Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Period: ___________ Mrs. Torres 6th Grade Math 1 SPECIAL PROJECT: CONTRIBUTIONS OF ILLUSTRIOUS MATHEMATICIANS THIS PROJECT MUST BE TURNED IN: May 27 (A Day) and May 28 (B Day) Directions: Look for the contributions of the following illustrious mathematicians. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Euclides Isaac Newton Pitagoras Rene Descartes Arquimedes Tales de Mileto Carl Friedrich Gauss Henri Poincare Parts of the Project: o Page 1: Index (5 points) o Include the following: o Introduction o Illustrious Mathematicians o Personal Opinion o The pages of the project o Page 2: Introduction (5 points) o Write a paragraph of 5 sentences explaining what this project is about. o Pages 3 - 10: Content (10 points each mathematician, 80 points in total) o For each mathematician: o Look for a picture o Write a paragraph of 5 sentences about the contributions. o Select one contribution you consider is the most important, and explain why. o Page 11: Personal Opinion (5 points) o Write a paragraph of 5 sentences explaining what you learned about this project. o What mathematician you consider is the most important and explain why. Rubric: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Items to Evaluate Index Introduction Content Personal Opinion Original Description List of mathematicians and the page in the project. Points /5 Write a paragraph of 5 sentences explaining what this project is about. /5 Pictures, contributions of mathematicians, explain the most important contribution of each one. /80 Write a paragraph of 5 sentences explaining what did you learn about this project, and what mathematician you consider is the most important and explain why The student uses his/her own vocabulary to complete the information. Respects rights of author. *TOTAL POINTS: /5 /5 /100 *NOTES: 1. Punctuality is one important detail. If the project is not turned the assigned date, I will take away 10 points for each day (A or B day) after the assigned date. You must bring an excuse if you get absent the assigned day. If you don’t bring to me an excuse, I won’t accept the project until you bring to me an excuse for your absence. 2. You can write the project in the computer or by hand writing. If you are going to do it by hand writing, your print needs to be legible or understandable. 3. This is an example of one page: the picture goes on the top of the page and the paragraphs go below the picture. 4. Contributions are not biography. Contributions are things that they have created. For example: "he made a lasting contribution by designing the modern radio telescope", an article or other piece of writing submitted for publication, something contributed, such as ideas or projects.