Moreover, there is generally a free of charge alternative road in countries with toll freeways. Road pricing occurs only in a few countries (Norway, Singapore) in some urban areas, such as Singapore, Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen. Road pricing may have some effect on CO2 emissions, because it leads to smoother traffic flow. On the other hand, people may divert their journeys from these areas, which are generally highdensity zones, and drive more elsewhere. There is no clear evidence to assess the effect, which is in any case limited. Other measures: Two other fiscal measures are discussed, even though no international comparison is available. The first is income tax relief related to journeys to work. In France, wage earners have the option to deduct from their taxable income either a standard deduction of 10% or their real cost of commuting. Commuting distances up to 40 km are accepted without discussion, distances over this limit have to be justified. The majority of wage earners use the standard deduction. These rules differ from one country to another, and some governments, such as the Netherlands and the UK, have limited the relief either in terms of distance or by allowing it for public transport use only. The second is policy towards company cars. Companies are important players in new car markets, both for their own needs and to provide employees with cars as a part of their remuneration. In the UK, around 50% of new cars are bought by companies. Cars are kept by companies for 2-3 years, and are then sold to individual buyers. As the criteria of companies in choosing cars may be different from those of individuals, this may lead to an upsizing of the car fleet. Car purchase tax: Some countries levy a value added tax (VAT), and a registration fees. The latter can be either one time or an annual fee. This is very often the case in car producing countries, such as 3 In France, for example, a significant step in the ownership tax at the 8 fiscal horse power threshold has been an incentive for car manufacturers, and for consumers to choose cars under the threshold. 9 France, Germany, the UK and Italy. It is now also the case in Sweden, where a specific tax on car purchases existed up to 1997. In other countries, there may be specific tax on car purchases such as the "gas-guzzler tax" in the United States, designed to restrain sales of high-consumption cars. Car manufacturers have the ability to adapt through technology, and the effect is relatively limited because only a few cars are affected. In other cases, such taxes result from long-term policies designed to deter people from buying a car - this is the case in Singapore, Denmark, Norway and Finland, and also in some developing countries where cars are an important component of imports. Even though these taxes may be based on technical characteristics, their level is mainly dependent on the vehicle's price. The pre-tax price of the car reflects indirectly the level of consumption, since consumption is related to weight and power. There is some concern about unintended effects from such taxes. First, high taxes can deter consumers from buying new cars, and thus the penetration of new technologies is slower. Second, a high level of tax on car purchases concentrates the new car market on the most affluent part of the population, whose tastes may be more oriented towards higher consumption cars. Furthermore, there is evidence to show that there is a wide variation in the specific consumption of cars falling in a category (compact, mid-size, large, SUV), suggesting that price-based taxation is a poor proxy for CO2 taxation. Difference in fuel economy (lt/100 km) between the best and worst gasoline subcompact, compact, mid-size, large and sport utility vehicles was 3.8, 4.1, 4.7, 4.8, and 8, respectively (IEA, 2004). Thus a more direct consideration of specific consumption should contribute more effectively to fuel economy and the limitation of CO2 emissions. However, in Europe, some countries (such as Austria) integrate fuel consumption or CO2 emissions as a component in the basis for taxation. Some others (such as France) offer subsidies for LPG or electric cars (Annexure 1). Fuel economy cost curves presented by Fulton show the cost of introducing better technologies for a given type of vehicle. Fulton estimates that for Denmark, Germany and the USA, fuel economy for new cars as high as 2 litres/100 km is achievable for as little as US$600 (before tax) per car. Market studies show that consumers do not necessarily take this trade-off into account, because their own discount rate is quite high (a 20% figure is estimated4). As a result, car manufacturers do not introduce these technologies at the optimal rate. Taxation on motor fuels: There are large differences between countries in the taxation of motor fuels, both gasoline and diesel. In Europe, such taxes are definitely much higher than in the rest of the world, for three reasons: Most European countries are oil importers. Revenue from motor fuel tax is an important source of income for the government budgets. 4 For example, a car consuming 1 litre less per 100 km, driven for 15 000 km/year for 10 years will provide (at US$1 per litre), a US$1500 saving. This saving is US$1200 at a discount rate of 5%, US$750 at a discount rate of 20%. 10 There is a strong commitment to meet Kyoto targets, and one way to do this is to regularly increase the tax on motor fuels (by adding CO2/environmental taxes). The last phenomenon is clear in Denmark, Germany and the UK, and to a lesser extent in the Netherlands and Austria. The level of fuel taxes can be compared to an index of national wealth (for example, the per capita GDP) to appreciate their weight. This indicator shows a clear hierarchy: it is lowest for the USA, then come Australia and Canada, then Switzerland, and then the 15 EU countries. Countries from Central and Eastern Europe have a ratio at least twice as high as the EU, which may explain the lower level of car ownership and use. With regards to the average price level, many studies (Goodwin, 1988; Orfeuil, 1990; Johansson and Schipper, 1997) have demonstrated a link between the quantity of fuel used and the price over time. Their results are consistent, and converge towards a long-run elasticity of fuel consumption to fuel price of -0.7. While the short-term elasticity is not very high (between -0.2 to -0.3), the long-term elasticity is quite significant: in the long run, a 10% increase in the price of motor fuel leads to a 1% reduction in the car stock, a 2% reduction in the mileage per car, and a 4% increase in fuel efficiency (i.e. a total reduction in consumption of 7%). The intervals of variation around the median of these estimates are relatively large, which means that other components of policy (other types of fiscal and non-fiscal measure) are of importance as well. Summarising the findings of this study following observations can be made. Even though there are limitations to empirical findings, the basic conclusion is quite simple: the consumer is responsive to price signals at every level. From a policy point of view, the European situation is far from optimal. While car manufacturers in the USA have a homogeneous market, car manufacturers in Europe face a range of quite different taxation regimes. Because purchase taxes are concentrated on small markets (high price segment), and are not directly related to fuel consumption, they do not provide an incentive for manufacturers to promote better technologies. According to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association agreement, specific emissions of new cars are planned to decrease from 185 g CO2/km in 1995 to 140 g/km in 2008. Comparison of 1995 and 1999 values suggests that European manufacturers are on track. However, this does not ensure a parallel decrease in total fuel consumption, since some type of rebound effect may occur. Taxes on car purchases and ownership should depend, at least partly, on specific consumption. This would help car manufacturers to comply with their commitment, and probably to go further. In cases where new technology would not prove sufficient and/or would be too expensive, restrictions on the introduction of new cars with high specific consumption could be considered ("gas guzzler" taxes, prohibition of vehicles with maximum speed above a threshold, etc.). Another direction could be explored at the level of usage, by cancelling income tax relief linked to commuting, at least in situations where public transport is an alternative. 11 5. A case for eco-tax (vehicle purchase tax based on fuel economy) in India The share of new vehicles introduced every year is about one-tenth of the stock of vehicles in use. The government of India has taken a number of steps to control vehicular emissions. These include improvement in fuel quality, introduction of CNG as cleaner auto fuel in Mumbai, Delhi, Baroda and Surat, setting a retirement age for commercial vehicles, and laying down a road map for implementing vehicular emission norms for new vehicles. These interventions do not target fuel economy of vehicles. The present tax policy in India also does not take into consideration energy efficiency of vehicles. It may be noted that petroleum is an exhaustible resource and India, at present, meets 73 per cent of its petroleum demand via imports which is expected to go up to 85 per cent by 2020. Hence some discouragement for the use of hydro-carbons is in order. Raising tax on auto fuels is an obvious candidate. However, tax burden on petroleum products in India is already quite high. According to the Sixth Report of the Standing Committee of the Parliament on Petroleum and Gas, which submitted its report recently, taxes and duties levied on these products, including by the States, are the highest in the world at about 132 per cent of the basic price. In view of the continuing rise in international prices, the Government reduced the excise duty on petrol from 26 per cent to 23 per cent and on diesel from 11 per cent to 8 per cent effective August, 2004 along with a reduction in excise duty on PDS kerosene from 16 per cent to 12 per cent. Simultaneously, the Government also reduced the Customs duty on petrol and diesel from 20 per cent to 15 per cent. Unfortunately, all price hikes as well as duty reductions so far appear ad hoc, lacking in transparency and indicating no proper direction or purpose. For instance, while the Government wants to subsidize retail prices of kerosene and domestic LPG, it does not do it entirely through budgetary support. The oil companies are made to bear a substantial portion of it by cross-subsidizing these products through higher prices of auto fuels. It is, therefore, time the Government formulated a comprehensive strategy to deal with rising crude prices. The strategy should include not only a pragmatic pricing policy for petroleum products, but also long-term measures to take care of the country's energy security. Keeping prices artificially low will result in inefficient energy use. Already India is rated as one of the most energy-intensive economies. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the energy intensity of the Indian economy is nearly three times that of developed countries. Hence, all efforts are needed to ensure that the energy intensity is reduced through technological improvement and increased productive efficiency. According to energy experts, the price signals in the economy should be used to trigger inter-fuel substitution and curb wasteful use of energy. In many OECD countries, taxes on motor vehicles have been restructured to incorporate environmental concerns, while also fulfilling the basic objectives of revenue. Further, there is evidence (IEA (2004), WEC (2001), GoI (2002), Greene, et al (2005)) in support of introduction of measures to encourage fuel economy of vehicles. In view of these and the fact that India is in high growth phase of demand for fuel, its already high dependence on imports (over two third of the total demand), and that the regulation for enhanced environmental compliance is already in place — which is likely to be the major factor prompting change in 12 automobile technology in India — this is perhaps the right time to set the target for improvement in fuel economy of vehicles by sending appropriate signals through an eco- tax on vehicles. 5.1 Eco-tax: Basis In theory, the tax should be equal to the marginal environmental damage costs. An adequate estimate of marginal environmental costs is difficult to obtain. There exists only one example (the UK landfill tax, introduced in October 1996), which is explicitly based on an estimate of the damage costs. In view of the non-availability of reliable estimates of marginal environmental damage costs, incentive effects and revenue raising become underlying criteria in setting environmental taxes. According to Ribeiro et al. (1999), two other criteria may be substituted for the theoretical criterion of equality of tax rate and marginal environmental damage costs. These are environmental effect (i.e., the effect of tax on environmental pollution) and incentives effect (i.e. a comparison with the marginal pollution-abatement costs, or as a proxy, the average abatement costs of the measures taken by the taxpayers). The first criterion directly attempts to trace the contribution of the tax to the monitored pollution reduction, while the second criterion endeavours to establish incentives for taxpayers to change their behaviour in a way more favourable to the environment often by adopting abatement measures. Since the road map of emission norms for new vehicles has been set in India, it is expected that the issues in emission performance of new vehicles would be taken care of. It may, however, be noted that two vehicles of the same class/type (say passenger cars) may confirm to a given emission standard (specified in g/km), say Euro II, yet total emissions of these vehicles (including GHG emissions) may be at variance if fuel consumption (l/km) of these vehicles varies. Thus, the fuel economy of vehicles is of great significance both for fuel conservation as well as GHG and local regulated emissions. 5.2 Setting the rate of eco-tax The incentive structure can be linked to (a) the cost of upgrading the engine technology and (b) the benefits derived from such up-gradation, which is sum of costs such as the health damage cost, forgone due to less fuel burnt per km. and resultant lower emissions. The incentive structure can also be a weighted average of both the above factors. However, there is very sketchy or no information available on both aspects. As far as vehicle technology is concerned, there is no information available in the public domain on cost requirement to bring about better fuel economy for different models and category of vehicles. The calculation of benefit in terms of health cost forgone is difficult due to non-estimation of dose- response functions in the Indian vehicular pollution context through epidemiological studies. Indian data in regard to the proportion of vehicular emissions related morbidity and its impact on health are insufficient. Therefore, a differential tax structure is being suggested based on the fuel economy of different types of vehicles complying with various Euro norms. 13 Only private vehicles have been considered for eco-tax in this paper5. This is, mainly because commercial vehicles such as buses, trucks, 3 wheelers and light commercial vehicles currently have only a few models and these fall within a narrow band of variation in terms of fuel economy. Further, in the case of heavy- duty vehicles, fuel economy data in km/litre is not available as the heavy engines are tested separately on engine dynamometer and fuel consumption is recorded in g/kwh. In private vehicle category, two-wheelers, cars and jeeps have been considered. Although fuel economy achieved by certain two wheelers in India is comparable/superior to that achieved in other countries for the same class of vehicles, there is a lot of scope for improvements in view of the entry of a large number of motorbikes in India. Data on fuel economy of vehicles have been obtained from Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM). Fuel economy data are based on type Approval Test conducted under controlled environment. On road fuel consumption of vehicles would depend upon factors such as traffic conditions, vehicle condition, driving habits. Since the proposed eco-tax directly targets the fuel consumption of vehicles it may be more appropriate to call it a resource tax. In addition to conservation of resource, the resource tax would have an impact on emissions of both local and global pollutants. Resource tax factor has been derived on the basis of categorisation of vehicles based on fuel economy. SIAM has provided data for a few makes of two and four-wheelers. These data are for Bharat stage II vehicles. Data on passenger cars and jeeps show strong negative correlation between engine capacity and fuel economy of the vehicles, indicating that the fuel economy of vehicles decreases with an increase in engine capacity of the vehicles. The following main observations can be made on the basis of data provided by SIAM. (i) Vehicles reporting fuel economy <10 have engine capacity ≥ 2000 cc. (ii) Of the four makes of vehicles falling in fuel economy range of 10-12, three have engine capacity ≥2300 cc. One has engine capacity of around 1800 cc. This suggests that the vehicle technology is an important determination of fuel economy although engine capacity of vehicles also has a strong bearing on their fuel economy. (iii) A large number of vehicles are in the fuel economy range of 12-14 km/l. Many of these have engine capacity < 1800 cc. Some vehicles, however, have higher engine capacity. (iv) Fuel economy category of 14-16 km/l also has a large number of vehicles. Most of these however have engine capacities < 1500 cc. There is a large concentration of vehicles in the fuel economy range of 12-16. Engine capacity of most of these cars ranges between 1000 cc to 1800 cc. The trend towards higher engine capacity is already evident in the figures for FY 2003. This trend is likely to accelerate in the medium term. Eventually, the 1000 – 1700 cc segment is likely to dominate the Indian car market (the combined share of the total sales in this segment increased from 44.5 per cent in FY 2001 to 63.3 per cent in FY 2003) (ICRA, 2003). 5 In the 8 major cities in India, the traffic load in terms of vehicle kilometres per day is mainly (70-80 per cent) constituted by private automobiles (cars and two wheelers). In each of the 8 cities the largest single contributor to the traffic load is two wheelers (GoI, 2002, p.72). 14 5.3 Rates of eco-tax As the proposed eco-tax directly targets the fuel consumption of vehicles it may be more appropriate to call it a resource tax. In addition to conservation of the exhaustible resource, the eco-tax will help reduce the emissions of local pollutants and global pollutant (CO2). The proposed eco-tax rates for 2 wheelers, passenger cars and jeeps are given in Table 1. Based on fuel economy slabs the eco-tax factors are arrived at. Eco-tax factor has been computed as follows. The eco-tax factor for the best fuel economy category is taken as 1 for both cars and two wheelers. For the next fuel economy category, the eco-tax factor for two-wheelers is calculated as 61/1x55 (where 55 is the average of the fuel economy range in this category). Similarly, the eco-tax factor for the next category of two-wheelers would be 61/45. There is no resource tax for the most fuel-efficient vehicle. The eco-tax rate increases as the fuel economy of vehicles decreases. For the worst fuel economy categories for two-wheelers and passenger cars/jeeps, the eco-tax is proposed to be at 3 per cent and 5 per cent, respectively, on factory price of vehicles before excise tax (central) is levied. The resource tax for the next fuel economy category for two-wheelers is calculated as (3x1.33)/1.5. The rate of eco-tax in this case works out to 2.66. For ease of implementation this has been rounded off to 2.5 (column 4, row 2, Table 1). The rate of eco-tax for other categories has also been rounded off to keep the tax rate structure simple. Similarly, for passenger cars and jeeps, the slab more than 18 km/l has a eco-tax factor of 1 and for the slab <10 km/l the eco-tax factor is fixed at 1.67. The best fuel economy passenger cars and jeeps would be exempt from the eco-tax. For the least fuel-efficient category the tax rate is 5 per cent. The rates indicated below clearly show that what is aimed at is differential taxation to induce the incidence effect as well as higher rate corresponding to higher cost. Since the Cenvat rate is already high, the eco-tax rates are pitched low. Table 1: Rates of eco-tax Vehicle 2 Wheelers Passenger Cars/ Jeeps Fuel Economy 0 - 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 61 and above <10 10 – 14 12 – 18 > 18 Eco-tax factor 1.5 1.33 1.09 1 1.67 1.25 1.11 1 Rate of eco-tax (%) 3.0 2.5 2.0 5 3 2 - 15 6. Summary and conclusions: It is being increasingly recognised in India, that there is a need to implement measures to reduce energy intensity in various sectors including transport. The inter-ministerial group has identified energy saving potential of up to 20 per cent in transport sector. Fuel saving has implications not only for resource conservation but also for reduction in local regulated emissions and GHGs. This paper revisits the vehicle fuel economy debate in India to assess whether government intervention is necessary to stimulate vehicles fuel economy in India and what form should it take. The paper recommends a vehicle purchase tax (eco-tax) based on fuel economy of vehicles. Rates of eco tax have been suggested for two category of vehicles; passenger cars, jeeps etc. and two wheelers. Each vehicle category is sub-divided into three classes for the purposes of the tax. 16 References: Chelliah, Raja J. et. al. 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T., K. Schlegelmilch and O. Gee (1999), Environmental Taxes Seem to be Effective Instruments for the Environment. In: Thomas Sterner (ed.) The Market and the Environment – The Effectiveness of Market-Based Policy Instruments for Environmental Protection, Edward Edgar, UK and Massachusetts, USA (p 184-186). WEC (2001), Energy Efficiency Policies and Indicators, World Energy Council, UK. Annexure 1: Overview of Fiscal Measures on Cars OECD Countries: Europe Purchase tax (1) Annual Incentives for car Incentives for 18 Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Italy Ireland Portugal Spain Sweden Netherlands UK Norway Switzerland Turkey Czech Rep. Hungary Poland Slovakia registration tax (1) scrapping (2) clean/efficient car T T T P T 6 (1) : Average tax : Very high tax : low tax (2) T: Terminated; P: Planned Asian and Pacific Australia Canada Japan Korea Mexico USA7 Purchase tax Annual registration tax Incentives for car scrapping P T Incentives for clean/efficient car Contd… 6 7 Only in one community as a pilot project. There exists purchase tax, annual registration tax in some states. 19 Annexure 1: contd… Non-OECD Countries/Economies Purchase tax Chile Colombia Hong Kong, China Indonesia Malaysia PNG Russia Taiwan, China Bulgaria Estonia Latvia Romania Slovenia Egypt P Annual registration tax Incentives for car scrapping Incentives for clean/efficient car Note: No tax or incentives in India, Peru, Philippines, Peru, Vietnam, Lithuania, Algeria, Cameroon and South Africa. Source: WEC, 2001. 20