Portland Area Service Committee

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Portland Area Service Committee
Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous
17200 SE Stark Street
Portland, OR
June 28, 2008
Secretary’s Report – Kathryn G.
My apologies to each member of the Fellowship; I called the Chairperson at 1:50 to inform him
I was running late due to unplanned glitches to my schedule. I arrived 20 -25 minutes late for the
June PASC and therefore do not have the specific information to report on the following:
The Chair called the meeting to order at ____ pm. (I presume the meeting, being a good one,
started on time at 2:00pm with out me) The meeting opened with a moment of silence followed
by the Serenity Prayer for those who cared to join in. The Twelve Traditions were read by ____,
Twelve Concepts of Service by _____, the Sixth Concept of Service was share-read in its
entirety by (#) members (names –not– on file) and the Dedication to Service was read by _____.
I would like to say that the addict I helped late Friday evening thru noon Saturday, to the best of
my knowledge, has remained clean since that date.  As for the service at Office/Copy Max... I
can only say that I know why we use Kinko’s. It is my understanding that I will be receiving a
Kinko’s card sometime this month. I expect copies, postage, and other necessary supplies will no
longer be an issue, as they will not continue to be reliant upon my limited and unreliable income.
Regarding my computer problems... they seem to have subsided –for the time being. I do greatly
appreciate the members of this Area who have spoken up to help and offer suggestions as ways
to remedy this issue. However, considering that more than half the time my computer is in use it
is for personal work, I respectfully decline the use of Area funds or computers as a solution.
Lastly, I am still learning all the various aspects of this position, which is a lot more intense than
being a GSR! I am grateful to the member of this body who voiced what I know to be true: It is
the GSR’s responsibility to take notes for their group, being their trusted servant, et al. The
Minutes, as I’ve used them in my 7 years as a GSR are more of a backup and do not replace
doing what you can do for yourself and, therefore, your group. I will continue to strive for a
better understanding of each aspect of this position and I remain appreciative of everyone’s
ongoing patience and support.
I would also like to say “Thank You!” to the member who stood in and took Roll Call for me,
your selfless service was and is appreciated! 
With Gratitude, in Service,
-Kathryn G.
PASC Secretary
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Roll Call of Officers
12 answered roll call. A total number of 12 Officers checked in during the meeting.
Please note that an alternate, Ron C., stood in for the Treasurer, Maggi G.
Roll Call of Groups
31 answered roll call. A total number of 33 groups checked in during the meeting.
Quorum was established at 15.
New GSR/Alt GSR, returning GSR, and New group recognition
I regret that I missed this part and, therefore, do not have the list of new GSRs to report.
However, WELCOME, each and every one!
Returning GSRs: Mark for Unloaded in Sandy
Jimmy for Find a Way.
New group recognition: Time For A Change, Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:30pm at the URS Club
–Thank you, Amy, for the information.
Jimmy T. –Find The Way’s 11th Annual Blue Lake Park potluck is happening on Sunday, July
27th from 12:00 noon until the park’s closing (6:00pm).
Chris S. –PNWCNA Registration Ad-Hoc Chair– Please contact if interested in service work.
Lynda A. –Open Hotline shift(s) needing to be filled: Tuesday, 11:00pm thru Wednesday,
7:00am (8 hours) –Please note that shifts are subject to change. If interested in service work,
please contact the Hotline Chairperson, Lynda A. or the Vice-Chair, Linda R. for current
availability. Thank you!
Gene L. –the Unity in the Streets ad-hoc committee is looking for groups interested in
sponsoring 1 hour meetings August 9th between 11:00am and 6:00pm for a marathon meeting.
Ron C.
1.) See Frank if you are interested in a 2 hour service commitment helping out during Unity
in the Streets, August 9th.
2.) July 19th –The History of NA– A speakers mtg, spaghetti dinner, blues band and dance.
Amy. –Time For A Change, a new NA meeting, Tuesdays at the URS Club from 5:30–6:30pm.
Jeff K. from Lucky 13, made a motion to suspend the reading of the minutes and approve
minutes as written; seconded by Karen S. from Yets. Motion passed.
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Treasurer’s Report by proxy for Maggi G.
See attached 3 PDF files.
Chair Report – Wayne C.
June 28, 2008
Thank you once again for participation in our Area meeting.
I would like to continue to encourage GSR’s , Alternates, and anyone else participating for that
matter, to show up with a current copy of the Portland Area Service Committee by-laws, A
Guide to Local Services, and a Twelve Concepts of Service booklet. I also mentioned our
Portland Area Outreach Handbook is also helpful, and has a copy of the by-laws inside. The
most current copy of our Bi-laws is on our web-site www.portlandna.com, also you can go to
www.na.org which is to NA World Services site and download other literature.
Last month I made mention of Motions. I would like to continue to encourage clarity of Motions,
discussing them at Subcommittee Meetings they affect, and taking them to the Groups to discuss.
This will help to be more effective at the PASC, not to mention help to develop a better
Conscious of our Groups .This will also help with communication as a whole.
We formed a new Ad-hoc Committee Called the Area Inventory Ad-Hoc. I appointed Ron C. to
head this committee. I met with Ron since our last Area Meeting, and turned over all the
information that we had gathered from our Workshops , and Area Inventory forms that we got
back from the Groups. If you want to be on this committee please get with Ron C or call or email me (go to website under PASC Chair) and I will give you his info.
Next Month we will have a BOD Meeting. The meeting was canceled this month due to people
not being able to attend, but will meet in July.
Last month I encouraged all who participate to please take the time to read out of A Guide to
Local Services pages 45 thru 65. I have read this section the past, also I have referred to the
individual sections. Since I suggested it, I also read these pages again this month. I believe this
section explains why we have an Area Service Meeting, and makes suggestions. It answers
questions, and raises some too. One other reason is that it states in our PASC By-Laws section 7
that “Along with the duties found in the Guide to Local Service, the following shall apply”.
I encourage GSR’s to take notes in the meeting so you can discuss pertinent information with
Groups ,and Members. I will encourage our Secretary to get the Minutes out sooner
Lastly I would like to encourage respect and spirituality in here, and hope that we invite a Higher
Power to guide us in our decision making processes.
In Service, Wayne C.
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Sub-committee and Regional Reports
Activities – Gene L.
Activities Minutes
June 8, 2008
Gene L. opened the meeting at 2:03pm
Mark read the Twelve Traditions
Tana W. read the 6th Concept of Service
Ron C. read the Decorum Statement
No Secretary – Bea tried to contact the interim secretary, no response. Tana W. was asked to
take notes.
Gene L. gave the Chair Report
Toni O. gave the Treasurer’s Report
o It is recommended that fundraisers place the sales of each type of income item in separate
envelopes, if you want the funds itemized.
Steve gave the RCM Report
New Business
 Ron C. asked that the holiday events be put back on the list of events for PAAS list
o Passed 1st Ron C., 2nd Lynnea
o It was agreed that an event for Thanksgiving and [December] Holiday was okay.
o Looking for Coordinators for these events
 Hair cut fundraiser was mentioned by Frank Jr. and he was directed to the Fundraising
Future and Ongoing Events
 Frank volunteered to make an oversized BBQ for activities. The cost will be approximately
$300, and he is willing to take payments. He will have this done by the Fourth of July event.
 4th of July - $400
 Fort Stevens Campout - $400
o There is a site for newcomers – RV site, 8 people per site, 2 tents
 Tube Float - $1, 093.56 for tubes
o The tubes were already purchased and it was necessary to pay the person who purchased
o 78 tubes @ $14.72 each
o Selling tickets for $16 including a hotdog
o Recommended for the float coordinators to make sure they compare notes and share
 Storage Coordinator – Ron C. requested vote of confidence to sell the cabinet and extra
chairs in the storage unit to finance building shelving. Motion was passed, 1st Eric, 2nd Toni
Open Forum
 Greater Willamette Valley Area Dad’s Day Picnic
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PNW #33 Ad-Hoc – Fundraiser on June 21
In Service,
Gene L.
Hospitals & Institutions – Lawrence J.
H & I Chair Report/ June 2008
TREASURER’S REPORT: Beginning balance: $37.72
Checks written: $65.00
Deposits: $87.72
Ending Balance: $60.00
We had 53 possible commitments, 0 cancelled commitments, 2 missed commitments, and a
total of 782 people seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion on distribution of books to facilities. Hooper received 4 books
last month. This month Letty Owings received 4 books and Clackamas County Women received
4 books.
T.V. Area is currently been working on getting their H&I up and running. They are polishing up
their by-laws, but still have no commitments of their own that they have started.
NEW BUSINESS: Vivian Feldman from MCSO contacted H&I about a current audit of
clearance facility members. There have been badge holders that have not fulfilled a commitment
for quite a long time. If they are not being used, Vivian needs them back for security purposes.
Badge holders are prohibited from interacting/ living with people who are actively offending and
these associations are not to be tolerated. You can be flagged and suspended from fulfilling
further commitments.
Richard was contacted by Salvation Army to bring meetings in.
Lawrence will contact facility and talk with P.R. about starting up meetings there.
Richard was elected Panel Chair for Salvation Army.
MOTIONS: MMP for Willie Stenton to give verbal tonight because he missed last month due
to his graduation.
MMP to take motion to Area for 25 step working guides to for Panel Chairs to take into
clearance foacilities. 9 for/4 against/0 abstentions. PASSED.
Lawrence moved to close @ 7:54pm
In Service,
Lawrence Johnson
H&I Chair
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Hotline – Linda A.
Hotline Report
June 28, 2008
Hotline meeting opened at 4:00pm, June 22nd
Open Shifts (at time of meeting):
1.) Monday 12:00 to 5:00pm
2.) Tuesday 11:00pm to Wednesday 7:00am
We voted out the T-shirt with the skull and crossbones due to some misinterpretation of the
meaning of the design. A new design will be presented to the Hotline committee in August due
to the artist being away on a mini vacation until then.
I’d like to welcome Monica, Dave C., Jane M., and all new shift workers.
Meeting closed at 5:00pm
Thank you,
In Service and Gratitude,
-Lynda A.
Outreach – Troy J.
Outreach Subcommittee Report
June 28, 2008
Good Afternoon. I’m Troy and I’m an addict. Today we welcomed six new GSRs into area
Chris H. from Full Circle
Teresa from Southeast Serenity
Brad from Southeast Serenity
Kimberly H. from Serenity Sisters
James W. from Multiculture
Amy P. from Time for a Change
This month, a member of the Outreach Subcommittee visited the meeting Dream Catchers in St.
Helens, OR. We took literature and meeting schedules to the group and hope to offer continued
support to this isolated meeting.
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Outreach now has a liaison to attend the joint Hotline and Public Relations meeting. Outreach
will be added to the agenda to increase communication between the subcommittees.
Outreach has voted to move its subcommittee meeting to 12:30 p.m., prior to the PASC meeting,
to give more time to conduct business before the New GSR Orientation.
Outreach is holding a contest to design a logo that could be used on an upcoming T-shirt
fundraiser to raise money to support outlying meetings.
Outreach has printed another 50 GSR Handbooks, with Bylaws current to April 2008. We will
not update the handbook again until the Bylaws are ratified again by the PASC next January.
In addition, the Outreach Subcommittee would like better communication with the Board of
Directors. Please inform us as to the time and place of the next Board of Director’s meeting, or
when it is cancelled.
Troy J.
Public Information – Steve G.
No report received.
JUNE 2008
Maintenance of the website continues with updating of birthdays and activities and
meeting schedule. Contact was made with the schedulers for the Metro schedule and
Greater Willamette Valley Area, as well as the Tualatin Valley Area, to reaffirm our intent
to communicate new information as soon as possible to all schedulers when any of us
receives it about new meetings or meeting changes. As of June 17, the May minutes and
other reports from Area had not been received. The GSR Guidebook dated April 2008
was added as a link on the PASC page and the Outreach Subcommitee page. The change
was made on the PI Committee page indicating its new meeting time and place on Sunday at
4 pm at Round Table Pizza. The link to the Eugene Area was changed to Lane County Area
(including Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, Creswell, and Florence). There are
apparently a few Naranon meetings in Portland now and question are coming in about them.
Should there be any kind of information about them on the NA website?
Yours in service,
Andrea C.
Portland Area PI Committee
Literature - Jeff S.
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No report received.
Regional Committee Member – Michael McD.
Please reference the copies of the 3 reports made available by the RCM at the June PASC.
Alternate Regional Committee Member – Steve R.
No report received.
Vice-Chair Report – Travis B.
PASC Vice Chair Report
I would like to start my report by thanking all of the groups that have sent GSR’s to represent
them once again at our ASC meeting. I would like to thank the GSR’s themselves for staying the
duration of the meeting last month as I believe it sends a clear and important message about
service work in NA. The long upheld and commonly joked about self-perpetuated myth that
“Area is a circus”, and that it is and always has been an environment of bickering, in-fighting,
animosity, and abuse can die. All that we need do is try to the best of our ability to apply the
spiritual principles that are the foundation of our program, and stop our egos from becoming
larger than us. We all have an equal share in creating and maintaining an atmosphere of
recovery. I hope that we can all attempt to be more considerate and kind, understanding and
patient. I know how hard this can be at times but it can be done.
I attended the H&I sub-committee meeting this month, and I believe that Lawrence has a report
that will inform all of the interested groups as to how they are doing.
I received an e-mail request from a treatment center to have a Narcotics Anonymous panel come
and do a presentation. I spoke with Lawrence about it and will inform our Public Information
sub-committee chair about it so that the most appropriate and fitting course of action can be
taken to accommodate the facility.
I have been in communication with members of the BOD, and chairs of the sub-committees via
e-mail and all seems to be running smoothly. If there is a sub-committee chair that is having
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issues that fall within the scope of my duties all they need do is contact me via e-mail, by
telephone or in person and I will set aside time to get together with them to help in any way that I
I had received a couple of e-mails from Michele in regards to a meeting of the committee
responsible for the compilation of the data submitted for the Area Inventory process. I am on the
committee though I had not heard anything from the chair of the committee so I was unclear as
to what the plan was. I was unable to attend due to conflicting schedules. I am still willing to do
anything I can to assist in the process and my e-mail is attached to the Portland NA website.
Maggie has done a wonderful job of straightening out the issues with the Kinko’s account and I
was glad to see it all get worked out. I have three active account cards of which I will keep one, I
will be giving one to Troy for Outreach and The final card will go to the Chair to be utilized as
he sees fit.
Once again, I would like to thank all of you for allowing me to be of service and if there is
anything I can do to be of assistance let me know.
Travis B.
Ad-Hoc Committee Reports
a.) By-Laws Committee – Due to scheduling, did not meet mid-June as planned. Update: A
meeting was scheduled to be held Tuesday, July 8th.
b.) Area Inventory Committee – Please see the 4 documents in the attached folder for
Unfinished Business
Motion #24-08, submitted by Ron C.
Motion: Bylaws changes – To add to Section Seven: Administrative Officers, Article II
– Additional Officers, the position of “Parliamentarian Alternative.” Position description
to read as: The Parliamentarian Alternative shall serve as an assistant to the
Parliamentarian and shall fill the Parliamentarian position in case of absence of the
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Parliamentarian. It is suggested that the Parliamentarian Alternative have at least two
years clean time and one years experience as an Administrative Officer.
Purpose of Motion: To have a person in training, A Parliamentarian, and to fill the
position in case of absence of the Parliamentarian.
Motion #24-08 Passes with 14 votes for, 4 votes against, and 5 abstentions.
Motion #25-08, submitted by Ron C.
Motion: Bylaws change – To add to Section Seven: Administrative Officers, Article I –
Executive Committee: Parliamentarian, a suggested clean time of three years and a
suggested requirement of two years experience as an Administrative Officer. A sentence
to be added to end of Parliamentarian description that reads: The Parliamentarian will
have a suggested clean time of three years clean time and two years experience as an
Administrative Officer.
Purpose of Motion: To complete the clean time and experience requirements for the
Motion # 25-08 Passes with 12 votes for, 3 votes against, and 9 abstentions.
Motion #26-08, submitted by Steve G.
Motion: To change the name of Public Information sub-committee to Public Relations
sub-committee. By-laws change, Sec. Six: General Guidelines, Article 1 – Subcommittees, Letter G. “PASC Sub-committees shall send a representative to our
Quarterly Regional Conference. Sub-committees: Activities, H&I, Hotline, Public
Relations and Literature.
Purpose of Motion: To build relationships with professionals in the community to carry
the message of recovery.
Motion #26-08 Passes by General Consent with 1 abstention.
Regional Motions
1.) Money Motion #4 – Motion Passes by general Consent
2.) To accept the Pacific Cascade Region’s proposed Budget – Motion Passes by General
New Business
(The PASC requests groups to discuss the following motions (in red) and be ready to vote on
these matters at next month’s PASC.)
Motion #28-08, submitted by H & I, seconded by Tuesday Night Freedom Fighters
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Motion: H& I requesting 20 Step Working Guides in addition to our monthly allotment
equaling $160.00 for Inverness & CRCI Dorms
Purpose of Motion: Help carry message to suffering addict behind the walls (long term
Motion #28-08 Passes unanimously
Motion #29-08, submitted by Big Steve – Motion Dies, No second
Motion: To revise the PASC – Group Report Form to get rid of the areas that include:
Average # of home group members, Average # attending business meeting, Average
meeting attendance, and Average # newcomer attendance.
Purpose of Motion: Because in the ten years that I’ve been involved in Area these
questions have never been used..
Motion #29-08 Motion Dies due to lack of a second
Emergency Motion #30-08, submitted by Inventory Ad-Hoc, seconded by Freedom House
Motion: For $200.00 to put on Inventory Workshop
Purpose of Motion: To move forward with Area Inventory
(Against) Jeff K. – Money for books, not pizza
(For) Michele V. – Workshops in the past have worked well
(Against) – Back to Basics – It’s a poor president w/Narcotics Anonymous funds
Point of Interest (POI) – Steve – we’re there to gather info, not eat pizza
Response – Ron C. – We’re exchanging pizza [purchase] for [free] rent w/the business
(For) Doug – The turn out at the last pizza/workshop was great
(Against) Travis B. – Only 1/3 of the info came from that one event, 70% came from
other events. Where do we draw the line?
Call to Vote: Troy J., seconded by Tuesday Night Freedom Fighters
(POI) Vote on Vote??? ... Parliamentarian – Jeff K. – clarification: “For” goes ahead...
(For) Marcus Emergency Motion #30-08 Fails with 11 votes for, 7 votes against, and 3 abstentions.
Motion to close made by Doug, seconded by Linda.
The meeting closed at appx. 5:20 p.m.
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Open Forum missed/skipped due to Motion to close.
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