HCG Protocol
Dr. Shinra’s Probiotic
Western Botanicals – Colon Cleanse
Western Botanicals – Colon Detox
Western Botanicals – Liver and Gallbladder Tea
Western Botanicals – Liver and Gallbladder Detox Droplets
Western Botanicals – Earth’s Nutrients Meal Substitution (Optional)
Yerba Matte` Tea
Organic Olive Oil
Organic Apple Juice
Organic Garlic and Vegetables
Eat lots of raw foods such as diverse salads
Read the ingredients of everything that comes into your body
No nitrites, mono sodium glutamate, Dyes,
Do not consume anything that ends with “tose” (high fructose corn syrup, glucose)
No fast foods
Get Lymphatic Massages
Make sure you flush out Liver and Gallbladder after your Candida Diet.
During this phase you will do a Candida Diet of 2-3 weeks. This diet is necessarily to flush out the toxins out of your body. Candida is the cause of many ailments such as, diabetes, lupus, high blood pressure, depression, and bloating. During this time you will need to eliminate the overgrowth of Candida yeast in your colon, this yeast has been feeding off of consuming a high fat, and starch diet. You will take a daily probiotic enzyme to kill off the Candida along with a colon cleanse and colon detox. Also will need to do
4-6 colon hydrotherapy sessions to flush out the toxins. Its is also optional to also do 1-2 lymphatic
HCG Protocol massage sessions as well. You will notice almost immediately starting this diet that your energy is up and as you progress your appetite and cravings will start to diminish as well. After the Candida Diet it is strongly recommended to do a 5 day Liver and Gallbladder flush, this will help feel better during the first part of Phase 2 later.
Liver and Gallbladder Tea Prep (32oz. for 5 days)
First scoop 2-3 of tea in 8 cups of water, (best to let it soak overnight for the next day)
In the morning drain tea and boil it is ok to sweeten with Stevia. Drink tea throughout the day with plenty of water as well
First thing in morning is to fix Morning Drink
Make the Morning Drink
8 oz. Pure Water
8oz. Organic Apple Juice
Organic Garlic (Start with 1 clove and add 1 each day to 5 cloves on day 5
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Start with 1 tbs. and add 1 each day to 5 tbs. on day 5)
1 small piece of Organic Ginger root
Mix all ingredients in a blender or juicer and drink.
Next take 2-4 droppers of the Liver and Gallbladder Flush 3-4 times daily.
On day 5 have a Colon Hydrotherapy session with coffee additive.
Mineral Oil
Baking Soda Toothpaste
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Oil Free Soap and Shampoo
Organic Apples
Organic , Chicken (Breast only), Fish (Tilapia, Salmon, Flounder, Shrimp, Crab and Lobster) and Beef (Veal is ok),
Spices (Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Lemon Pepper, Marjoram, Cumin, etc) Watch out for seasonings mixed with sugar and oils)
HCG Protocol
Eliminate all oils from diet and hygiene
Drink at least a half gallon of water daily
Have a Colon Hydrotherapy session once a week
Use Colon Cleanse tablets once a day (this diet is very low in fiber so you will not release as often as you did in Phase 1,you may actually go 3 days straight.)
Tom’s Organic Toothpaste
Use Mineral Oil
Switch to Oil Free Cleanser
Use Organic All-One Hemp Soap
Check Seasonings make sure there isn’t any MSG, sugar or additives.
Mixing Your HCG
With WHN version of the Protocol you will receive a 10000 ML of Prescription HCG Powder and Bacterial
Water Vial. This is enough for up to 43 days of injections; you must keep HCG in refrigerator while not in use.
[Insert Instructions]
Days 1-2
Inject yourself with 200ML HCG first thing in the morning.
Eat 6 times a day of high fat foods such as fried chicken, ice cream, avocados, macaroni and cheese, chocolate cake. Eat as much as you like for 2 days straight. This needs to be done to start the HCG working right in your system, and if this isn’t done you will suffer in the first week of the Low Calorie
Days 3 -23 or 43
First thing in the morning you weigh yourself after urination. You must document your weight everyday to track not only your progress but to catch errors in your diet.
HCG Protocol
During the first week you may feel a lot of different things happening to your body, such as lightheadiness or foggy feeling. This is due to the fact that your body is transitioning to a ketosis state.
Ketosis is when your body instead of going into starvation mode and starting to burn muscle and regular body mass, it begins burning your abnormal fat cells and turning it into energy. This is also the time you may get hunger pains, this usually only happens when you don’t gorge enough in the first 2 days.
Errors in the Diet
If you commit an error in this diet, you will always tell the next day during your weight you will gain weight if you stray from the 500 calories a day. If this happens you must do an “apple” day that same day.
Your apple day starts at lunch and ends the next morning.
You can eat up to 8 apples and limit your water intake to as needed or as thirst arises. This is all you can eat for the entire day. The next morning the weight will be back down again, and you can continue back to the diet as normal
The Diet
The diet is very limited and there is a small list of food that are acceptable during this diet below is an example of your food schedule.
Organic Tea (Yerba Matte, Green Tea, etc) Drink throughout the morning.
100 oz. of Protein (Organic Beef, Chicken, or Lean Fish)
Vegetables 2 servings (Broccoli, Spinach, Lettuce, Cabbage, Kale, )
You can season your food with anytime of seasoning, except NO OILS or Butter.
HCG Protocol
Same as lunch but it must be a different protein and vegetables, you cannot eat the same food twice a day.
You are allowed 2 apples or 6 -8 strawberries a day in between meals.
Also look at complete list in Dr. Simeons manuscript Pounds and Inches or Kevin Trudeau’s Weight Loss
Cure. It is recommended that you read either of these books before starting your diet so you can have a better understanding of what is happening to your body during this Protocol.
After your last injection day which is either day 23 or day 40 you must continue the low calorie diet for 3 days as the HCG is leaving out your system.
No Sugars and Starches
Eat regular meals and stop when you feel full you should be up to 1200 – 1800 calories a day
Eat at least 2 apples a day
Drink at least a half gallon of water daily
Watch packaging of your foods no Trans fats, artificial flavors and preservatives
Eat Organic as much as possible
During this phase which last approximately 21 days, your body is actually resetting itself, at this time you can reintroduce certain foods such as dairy, natural oil, and certain fats back into your diet. You must carefully watch starches and sugars at this time, because they can cause you to gain weight. Your goal is to maintain your weight at what it was on the last day of your injections, so you must continue monitoring your weight everyday. This is very important because your hypothalamus gland, metabolism, set body weight is being reset. If you do go over 2 pounds even an ounce, you must do a “steak” day.
This steak day consists of having nothing but tea and water all day then in the evening have a nice sized steak, season anyway you want except with salt, and a apple or tomato for dinner. The next day your weight should have corrected itself. If you are losing weight at this time, this is not good either since you
HCG Protocol do not have HCG in your system anymore you are most like burning muscle and body mass in which you will have to increase your calorie intake to fix this.
This is it, you made it, and your body is in a totally different state than it was over 3 months ago. This is not a diet it is a lifestyle change. Stick to organic foods much as possible. It is also recommended that you have a Colon Hydrotherapy session once a month, and Liver and Gallbladder flush 2-3 times a year. i i Notes for WHN protocol were taken from excerpts of the Dr. A.T.W Simeon’s orginal Manuscript Pounds and
Inches and also from the book by Kevin Trudeau The Weight Loss Cure-They Don’t Want You To Know About