The Army of God Manual Third Edition The author of this manual is unknown. The Army of God: Dedication TO the One Who said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me." TO the unwed Mother of the most unplanned pregnancy (humanly speaking) in all of history. TO the victims and casualties of the World War. TO the rescuers worldwide who would obey God rather than men. TO the Army of God P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s who destroyed the altars of Baal. TO the sidewalk counselors who have the hardest job of all. The Army of God: Some Introductory Notes This is a manual for those who have come to understand that the battle against abortion is a battle not against flesh and blood, but against the devil and all the evil he can muster among flesh and blood to fight at his side. It is a How-To Manual of means to disrupt and ultimately destroy Satan's power to kill our children, God's Children. The text that follows is a greatly-expanded upon version of a document originally edited from many sources by our warrior, the Mad Gluer. The Dedication and Special Thanks are exclusively his, as are most of the edited texts as far as and including the exposition of Bristar. Only some enhancements and expansions have been added. The remainder of the text has been added by another warrior in the war to save the Innocents. This manual is not for sale, and cannot be purchased at any price. However, a donation to the person from whom you have received it may make it possible for others to receive it also. The information herein is hard currency in itself, currency to buy time for the babies, currency to ransom them from physical death with the consent and active participation of a system which claims to be "... one Nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all," - but which in actuality is a nation under the power of Evil - Satan, who prowls about the world seeking the ruin of the souls of mankind.... A nation ruled by a godless civil authority that is dominated by humanism, moral nihilism, and new-age perversion of the high standards upon which a Godly society must be founded, if it is to endure. The Editors of this manual hope and pray that the information contained herein will be useful to those who are committed to pro-life activism, and may perhaps provide the catalyst to inspire others to such a commitment. Let those who would argue and attempt to persuade continue to do so, and may God bless their efforts, just as in any war the diplomats seek their solutions by words and persuasion, while in the trenches the stink of death rises to heaven with the cry of the blood of the innocent victims who perish while words are exchanged. Editor's Preface To the Third Edition The third edition of this manual, like the second, is a result of the overwhelming response and demand for the previous editon, each published less than a year before the other. In fact, many copies have appeared, circulation in samizdat for several months prior to this Third Edition. A book of this kind is never finished. Virtually everyone who reads it will have an idea for a new Termite tactic, or for a refinement of one presented in the book. Thank God! For that is proof enough that the babies are not being forgotten, and that untold numbers of thoughtful individuals are even now planning battle strategy in this war against the child killers. Only a tiny minority of these warriors have even seen this book, but have been moved by the Holy Spirit to take up the cause of the babies, knowing that there is a limit to how long our land can be allowed to run red with the blood of God's children crying out to heaven for vengeance. God Himself, Jesus of Nazareth, described Himself, "I am the way and the truth and the LIFE". there exists within the Pro-life, Anti death community, every shade of attitude and commitment to active involvement in this war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12) Picketing, prayer, sidewalk counseling, prayer, rescue, prayer, covert activity, prayer,...all fruits of that true and lively faith our Lord requires of those who would call Him "Lord". He is Life, and that Life is the Light of mankind. We who are Pro-Life recognize that those countless souls who, for the sake of their commitment to Jesus Christ, gave up their very lives over a period of nearly two thousand years did not do so because they enjoyed ridicule, imprisonment, suffering, and even death. They knew that they could not be silent, could not refuse let alone neglect - to live their faith. And then, as now, when a Christian lives his of her faith, a collision with society and its value-less system is inevitable. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Special Thanks Atomic Dog (you nuclear canine); Iron Maiden; Cannonball; Faster; and the entire Talbot Group family; the Blockman; the Southern Lock N' Blockers; Sgt. Klondike of the Yukon for telling me where to find the Denver activist's hideout; Paulieallie and his Preachin' Pa; J.C.O'K. - the most tender hearted man I know; Ann the Lamb and her hee-hee-hee in his sleep husband; Sweaty Palms John - one of the bravest rescuers in pro-life Amerikan history; the ever patient "isn't that something" Linda; Fr. McFadden who didn't know me from Adam but gave me a hundred bucks when he saw a need; the Mad Scientist for helping procure the Secret Sauce, etc.; an old man named Joe who's the greatest of gentlemen and Ireland should be proud. Baby Huey for singing the Lord's prayer in jail and making me think I woke up in Heaven; Daisy for having the vision of celibacy for covert success; a girl named Justine for having the dream of bearing other women's babies; D.K. for saying "yes" to life and "no" to big A; a midwife named Lynn for holding on; the inventor of Nordic Delight for being a wonderful friend; the Road Warrior for videoworks and driving; the Dallas boys for telling the Judas Goats where to go; the Kansas City Big Guys for shutting down a mill and a square mile of downtown using covert technique (they kinda got carried away). The Pensacola Cop Hugger who taught me that tight lips don't sink ships; Indiana Jimmy who knows that the baby killing temples are doomed (and for a sandblasting heck of a good time); the Intimidator who would rather train a dozen kids than win a thousand lawsuits; Lobster Jim - blessed are you who have not smelled but still believe; Eddie and the terrible Twozers - for technical ecstasy and zeal; Babe and Co. for taking the secret weapon north; Dietrich Hammerken for giving the initial idea that turned me into the Mad Gluer; the bold and righteous leader of the Lambs (victims souls for the unborn Christ child) - for sacrificial non-cooperation with the Evil Empire; the entire Philly Family for teaching me what Solidarity means. Rez Band for not just singing but sitting (that is, rescuing in Atlanta); the very beloved Joanie the Wondergirl- for showing no condemnation toward such a one as I; Maxwell Smart for his timely Pensacola address which concluded that we needed even more than rescue; the Godly and gracious Bishop who blessed the infant held tightly in my arms and forthrightly then sat-in in my own hometown; Timotheous - for ideas and more ideas, and last and with ultra special thanks to the wonderful Gamma Ray Queen who is my close friend and loves Jesus and the babies and me, too; and the irrepeatable miracle known as the Princess of Power. Third Edition Special Thanks Blessed Father Magog, for fatherly advice, brotherly love, and scholarly skills (servant of the wonderous and terrible Magnolia Thunderkitty); the wild, and furious, and sweet - Shaggy West (now, David loved Jonathan...) Wooly North (you sneezy Guy); Harry East; Mad Max - the future is in your hands. Scruffy South; Cat, the Mad Scientist - again! Burly Burt - for stomping on the line of decency; Will Banks -you know what for; one holy Catechumen who has his reward - heffy Blanco! Waterbabies Alice; Blue-Eyed Fields - for being on time; Baker Boy - who will grow into daddy's shoes; the Fix; the Holy New Martyrs; Rev. Diamond - for testicular fortitude; St. John Amphitheater; the holy couple of Santa Fe (the righteous farmers and their daughters); and last, but not least, the Knight of the Holy Mountain. The Army of God Abortion Mills Operation B.R.I.C.K. Babies Rescued Through Increased Cost Of Killing The Beginnings C.S. Lewis once remarked that there were two equal but opposite errors one could fall into regarding the devils. One was to disbelieve in their existence and the other was to believe and have an unhealthy interest in them. Likewise there are two opposite (not to say, equal) errors into which one can fall regarding the origin of this manuscript. One is to believe that it originated in the mind of the Mad Gluer. The other is to believe it was the death bed nightmare of Margaret Sanger spoken to Faye Waddleton in her dying breaths. The fact of the matter is that these ideas originated in the minds of the small but precious victims of the New Holocaust. It was their delicate frames that floated down the sewer drains of Amerika. It was the fuel from their mutilated corpses that produced the smoke from the abortion clinic ovens. And why shouldn't these Holy Innocents, deprived of love and life on this planet, but nevertheless created in the very image of God almighty, be full to overflowing with joyous creativity when that creativity might in fact save some of their fellow playmates? It is not the author's intent, and indeed no moral obligation is perceived to reveal the method whereby these following pages were collected. No one would believe it anyway! The language and tone of the following pages is reflective of the diverse personalities and styles of the children who conceived the thoughts therein. Possibly some were closer to Jesus than others, although this is just the opinion of a sinful grownup. Although we have all been taught that a good pro-lifer is a peaceful pro-lifer, there exists the account of a debate between a small group of the little ones concerning the removal of abortionists' thumbs as an act of mercy toward all concerned (not the least of those being the abortionist) There have never been any reports of thoughts of killing. That idea would seem to be totally outside of their reality, even though all of them had experienced violent deaths. Perhaps the children have a clearer understanding of the reality of the situation at hand. Maybe it was simply a case of "If thine hand offend thee..." or "... it is better to enter life maimed..." For the most part at least, these ideas - although creative - are nonetheless obviously the ideas of little babies. Their ideas are much like the ideas we would expect from our own offspring if they were asked how to deal with such an enormously unthinkable problem of evil as baby killing! As you engage in covert activism, remember the glorious vision of the joy of a particular Rescuer as she was being sent to literal torture and prison by the God-hating, mother-molesting, baby-killing Amerikan system. She saw multitudes of little babies jammed into the courtroom, floating up around the ceiling laughing and giggling and marveling at their protector on trial - "Oh, how she loves us!" - they said among themselves. Amen. The Remnant The covert activist must always remember that he or she is a part of a special group most often referred to in Scripture as a "remnant." One can rarely find support for pro-life work of a serious nature in the local Church. After all these years of bloodshed, the Rescue Movement is still only barely "mentionable" - and then only in some quarters. Do not be so naive as to think your Church community is going to have ears to hear this stuff! The covert activist (oftentimes hereinafter referred to as a termite) will make no friends with mentions or confessions of covert activity, but will rather be cast off as an untouchable by many. Besides, there is no faster way to blow one's cover than around the average Church body. Many Church folks are good at gossip because so many of them don't do much else. Then there are the ones who have lots of meetings to discuss "issues" - as if killing babies and molesting women could be called something so degrading as an issue! Many of these folks mean well, but the theology their pastors have given to them is still on the order of "it's a sin to tell a lie." Loose Lips Sink Ships ... or ... Don't Trust Anybody One Termite blew an abortuary to kingdom come and didn't hurt a fly in the process. However, his well-meaning roommate (who had been a confidant of the Termite in the beginning of the Termite's covert struggles) squealed like a stuck pig after the fact. Did it matter one straw if the judge was a dope sucking, child molesting, homosexual atheist? Sorry, no! "Good-bye, brother, see you in twenty. Sorry, I just had to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ... so help me God, I don't know the truth." Our Lord Jesus Christ loves His children and the Church is truly His Body, and we all need His mercy every moment of our lives. Nevertheless it must be admitted with sadness that the average so-called Christian, and the Amerikan Church in general, have become so fragmented and compromised that one will find almost no help there to save the babies. Thanks be to God for the few exceptions! Which brings us to covert activist method #1 of 99 covert ways to stop abortions. If a solid pro-life Church community can't be found in your neck of the woods, complete with its own crisis pregnancy center or near equivalent - stop tithing to the Church (quietly) and start pumping that ten percent, at least ten percent, toward saving your neighbors' lives. Listen! This is an idea that many (especially the pastor or church committee with a big mortgage and small values) would call heresy. But we are in a war. There are roughly 24 million dead from the fallout, and the Church in Amerika is still sleeping on (or sliding down toward Sheol). As a matter of fact, there is enough fornication and conception going on in many Churches that they could stand having their own C.P.C. or Birthright to deal with all the Church kids being aborted. And being aborted they are! Sadly, pro-lifers have combed the enemies' dumpster files and have gotten the message: most "church people" are dead set against abortion (really) until their fifteen-year-old daughter gets knocked up! Of all the 99 covert ways, this redirection of tithing could be one of the most dangerous (at least spiritually). Don't abuse that money that is sitting in your account instead of the offering plate. Whatever you do, make sure the money goes directly to purchasing covert materials or maternity assistance or both. It should go without saying that this in no way lessens the responsibility to open up one's home to those in need of a hospitable birthing environment. It's also very, very important to remember that Pro-Life is not a denomination - and it is not a religion! It is our positive response to Our Lord's call to action, drafting us into service against the enemy in this battle of his war against mankind, and against God as well. A Pro-Lifer who is not an active, although maybe troublesome, member of a Christian Faith Community has cut him or herself off from the Church, and therefore, from Christ. The Army of God 99 Covert Ways to Stop Abortion - Part 1 By Margaret Sanger and Faye Wattleton Introduction Are you shy about meeting women in front of abortion mills? Does direct contact with babies of the species leave you feeling awkward? But does the Lord keep stomping on your aorta with a burden for the babies? Well, my brother or sister, cheer up! You could be a Termite-for-Life. Just remember two things as you read the following pages: Sabotage without dovetailing with sidewalk counselors is marginally useful, and non-violence is important. Sections called "Background" tell you what you need to know about the basic construction of modern buildings to carry out the sabotage in the following sections. Also be sure to consult the Appendix for useful (even vital) information. A. THE GLORY OF GLUE Glue is a wonderful invention! It has been used for many centuries for an incredibly wide number of purposes. The Pro-Life activist can use a simple glue such as super glue, to save babies' lives: First, find out the location of an abortuary where pro-life counselors go on a regular basis (usually Saturday). Make your strike the evening before or very early in the morning. By simply walking by the doors of the abortuary and squirting super glue into the locks you have effectively stopped the opening of the killing center, at least until the abortion mill personnel have left the mill, gone to a phone, called a locksmith, etc. to gain access to their own chamber of horrors. The Gluer has therefor bought precious time for the counselors (perhaps one or two hours) to speak to the mothers and/or couples seeking an abortion. the locks will have to be drilled out and replaced. B. BEYOND SUPER GLUE Liquid nails or equivalent products are, as is super glue, inexpensive and easy to use. Liquid nails comes in tubes and is used regularly in carpentry. It is put in a caulking gun and can be injected all the way around the doors of the murder house, between the door and the door jam. Liquid nails can be used in sub-freezing temperatures (but it dries slow). C. KRYPTONITE AT NIGHT Kryptonite bicycle locks can be used as they come from the manufacturer to lock doors, gates, etc. on the premises. Be sure to only use this brand because the others can be cut simply with four foot bolt cutters. You must analyze the layout of your target mill and decide how to apply these locks. Sometimes the front door of the building has two handles that come together when the door is closed and are designed in such a way that a lock slipped behind the handles and slipped below them will keep the doors shut until the locks are cut off, which takes quite a while. Once the fire department learns to cut the locks off, you may want to shield your locks with armor to delay cutting. (See Krypto Rescues"). Abortionists like to put up fences around their mills to keep you away. These can be quickly eliminated at the abortionists expense by simply locking the pipe members of the fences together, forcing the abortionist to have them cut off. Don't forget that many unusual sizes and shapes of locks are available including, for example, one that has a hole 3x5 inches: perfect for locking together tall decorative door handles. C2. KRYPTO PARK-INS The most beautiful Krypto park-ins to date are where rescuers lock their ankles to the axle or feather springs of a junked car which they have towed to the doorway of the mill. Remember, the general principle of daylight krypto usage is to attach a human being as closely as possible to the place where the fire department must cut to remove the rescuer so that the fire department will hesitate to risk injury to the rescuer in a clearly non emergency situation, in fact, some krypto applications are so intimate (the mini-lock on to ankles) that many fire departments have refused to even attempt removal, and the mill stays shut the whole day. Often in these cases, the charges against the rescuers are no greater than if the rescue had lasted 30 minutes. Another effort involves some planning and work ahead of time. First, buy a junker car for as low price as you can find for a total wreck of any kind. Take a 1 or 1 1/2 inch steel pipe five feet long and smack it down into the parking lot or sidewalk in front of the abortuary. Then, on another night (to minimize risk), tow the junker to the doorway, hammer the pipe through the floor of the car into the hole and stuff pillows underneath the edge of the car in such a way that a 1 cubic yard cavity now exists from the ground up into the car. Previously you should have welded an eight inch plate to the top of two or three of these pipes. When these are driven through the floor of the car into the ground, and the pillow cavity filled with a yard of concrete from a bucket brigade out of a tarp lined pick-up truck, the abortionist would find a car so permanently parked as to require a heavy crane to lift it straight up. Concrete will set quickly with 5% calcium chloride in it. And if the pipes are surrounded on all sides with 6 inches of concrete, it takes quite a bit of jack hammering to figure out why the car won't tow! Remember, exposed krypto can be cut through in 30 minutes with a Stihl saw (see "Krypto Rescues"), or in 5 minutes with a torch. D. REGULAR PARK-INS Don't forget regular park-ins: any car, even your own, can be driven onto the lot. Wheels should be turned in such a way that a tow truck cannot pull the car directly out without making the car crash into another. This is one of the advantages of using non -junker cars. When it's all over, car owners pay towing ($50.00) and a parking ticket ($40.00). It's a nice rescue when you've got more money than time. and it certainly costs less than the fines and expenses involved with an arrest rescue. Remember that you can lock your wheel in the totally turned position with a "New York" style lock which directly locks the steering wheel to the brake pedal. Home brew refinements to this lock include the use of anchor chain strength in the same place requiring the introduction of a torch into the car, something that once again the fire department may not be able to justify in an obvious non-emergency. Even though wheel locks may be circumvented by towing cradles, the fact is that more time, effort, and expense have been wasted by the abortionists. Removal of the tire stems also will make them get the tire cradles, especially since they probably won't take the time to find new stems and reinflate. but take stems and a battery operated air pump with you when you bail out your car. Check local statutes, but generally speaking there is no difference in punishment between a car mis-parked on public versus private property. E. CURING CONVENIENCE WITH FLATS Flat tires can also save babies when bestowed upon the abortionist at his place of residence. Stem removal is the best, since minimal damage can be claimed if you are caught. One can even leave new stems by the tires, as the process of repair will not be appreciably speeded up by their presence. also one 50 lb. box of 1" long roofing nails or tacks with large heads is enough to adequately cover the parking lots and residential areas of all the killers and staff in an average city. For approaching private homes, see "Street Man Recon". F. THE SPRAY CAN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. Having been denied as any Pro-Lifer will tell you, his or her First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, babies have been known to express their ideas to mill clients using the walls of their building, especially since this is not cheap vandalism, but rather a desperate plea to the mother to spare herself and her child from death of body and soul. The most tried and true messages are "Adoption = Love", "Abortion is Murder", "Mommy Don't Kill Me", "I Love You Mommy, Why Can't You Love Me?" G. PROJECT NOAH THE WATERS ABOVE Do you know how pesky roof leaks are? Especially since a hole can find its way into a roof and you will not know it until it rains several months later. Babies have been known to accelerate the natural process of the decay of roofs by drilling holes into the low points of flat roofs. Remember that you will need either a portable electric drill or a hand drill like the old fashioned coffee grinder types that telephone men used to use. The later is quieter and less expensive ($10.00) If it has to be abandoned on the site. Be sure to use Godfather Tape on all tools imported to the premises. (See Godfather Tape"). This is an absolute necessity in regard to all Termite tools , and will be repeated again and again throughout this manual. H. PROJECT NOAH THE WATERS BELOW Babies have been known to send mail to abortionists through the mail slots in their front doors. They will use the abortionists garden hose or Import one of their own (Using gloves or Godfather Tape, or both), placing it through the mail slots, turn it on, and let gravity do the rest. If there is no mail slot, a mini dike can be created with sandbags constructed in such a way that water from a garden hose that falls onto the ground/floor immediately in front of the door has no way to go but in under the door. A rock placed on the garden hose will keep it in place. A variation on Project Noah is Project Drought. In many communities the water meters with their associated shut off are located in a hole in the ground on or near the premises they serve. A Kryptonite lock on the place provided for those who fail to pay their water bills will go a long way toward delaying use of the abortuary facilities. Even better, a small bag of Sackrete concrete mix (gravel mix, preferably) can be dumped into the hole covering the meter. a few short pieces of steel reinforcing rod or galvanized pipes can be shoved in also. Then a bucket or water (and some calcium chloride, if you like) can be poured in. No mixing is necessary, just some poking around with a rod is usually sufficient. this should be done so as to give as much time as possible for the cement to set up before the abortuary tries to use their water in the morning. Obviously, this tactic has the potential to greatly irritate the city utility people, so don't get caught. It does however, create an interesting situation when it coincidentally happens that pickets show up for a "non arrest" Rescue on the very morning that the water has dried up. I. CATACOMBS FOR LIFE Babies have been known not to have great moral qualms about obstructing services to more than one occupant of a multi-tenant building. Termites need to think about this in applying Catacombs for Life. Generally speaking, sewer pipes for a building empty into the main line running down the middle of the street in the same large vertical pipe which is topped with a manhole cover. A Termite can simply lift the cover and, armed with flashlight, boots, gloves and buckets of cement, insert self into the manhole and replace the cover (preferably leaving someone topside to help remove). Or, in the fashion of the famous Ghostbusters, they can actually set up a regular rain-guard for the manhole like the utilities do. One technique of concrete-shoving (messy in any event), is to stuff a nerf soccer ball or equivalent into the mills drain and chase it with concrete shoved in with three feet of broomstick as a tamper, chased with another nerf soccer ball. this prevents the concrete from oozing down into a flat puddle and thereby fail to totally occlude the sewer line. Mix the concrete as thick as you can and shove it back as far as you can. Using dry mix and waiting for toilet flushes is easier, but does not make a really tough plug. And a really tough plug usually requires a back hoe to remove all the occluded pipe (very expensive and time consuming). This is because it is virtually impossible to locate the occlusion by any way other than trial and error, and it is certainly not possible to "roto-root" the concrete plug away. J. TREEHOUSES Every toilet line in a building has a vent pipe which carries smells up above the building and prevents vacuum lock. Anything thrown down these pipes can lodge in the pipes often at the point where the gooseneck trap below a toilet passes into the concrete foundation concrete floor in a multi-story building, requiring extensive repair-replacement costs with jack hammering, etc. Dry concrete poured down vents has a way of settling in the water in the goosenecks, although mixed concrete is better. Expansive Material (see "Concrete Termites") also has a way of ensuring that these pipes must be replaced, in addition to introducing sewer fumes into the abortuary. But since water inactivates Expansive Material, you may want to put small, rolled up balls of Expansive Material into tough freezer bags with eight times volume remaining in them, so that the Expansive Material will stay dry during its entire expansion process. In this case, chasing the freezer bags with 5 or 10 pounds of gravel will have the nice effect of ensuring that the Expansive Material expands down into the foundation instead of up, or only into freezer bag empty spaces, in which case the Expansive Material might fail to block or rupture the pipes. the more damage, the better. And remember, the profits they have to spend all have come from the spilled blood of hundreds (if not thousands) of babies that they have killed. K. THE POSITIVE POWER OF GARBAGE Project Tobit recovers baby bodies from mill garbage dumpsters for the purpose of giving them dignified Christian burials. But many other things can be found in garbage, as any Soviet spy will tell you. Basic information about the finances of the mill, which may come in handy in lawsuits, etc. can be found. Women who had laminaria one day, but had not aborted yet, may be intercepted from the information left in the records. Believe it or not, these women never get upset when contacted; they are as desperate as we are for an alternative to murder. The volume of the mill, incidence of underage girls, incidence of complications and late term abortions. malpractice suits against the mill, addresses or adult victims who can be contacted for post abortion counseling, evidence of shoddy techniques (murder is never neat!) these and many more things can be learned from garbage. Recovered baby bodies, after embalming and post mortem by Pro-Life physicians, and before Christian burial, have been taken to various public agencies by rescuers asking for prosecution of the murderers. These agencies have a hard time turning you away when you've got the goods and T.V. cameras right there. Usually they refer you to another agency. Coroners, police, mayors, public health officials and city councils have all been made unwilling pallbearers on the same afternoon by grieved and demanding Pro-Lifers. Use heavy dishwashing gloves to avoid needle sticks, discardable gowns and masks are advisable. Be sure to maintain personal cleanliness. L. BACKGROUND: TODAY'S HVAC SYSTEMS The modern heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) system operates by recirculating the air inside a building and heating or cooling it in the process. The problem is, from where to where do you move the air to create the desired effect? The answer is that you pump the air out of a common area such as a hallway, and after heating or cooling it, pump it into the private areas of a building (such as a particular medical suite) so that the tenants' requests for hotter or colder air may be quickly met. With a little bit of strolling through any moderate sized public building, you can easily get to the point of being able to quickly recognize the fresh air intake port (the hallway gathering vent) and the individual tenant exhaust ports. In fact, both of these types of ports can be found in any house with central heating. The individual exhaust port is almost always the same: about 4x12 inches, with fixed louvers in front and maybe a little dial on the side to close a damper behind. Intake ports are usually bigger with bigger slots on the front panel. some mills have intake ports near the top of the room in a soffet ceiling, and they are about 8 inches by 3 feet, and there are several. Other mills (in bigger buildings) have an intake port 4X6 feet, which are on a wall. M. BACKGROUND: ESSENCE OF VOMIT Any college organic chemistry student will recall with distaste his or her acquaintance with the uncontrolled substance called butyric acid. It is the compound that gives vomit its smell. Five tons of vomit would smell no different from tofu if it did not have one drop of this stuff in it. The beauty of butyric acid is that since it is a natural compound, and that it can introduce itself into a building without the aid of a Pro lifer (clients -victims do barf occasionally), the abortionist does not instantly think of you as the culprit. For the same reason, it cannot hurt anyone, and we know good Pro-lifers are always non-violent Pro-lifers. Your friends might be able to help you, but the least risk method of obtaining butyric acid (otherwise known as Avon, Liquid Rescue, or simple LR) is for each Termite to obtain his or her own. This is not too difficult. Chemical suppliers listed in the Yellow Pages can be interviewed without revealing your identity. But use caution: if you get more than a gallon or two at once, or fail to establish some kind of story about how you are a teaching assistant at Podunk U., vandalism will cross the mind of your vendor, even though that thought will rarely, if ever, stop the sale. For the same reason, It's food if the person buying the stuff (with cash, of course!) not be the same one who uses it, each mutually unenlightened as to details of purchase and usage. Drop points can be dumpsters, boxes of trash in alley ways, etc. Be sure to use code names on phones when telling your user the drop is in. This way, even if busted and put on the stand and the buyer breaks (each event highly unlikely), the witness can only say "I put a box in the alleyway and have not seen it since." Remember, this is not a controlled substance, and mere possession of it should not get you into trouble unless you are caught in front of the abortuary and in possession about thirty seconds after the raid. Even then it would take a long time for the minions of the law to put it all together, because they won't know for some time - if ever - what went on. One mill was shut down for months and did not report the attack because of the fear of increased insurance costs. N. AVON CALLING Fortified with this knowledge of ventilating systems and the availability of LR, the rest comes easy. Even strolling through a multitenant medical building near 5:00 P.M. on a Friday: "I was just coming from seeing my dentist (podiatrist, insurance company, employment agency) and had heard there was a great podiatrist (dentist, insurance company, employment agency) on this floor, can you help me?" You can discover a common intake port and squeeze a pint or quart flexible bottle into the port, or, if someone is about to walk around the corner, you can dump it onto the carpet in front of the vent with similar effect, although the advantage of getting it into the port is that they must dismantle same to clean it, and since it is the highest upstream point of the system, the last place people thing of looking. Remember to use Godfather Tape on the bottle and to ditch it a t your earliest chance to disassociate yourself from the action - but not too soon as to tip off the abortionists. We want to keep them and their clients guessing up till the last moment - maybe that is a young woman throwing up from her abortion? There are as many ways to deliver LP as there are babies to inspire the ideas. A large veterinary type syringe and needle which can be purchased at any feed store (they are used by farmers and stockmen to medicate their animals) can be used to great advantage. Someone using the killing center's rest room can make a small hole in the wall (usually simple drywall, or sheet rock plaster with an ice pick which will never be noticed, and inject LP between the walls in a number of places. After a few days....Phewwwwww! Also the syringe and needle can be used to inject LR into the ceiling. If you can get into the rest room, and if they have a suspended ceiling (the kind with big 2 ft. by 2 ft. by 4 ft. tiles suspended on a metal grid) try this: standing on the toilet, gently push up one of the tiles, exposing the entire upper area between the ceiling and the roof. Apply LR liberally as far as it will shoot a stream. A variation of this operates where (as is often the case) the walls in a multi-tenant building only go to the ceiling. Above the suspended ceiling tiles much or all of the building is open, and the abortuary premises can be "treated" from an empty office suite next door. or even from an adjacent hallway. Just be sure to use sensible precautions and be ready to explain the presence of half of your body in the ceiling if someone asks! almost no one would question a telephone installer/service person or someone with a city utility patch on a shirt or jacket. The syringe can also be used to inject LR through the front doors where double doors come together. Or a pump up style bug spray/fertilizer hand tank with hose can be used to introduce LR through a mail slot or any other appropriate opening. Often the weather stripping around windows and doors also will admit a needle and a later small squirt into an abortionist's high dollar car can act as frosting on the cake!. O. DUMP TRUCK DELIVERY Whales, brothers and sisters in solidarity with babies in the struggle for life, have been known to have episodes of diarrhea right in front of mill doors. Sometimes a rented dump truck was the intermediary. cow manure bought for pennies from a farm and presumed to be destined for a suburban garden can fill the bill, especially if a garden hose on top of it gives it a certain consistency. This, by the way, is the chief superiority of this substance over gravel or other things that just about anyone can shovel away. No pet store sells "poop scoops" big enough for this job! Sandbag dikes can also be a ready rough form for concrete that is bucket - brigaded into it in front of the door to seal it shut. (See "Catacombs" for quick setting formula.) P. HOW TO SURVIVE AND PROSPER FROM THE COMING PRO-ABORT SPEEDING CAR Why get out of the way of an abortionist car that is trying to clear out Pro-Lifers by intimidation? Some have answered this by not moving or by moving slowly. Whether or not injury resulted, they fell to the deck with loud moans and other attention grabbing antics, which proved very useful later. The current lawsuit crazy attitude can then be used against the baby killers, and many awards have been received providing more resources for the war effort. Not only can damages be received for injuries, but punitive damages also, because no jury wants to see a lawful protester attacked, even in Amerika. Q. SKINNY FOR LIFE If you are overweight for your skeleton size, you may not be able to jump over a fence quickly enough. this is not an automatic excuse for you since one of the several mills in your town may not have fences. Bear it in mind, if there is one, though. To remove fence, see "Nightime Krypto". R. SCANNERS Believe it or not, in spite of computers, most routine police radio transmissions are on the frequencies received by the scanners sold at any electronics discount store (Radio Shack, for instance), and the stores usually know all the frequencies worth listening to. There are also many scanning "clubs" of strange people who dig listening to the cops (seems to be on a par of excitement with standing in the bathroom and watching the toilet flush all evening, but each to his own), who often know freqs the stores don't. a buck with one of these, and who observes your work from remote vantage point can alert you with a hand held walkie-talkie or, even better, a headset walkie-talkie. A note here on escape; in the past it has been advised that the Termite not have a vehicle near his target, but depend on disappearing into the dark on foot, by bicycle, or simply by using a pre-arranged hiding place should police appear on the scene. WATCH OUT! Today many police departments use dogs, but even worse, use helicopters with infra-red sensors. These sensors operate like a spot-light and give the operator a read-out of any body (identified by its ambient temperature) anywhere in the open or semi open. This can include under cars, in culverts, abandoned buildings, etc. You can usually find out if your locality has this capability by simply reading the newspapers or listening to the news, because these things are always catching burglars and hold-up types. You can also make it a point to "accidentally" meet a busy law officer hanging out in a convenience store or lunch counter. Just mention hearing about such a thing catching someone in such-and-such a city, and mention how meat it would be if we had one right here in Law-N-OrderGrad, U.S.A. He will proudly tell you that one is in use, about to be put in use, or that the Commie-Pinko-Soft-On-Crime Mayor won't spring for the bucks to buy one. If the area you ar operating in has one, keep your car nearby, or someone in a car to pick you up. Your chances are better (because you have almost no chance at all, otherwise) for a quiet disappearance into the night. Keep an obviously used rope type dog leash with the snap end torn off with you on all your excursions. If you run into some nosy do-gooder, you can explain your presence almost anywhere by claiming to be looking for your poor puppy that got away while utilizing a nearby tree or fire hydrant. Then call your poor lost puppy's name a few more times. quietly enough not to wake up neighborhood sleepers, but loud enough to be convincing, then get lost. T. GODFATHER TAPE In the movie, The Godfather, at one point a murder is effected something no Pro-Lifer would recommend, being Pro-life) using a gun that has special tape on the trigger and butt to prevent fingerprints from being lifted from the gun. There are two types of duct tape (note how many stupid clerks and even manufacturers call it duck tape) in use: an expensive cloth type and a cheap pure plastic type. The expensive tape will hold prints, but the cheap take cannot because it has a miniature waffle pattern on it. Be sure to get the kind with a waffle grid - which definitely breaks up a print well enough so it cannot be lifted. In this manner, if tools or anything else must be abandoned at a work site, they will be non-incrimiating. Gloves are also recommended, but the tape is also needed since you can leave a print on tools or hoses from before the time when you put the gloves on. Remember also that most jurisdictions have catch-all laws that can be used just to harass a suspect at an officer's whim. One of these is called "Possession of burglar tools". so choose your tools carefully and only keep with you what you need to do a given job adequately. Other laws in the same genre include vagrancy, curfew, even suspicious activity. Mostly it is sufficient to know your rights, and be polite but firm in dealing with a cop who is on a fishing expedition. let him screw-up, it will work to your benefit in court, if it comes to that, and there is always the false arrest lawsuit to remember. U. SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING ...Otherwise known as the "Street Man Recon". the most obvious is the UPS guy who brings a Block for Life into a mill using a hand truck. But covert applications of disguises is also important. Street Man Recon is dressing up as a street person, with really scruffy clothes, empty beer cans in paper bags sticking out of the pockets of a filthy trench coat, etc. Such people not only are eminently forgettable, they tend to drive the attention of a casual observer away from them. This is what you want. You can stagger your way through a strip mall or medical complex in the middle of the night and be ignored or forgotten by anyone who sees you. Then, having done recon to ensure no witnesses, empty building, access to target roof, etc., you can either return another night or strike quickly, only to leave again, not running, but slowly staggering away. Remember: if challenged, the best defense is a good offense. If someone were to walk up to you and obviously is about to ask what you're doing there, take the initiative before they can do so, panhandle them! Ask for money, and keep asking until they brush you off and go away (which won't be long - most people, even Christians, can't stand to deal with street people, and can't get away fast enough when faced with a situation like that). Be persistent, even adding diatribes against people who have enough and neglect the poor and downtrodden. It is virtually certain that the discussion will end quickly and your potential witness will scram. Don't forget timing. Bar closing hours (varies by community, area, day, etc., so find out what they are) provide marvelous cover in the form of other street people roaming around, whereas a few hours before or after that time you could stick out like a sore thumb. On weekends, good cover times also apply during partying hours of say 10:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Other good cover times may exist according to the habits of your local street people and party-goers. It is also still true that shift change time for the police is great. Most departments do not stagger shifts, so those going off duty will be getting ready to do their activity reports for their shift while those going on duty will be in briefing or having that last hit of speed or cup of coffee. Aside from Streetman in particular, other disguises help to confuse possible witnesses. For example, if you're normally clean-shaven and don't wear glasses, glasses and beard will slow down witnesses. if you were to come to court. Most witnesses and jurists take their job very seriously, and any doubt obviously works in the favor of the Termite-on-Trial. Certain basics apply, however. Avoid bright color clothes with particular messages on them, or unusual clothes that you may be found in later, and which would make identifying you easier. V. CUTTING ABORT'S UMBILICAL CORD For your own safety, always use the right tool for the right job when cutting wires. Professional electrician's tools are rated for the voltage you are dealing with. do not cut 44 volts with cutters rated for 110 volts. Also, when cutting mains and drops/feeders, use fiberglass ladders, properly cuffed electrician's gloves, good rubber soled shoes, and use proper electrician's precautions. Distinguish between dikes (diagonal side cutting pliers, the normal cutters) from shears, which slice the metal instead of crushing it, and make slicing of the heavier feeders much easier. An electrician's shear will remind you of the branch enclosing tool used on a pole to trim tree branches. When cutting wires, remember that often two or three or even more single wires are in a single jacket, or insulation sheathing. Do not cut through more than one of these wires at a time. To do so will short the circuit and can cause an explosion (really), especially if the voltage is great enough (220, 440, or higher). Cut through only one of the wires called conductors - at a time, and don't let the cut wires touch each other. Go to a hardware store or builder's supply store and check out the electrical department to better understand this if you are not familiar with wiring. Sears (ugh!) sells a little paperback book on electrical wiring that will teach you many of the basics of this in only an hour's reading. Other similar booklets are available in do-it-yourself stores and building departments. If you get yourself killed, it will be hard for you to be a Termite! But don't be put off by the precautions. The electrical system is an easy target for Termites, and proper safety precautions are not difficult. An exposed electrical panel is just begging for infestation by Termites. Most of them open up completely when you take out the four screws on the corners. Practice with your own panel at home with a meter so you know what you are doing. The book you bought at Sears (ugh!) of somewhere else will tell you what type of meter to have and how to use it. When you throw the mains and/or the individual circuit breakers, then each circuit should be dead. The best thing to do at the abortuary is to cut individual circuit lines back clean against the conduit through which they enter the box. In this way, the circuit wire cannot be pulled back to the points, and the entire circuit, all the way through the walls to the suction machine and everything else electrical in the building must be replaced. W. PHONE LINES AND ALARMS It's tempting to cut phone lines instead of jamming them (see "Phone Jamming"). A burglar alarm may or may not be hooked to a phone line in such a manner as to initiate an alarm when the line is cut. This used to be very common, but not so much any more. this will be covered in the section on "Compromising Alarm Systems." Suffice it to say, that an alarm system is present in the building, cutting the phone lines will only marginally annoy the abortionists, it could make it more difficult to compromise the alarm system later - should the need arise, and damaging phone lines that belong to the telephone company is a federal rap. it's another of those Catch 22 Catch-all's that they can use against you. so be patient for now. X. WHERE'S THE HOT WATER? ..Is exactly what they'll be saying when you cut off the gas - a simple matter, usually, of rotating 90 degrees the valve handle found just before the line enters the gas company meter. Also, starting up the heater again is usually a matter requiring a plumber or other tradesman to come to the premises. Do it on a Saturday night, though, because most water heaters are well enough insulated that the water in them will remain warm for a long enough time for no real benefit to accrue to the cause if it is done the evening before a normal business day. We have here another example of how the killer can be slowed down or even temporarily stopped by relatively trivial things, or the lack thereof. Y. MAIL-IN AIDS TEST Abortionist friends of ours have received rude awakenings in the past, opening up shop to find their mailbox stuffed with dozens of stool (bowel movement) specimens. how to so bless them? simply run an ad or write a handout to be left in homosexual bars. Advertise the abortuary as a place which will perform a free AIDS test on the bodily sample of their choice (stool, urine, etc.). Be sure to make the ad look professional and give some kind of specifics about sample container, or include a zip-lock baggie for the pervert to put his sample into the mail. About twenty dollars worth of supplies could give an abortionist and his staff some messy moments that are not profitable. Z. POLICE AS ALLIES The system, and therefore the police, can be made allies in many ways, if a little thought is used. For example, an innocent driver in going-home or going-to-work traffic who just happens to be in front of the abortionist in his car might need to stop quickly to avoid hitting a child who darted into the street, or some other unforeseen traffic hazard. if the abortionist were to fail to stop in time, he would cause an accident that would require the police to cite him for following too closely. it would cost him time and money, make him late for "work" and make him liable to a lawsuit. it might even cost him his insurance coverage, depending on his previous record !?! Of course, no Pro-Lifer would accuse an abortionist falsely of any illegal, immoral, or unethical act (it would surely be false witness to accuse one of legal. moral, or ethical acts!) . But sometimes things just happen, Lady Luck being the way she is.... 99 Covert Ways to Stop Abortion -Part 2 By Margaret Sanger and Faye Wattleton AA. DEMOLISHING CREWS BIG CATS & BULLDOZERS There's the story of the California Pro-lifer who purchased an army surplus amphibious vehicle, and while taking it home, took a left at an unexpected point and found himself in the lobby of an abortuary. At that point he thought, "if this is so much fun, why not explore?" After he had completely trashed all interior walls and contents, he wasn't stopped until he made a traffic violation four blocks away, sheet rock clinging. Nearly everyone has heard of the teenage tragedy where kids playing around bulldozers at a construction site got one hot-wired (easy to do) and started it rolling, only to jump off in fear when they realized that they couldn't stop it, just before it plowed into a building... tragic, simply tragic. BB. CHANGE OF ADDRESS CHANGE OF SERVICE "Hello, Electric Company? this is the AAA Baby Killing Center. Did you know we're moving our clinic across town on Monday? That's right, so we need a shutoff here Saturday, and a connection of service of here at the same time. Thank you." CC. ARMCHAIR TAILING OF ABORTIONISTS If you can't tail an abortionist to do a home picket (which sooner or later drives him out of town), you can call the State Board of Medical Examiners, find out his Alma Mater and graduation date, then build a story that you are an old buddy of his. Call his secretary (when he's not there) and tell her he'll be real upset if he misses you since you're only in town for one day. Then don't ask barefaced for his number, but ask if you wrote down the number wrong at the reunion two years ago, because it doesn't work You'll be surprised how often this is successful. This then leads to the conclusion of the plot. Call the telephone company, give them an address in the same prefix area as the abortionist's home number, anc complain that you bill keeps arriving late, being forwarded by the Post Office. They will check their file and say "Well Dr. Ripper, it's being sent to 666 Demon Drive, isn't that correct?" Finish the conversation any way you want to, but in any case, you now have his address. DD. APPOINTMENTS FOR LIFE Remember, it is always appropriate to call up and just ask what sort of services are offered, and, just in case it were to happen, is there anything that could be done for your girl friend/daughter, etc.? this is a perfect lead-in to bogus appointments. Spread the joy, in case one mill overbooks to compensate. EE. RESCUES AND LEASES Rescues in multi-tenant buildings, especially if the building is closed during a krypto rescue, create a tremendous pressure from other tenants to get the abortionist out. In the end they often can only find space in a detached building, making it much easier for us to sidewalk counsel. FF. YELLOW PAGES, ETC. Babies, Infuriated by adds promoting the services of their killers, have been known to replace the abortionist's ads with pro-life stickers, or rip out the offending pages. They are careful not to rip out the pages of the local Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the process. Bus ads with abortionist's phone numbers have been covered over with stickers of CPC numbers, and are often never noticed by the transit company employees. GG. CREATING MORE LAWSUITS The Litigation Project message (helping injured women to file malpractice lawsuits) can be expressed with a ticker tape type LED message box (like you see in banks sometimes, or displaying stock values) which can be plugged into your car cigarette lighter, while the box is displayed in the rear window. Calls can come in on a residential phone with answering machine, and adult victims referred to local pro-life personal injury lawyers. Often a two or three line classified ad in the newspaper under 'Personals" will accomplish the same purpose. HH. MOTHER TERESA'S MILDER MANNERED RESCUE Imagine being the Calcutta public hospital administrator on duty the day Mother Teresa walked in and asked, very nicely: "Do you do late abortions here?" "Uh-yeah..." "And do the babies sometimes live for a while before they die?" "Uh-yeah..." "Fine. Here is my number. Please call me the next time." That was over 10 years and 800 babies ago, and Mother Teresa hasn't been arrested once. Whether or not such a tactic would work in any of the mills in Amerika is questionable - no doubt a live baby would be considered malpractice. But since we know that such babies are often born alive and then killed, it can't hurt to try. II. PHONE: BACKGROUND Most small businesses have a telephone system with two or more lines that "hunt" with each other - meaning that if you call one line and that one is busy, your call hunts for a free line among the other lines assigned to that business. This is done at the telephone company switching office. At the mill itself, in addition to the normal dialing key pad found on any touch tone phone, there are additional keys which, when you punch them, will give you access to one of the lines to call out. A busy line is indicated by a lighted red or white light. Keep in mind that, when making calls out, if you just had one line and wanted to call another number after having started to dial a first number, you would have to hang up the phone and wait the 2 or 3 seconds to get the dial tone back again. By contrast, with a multi-line system you can go from one call in progress to a new dial tone instantaneously by simply pressing the key associated with a line that is not in use. The importance of this time difference will be seen below. JJ. PHONE: BACKGROUND II MOUSETRAPS The old "FBI Story" stereotype of guys manually tracing jumper wires in the Central Office to find that bad guy who kidnapped your kid is gone. Simply getting off the line quickly is no hedge against being traced. Now they have a thing called a "mousetrap' which can be attached to your line in the Central Office. It does one thing and one thing only: at the end of the day it gives a printout of the originating telephone number of everyone who called you that day, and the exact time they called. This is currently how cops catch phone harassers. But keep in mind that Bell doesn't put a trap on just because you ask. You usually have to have a threat, agree to prosecute, and the phone company does the work, giving the results to the cops, who take it from there. These traps are only active for a limited time, and you can find out how long by calling your local telephone company and reporting a problem with obscene or threatening calls. After going through all the information, just back down and say maybe it's more trouble than it's worth, and you'll wait a while longer. You will also want to find out if the local authorities consider telephone harassment ot include simple calling and hanging up, because often it is not so considered. If that is the case, proceed on to the "Phone JAMboree." kk. PHONE JAMBOREE Fortified with this knowledge of phone systems and traps, consider the following scenario: you go to a pro-life friend with a small business and a multi-line system where you can keep punching new dial tones quickly and initiating new calls. Then you hook up an auto dialer (or use a multi-line phone with redial). Call the selected mill, changing from one line to another to dial out as quickly as you hear a ring signal. One person can totally jam the mill's system indefinitely. And if the mill has no trap (it probably won't, but you can know ahead of time anyway), they can't get one put on in the time it takes you to jam their phones because it requires a long process. Why jam lines? The most well loved pro-lifer in the U.S. has stated elsewhere that the single most common cause of abortionist's staff quitting is when you stage a rescue and they can't go crying to their precious police to come to save them. They invariably say "As soon as I get out of here, that's it." Obviously this technique requires coordination between rescuers and jammers. It also goes without saying that the rescuers let no one out as well as no one in! If there is concern about a possible mousetrap, just get three or four pro-lifers together with pockets stuffed with quarters and go down to a battery of public phones and do it, each one hanging up as soon as ringing is initiated, and use an auto dialer that dials audibly through the mouthpiece. Or take five or six people and dial manually. Also remember that if you hang up a pay phone before the called party answers, you get your money back! Just be sure to use a different bank of phones (maybe in different Shopping Malls) each time you do this if you suspect a trap is on the mill's line. That's because Big Brother/Sister could be watching if you use the same phone bank over and over when a trap is in use. LL. EXPANSIVE MATERIAL - OR CONCRETE TERMITES There is a compound which mixes like a resin and remains as a putty for 15 minutes or so. But after that time, it begins expanding to 8 times its original volume, with strength enough to crack foundations, steel beams, etc. Imagine what might happen were you to bore-drill a foundation and insert Expansive Material. Many variations are possible. For example, cardboard tube style (Sonotube) former pilasters which raise buildings off the ground often have cavities ready made in them for electrical outlets. You can also introduce EM into roof plumbing vents. (See Tree houses) MM. COURTROOM BEHAVIOR It could never happen to you, but just in case it does, remember that non-cooperation applies to the courtroom also, since the main goal of the judge (the system) is to keep the abortuary open. Don't hesitate to go pro se if your assigned lawyer is not with you or keeps wanting to plea bargain. Act like an innocent person, not a guilty one, when it comes to time waiving. Guilty people always waive their right to a speedy trial. No matter how strong the temptation, remember to avoid ever making it easier on your enemy: If that means leading them up to testimony that you know is a lie, then make them say it! NN. POLICE INTERROGATIONS Cop: " I know you killed that park queer last Saturday night at Gayly Park, and I'm going to see you fry!" You: "Oh, I can prove it wasn't me, because at that time I was gluing locks at an abortion mill at 10th and Cedar. and then I went and poured cement into the water meter hole at another abortuary on Highway 171." Believe it or not, cops get people to incriminate themselves with this kind of mindless tactic every day. Don't say anything no matter what they say to you, until trial, and even then you may choose to imitate babies. Remember - Cops lie! Prosecutors lie! They lie under oath or conspire to lie under oath in every courtroom in this country every day; in every kind of case from jay-walking to mass-murder. They will quite literally do whatever is necessary to get a conviction. And as pro-lifers know - that is especially true when they have a chance to lock up one of us. OO. DEPOSITIONS FOR LAWSUITS They hand you two pages out of a CPC manual. "Are you familiar with this?" (lengthy pause), "Well?" Answer, "I'm still reading it". Take an hour of their reporter's time (and their money). Question, "Well?" Answer "I guess parts of it look familiar." Question, "What parts?" Answer "Well, it starts with the word 'the' and I know I've seen that word in print before..." Then keep going like that. Don't dictate a more specific question by saying you can't answer a question the way it's phrased. Just say that you can't recall or you don't understand the question. You can always tease them by waiting 15 minutes for a hopelessly literal and exact question, and then just say, "Well, maybe, but shucks, I'm not sure." Needless to say, this will drive them crazy and make them not a little irritated with you. But then, that's part of the price they have to pay for hassling Christians. PP. DOING TIME If it happens, by the time it happens, the Lord will have prepared you well. Remember, if you let it, it can be a time of close contact with distant friends through letters, evangelization, and walking closer with the Lord, in spite of the suffering. QQ. THEY SEE THROUGH SHATTERED GLASS DARKLY Which is what they will be saying when you've put holes all through their windows. There are several methods: pellet guns on thin glass; .22 caliber on heavy (thick) glass. Pellet guns work almost all the time. B.B. guns usually are not powerful enough, except maybe some of the CO2 ones. Semi-automatic is best if you can find one. The problem with .22's is the noise. Making a silencer is easy (check Appendix for directions for making a disposable model) but carry a felony charge for possession. So the disposable model is a must! It seems like someone has threaded an oil filter on the end of a gun. They must have drilled a hole for the bullet to pass through and been careful to be sure it was installed in a straight line with the muzzle. Probably tested it in their basement by shooting into a few bags of Kitty Litter lined up in from of each other. Remember, a hard-nosed prodeath cop can use ballistics to match bullets found in the abortuary to the gun barrel that fired them. The Fourth of July or New Year's eve are great times for gunshots. Just be sure no cleaning crews are in the building, and aim high. It has been suggested that hollow point bullets might make glass shatter. A trusty shotgun can also serve the purpose. Rocket launchers would be nice, too, but they are much too noisy and besides, that gets the Feds involved again. The best accomplished work is that which does the most damage with the least amount of noise and other kinds of exposure. RR. FREON FROLIC This is the simple extraction of freon from air conditioning systems. Coils run along the outside box of central units. These units are sometimes located on the roof of buildings, but as often as not are on the ground. A simple ice pick or even a utility knife will punch holes in the freon lines. They are under pressure and will hiss like crazy with the first couple of holes. The first hole should be a small as possible to avoid an arctic blast to the hand. One would be surprised how costly this can be for the abortuary owners. If they don't find out about it for a while (due to cool weather) all the better, because the evaporators will probably be ruined as well. this repair is gonna cost major $$$. SS. TAR BABIES FOR LIFE Ever hear of the rescue where the folks planted their feet in buckets of tar? The charges were stiffer than the tar. However, the covert activist shouldn't hesitate to leave a spare hundred galloons of the stuff, (the cheap, loose, pour-able kind) starting at the doors and working on away. This can create more problems than one might imagine. It would be a good idea though, if picketers at the abortuary the morning after did not have tar on their hands or shoes or clothes, or whatever. And certainly not an empty can of tar in the back seat of a car parked nearby. TT. S.P.C.A. GUARD DOGS FOR LIFE Which is what those mean old Dobermans or whatever are going to be after meeting a loving activist. These animals are usually underfed and under loved as well. You can make friends with them. So much so that they will wag their tails when you come around. There is talk of one activist who took pictures of this. One even had a guard dog, often several, stand by while he climbed onto the roof of the mill. Did they bark? No. They especially like medium rare spare ribs from time to time. An operator who really comes to love the animals might want to liberate them from their captivity to the devil's henchmen and take them home. In that case, one should check for tattooed I.D. No.'s (usually inside the ear). Also, the next set of guard dogs might be better trained. Care and diligence are important! (Once upon a time) ANIMAL RIGHTS AND TAIL-GATORS Although this is not the usual M.G. style, the story is inspirational. once upon a time animal rights were very popular. And one pro-lifer wanted to save babies, be kind to animals, love God, you know... So as he was driving down the freeway at the predestined time... an abortionist just happened to be driving the car directly behind him. If one has (a) a car or truck with a tough bumper, (b) a clean record with the local P.D. (no pro-life arrests), and (c) a general knowledge of the killer's driving route, it's all set... (unless it's a small town and the pro-life stigma is well known). Anyway, the above mentioned fellow locked up his brakes at the appropriate time and BANG! He was apparently trying to avoid hitting a black footed ferret he saw run out in front of him, and you know there's a five thousand dollar reward for just producing a picture of a black footed ferret. To make a long story short, the killer got the ticket, was very late for "work", had to pay damages, etc... and the sidewalk counselors had a great day. What if the same thing occurred about a week later (with a different vehicle and driver, obviously)? Wow! Some folks act like abortion is murder. This is probably not very common, and no doubt ought to be attempted only by those who are both young and strong (physically) and old and wise (spiritually). Remember, the reason that things like bombs and arson techniques are relegated to the Appendix of this manual (for "Eyes Only") is not because they are wrong of ineffective. On the contrary those methods are powerful, appropriate and discriminate. The difficult is cost i.e. charges, jail time, etc. Some tactics cost about half a lifetime in prison. Also, some ring in federal investigation crews and they have almost unlimited money and manpower. So...other tactics can be very effective when used over and over, and carry minimal risk. If some soul can't rest until a hundred abortuaries go up in smoke, fine. But at least they should use time delays and take them out all at once. Then lay very low for a very long time. Love is patient. Never ever give in to the temptation to go back to see the results, or share the secret with anyone. Unless there's a statute of limitations, the time is up, and no other activities are ever undertaken. UU. RAIN CHECKS That is what you leave someone when you just can't make an important date. If a particular target is too hot, go to another location. The covert activist will be often tempted to have a vendetta against one particular location. That is the perfect way to ensure a very short career. Remember, all the children are equal His children - don't be predictable. If you do wind up in a situation where you have to escape, remember the information in Section R above. VV. INTERMEDIATE RANGE AVON CALLING An ounce of the special perfume can go far and does wonders especially if the deposit is difficult to find. An elevator shaft is hard to clean up even when you know that it is the source of the odor. Intermediate range Avon Calling is different from other deposits only in that your target area is a little larger and you don't have to pick and choose your location of drop with precision. This is because you are spraying the stuff under pressure. Using an inexpensive bug sprayer purchased from the local hardware store or lumber yard, you now possess the means to distribute Avon in a devastatingly effective way. Practice using water first. Make sure the unit does not leak. Test with maybe 2 or 3 inches of water in the sprayer and pump up the sprayer with as much pressure as possible so that when you spray it, all of the liquid is dispensed before running out of pressure. This way you won't waste any of the L.R. In office buildings there is usually a nice size gap underneath the waiting room door. Stick the wand under the door (having already pressurized your sprayer) and lock the handle in the "on" position. A piece of tape can be used if the handle does not have a lock. Then just walk away. Mission accomplished. Happily, even free standing mills sometimes have enough space between the doors for the sprayer wand to fit through them. If not, you can modify the end of the wand. Just sharpen the end like you're trying to make a sharp point. This is assuming there is no other way to introduce the avon into the building, such as through a mail slot or through the roof by drilling holes, or through the hot water heater vent pipe. You can tell which one comes from the water heater because hot air is always coming out of it. That is usually the only vent pipe on the roof that gives you a direct shot at the inside of the building. One could always drill a hole into the mill via the outside wall. Even with a hand drill it's easy to do if you drill between the bricks and through the mortar. One mill, after being shut down for six weeks after an intermediate range Avon Call opened for its first day of business. The employees were dismayed to find a rescue effort in progress when they arrived at work. WW. FURLOUGHS FOR LIFE After a long hard stretch in the Federal Correction Institute (the Ha-Ha-Hotel), it's time for a Pro-life activist of any stripe to take time off to be with family and friends. After a period of rest and relaxation, it could be time for the seasoned activist to put into practice Furloughs for Life. If a particular activist was famous for closing death camps and did a major prison term for the same, what do you think would happen if, upon release from prison, this same activist (and some friends of similar persuasion) were to take a long and winding tour of the abortuaries of the country. The Feds (C.I.A., F.B.I., B.A.T.F.) would all be running around playing cat and mouse with these horrible convicted felons. It's just a tour, mind you. Maybe have a rally or two along the way, complete with media and all the trimmings. This cold become an extremely important tactic as the judicial system takes a turn for the worse. At present, rescuers are being hit with tougher and tougher sentences. The day may come when the system will start hitting non violent pro-lifers with the ol' felony rap for doing nothing worse than "blocking public access." Look at the situation throughout the late eighties: a person could sit-in almost anywhere for almost anything and never get more than a slap on the wrist. Now, if you happen to love women and children, it's a different story. If the system is going to hand out felony convictions for rescue, the powers that be have guaranteed that the bombs and fires are not going to be just here and there every now and again, but here, there, and everywhere, now and again and again and again. This War is going to end - one way or another. Martin Luther King, Jr. promised his opposition the same thing. Fortunately, the A.O.G. (Army of God) folks are not a real army, humanly speaking. it is a real Army, and God is the General and Commander-in-Chief. The soldiers, however, do not usually communicate with one another. Very few have ever met each other, and when they do, each is usually unaware of the other soldiers status. That is why the Feds will never stop this Army. Never. And we have not yet even begun to fight. Remember that Furloughs For Life should only be used by those who have already been "marked" by the system. Once you feel pretty sure that you are under close watch, make your vacationing more and more creative. Make it cost them to follow you. And in the meantime, a few more mills went up in a blaze of glory and the Feds were watching the wrong guy! XX. TRAVELING AVON REPRESENTATIVES FOR LIFE Once the Avon has been procured, or a reliable source developed, it may be time to take it on the road. There are a couple of ways to transport the product safely. PVS pipe has proven to be very reliable. Depending on the quantity you wish to transport, pick the length and width of pipe. buy two end caps. Glue one end cap on, being sure to use PVC primer first to get a perfect seal. Pour in the LR. Then repeat process at other end of pipe. This will give you a very nicely sealed transport method. Plastic (polyethylene) gas cans may be used for ground transportation. However, be sure it's the kind of plastic gas can that has nice thick rubber washers in the caps. Small quantities have been transported "carry-on" fashion on the airlines. Because the metal detectors will not react to the PVC, the containers will not be noticed if carried under bulky clothing. Such a container will "tilt" the X-ray machine (or at least its operator though, because of its unusual looks. Avoid carrying the PVC containers in luggage. Even though this little secret weapon is not contraband or illegal in any way, it can be difficult to explain, and any leaks will no doubt cause a hassle of unimaginable proportions. Remember, even if one can only afford as little as a pint, that can go a long way, if properly and diligently applied. One large syringe contains 2 to 4 ounces, and if a new recruit had in his possession only one of these, and sprayed it in a place nobody could find, then we have a covert rescue in the making. In short, a little of the stuff goes a long way, and can make life really miserable for the killers. Especially if their homes and cars and other businesses (they invariably invest outside the abortuary) are hit also. YY. CATACOMBS FOR LIFE - PART II One of the penultimate covert methods of closing down a mill is simple, quite literally underground, work. Almost as effective as a 70 lb. Pensacola pipe bomb, this method involves a little work, but none (or almost none) of the risk. Instead of just plugging the sewer line with concrete, you've got to get that plug all the way up under the foundation (concrete slab) of the building. Frankly, there is no easy way to do that, but it's worth the effort. Basically, one must use PVC pipe, as near the diameter of the sewer line coming from the mill as possible. Fill this home made plug with concrete. Cap off both ends. You will have to glue some kind of coupling on one end, which will allow you to use short pieces of half inch PVC to push the plug up, add a coupling, then another piece of pipe, push, and on and on until it reaches its resting place. No plumber's snake in the world is going to push that out. If you want to make sure that a committed plumber won't find a way, put pieces of 1/2 inch steel rod through the plug and bend it back toward you, so that when someone attempts to push it back out, the steel rods catch on the sides of the sewer. The end result of this is quite devastating. Someone will have to drill out (read: jackhammer) the foundation from inside the mill. Then extract large quantities of earth, bust open the sewer line to remove the plug, and then begin the process in reverse. A mess. Time consuming. Costly! This is a labor and time intensive process for the covert activist, and requires not a little strength, agility, and probably the determination of youth. But the results is well worth the effort put forth. ZZ. NON EXPLOSIVE DEMOLITION AGENT ( On a Mission from God) The expansive material mentioned in the earlier chapters of this manual is often a difficult weapon to use. But again, well worth the effort. In a non-war setting it has proven to be very effective in busting concrete. This is to say like crazy. Cracks everywhere. The problem with the stuff is that it needs to be put in holes, usually drilled. That means noise and time. It is rather expensive, but goes a long way. it mixes with water to the consistency of, say, loose concrete. (Technical data follows in the appendix.) 99 Covert Ways to Stop Abortion -Part 3 By Margaret Sanger and Faye Wattleton AAA. BLOOD BANKS (It is not recommended for Pro-life covert activists to attempt this method. It is the information on "BLOOD BANKS" that should become common knowledge.) It is a little known fact that abortuaries are a money laundering operation on the level of the mafia except exceedingly more wicked. The entire baby killing system is based on cold hard cash. No checks, and almost no credit cards. Close to the end of a full days "work" the average abortuary has become a miniature bank with one notable exception: almost no security. This is especially true during the weekdays. Some mills do have cameras, so a mask is normally standard equipment. This "bank" status should become common knowledge among the unrepentant criminal types. The message can be left graffiti style on bathroom stalls. Those who spend a good deal of time in jail might want to drop a few hints. Don't forget to mention the name and address (and even the layout). This tactic would serve a twofold purpose: (1) It would help protect legitimate businesses as well as neighborhoods from crime, (2) It would pit corruption against corruption and thereby put a chink in the profit motive of abortionists. Although the local CPC could certainly use the money, this is armed robbery we're talking about here. Let the hardened criminals rob hardened criminals. Money doesn't talk, it swears. BBB. MERCEDES BENZ BUSTING This is a covert method that requires a lot of hardware. This method is probably only useful to southern conservatives who were stockpiling weaponry for the coming of a "Red Dawn" style Soviet invasion. Nevertheless, if you have a good, high powered rifle, silencer, and armor piercing bullets you're all set. It's assumed that a person with this kind of equipment will have a smattering of knowledge concerning ballistics. The bullets that lodge deep inside the engine of that Mercedes (or whatever) are going to require of the owner a lot more than a tune up. If this tactic is done to the killer's vehicle at home, then all the better. Sidewalk counselors won't know who to thank. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gifts. There are truckloads of "other applications" that would apply to this kind of hardware. Be careful! Remember that when all is said and done, a lot more is said than done. So don't talk about getting all kinds of equipment first before beginning to act in defense of the least of His brethren. CCC. FLIGHTS OF FANCY AND IMAGINATION While the covert activist is one of a hardy breed, vacations are a must. For those who love to fly consider the joy of flying and saving babies at the same time. Ultra lights are not extremely expensive. They are also economical to operate and very quiet. A handful of bricks dropped from, say 500 feet overhead could do large scale damage to free-standing abortuaries everywhere. For those folks who don't like the safety factor with ultra lights, there are always the paralights. The cost of this equipment is around $3000. Going a bit further, one could easily construct any number of small but weighty devices that could be dropped on the proposed target. In a small community without police helicopters, it would be next to impossible to be caught. Imagine what the media dogs would do with this one! Watch out for high voltage power lines. Bombs away! DDD. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK (AVON CALLING CHILDREN GROW UP) The requests keep coming in. This is not a Termite Tactic. This is nothing short of chemical warfare. This is toxic. This is PYRIDINE. More common than Avon, but deadly if exposed to it for long periods of time. The advantage is that it could not harm mommies or the precious cargo they are carrying within them. A staff person at the murder house who doesn't have the good sense to get away from the awful fumes could, in fact, get hurt if exposed to the stuff for many days. If a person were to call in a complaint to the right agencies, or maybe write "TOXIC" in big letters on the outside of the mill (or both, preferably), the Environmental Protection Agency would be on site in no time. The toxic waste division will condemn the abortuary to rubble and then have the rubble buried in some out of the way place. At any rate, no more dead babies! Studying the characteristics of this stuff will reveal just how powerful this chemical could be in the covert activist arsenal. A little over a quart for about one thousand square feet preferably introduced into the ceiling or walls. The Mad Scientist recommends that only non-smokers handle this stuff. Remember, Avon is termite tactic by definition. Pyridine is bigger, so it's important to keep quiet after getting a load of this stuff. It can be ordered from many chemical companies. Just imagine: no way for abortuaries to get insurance; building owners think, "I might lose my entire high-rise!" What a loss! The lesson won't be lost on folks who are out to make a profit. It doesn't take a prophet to figure this one out. Right! This stuff can be studied about in the U.S. Dept. of Labor OSHA report dated September, 1978. Here's the barest minimum: pyradine. CAS: 110-88-1 N(CH)5 Properties: Slightly yellow or colorless liquid, nauseating odor, burning taste, slightly alkaline in reaction. Soluble in water, alcohol, ether, benzene, ligroin, and fatty oils. D 0.987, fp -42.0C, bp 115.5C, flash p(CC) 68F (20C), autoign temperature 900F (482C). Derivation: (a) By coal carbonization and recovery both from coke-oven gasses and the coal tar middle oil. (b) Also synthetically from acetaldehyde and ammonia. Grade: Technical, as 20C, 2C, etc. \ meaning distillation range), medicinal, CP, spectrophotometric. Hazzard: Flammable, dangerous fire risk, explosive limits in air 1.8-12.4%. toxic by ingestion and inhalation. TLV: 5 ppm in air. Use: Synthesis of vitamins and drugs, solvent waterproofing, rubber chemicals, denaturant for alcohol and antifreeze mixtures, dyeing assistant in textiles, fungicides. So there it is, brothers and sisters. Just waiting to be spread all over this land. EEE. FINAL JUDGMENT (BY PHONE) This is one of the more costly termite tactics if the perpetrator is caught. Getting caught is next to impossible, however, if a few basic precautions are observed. Final judgment by phone means simply a good old fashion bomb threat. The main thing to remember is never, ever, make a bomb threat from anywhere other than a generic phone i.e. pay phone. And don't use the same pay phone twice. And go to different parts of town just to be safe. Now the question of "voiceprints" is in order here. The authorities must first have an original for comparison of the voiceprints. That is, they need a suspect. In the event that you ever become one of those, the safest thing to do is to mask your voice right from the start. One of the simplest ways is to purchase a voice digitizer, but a Radio Shack rapmaster is a cheap alternative. it is a keyboard for kids that also has a microphone for voice "effects". It can alter your voice so dramatically you'll be surprised you are responsible for the sounds generated. One setting sounds like Darth Vader from the Star Wars films. Very ominous. If one of the death camps happens to be destroyed in your community, these threats become very, very real and thereby shut killing centers down, sometimes for days. One note of caution about timing. Before or very soon after opening would be wise. if a building is evacuated right in the middle of "procedures", a mommie could possibly get hurt. Discretion is virtue. Also, if you have insider knowledge of an imminent abortuary destruction (the termination of a product of construction), don't bring in the Feds when their presence may endanger another activist's goals (to say nothing of his/her freedom). FFF. TERMINAL COURAGE This is a once in a lifetime tactic. Not everyone will be blessed with this opportunity. With family ties it would be most difficult. The scenario: You find out that you have a very short time to live due to a terminal illness. You may have been involved in many types of resistance. However, you have stopped short of performing certain activities out of fear of consequences, i.e. extended incarceration. You may not be afraid to die. You are afraid of living a lifetime in bonds. Understandable. Yet, you have faith. You look forward to meeting our Lord face to face. The time has come. The main fear of performing certain activities has been miraculously removed. Why bankrupt yourself (or your family) over a few more days or months of life? Whatever activities are undertaken (torching, bombing, thumb removal, other) carry on with prodigal, reckless, abandon! If, perchance, you ar apprehended, it will be over soon anyway! If not, well, you might die at home with your loved ones after all. Scenario: You are given three months to live. You commit to torching 2 killing chambers every other day in different (random) cities for eleven weeks. That's 77 destroyed death camps! Do you think the A.T.F. would be hot on your trail by then? 77! That's not bad. That would be almost twice the destruction in an entire year (1983). You get the idea. "Termite tactics take a back seat 'cause I'm runnin' out of time". Scenario: You became hasty toward the end and forgot your mask. The authorities make a positive I.D. within two weeks. They show up at your home three days after your funeral. Oh well. Caution: If you have a family and do not discuss this in detail, and in advance, it will not happen. Agreements must be made in advance. For those who think this tactic highly unlikely, you're correct. However, it would only take a few activists practicing terminal courage to drive the entire killing industry underground. P.S. Maybe the Spirit of God has been hounding you to take certain actions on behalf of His children, but you have not obeyed. Here's your last chance. GGG. IPPF (IGNITION OF PROPANE FIRE) These days, the typical death camp is often a veritable fortress, complete with lots of brick, bars, reinforced glass, surveillance cameras, etc. etc. ad nauseum. This description is particularly true of many of the Hoods (Planned Parenthoods, that is). The main reason for this is that they are self-insured. By far the most important security device in the arsenal of these hoodlums is their Halon Fire Prevention System. In order to properly terminate a product of construction of this type, high explosives are not needed. However, introducing a flammable and igniting it is not sufficient since the Halon System is designed to deplete oxygen from the inside of the building. A propane tank is the perfect solution. A time delay device is mandatory or one can use a simple rope fuse (also known as a cannon fuse). Drill a small hole with a hand drill. Insert hose from propane tank with rope fuse taped to it. Open tank valve and run out fuse (pre-tested as to burn per foot). Secret: a filterless cigarette can be attached to the end of your fuse to gain an extra few minutes of delay. The end result is that you cause an initial explosion, with fire, which will provide mass quantities of outside air - thereby completely foiling the expensive Halon Systems extinguishing power. Remember for those not using time delay devices, fuses are not all created equal, so pre-test which ever variety you use. Defenders of life with easy access to quality fusing should spread the wealth around since it is not contraband. HHH. NEWSPEAK AND INERTIA Inertia is that quality that causes activity to cease. Or that quality that causes an activist to stop acting. A person who is convinced of the proper actions to be undertaken yet, nevertheless stands immobile, may be suffering from inertia. Inertia is often brought on by fear and fear is used day and night by the enemies of life to club you into silence and inactivity. One of the demonic powers wielding that club is Newspeak. it is that power that has convince you that you're all alone "out there". Or that you are going to get caught the first time you try. And besides, only 50 killing centers have been destroyed since Roe v. Wade, and half of everybody involved has been caught. THAT IS A NEWSPEAK LIE! And as long as you believe that lie, you are crossing a hurdle of gigantic proportions that is almost total fiction. The facts are that more than 250 killing centers have been destroyed (most by torching, some by bombing, and a few by other means). Once you have really studied the history of this resistance and have convinced your own heart and mind, inertial is easier to overcome. Instead of your chances of apprehension being 50/50 like some would love for you to believe, reality would indicate somewhere on the order of 1/100 odds. And remember, this is referring g only to "Big Rescue". Termite stuff almost goes unnoticed, like the local whorehouse. As long as it does not become too highly visible, what is illegal is ignored in this instance. So glue, drench, and stench the mills to your heart's content. As far as the other is concerned, remember the B.A.T.F. et al are more interested in their reputations than in right and wrong. They want the world to know that they "always get our man - well almost." The first rule of Newspeak is, "if those in power cannot deny the Resistance altogether, then 80% falsehood is the limit. They can get the public to accept the Newspeak up to a credibility limit of about 80%. Any more than that, and THEY will be the ones with a credibility problem. And on it goes. They UNDERreport the number of cases, which makes us feel weaker than we are, and the OVERreport the number of convictions, which makes us feel more vulnerable than we are. DON'T BUY IT. You're never alone. Remember Elijah! There were 7000 that had not bowed the knee to Baal. Ora Et Labora. III. SMOLDERING BLAZES (Or what to do after the Flames of the Holocaust have visited your local abortuary) In order to properly frame people's understanding of the destruction of a killing center, a final picket of the death camp is highly appropriate. Signs should call to mind that the real violence has finally stopped. The value of flesh and blood over brick and mortar should be emphasized. A memorial service is in order. Furthermore, establish a permanent memorial to help our forgetful minds and hearts not to forget. The rubble of the former death camp can be used. Small amounts of rubble, contained for example, in baby food jars cold be marketed among Pro-Lifers. A nicely produced label should be attached to the jar with the pertinent statistics such as date, location, number of children routinely killed before the destruction, etc. This will serve several purposes. Obviously, it helps us Pro-lifers not to forget. it also helps to take baby killing out of the realm of theory. that means many people think of abortion as something that happens somewhere, at sometime, somehow. Practically speaking, to them the killing is almost theoretical. To memorialize an event, you take it out of the realm of the ethereal for thousands who were completely uninvolved. Real babies were killed at a real building with a real street address. And a real person(s) destroyed that place of death and here are the real remains of the unholy place. The Christian should be as interested in this as he or she would be regarding pieces of, say, the Berlin Wall. It should go without saying that this tactic should be applied by persons who were wholly uninvolved in the actual destruction. The rubble would make excellent gifts for those who donate to your direct action group! Pray for more rubble. Pray especially for those individuals who will be responsible for creating that rubble. JJJ. THE NEVER ENDING STORY (Or the remembrance and transmission of Holocaust Resistance History) A famous Jewish commentator once remarked that the Jews and the Nazis only had one thing in common: they both believed history mattered. Everyone remembers the adage that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. History is important because God is the Lord of the past, present, and future. The Lord of time and Eternity. Long term success in the Pro-life arena or any other area is doomed if we fail to remember the past. it doesn't even matter if this fallen nation survives or whether she is destroyed. We must remember and then transmit to our offspring the details of the Holocaust Resistance in our country. How many of the faithful know, and then share the stories of our Resistance? On Jan. 14th, 1984, Thomas Spinks placed a Declaration Of War on the outer wall of the U.S. Supreme Court building. he signed his real name. The following muti-state bombings proved he was serious. Eventually, he began strapping 20 lb. liquid propane tanks to his home made gunpowder bombs and destroyed abortuaries, Rambo style. At his trial, the judge said it was a miracle that nobody got hurt. "Thank God for miracles" was the heartfelt response of Thomas Spinks. He made the killers quake with fear. The authorities were scared of him as well. Today, he resides in a Level Six Federal Prison. The only one of its kind in Amerika. Don't worry, they are building more for you and yours. Maybe it was foolish for Tom Spinks to sign his name to that declaration of war. Maybe he felt like a Kamikaze on a last ditch mission from God. is his sacrifice on behalf of the least of His brethren any less honorable for that? God's vessels are flawed pottery. Make haste to honor their level of commitment, nonetheless. [ APPENDIX A -E NOT REPRODUCED - SEE INTRODUCTION] APPENDIX F RECOMMENDED READING SOURCES There is nearly unbelievable amount of literature readily available which the enterprising termite can readily put to use to supplement the information in this manual. A trip to a good, well-stocked magazine store will yield abundant results. When you get there, look up their survivalist magazines such as Soldier of Fortune, Survivalist, and others of the genre. If you can't afford to pay the cover price (they can be steep), go through them and write down the names and addresses of the publishers of survivalist books and literature. Go home and call them or write to them and request a catalog. Guaranteed that you will be amazed, if not shocked, by the materials available! A few of the publishers ar: Paladin Press P.O. Box 1307 Boulder, CO. 80306 (303) 443-7250 Loompanics Unlimited P.O. Box 1197 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Minuteman Publications P.O. box 595 Hurst, TX 76053 Butokukal P.O. Box 430 Cornville, AZ 86325 (602) 634-5280 LONG TERM COVERT SUCCESS ALPHA BOYCOTT HELL - THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS You're not getting any younger, are you? Hopefully the thoughtful convert activist has been contemplating a protracted, escalating conflict. So one must consider where all the new blood is going to come from to win this battle against the many headed Leviathan. if it is not your own offspring (assuming that you're married and are blessed with children, of course), then the war is as good as lost for another generation or more. To be sure of raising real, godly, stouthearted troops you have to seriously consider and then with finality boycott hell - that is, the public schools. Would you send your five year old into the jungles in order to bring the Gospel of savages? ...No? Then how about you eight or ten or thirteen year old? ...Not what you really had in mind? Well, that is exactly what you have in mind if your packing your offspring up and shipping them down the street to school. The question here is one of geography. The public school system (read: government school system) is a jungle. The jungle is just down the street from you. And so are the pushers: drug pushers, values clarification pushers, contraception and abortion without parental notification pushers, man is a product of evolutionary chance pushers, anti-religion, anti-parent, anti-American pushers. What do you do with a young seedling plant that has just sprouted into the world? You take that tender plant to the greenhouse (artificial environment). There you grow it for a long time. You take great pains to care for and protect that young plant until it is strong and has deep roots, and then...even when that young plant is ready to be transplanted into the "real environment", you don't forget it. You look after it until you are reasonably certain that it will survive and begin to reproduce. Nearly all of the godly, bright, committed pro-life covert activist teens this author has met have been home schooled. Thanks be to God for all of the notable exceptions, however. For all you working mothers who don't have many options open to you: double prayer duty each day. And P.S.Single parents probably shouldn't be doing covert anyway. Their little ones can't afford to have them in jail even for a few days! BETA CELIBACY: THE FINAL SOLUTION (FOR LIFE) Extreme situations require drastic measures. Celibacy has rarely been discussed in Protestant circles. Catholics don't talk about the subject like they once did. All Christian folks know that God sometimes calls individuals to a life of "single mindedness". The words of St. Paul come to mind: "I would that you were even as I am." His explanation is quite thorough. Some single covert activists will be counted as wise for a least considering, prayerfully, the possibility of a life of single-minded covert activism. Practically speaking, a covert activist with no ties could save thousands of children and their mothers in a lifetime. Once an activist is married, and especially after having children, the constraints of parenthood are profound. Compassion for one's own brood will curtail the level of covert activity (and a lot of other activity, as well!). Most termites are going to be busy making the next generation of warriors. But for those few exceptions - carry on proudly with unbridled and righteous fury. Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus! The following epilogue was written in November of 1992. At that time, Douglas Karpan, a baby killer in Houston had been shot. Two accomplices in Springfield, Missouri, had also been shot. All three of the above survived, and no activists were credited for the shootings. David Gunn was the first "direct hit" attributed to us. Epilogue: We are living during the rapid decline of western thought and culture. It is almost impossible for us to think logically and then act based on that logic. All of our education teaches us non-reason. All of our experience (in this dying culture) teaches us to sense and experience what is happening around us, but not to act based on that experience. Consider the following scenario: A psychopathic mass murderer is discovered in your neighborhood. He/she has a long history of torturing and then slaying people. You organize a group of sacrificial persons to go down to the known site where the executions take place, and you sit in front of the doors! How noble, how sacrificial, how very pathetic when you and everyone else know that the killer has been only temporarily delayed in his murderous plans. So after a few years of this sacrificial, sanctifying, passive resistance someone remembers that in the old days, people just went out and bombed or burned these places to the ground. Yeah! That would have worked if hundreds, instead of dozens, of these places had been destroyed. Wrong again! We continue to miss the mark. Passive resistance is woefully inadequate against mass murder. The use of force is also woefully inadequate against mass murder, unless that force is directed against the perpetrator of the crime. Imagine an investigator discovering a killer. He has found out who the killer is. He knows where the crimes are committed. He knows the building contains all the instruments of torture that this criminal will be using. So the investigator goes out in the middle of the night and destroys the murder weapons, and even the structure where the killer did his crimes. So the psychopathic mass murderer packs up, moves down the street, re-invests in more instruments of torture, and continues killing. One of the obvious reasons we fail to act is that we have never met the victim. We haven't even seen him or her. Furthermore, the harsh reality is we don't love our neighbor's child in any fashion whatsoever, in the way that we love our own child. Almost no one even has to pause to think before instinctively protecting their own family from a potential aggressor (murderer, rapist, whatever). Protection often means the use of force, even deadly force, against the criminal. No trial, no jury, no appeal, and no stay of execution. We hoped never actually to get to that moment in American history when the following essay would be deemed necessary. However, because this is, indeed, a life and death struggle, there is no alternative left open to us. The Declaration Beginning officially with the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act - we, the remnant of God-fearing men and women of the United States of Amerika, do officially declare war on the entire child-killing industry. After praying, fasting, and making continual supplication to God for your pagan, heathen, infidel souls, we then peacefully, passively presented our bodies in front of your death camps, begging you to stop the mass murder of infants. Yet you hardened your already blackened, jaded hearts. We quietly accepted the resulting imprisonment and suffering of our passive-resistance. Yet you mocked God and continued the holocaust. No longer! All of the options have expired. Our Most Dread Sovereign Lord God requires that whosoever sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. Not out of hatred for you, but out of love for the persons you exterminate, we are forced to take arms against you. Our life for yours - a simple equation. Dreadful. Sad. Reality, nonetheless. You shall not be tortured at our hands. Vengeance belongs to God only. However, execution is rarely gentle. The Army of God Speaks Out An interview with an underground leader of the American Holocaust Resistance Movement - also known as the A.O.G. "Only he who cries out for the Jews can sing Gregorian Chants." - Deitrich Bonnhoeffer "Annihilating abortuaries is our purest form of worship." - Freedom Fox, A.O.G. The interview on the following pages is not for everyone. Only those who are Pro-Life, as opposed to those who talk or, maybe think, Pro-Life, need bother turning another page. Those individuals who have not been able to sit silently while the carnage continues may profit from this interview. Those who have yet to fight in the streets for the lives of the little ones will be even less likely to help after reading an interview like this. Why? Simply stated, the answers and tactics discussed in the following pages will sound terrifying at best, and demonic at worst, to anyone who has not been in great agony of soul over the past years regarding the slaughter of the children - enough agony to council women out of committing abortion; enough agony to lose jobs, homes, families, and freedom. This is how it is: if you are not already a street fighting activist, do not waste your time on the interview because you are not ready to read what is written there. The Mad Gluer Interviews The ARMY OF GOD M.G.: Why an interview, and why now? A.O.G.: You asked for one, I know I can trust you, and I can't do it alone. M.G.: Can't do what alone? A.O.G.: Drive the abortion industry underground with or without the sanction of government law. M.G.: By what method? A.O.G.: Explosives, predominantly. M.G.: Would you care to elaborate? A.O.G.: Certainly. First by disarming the murder weapons. That is, by destroying the structures where the actual crimes are being committed. Second, by disarming the persons perpetrating the crimes by removing their hands, or at least their thumbs below the second digit. M.G. What about non-violence? The Rescuers, most of them anyway, would say ... A.O.G. I love the Rescuers. I am not truly violent by causing my neighbor no longer to be able to murder innocent citizens. M.G.: What about the image this type of activity would portray to the world through the eyes of the media? A.O.G.: The image that the world entertains at this moment is that there are no Christians in America whatsoever. With the exception, maybe, of Joan Andrews and a few others. No, don't misunderstand me! The only rational way to respond to the knowledge of an imminent and brutal murder is direct action. M.G.: Is a Rescue Mission (a sit-in) direct action? A.O.G.: Most definitely. M.G.: Then, why bombs and shears? A.O.G.: If the child scheduled for execution was your very own, would you feel that you had responded adequately by merely sitting in front of the doors? No! Don't misunderstand me. Rescue is a very powerful thing - becoming vulnerable, totally; taking on the life of the pre-born in all his weakness. Nevertheless, I ask you what would you do if your very own child was scheduled for execution in the morning? One - blow the place to kingdom come (or burn it to the ground) tonight, and be there with all the guns and ammunition in the morning just in case they might plan on taking your baby to some other location to commit the abortion. M.G.: I understand what you are saying, but nobody can live like that. A.O.G.: That's the point. We must die in order that others might live. M.G.: But why don't you believe that non-violence, on the order of - say - Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr., or the ultimate example of Our Lord, might not be the key to winning the war? A.O.G.: M.G.: A.O.G.: M.G.: A.O.G.: Jesus Christ was never a pacifist except in His role as the Suffering Servant. As for Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., non-violence was only a tactic. King stated publicly on several occasions that they would resolve the "conflict" with non-violence or with violence. But, let me say something about your use of that extremely loaded word, "non-violence." Please do. An officer of the law, commonly referred to as a "cop" or "policeman is in traditional society known as a "peace officer," correct? Yes. By what means does the Peace Officer keep the peace? By means of minimum force. And in some situations, minimum force can go so far as to require that a person be shot: no trial, no jury, no stay of execution. In most cases this is not true - in many cases a billy club followed by a little jail time might do. The Peace Officer did not cease to be a defender of the peace by doing these things - on the contrary! Oh, by the way, don't construe this to mean I recommend executing abortionists. I do not. Although I think it easily justified from Holy Writ, the A.O.G. adheres to the principle of minimum force. Mercy, rather than justice is the driving force behind our actions. Or, to say it another way, we are merciful in our pursuit of justice, in our pursuit of peace. M.G.: A.O.G.: Wouldn't such actions against an abortionist harder their hearts toward God even more than it already is? Quite the opposite. The average abortionist has become so used to the daily carnage he or she commits, it is on the order of flushing a commode. By permanently removing their ability to commit the crimes, one has given them a tremendous gift. Only by being forced to back away from the life that they now live can they ever begin to see themselves as they truly are. Thank God for the few brave ones that have repented of their crimes. For the rest, I think thumblessness a small price to pay. "...better to enter into life maimed..." (I finally found a present-day application for those words). M.G.: Do you think that these types of activities will have a negative effect on the other wings of the Pro-Life movement? A.O.G.: Activity that attempts to protect women and children is positive. Period. Inactivity is negative. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure what the "Pro-Life Movement" is! If your question was in regard to public opinion as influenced by the media, I would have to say that, contrary to popular opinion, it is easy at this time for the media as a whole to hold the position that they do: they can comfortably be for death. Not so when the honorable citizens of any given community begin to rise up in righteous indignation and destroy these miniature Dachaus. All of a sudden, apathy is gone. The average reporter says to himself, "Wow! Maybe there are a few people that really believe all this jargon about abortion being murder." M.G.: What do you recommend that concerned citizens do at this time? A.O.G.: Every Pro-Life person should commit to destroying at least one death camp, or disarming at least one baby killer. The former is a relatively easy task - the latter could be quite difficult to accomplish. The preferred method for the novice would be gasoline and matches. Straight and easy. No tracks. You've kind of got to pour and light and leave real fast because of the fammability factor. Kerosence is great, but a little more traceable, so you wold not want to buy it and use it in the same day. M.G.: What about explosives? A.O.G.: With time delays, a most wondrous method, and my personal favorite. M.G.: For the average person? A.O.G.: Yes assuming that a person is willing to do a little reading to understand the basics. A person should be careful about reading books from a public library and then going out and doing major "good deeds". The Federal agents will be looking at fingerprints there's no reason to put them on to the scent any faster than necessary. Then again, if a person is only going to take out a few mills on a one time basis, then there is really not much to worry about. M.G.: What about chemical warfare? A.O.G.: I think that should remain classified information at this time. M.G.: O.K. Do you have any special heroes who give you inspiration ? A.O.G.: Well, there are many heroes of the Faith throughout history, but one of my personal favorites is Major Von Gersdorf. M.G.: Who worked with Bonhoeffer, right? A.O.G.: Yes. He was the guy who always wore a trench coat a loaded trench coat. Once, when the Resistance was planning a Putch, Von Gersdorf had bombs, one in each pocket, that he was going to detonate in Hitler's presence. There is one vivid scene I recall reading about, where Bonhoeffer and friends were all sitting around a room practicing the piano and singing, in preparation for Bonhoeffer's father's seventy-fifth birthday. Major Von Gersdorf was sitting around trying not to be nervous, but, well, they were all looking at the phone nervously, knowing that any second it would ring, and that he would have to drive to the munitions factory where Hitler was going to be doing an inspection, or something. Von Gersdorf was not going to take any chances of having a dud bomb, so he took two, one in each pocket - he was going to blow himself to kingdom come (and Hitler, too, in the process). As it turned out, it never happened. But he had the heart at least to attempt it. M.G.: That's quite a story. I think that here must be some Army of God persons who have that kind of resolve and commitment. A.O.G.: There are some. most certainly. The babies are just so precious, I can't fathom any commitment less than "resistance unto death", to use the biblical imagery. M.G.: How many of the A.O.G. are currently in prison? Wait, I think I already know you will not be able to answer that question, right? A.O.G.: (laughter) Sorry, I will say this, however. Most of the people who have or are now serving time for destroying abortuaries are not enlisted with the A.O.G., but in most cases that's only because they were never given an opportunity to do so. (I wish some of them had - they might still be free). M.G.: How does one become a member of the Army of God? A.O.G.: With great difficulty. M.G.: Would you care to elaborate? A.O.G.: No. Not in an interview. My main goal in this interview is to encourage others to take certain actions at certain times in solidarity with the resistance effort. In other words, when the mills begin to smoke, add some fuel to the fire. We desperately need single lone-rangers out there, who will commit to destroy one abortuary before they die. Most genuine Pro-Lifers praise and worship God when an abortuary is destroyed. It matters little what stripe of activist you are talking about. Rescuers, political activists, or covert operators are all thankful. And it's common knowledge what the insurance costs are like after a good bombing.