Consumer Issues in a Fast Food World a.k.a. The Art of Hamburger

Korea Teacher Implementation Plan
Margel Soderberg
Family & Consumer Science
LaSalle Intermediate Academy
South Bend, IN
1. This lesson will be used as a focus for the eighth grade unit on Consumer Issues
in a Fast Food World. Advanced Family & Consumer Science is an elective
course for eighth grade students at LaSalle Intermediate Academy. The number
of students enrolled varies from year to year. This year, there are 85 students
enrolled in three sections of the course. All classes at LaSalle are 90 minutes in
length and meet every other day.
I have shared information about the opportunities available for teachers through a
variety of ways. Several times I have posted information about upcoming
workshops, and seminars with other staff members at my school by posting on the
staff bulletin board and email announcements. This has included both teachers at
my school as well as other teachers in my subject area in my school district. I
have shared books from the class and encouraged the language arts teachers to
consider including one of them as a part of their course. My school has a bilingual
resource person, and we are working together through her contacts to schedule an
assembly featuring Asian dance. There is an active group at the University of
Notre Dame that would be the resource for this. Additionally, I am an active
participate on two listservs, one for middle school teachers nationwide and the
other is a state listserv for Family & Consumer Science teachers. I share
opportunities and questions with the other participants regularly.
2. Because of this seminar, I have begun to think more globally. It has propelled me
to include that world view in my lessons. My students must have an awareness
appreciation for a variety of customs, cultures and values. Their neighborhood is
expanding everyday. Ideas, pop culture, clothing, food, and entertainment travels
rapidly across the globe. Teens and tweens are the new target audience for
advertisers and international marketing. If they are to make decisions, they must
understand how advertisers try to manipulate them. Advertising is rapidly
and to teach them, I must first educate myself. This is my challenge. The
About East Asia seminar has empowered me by providing resources and
to learn more.
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3. The state standards which are addressed in this Korea TIP are as follows:
M-LC-4 Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking
M-LC-4.3 Evaluating information
M-LC-5 Using Technology In Personal and Family Settings
M-LC-5.1 Technology integration throughout FACS units and topics
M-FLR-1 Identifying and Managing Resources
M-FLR-1.1 Personal and community resources
M-FLR-1.3 Consumerism
M-NW-1 Nutrition
M-NW-1.5 Selecting foods at home and away
M-R-1 Leadership for Life
M-R-1.2 Assuming responsibility for choices and actions
M-R-1.5 Diversity and multiculturalism
M-R-1.6 Working in a group
M-R-2 Communication and Personal Presentation
M-R-2.1 Communication skills and styles
M-R-3 Quality Friendships
M-R-3.1 Choices and responsibilities
M-R-3.2 Appreciating diversity
4. Korea Lesson Plan
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Consumer Issues in a Fast Food World
a.k.a. The Art of Hamburger Seduction
Margel Soderberg
Family & Consumer Science
LaSalle Intermediate Academy
 Raise awareness of the methods used by advertisers to sell “fast food” products.
 Explore how culture is used as a tool in “fast food” advertising.
 Compare and contrast food traditions of the U.S. and Korea
 Identify techniques used by advertisers to sell their products.
 Examine techniques used by “fast food” companies to target children.
 Explore the global differences in “fast food”.
Time required: Five class periods
Video – Hidden Korea
Six Video cameras
PowerPoint on advertising which includes Korea McDonald’s and KFC commercials
Handouts: Fast food commercial log
Advertising Strategies
Korean cultural information – Currency, folktales, festivals, foods, etc.
Fast Food Facts
Student Survey
1. Each student will take a survey about “fast food”. This will include their eating
habits and social behaviors related to fast food restaurants.
Sample questions:
What is your preferred fast food restaurant?
How many times per week do you eat fast food?
Do you go with friends, family, or by yourself?
Do you usually eat in or take out?
How much would you spend on a typical visit?
Have you ever collected a premium offered at a fast food restaurant? What?
How many “jingles” or slogans can you name for fast food restaurants?
Each table group will tabulate their results and report to the rest of the class.
2. Give each student a handout on advertising techniques.
Use a teacher make PowerPoint that discusses the advertising techniques used by
 Marketing to children/tweens/teens as target audience
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 Passive advertising –product placement, sponsorship, etc.
 Often focuses on many other issues rather than the food (atmosphere,
fun, cost, premiums, etc.). McDonald’s commercial campaigns have always
focused on the “overall McDonald’s experience” rather than just the product.
The purpose is to portray warmth and a real slice of everyday life. Ads typically
show people engaging in popular and everyday activities.
 Celebrity spokesperson/cartoon characters
 Coolness factor – Everybody wants to be like the kids in the commercial
 Feel good – You are sad and your mom cheers you up with a trip to McDonald’s
 Different menus in various locations - look at international menu offerings
 What advertising techniques are used in international locations?
How can national culture and identity be used in advertising?
 Show several international commercials
3. Each table group of 3-4 students is assigned the task of creating a 30-60 second
commercial for a international fast food restaurant in Korea. Each group will
at least one student who has completed the Tech Lab course. It must include
the following:
 Use at least one of the advertising techniques listed
 Use at least one cultural issue specific to Korea as a theme – Folktale, currency,
manners, historical figure, geography, etc. Handouts will be available from the
teacher to use a resource for information.
 Advertise a new menu offering based on traditional Korean food.
4. Show the video “Hidden Korea” to give the students a sense of life in Korea. Each
student will also receive a handout of facts about Korea. Also, each group will
select a cultural issue for their theme and receive more detailed handout on that
5. Allow 2 class periods (90 minutes each) for the creation of videos.
 Day one – Plan and layout storyline and dialogue.
Homework: Get any props and refine dialogue if necessary
 Day two – Videotape commercial
Homework: Refine video
6. Videos will be presented in class. Each group will set the stage for their
commercial by explaining the cultural issue used as their theme, the Korean food
the new offering is based upon and the advertising techniques used.
Evaluation: Use the rubric included on page 5.
Video Production Staff:
Class Period___________
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Low Performance
7 points
Excessive length of
more than one minute
10 points
15 points
Does not use one of
Clearly and effectively
the advertising
uses one of the
techniques required or advertising techniques
the use is not
integrated into the
15 points
Integrates knowledge of 10 points
Korea into the
Cultural information
Cultural information
about Korea is minimal forms the theme of the
and seems more like
commercial but seems
an afterthought.
separate from the
commercial message.
Respectful of the
Video length meets the
requirement of 30 - 60
Video clearly uses at
least one of advertising
techniques required.
Commercial advertises
a food item based on
traditional Korean food.
Quality & Creativity - Is
your video interesting?
Did you include
backgrounds, music, or
transitions to enhance
your project? The image
and sound quality are
Mechanics - Students
introduction is focused
and informative.
Background information
sets the stage for the
Presentation is
5 points
Less than 30 seconds
10 points
Length is between 30-60
20 points
Effectively uses more
than one advertising
20 points
The students
demonstrate knowledge
of the assigned cultural
information and
effectively integrates it
into the commercial
message. May be
humorous but respectful.
5 points
7 points
10 points
Commercial does not Commercial mentions Commercial includes a
mention or show a
a food item based on more than one food item
specific food.
traditional Korean food. based on traditional
Korean food.
10 points
15 points
20 points
Video is disconnected Video uses one
Very creative. Uses
and image or sound
creative element to
music and transitions
quality is poor.
enhance the quality of without detracting from
the commercial. Sound the message.
or image should be
Outstanding sound and
adequate to
image quality.
understand the
5 points
7 points
10 points
Students don't seem to Students speak in a
Students speak clearly
know much about the low but clear voice.
and loud enough to be
cultural information
heard by all members of
and/or the advertising information is adequate the class. The
techniques. Student's for understanding the background information
voice is too quiet with video.
is detailed and shows
many pauses.
evidence of knowledge
and study.
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5. Resources:
Internet resources
Handout of Fast Food Facts:
Handout of how companies make food look good:
Survey handout:
Graphic of when McDonalds began in each country
Background on advertising to children:
Korea McDonald’s internet ad and site:
KFC Korea internet site:
Korea McDonald’s commercial:
Korea KFC commercial:
McDonald’s international menu items:'s_menu_items
Korea table setting:
Korea Folktales – handout for students:
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Family customs in Korea:
Hidden Korea
Families of Korea
Watson, J.L. (2006). Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia. Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press.
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