Lesson 10-1 Order of Operations Day 1

November 11, 2015
Lesson 10-1
Order of Operations
 Grading Pen
Process Standard:
5.4E – Describe the meaning of parenthesis and brackets in a
numeric expression
5.4F – Simplify numerical expressions that do not involve
exponents, including up to two levels of grouping.
5.1G - display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and
arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral
Numerical Expression
A combination of numbers and
Order Of Operations
The rules that tell you the
order to solve the operations
in a math problem.
HINT: All the following mean to multiply!!
Evaluate: 4 + 24 ÷ 2 – 5 x 3 + 7
Many years ago, mathematicians around
the world came up with different answers
to the same problem just as we did. The
mathematicians met and agreed on a
standard order in which to perform the
operations in a problem, so that everyone
would get the same answer to a particular
problem. This order was accepted as the
standard by all mathematicians.
We call this the “order of operations”.
1. Find the value of the expression 6 + 3 × 9.
2. Find the value of the expression 3 + 5 × 9.
3. Find the value of the expression 4 + (10 – 3).
Order of Operations