iain keith tulloch - International Business Aviation Council

e-mail iaintullo@ hotmail.com
Office (English)
+34 941 499281
+34 654 538767
+34 972 661566
+34 972 661136
B.Sc. University of Edinburgh
Upper Freeman Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators
IS-BAO Accredited Auditor since 2003
12000+ flying hours Europe Middle East
Extensive management experience JAR and corporate ops Europe/UK
CURRICULUM VITAE 1988 to date.
Director of Training and Maintenance Alpema Tourism Consulting (Girona)
This turnkey operation was for a first time Spanish jet owner with large property
developments in Morocco. After operating privately for some months the company jet was
placed on the Spanish register in order to operate under an AOC. The young Spanish co-pilot
was mentored by me and successfully promoted to captain after two and a half years. A new
co-pilot was recruited and on 31st December 2008 the operation was handed over .
IBAC Auditor and Operations Consultant
During the above contract I was also able to achieve the IS-BAO registrations for :
1. CCC Contractors Athens Greece. (2 CRJs, 60k employees, major Arab construction)
2. Specsavers, Guernsey CI, UK
(2 King Air 350, major retailer and lens manufacture)
3. The British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge UK, retained me as a technical adviser to
comment on an arbitrary maintenance inspection mandated by ASSI, a CAA subsidiary.
This schedule would have seriously hampered their operations in Antarctica in 2006-2007.
The necessary alleviations were granted. They are now aiming for IS-BAO registration.
Chief Pilot AD Aviation Liverpool
AD aviation is part of AD holdings, a major supplier of video security systems to industry,
including aerospace manufacturers such as Boeing The practice of quality management was
engrained in the corporate culture, and was seen as vital to continued commercial success.
3 Citations were operated on public charter. The post required sound knowledge of JAR OPS,
, training and testing of aircrew, liaison with the CAA, and effective safety management.
Flying hours and revenue increased by almost 50 % in the first year of my appointment. After
two years the increased activity led to the need for a UK based chief pilot, which was not
a practical proposition for me. I continued as a part time training captain with AD.
External Examiner Flight Safety International Farnborough
In August 2005 FSI requested my assistance to conduct licence skill tests and proficiency
checks in their new Farnborough facility while they recruited and trained their own staff. This
was an interesting experience and involved considerable interaction with Netjets pilots and
training staff in order to develop appropriate European examining standards at Farnborough.
Columnist BART International.
This trade publication for European business aviation has retained me to write a bi-monthly
column entitled “View from the Cockpit”. My articles aim to cover a wide spectrum of
topics related to the operation of business aircraft in the European environment.
Company Pilot Scottish and Newcastle PLC.
For 15 years I was a senior manager of this international brewing company whose flight
department had some 40 authorised users, and flew 600-700 flying hours per annum.
Operations throughout Europe ranged from southern Portugal to Finland and Russia. My
responsibilities included aircraft procurement and maintenance, crew training, standard
operating procedures, and inter departmental cost recovery
Short service commission Royal Air Force. Pilot training then Middle East, UK and
Northern Ireland. Head of helicopter tasking at Army HQ NI first half 1971.
Captain Bristow Helicopters on North Sea oil support based UK then Denmark. Acting
chief pilot in Denmark operating for Gulf Oil with Wessex 60 on VFR and later IFR Ops.
Regional Sales Manager Bell Helicopter 1973-76. Based Brussels and responsible to area
manager for civil/military sales, marketing, and technical support Europe/Middle East.
General Manager Aerogulf Services Dubai. Responsible to board for all aspects of ops
and contract maintenance. 3 Bell 206, Corporate Be90,5light twins, Flying school. Oil
support ops fully audited by Shell. Family illness forced departure to UK mid 1978.
First Officer British Airways Helicopters operating Sikorsky 61 out of Aberdeen.
Proprietor Home Improvements franchise Aberdeen. Purchased in 1982 when widower
status with children required more regular hours. Turnover c.$220k. Sold in 1988.
Contract pilot Peregrine Air Services on single pilot PA23 oil support charter and later
C404 scheduled services from Aberdeen 1978-1988. From 1985-1988 also contracted as
first officer on British Caledonian Sikorsky 61 fleet for oil support work.
General Experience and Interests
My flying experience of over 12,000 hours includes over 4500 hours in command of
corporate jets, a further 1200 hours in command of light twins and turboprops, and 2700
hours in command of multi engined helicopters. My accreditation as an IBAC auditor
reflects my interest and experience in business aviation. Having been based in five different
countries, I am fluent in French and Spanish, with conversational Danish/Norwegian and
rudimentary German. Managerial experience includes senior positions in aerospace and nonaerospace companies as well as running my own retail business.
Business Profile
After being fortunate enough to enjoy a long and varied career both inside and outside the
cockpit, I believe my experience enables me to provide a practical approach to assist private
operators. Knowledge of the forthcoming as well as the current regulations, although vital,
is not enough. Flight department managers need to feel confident that any consultant or
auditor has the practical background to appreciate the delicate balancing act between
motivating an often demanding workforce with an even more demanding customer base.
The equipment is usually the least of the problems, apart from justifying the cost
of maintaining and operating it!
Safety management has always been at the core of any serious operation, but as the trend is
to formalise the process it is important that bureaucracy does not take over. For me the
attraction of the IS-BAO is that it has been designed by professional people with the right
background and consultation process to ensure practicality. So far I have really enjoyed
the experience of putting these principles into practice for the benefit all my clients.