Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README README Overview This README file is intended to: 1. Provide an overview of the Hyperion Financial Management Implementation Boot Camp. 2. Provide and direct readers to the information necessary to successfully prepare for and deliver the boot camp. 3. Describe course distribution contents. The intended audience for this document is any person or persons responsible for preparing the delivery of the Hyperion Financial Management Implementation Boot Camp. Table of Contents README Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Workshop Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Boot Camp Description.............................................................................................................................. 2 Product(s) Covered ................................................................................................................................... 2 Maximum Recommended Class Size ....................................................................................................... 2 Note on Lab Environment - TBC ............................................................................................................... 2 Course Distribution Overview........................................................................................................................ 2 Boot Camp Preparation................................................................................................................................. 3 Preparation Overview ................................................................................................................................ 3 Facilities ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Instructor Preparation ................................................................................................................................ 4 Lab Environment Setup and Preparation .................................................................................................. 5 Student Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 5 Distributable Material Preparation - TBC................................................................................................... 5 Printable Material .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Electronic Material Distribution...................................................................................................................... 7 Distribution Directory and File Descriptions .................................................................................................. 7 Distribution Version Information .................................................................................................................. 11 Version Information ................................................................................................................................. 11 Release Notes (changes from previous version) .................................................................................... 11 Known Issues .......................................................................................................................................... 11 For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 1 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Workshop Overview Boot Camp Description The Oracle Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) Implementation Boot Camp is designed to give students a comprehensive guide to Hyperion Financial Management. It teaches participants to easily create, manage, and deploy applications in Oracle HFM, using Classic and/or EPMA version. It also teaches how to create and manage reports using both Excel Smart View and with Financial Reporting Studio. Product(s) Covered Oracle Hyperion Financial Management v. Maximum Recommended Class Size The maximum number of students recommended for successful delivery of this boot camp is as follows: One Instructor: 15 students Two Instructors: 20 students Note on Lab Environment The available lab environment option is: “PTA_WIN2K8R2X64_QUBIX_HFM11G_V2” - An image hosted on OPN (Oracle Partner Network) internal Cloud Course Distribution Overview All content necessary to prepare for and successfully deliver this boot camp** is contained within a set of files organized within a standardized directory structure. This set of files is referred to as the “course distribution”. ** Note that some boot camps may require the distribution of files that due to size (i.e., too big) or source (e.g. obtained from 3rd party) cannot be included within the distribution. In such cases, instructions for obtaining these files are provided within the course distribution. The course distribution can be shared entirely contained within a compressed file in which case the file contents may be extracted to a local disk to produce the directory structure described herein. Additionally, the course distribution can be shared via the Delivery Partner Dashboard in which case the directories and files are individually accessed via navigating the directory tree: Documents: ReadMe, Instructor Kit, Student Kit folders. In addition to this file, the ReadMe subdirectory contains the file HFM Implementation Boot Camp v1.0 Manifest.xls which provides a one page list and description of all files in the distribution. Detailed descriptions of the directories and the files within the distribution are described below in Distribution Directory and File Descriptions. For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 2 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Boot Camp Preparation Preparation Overview To prepare for the successful delivery of this boot camp you must do the following: 1. Arrange for suitable facilities, 2. Identify and prepare a suitable instructor for the class, 3. Arrange for any necessary technical environment requirements to support labs, 4. Provide appropriate pre-requisite requirements and preparation steps for students, and 5. Prepare printed material and material to be electronically distributed to students. Each of these steps and how to accomplish them is discussed here in detail. Facilities This boot camp is designed to be delivered in person or in a live virtual format. Based on own web conferencing tool characteristics, as well as on physical facility, a suitable classroom should be arranged to accommodate the planned class size. This is just a planning guideline. You should base your decision on your knowledge of your planned participants. In Class Training (ICT) Maximum Recommended Class Size The maximum number of students recommended to successfully deliver of this boot camp is as follows: o One Instructor: 15 students o Two Instructors: 20 students Classroom Requirements o Projector and Screen o Whiteboard, markers, etc. o Sufficient power outlets to accommodate instructor and students. Network Requirements o High speed internet connectivity is strongly recommended. o For more information on the boot camp environment requirements, please ref to the Environment Preparation Chapter. Live Virtual Training (LVT) Maximum Recommended Class Size The maximum number of students recommended for successful delivery of this boot camp is as follows: o One Instructor: 15 actively participating students o Two Instructors: 20 actively participating students For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 3 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Based on our experience due to attrition, no shows and passive participants you may consider planning for a class of twice the above sizing and only assuming that half of the confirmed participants will be actively involved. Network Requirements High speed internet connection is highly recommended. Instructor Preparation Instructor preparation consists of learning the material to be delivered how it should be delivered and building and being in possession of the necessary on site materials to support the class. Please note that the structure of this Boot Camp and its delivery methodology differs from most training classes. The instructor will present the course topics using the PowerPoint deck and will then perform some of the exercises using the laboratory manual and files. Students will have to follow the instructor and perform the exercises with the help of the manual. This approach is described in detail in the Instructor Notes. Knowledge Instructor knowledge of the subject area and detailed familiarity with the course material are among the most important factors in successful boot camp delivery. Knowledge of the subject area should be covered by appropriate instructor selection, but it is up to the individual instructor to adequately prepare to deliver the material. Accordingly, prior to class, each instructor should: 1. Read through the Instructor Notes (HFM Implementation Boot Camp Instructor Notes.pdf). 2. Carefully go though all student manual. It is strongly recommended that an instructor plan to augment the material with real world examples reflecting his/her experience. This can stimulate great conversations and adds significantly to the value of the class. 3. Ensure his/her personal workstation meets the requirements in the HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf file and prepare his/her workstations according to information in HFM Implementation Boot Camp Environment Setup.doc. 4. Work through all student labs. Materials In the case of most deliveries, the instructor serves as the primary (if not sole) source of logistical support for students. Accordingly, in addition to learning the material as described above, the instructor should: 1. Have all necessary printed material that is to be distributed to students. 2. Have all necessary electronic material that is to be distributed to students. 3. Have the Student Kit available on portable media for distribution to students as necessary. 4. Refer to Distributable Material Preparation for information on creating necessary printed/electronic material for this boot camp and for the Student Kit. For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 4 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Lab Environment Setup and Preparation Lab environment preparation refers to steps that must be completed ahead of the boot camp delivery to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the boot camp labs. For this boot camp, labs are conducted on virtual machine images running on individual standalone student workstations or on an image hosted on the OPN internal Cloud. Lab environment preparation consists of: Providing HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf and HFM Implementation Boot Camp Environment Setup.doc files to instructor so that he/she is aware of environmental requirements and can provide and configure their personal workstation accordingly. Providing HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf file to prospective students along with instructions to prepare their workstations according to the requirements stated in the HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf file OR Procuring hardware for the use by students and preparing hardware according to the requirements stated in the HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf file Refer to the environment setup document, HFM Implementation Boot Camp Environment Setup.doc for detailed information on hardware requirements and steps to prepare student workstations. Student Preparation To ensure a valuable learning experience, all students must be adequately prepared prior to the beginning of this boot camp. This preparation consists of any pre-requisite learning or experience and meeting all workstation requirements. The HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf file describes the necessary background and pre-requisite learning requirements for students. These requirements should be highlighted to students in the recruitment process and post registration. The HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf file also describes student workstation requirements. If students are expected to bring their own laptops (i.e. machines are not being provided for them), these requirements should be highlighted to prospective students both in the recruitment process and post registration. Unprepared students inevitably create an excessive draw on instructor time and thereby reduce the value of the class for all students. Distributable Material Preparation This boot camp provides material that should be printed for distribution to students. The method of distribution of electronic material is optional and left to the coordinator of individual boot camps. Some alternatives for electronic material distribution include: Burn to CD/DVD and distribute to each student in class For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 5 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Copy to portable media (e.g. USB drive) and “pass around the room” at the beginning of class Email to students prior to class Copy to images on the OPN internal Cloud For this boot camp, the size of the electronic material (other than the lab environment image) is relatively small and copy time does not present a significant burden. Other boot camps may differ in this regard. This Boot Camp includes components that are to be distributed to students. Some components are to be distributed in printed form, some electronically, some in both forms. The Boot Camp manifest file, HFM Implementation Boot Camp v1.0 Manifest.xls, indicates which files are to be distributed and in what form. Printable Material This Boot Camp makes two documents available for printing to students. They are: Presentation Slides Laboratory Manual A PDF for each of these files is included in the course distribution. Respective file names and locations within the course distribution are: Document File Name Location HFM Implementation Boot Camp Presentation Slides.pdf Student Kit \ Course Presentations HFM Implementation Boot Camp Laboratory Manual.pdf Student Kit \ Lab Materials Documents can be printed using any available printing service. Following are some best practices: Black and white is sufficient for document files Print Laboratory Manual in duplex as it is a lengthy file Bind printouts using spiral binding as it lays flat when in use For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 6 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Electronic Material Distribution It is necessary to provide the lab files to students in electronic form. The name and location of the electronically distributable files within the course distribution is: Document File Name Location HFM Implementation Boot Camp Presentation Slides.pdf Student Kit \ Course Presentations HFM Implementation Boot Camp Laboratory Manual.pdf Student Kit \ Lab Materials HFM Implementation Boot Camp Lab Files.zip Student Kit \ Lab Materials For convenience a single file HFM Implementation Boot Camp Student Kit.zip is located in the “Student Kit” directory. It contains all files that are to be distributed to students. To distribute the files simply copy this zip file onto the media of your choice and share with students. Distribution Directory and File Descriptions The course distribution consists of a distribution home directory, subdirectories and a number of files. The directories and their contents are described below. Subdirectory: Root This directory contains files necessary to prepare for rollout of the boot camp. It includes the following files: File Name Description HFM Implementation Boot Camp v.1.0 README.doc The file contains introductory information about the boot camp and the course distribution, the process for preparing printed material for the class and electronic distribution of appropriate files to students. HFM Implementation Boot Camp Data Sheet.pdf A print-ready, externally distributable document providing an overview of the course, pre-requisites, agenda, etc. Suitable for use in demand generation. HFM Implementation Boot Camp Evaluation Form.doc Evaluation form for participants HFM Implementation Boot Camp Attendance.doc Boot Camp Attendance list For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 7 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Subdirectory: Instructor Kit This directory contains files to support the instructor in the delivery of the class. It includes the following files: File Name Description HFM Implementation Boot Camp Instructor Notes.pdf Printable document describing lab setup, course material and detailing objectives for each module. HFM Implementation Boot Camp Environment Setup.doc Information on lab environment and student workstation hardware requirements. Course Presentations Subdirectory containing all course presentation in PPT format. Lab Materials Subdirectory containing all laboratory documents. For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 8 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Subdirectory: Course Presentations This directory contains all course presentations in PowerPoint format. It includes the following files: File Name Description xx. HFM abcdfg.ppt Boot camp presentation, sub-divided into chapters. Refer to instructor notes on the recommended usage of these slides. Subdirectory: Lab Materials This directory contains any additional files provided as reference. It includes the following files: File Name Description Lab xx - HFM abcdfg.doc Student Laboratory manual, sub-divided into chapters Subdirectory: Student Kit This directory contains all files to be distributed to student including soft copies of printed material and lab files. It includes the following files: File Name Description HFM Implementation Boot Camp Student Kit.zip Compressed file provided for convenience that contains all files that need to be distributed to students. Course Presentations Subdirectory containing the course presentation in .pdf format. Lab Materials Subdirectory containing all files necessary to complete labs. For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 9 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Subdirectory: Course Presentations This directory contains the course presentations in PDF format. It includes the following files: File Name Description HFM Implementation Boot Camp Presentation Slides.pdf Printable document that includes all slides to be provided to all students. Subdirectory: Lab Materials This directory contains all files necessary to complete labs. It includes the following files: File Name Description HFM Implementation Boot Camp Laboratory Manual.pdf Student Laboratory Manual, in PDF format. HFM Implementation Boot Camp Lab Files.zip Zip file containing all lab files. For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 10 of 11 Hyperion Financial Managment Implementation Boot Camp V1.1 README Distribution Version Information Version Information Current Version: V1.0 Previous Version: Release Notes (changes from previous version) 1. This bootcamp utilizes the “PTA_WIN2K8R2X64_QUBIX_HFM11G_V2” image available from the Oracle Partner Network Cloud team (OPNEC) Known Issues 1. When the hosted environment option comes online, the README and environment setup documents will have to be modified accordingly. For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties. © 2013 Oracle Corporation Page 11 of 11