Downloading NurseSquared to your computer Set your browser to

Downloading NurseSquared to your computer
 Set your browser to:
 Click “install” and follow all directions; a reboot will be required
Troubleshooting GUIDE
1. If for some reason buttons or controls that should be present on-screen do not
appear, please be sure to set your Screen resolution to 1024 x 768 or higher.
2. If for some reason an error containing “Int32” occurs when trying to interact
with the software after successful log-in the following path will resolve this
a. Remove the N2 software via the Control Panel >> Add Remove Programs if
using Windows XP or Control Panel >> Programs and Features if using Windows
b. Remove all .NET Frameworks except .NET 1.1 beginning with removing .NET
3.5 and then removing .NET 2.0
Go to Microsoft’s website at the following URL:
and download .NET 3.5 only – DO NOT DOWNLOAD .NET 2.0
d. Re-install N2 from download URL given by your faculty
3. Please be mindful to report all issues through your faculty. If these issues
cannot be resolved at the School level then your faculty will report them to
NurseSquared for resolution.
After you download NurseSquared it will bring you to a login screen.
You will login using your student ID (same as your Plattsburgh username) as the User
ID and Password1 as the Password (be sure to capitalize only the first letter).
Once you log in for the first time, you will be asked to change your password
You should change your password to something you will remember and then log into
the system.
Once you log in, choose the “My Clinicals” tab
After choosing the “My Clinicals” tab, click the “New Clinical” button
At this point, double click to choose the appropriate class
Fill in information appropriate to the client
After filling in the information, click “Save New Clinical”
At this point, double click the Clinical Patient to take them into the EHR to begin
The EHR will appear. Begin documenting your assessment
My Clinicals/Pre-Clinical Manager
Diagnosis: Primary: TIA
Patho-Physiology: Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) is also known as a “Mini-Stroke” and is a neurological event with the
signs and symptoms of a stroke but the s/s go away within a short period of time. A TIA is due to a temporary lack of
adequate blood and oxygen to the brain.
Therapeutic Regimen: 1) Drugs to prevent blood clots such as aspirin, warfarin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole.
2) Possible carotid endarterectomy (to reopen blocked/narrowed arteries). 3) Possible angioplasty with stenting. 4) Drugs
to lower cholesterol production. 5) Dietary changes. 6) Exercise regimen.
Current Health Problems/Related Functional Changes: Newly diagnosed Hyperlipidemia. Newly found: narrowing of
carotid arteries bilaterally.
Medication: Lipitor (Atorvastatin) (40mg by mouth daily)
Therapeutic Effect: Helps to lower “bad” cholesterol and fats (LDL, triglycerides) and raise “good” cholesterol (HDL) in
the blood. Lowering LDL and triglycerides and raising HDL decreases the risk of heart disease and helps prevent strokes
and heart attacks.
Medication Action: Reduces the amount of cholesterol made by the liver.
Medication Contraindications: This drug should not be used with telithromycin due to serious (possibly fatal) interactions
which may occur. Notify physician if also taking aliskiren, hormonal birth contol, clopidogrel, daptomycin, digoxin, azole
antifungals. Do not use during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
Medication Toxic Effects: Liver Toxicity; Muscle problems (pain/tenderness/weakness); rash, itching, swelling
(especially of the face/tongue/throat); dizziness; trouble breathing.
Medication Interventions: Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while taking this drug. Lab tests for
cholesterol and triglycerides along with liver function tests should be performed periodically to monitor progress and side
effects (Liver Toxicity). If taking other cholesterol-lowering drugs, take Atorvastin 1 hour before or 2 hours after taking
these medications.
Medication Safe Dosages (Include MSI/MSD for IVs): Take 10, 20, 40 or 80 mg daily.
Diagnostic Tests
Lab Test: LDL Cholesterol
Description/Definition of Test: This test is used to predict risk of heart disease. High levels of LDL increase the risk for
strokes and/or heart attacks due to buildup of plaque on the intima of the blood vessels.
Significance of Test for THIS patient: High levels of LDL increases the probability of Heart Disease, TIAs and/or
Strokes. A lower LDL target level can be achieved via exercise, diet, weight control and cholesterol-lowering
Test Result: 164 mg/dL High Result Significance: High LDL levels should be deceased to 100-129 mg/dL or lower.
Less than 100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L) — Optimal
100-129 mg/dL (2.59-3.34 mmol/L) — Near optimal, above optimal
130-159 mg/dL (3.37-4.12 mmol/L) — Borderline high
160-189 mg/dL (4.15-4.90 mmol/L) — High
Greater than 189 mg/dL (4.90 mmol/L) — Very high
Radiology Test: CT of brain and blood vessels of brain.
Test Description/Definition: CT (Computed Tomography) scans uses X-Rays to make detailed pictures of structures
inside the body. This was a scan of the brain and the blood vessels of the brain.
Test Significance for THIS patient: Scanning the brain and blood vessels of the brain allows the physician to see
blockages within the blood vessels of the brain.
Significant Findings/Results: Narrowing of carotid artery bilaterally.
Admission History: (Go to Patient Charting tab and choose Admission Hx form) (fill out only the following areas)
Health History: Reported no previous health problems.
Allergies: Morphine: Severe Nausea/Vomiting
My Scenarios List Screen
Scenario Introduction
Phase Information
Electronic Documentation Simulation
Completing a Phase
Further Understanding Questions
Patient List Screen
Course Practice Patients
Mannequin Simulation Lab
Electronic Documentation Screen
Patient Header
Patient Charting Tab
Admission History
Discharge Plan
Discharge Summary
Wounds, IVs, Ostomies, Drains and Tubes
Vital Signs Tab
Vital Signs Area
Intake / Output Area
Height / Weight Area
Glucose Monitoring
Order Entry Tab
Pharmacy Order Entry
Lab Order Entry
Radiology Order Entry
PT / OT / ST Order Entry
Nursing Order Entry
Dietary Order Entry
Order Review Tab
Diagnostic Result Screen (Lab and Radiology)
Pending vs Resulted
Patient Teaching Tab
Teaching Documentation
Teaching Review
Patient Card Tab
Nursing Orders
PT / OT / ST Orders
Dietary Orders
Patient Data Tab
Home Meds
Health History
Care Plans Tab
Choose by Nursing Diagnosis
Choose by Medical Diagnosis with Related Nursing Diagnoses
Reports Tab
Admission History
Care Plans
Discharge Plan
Discharge Summary and Instructions
Nurse’s Notes
Patient Card
Patient Teaching
Vitals / I&O