As part of our technology unit on 'bread and yeast', we are planning

Visit to Mauao
(Mount Maunganui)
And Pilot Bay
Friday 26th March
Dear parents/caregivers,
As part of our inquiry into ‘Our Place’, Tui Team is planning a visit to Mauao
and Pilot Bay on Friday 26th March. This visit will help us learn more about
some of the important landmarks in our community.
We will leave school in cars at about 10.00am and return by about 2.00pm.
We will need help with transporting and supervising the children during the
visit and we will need permission for every child.
The children will need to take:
 Packed lunch and a drink
 Appropriate school uniform and footwear.
 Hat and sunscreen
Please fill in the form below and return to school as soon as possible.
Thank you from the
Tui Team Teachers
 Yes, I give permission for ___________ to travel by car to Pilot Bay on
Friday 26th March.
Yes, I can help transport and supervise children
Yes, I have filled out the parent help form from the class teacher
Signed: _________________
Date: _____________