English 3-4 Course Expectations and Guidelines Mrs. Lizabeth A. Walsh Ms. Courtney Hansen Reno High School ewalsh@washoeschools.net chansen@washoeschools.net 333-5050 (leave a message) Yes, I understand I owe this fee. _____ Consumable Materials Fee: Throughout the school year, students will make use of various materials to complete projects in and out of class. Materials the teacher provides for certain projects or assignments are subsidized through a □ $10.00 “lab” or “consumable materials” fee, which is due no later than the second Friday of the student’s enrollment. You may pay this online at RStore on the school’s website www.rhshuskies.com. Course Description: This course is intended to further develop the spelling, vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills (including use of the entire writing process to emphasize proficiency in written and verbal communications) students have acquired to this point. Students will also learn how to apply pre-reading, reading, and post-reading techniques as well as analyze literature (fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama). Students will create and maintain a neat and organized notebook that contains vocabulary words, class notes, writing topics, homework assignments and other informative and educational materials. Students will bring a chosen Accelerated Reader book every day to class to read at assigned times as well as in the event they finish a given assignment early. Students who do not bring this AR book to class by the assigned date will be assigned a reading book by the teacher. Students will be expected to complete questions on the assigned book during each reading day. Students will complete at least one research project and write about their findings in a presentation, complete with MLA bibliography and citations. They will also participate in various presentations and projects throughout the course. Scope and Sequence: Writing, Listening, and Syntax: Throughout the year, we will cover vocabulary (from literature and Greek and Latin roots), grammar, spelling, punctuation, the writing process, and researching. Students will participate in listening activities as well as oral presentations. Reading for information and pleasure: Throughout the year, students will be expected to carry an approved Accelerated Reader (AR) sustained silent reading (SSR) book (nonfiction or fiction) of 200+ pages with them to each class meeting. In each quarter, students must complete a minimum of 15 AR points (30 AR points per semester) by completing the book, filling out the required AR form, and taking the AR test. Students MAY NOT select books that have been made into movies. Information on which books are not available for reading can be found here: http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/readers/movies/book.cfm? browse=0-9 Literature Studies: Some of the literature we may use to emphasize 1 (vocabulary development), 2 (reading and literary analysis), 3 (expository text analysis), 4 (writing & language) 5 (listening & speaking) is listed here: Various pieces of nonfiction including newspaper, magazine, internet, and other articles, essays, blogs, advertising, and television programs, Fahrenheit 451, Lord of the Flies, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Our Town, and various nonfiction pieces In rare instances, students may view a movie or portion of a movie or other audio-visual material. If the movie is rated PG-13, a permission slip will be sent home. According to WCSD policy, unrated, G, and PG movies and/or clips will not require a parent permission slip. Please know that all audio-visual material used will be approved within the school before use. My child may not read books that are made into movies. _____ Grading: A standard grading scale will be applied. Students who earn the following percentages of points will be assigned the corresponding grades: (Infinite Campus doesn’t assign “minus” grades, so a 90.0% is merely an A.) 90-100 = A 80-89.9 = B 70-79.9 = C 60-69.9 = D 59.9 and below = F Students will be graded in the following areas: -Reading & Literary Analysis -Reading & Informational Text Analysis -Effective Writing & Language (grammar)& Vocabulary -Listening & Speaking Skills -Written Communication Skills -All of these are combined with the student’s FINAL EXAMINATION SCORE (15%) Because extra credit is available to students in good academic standing (no recorded incidents of cheating or other forms of academic dishonesty) GRADES WILL NOT BE ROUNDED UP. Grades are the student’s responsibility- not the parent’s. Questions and conferences regarding grades and assignments are to be handled by students. Parents may set up conferences regarding behavior issues or to clarify how they can assist their children in doing well, but students need to be held responsible for their own grade discussions and issues. Extra Credit: Extra credit will be assigned at teacher’s discretion since students are expected to maintain high academic standards for themselves throughout the school year by completing all regularly given assignments. I will post extra credit assignments on the Infinite Campus or my own website, so students should visit these sites at least once a week. Maintenance of Assigned Texts: Students will be issued school-purchased textbooks and other reading materials throughout the year. They MUST cover those books with an approved cover that will NOT damage the original book’s condition. Nothing is to be permanently affixed to the book itself. Any tape, glue, or staples that damage the book will earn the student a book fine, which varies, depending on the damage done to the book. The best way to earn extra credit is through the additional reading and completion of AR tests (this adds points to reading standard score). Cheating or abuse of extra credit will result in a loss of this privilege for the duration of the semester. If my child cheats- even once, all extra credit is lost for the entire semester. _____ Stretchy fabric covers do not protect the books. Do not use them. Any book that is not appropriately covered MUST BE appropriately covered by the next class meeting. A grade of -0- will be earned on any book check in which a student’s book is not in class or is inappropriately covered or not covered. With budget constraints, our textbooks must last longer than ever before. I expect students to assist us in these efforts. Teacher conferencing: Parent involvement in a student’s academic life is crucial. As a teacher, I look forward to working with my students and their parents to ensure student success. Should a parent or student desire a conference to discuss a student’s progress or behavior, you can leave me a message at 333-5050, and your call will be returned as soon as possible. My e-mail is ewalsh@washoeschools.net. I can be reached Monday – Friday during the school year at this e-mail address. E-mail is the BEST and FASTEST WAY to get in touch with me. Class rules and procedures: Various procedures will be introduced and practiced in the first few weeks of school. Compliance with these procedures is essential to the smooth routines of the classroom. Procedures will include how to properly… sign in if a student is tardy, turn in work, obtain missed work after an absence, participate in a discussion, complete an assignment, work with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. others, resolve conflicts, prepare material for a research paper, format a research paper, present a final product/project in front of the class, self-schedule appropriate time to finish AR books, maintain an SSR journal, evacuate the classroom in an emergency, remain in allowed areas of the classroom, etc. The rules for this classroom are the following: Pay attention and follow all directions Be quiet and attentive when others are speaking; take notes as necessary/required Keep body parts to oneself and personal items out of the way (backpacks put away, not in aisle) Be positive in all interactions (AVOID use of obscenity and profanity; learn to criticize ideas- not people) Be prepared and fully participate in all activities with a positive attitude* Follow all other RHS and WCSD policies, rules and regulations *This means that papers are printed prior to entering the classroom when papers are due. Students will be rewarded for following the rules, and will accept repercussions for disobeying them. Rewards (any of these rewards may occur) Repercussions (repercussions are listed in order of enforcement) □ Personal thank you - Warning □ Public thank you - Teacher conference with student (teacher detention) □ Sticker - Parent contact and formal detention assigned □ Positive phone call home - Parent contact and discipline office referral □ Point voucher - Parent conference and discipline office referral *Extreme behavior warrants immediate discipline office referral. Additional Policies: Per the WCSD dress code, NO HATS, HOODS, or SUNGLASSES may be worn in the classroom for any reason; head coverings will be allowed in the case of religious beliefs only. To keep the floor clear in this very small classroom space, backpacks and other additional personal items will be kept at the entrance table in the classroom or UNDERNEATH a student’s desk. Students should get out required items before class begins. Per RHS and class policy, NO FOOD, DRINK, or GUM will be allowed in the school’s halls or classroom. Per society’s common sense and decency guidelines, students will be polite and attentive whenever there is a guest speaker, a substitute teacher, or any visitor in the classroom. Hall Pass Policy: Each semester, students will be given a 50-point pass, which they may use for a single pass from class to go to the restroom. If they use the pass, the 50 points are gone. If they do not use this pass, they may turn in the pass at semester time for a 50-point extra credit addition to the notebook grade. Emergency needs will also allow for a clinic pass. Students will sign out on a log that maintains a record of such passes before leaving and sign back in once they return. Students will not be allowed to leave class to go to their lockers, cars, or anywhere else on or off campus, as the five-minute passing period allows students ample time to care for these needs. When a substitute is present, no hall passes will be issued at all. The substitute will honor passes from the office. Attendance Policy: Washoe County teachers will follow the state mandated attendance policy to the letter. See the WCSD website at www.washoe.k12.nv.us for a complete explanation of this policy. The student must request make-up work on the first day s/he returns to class either before school, during lunch, during teacher’s study hall period (4th pd), or after school, but NOT during instructional time. Failure to do this will result in the loss of the opportunity to make-up the work. Make-up work will be provided for any absence; however, not all work, especially work that is participatory and contributive in nature, can be made up, which means missing a class period may cause a student to earn a permanent -0- for a given classwork assignment. Honesty Policy: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Cheating may include (but is not limited to) copying another student’s work, plagiarizing material for an assignment, helping another student at an inappropriate time, and using notes or other materials on a closed-book, closednote test. All major papers and projects are subject to review at www.turnitin.com. Any indications of plagiarism discovered by this service will be grounds for a grade of “0” for that project. Students will be given directions for using this resource at the beginning of the school year. A student caught cheating will earn an “F” for the semester’s citizenship grade and a “0” for the entire assignment. Should cheating occur a second time, the student will be referred to the Assistant Principal and faces removal from the class without credit. My child must turn in all papers to turnitin.com to receive credit for this assignment. _____ Tardy Policy: Punctuality is a necessary trait in the world of work and school. The student is expected to be in the classroom and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Tardiness disrupts the learning environment. It is the student’s responsibility to sign in when entering class late and to comply with the classroom policy. The classroom door will be closed upon the ringing of the tardy bell, and all students should have their homework turned in and be seated when the tardy bell rings. On the third accumulated tardy (excused or On the eighth accumulated tardy (excused or unexcused), a grade no higher than “B” will be unexcused), a grade no higher than “F” will be earned earned for citizenship and a note will be sent home to for citizenship and the teacher will refer the student the parents. to the Assistant Principal. Consequences are likely to include a parent conference and an attendance/tardy On the sixth accumulated tardy (excused or contract may be written. Additional consequences unexcused), a grade no higher than “D” will be may include removal from class without credit. earned for citizenship and two detentions will be assigned. The goal of these consequences is to change the tardy behavior and reduce the number of classroom interruptions that occur on a daily basis. The consequences are in effect for a single semester. Progressive Discipline Plan: Students are expected to behave in class and follow school and classroom rules. Students who repeatedly disrupt the learning of others and fail to abide by the rules are subject to due process listed below, which will be documented by the teacher: a. Teacher talks with student (warning) and teacher d. Teacher writes a referral requesting a parent detention conference. b. Parent called and kept up to date on the current e. Another referral requires in-house suspension - 2 behavior of the student. or more times. c. Teacher assigns the student detention - 2 or more f. Out of school suspension is used 2 or more times. times. g. Teacher requests removal of student h. Removal from class - last and final consequence FAQs… What do I need to purchase to ensure my success for the school year? ***All students should bring in or pay online Lab Fee $10 During the course of the year, students will generate hundreds of hand-written documents in a variety of activities. Please prepare with the following supplies: 3 packages of notebook paper (any rule style) 1 package each of □ blue, □ black, □ red pens for peer revision and grading* 4 differently colored highlighters -required colors, pink, yellow, orange (or green), blue* 1 package pencils (mechanical or standard)* 1 basic package colored pencils, markers, or crayons (to be left in classroom storage boxes for artwork use)* 1 3-ring binder dedicated to English materials and work storage 5 section dividers Students are asked to contribute: boxes of facial tissues, 2 packages of lined notebook paper, antibacterial hand sanitizer, or disinfecting spray or wipes * Students will likely need at least one package of these items during the school year. If you'd like to donate to the classroom supply, a second package of these items would be appreciated for general classroom use. What do I need to BRING with me to class EVERY DAY? Your English binder (1.5” with section dividers and lots of paper for assignments) At least 2 sharpened pencils or a mechanical pencil (ready before class begins) At least 2 ballpoint pens (standard black or blue ink only) 4 different colored highlighters (required colors are: yellow, pink, blue, green) Any assigned reading textbook (anthology, paperback, etc.) in an appropriate cover Your approved AR book (in case you finish an assignment or test early) Your school organizer date book (school planner) How will assignments be handed in? All papers will be headed with the student’s FULL name (First name - Last name), the due date of the assignment, and stapled together (if the assignment required multiple pages). See example below. Homework will be turned in to the right side of the row folder when it is passed back by the row leader. Graded or checked assignments will be returned to students via the left side of the row folders. Incomplete assignments will earn a -0-. Only completed assignments will be accepted for grading. All assignments will be completed in standard pencil, standard blue or black ink, on standard notebook paper, or typed. The teacher prefers non-spiral notebook paper. Assignments must be legible. Writing that is determined to be illegible by the teacher will be given a -0-. Teacher reserves the right to require students with perpetually illegible writing to type all assignments. All major writing projects and assignments must be uploaded to www.turnitin.com the night before the paper is due and will be typed and turned in to the Row Folder IN PRINT on the due date. If students do not turn their papers in to turnitin.com, they will not earn any credit for their work. This process will be reviewed in class. SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT HEADING Lizabeth Walsh Aug. 16, 2015 Introducing myself My parents were not really sure exactly how many different nationalities made up our family, but they did know that we have Irish, Romanian, German, and Scottish ancestors. I only know the names of my parents, grandparents, sister, and my family’s dog. My mother is Georgia, and her parents were George and Patricia. My father is Arthur, and his parents were Winfield and Mary-Jean. My sister’s name is Merideth, and she is two and a half years younger than I am... What do I do if I am absent? o o o o Use either the printed calendar given at the beginning of each month to obtain missed assignments. Obtain lecture notes from a fellow student or from the teacher during lunch or after school. Teacher may also provide information http://lawalshenglish.com According to WCSD policy, students who are absent are allowed one day plus the number of days missed to get the work completed and in. Students are responsible for asking for and receiving their missed assignments after an absence. Students are NOT to use class time to obtain missed work. This will be done outside of class time ONLY. Students who have pre-arranged or school activity absences must obtain their work AHEAD OF TIME, not after the absence. Students should refer to the class calendar. Students will be expected to keep up with reading and note taking assignments as noted on the calendar, even if they are absent (unless a documented illness o o or injury prevents the student from reading). If notes are due on Wednesday, and the student is absent for the assigned reading on Monday, but in class on Tuesday, the notes are still due on Wednesday. Students with repeated absences on quiz or test days or on major project due dates will be required to participate in a teacher-parent-student conference. Students who are absent for an extended period due to illness or injury may obtain assignments on the website (available 2nd week of school), which can be accessed at the above-noted webpage for this class. Those completed assignments may be turned in via email to ewalsh@washoeschools.net Students who have completed a project by the assigned date, but have run out of toner or ink may also use the above method, as long as the e-mail is received no later than the BEGINNING of the class period. What is the policy regarding late work? o Any assignment not turned in on time will earn a grade -0-. o Students who are absent on a due date will earn a grade of “ab” until the work is made up. If the work is not made up in the allotted time, it will earn no credit. o Missing deadlines is not acceptable, and as a general rule, students will earn a -0- for late work. There is one exception to this rule. o Exception: Each failing student may have one “second chance to get it together” in a school year (This will be given to students as a HUBCAP pass.)- NOT one per semester. This will be given at the teacher’s discretion, and the student’s parent(s) must contact me via email or phone to hold a conference and request this exception. The student must abide by the terms of the makeup work contract regarding which assignments may be turned in late and when they will be due. o Students need to learn the value of doing what they are supposed to do when they are supposed to do it. Parents are expected to assist their children in meeting deadlines by providing an atmosphere at home that allows the student to complete the work in a timely fashion. While there may be reasons why work is not done, there are no excuses. o Homework is a daily task. Students must study their vocabulary and lit terms EVERY NIGHT. Check the student’s Class Calendar for English 3-4 for additional assignments. o Late projects and major writing assignments WILL BE MARKED DOWN ONE LETTER GRADE PER DAY LATE. Students are given adequate advance notification of all of these assignments, and are expected to turn them in on time or early (in the case of planned absences). Anything else I should know? Literature books cost $65 to replace. Grammar books cost $55 to replace. Other texts cost between $10-20 each. Payment for lost/stolen texts remains the responsibility of the student and his/her family. If a child fails to return a book, no other books will be checked out to that student until the book is returned or the fine is paid in full. Obviously, failure to return or pay for books will result in a child’s inability to do the next reading assignment. Significant damage fines ($5-65) will be assessed for any water, ink, pencil, folding, bending, tearing, scratching, burning, running over with a car, or other damage done to the textbook. Students are expected to care for texts by covering them and/or carrying them in a protective case throughout the year. Stretchy fabric covers are virtually useless, so students are strongly encouraged to use paper bags or other heavy-duty materials to cover their books. ACCELERATED READER VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE EXPANSION READING ASSIGNMENT Everyone enjoys reading something that is interesting to him/her. Not only does reading help expand a student’s experiences, but it helps increase vocabulary and improve writing style. The Accelerated Reader (AR) program allows students to select books that are interesting and challenging, written by a wide variety of authors on a dizzying array of subjects. Reno High School’s library has hundreds of books designated as AR books for students to choose for this portion of their English 3-4 grade. Each AR book has a sticker on it that indicates the reading level (grade level and month in that grade e.g. 9.4 = 9th grade, 4th month of reading development) and the number of points available for earning 100% on the computerized test associated with the book (longer more difficult books are worth more points than shorter or easier to read books). Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) time is scheduled into the weekly schedule as indicated on the class calendar. All other reading time MUST BE scheduled by the student as homework time outside of class to finish the book on time. Students will turn in journal assignments on their reading once every two weeks. Students may use their SSR journals when they take their AR tests if they have completed EVERY assigned journal (20 sentences every two weeks) and turned them in ON TIME. To earn the entire AR/SSR grade in English 3-4 in Mrs. Walsh’s class, students will need to earn 15 points per quarter, for a total of 30 each semester. Points can carry from one quarter to the next, but every student begins with -0- points each new semester. Students may choose to read additional books and take additional tests over the 30 required points for extra credit. Students may earn up to 15 additional (extra credit) AR points per semester. Students should consult the AR website to make sure a book has an AR test written. Students may select any book they choose from this list and read it on a schedule that will allow them to take the computerized test (time limitations and due dates will be noted on the monthly calendar). Once the student has passed the test with a 70% or better and has completed the given writing assignment on the back of that printout, I will collect that form, enter it in the gradebook, and return it to the student, who should keep it in the English notebook, along with a personal log of points earned until the semester has ended. Those points will be added into each child’s grade at the end of each grading period. Students MAY NOT take tests on any book that has been made into a movie. Students may not repeat AR tests from those taken previously, even if they failed those tests and have now re-read the book(s). Students may not take AR tests on books they have not signed in on the class AR list and brought to class. Students must physically have the book each class meeting. Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to read books with enough points available to earn extra points for two reasons. The first is that they can earn extra credit if they answer all the questions correctly. The second is that they may have to read for additional points in the case they do not earn 100% on a test. If a student earns just 70% of the 10 points available, he has earned just 7 points, and still needs another 8 to earn the required minimum for the quarter. At the 4 week mark of each quarter, teacher will enter a -0- for these points until students have earned them so parents and students can more easily calculate final grades. Parents are reminded and will acknowledge below that reading for information and pleasure is an important part of any student’s development. Studies and experience show that reading a wide variety of materials not only expands a child’s virtual experience, but it will help students to become good writers and good speakers. If students spend more time reading, they are more likely to score higher in all kinds of standardized testing; therefore, parents and students should allot significant amounts of time each week to sit quietly and read AR books as well as other materials in addition to the time normally set aside for homework completion. Students who benefit most from this reading are those who spend at least 25 minutes of uninterrupted time at least four days a week reading their chosen materials . Once a student has finished earning the AR points required for the quarter or semester, he/she is still expected to bring school-appropriate reading materials to every class period. We acknowledge the AR system and its requirements in Mrs. Walsh’s English 3-4 class. We understand that AR points will be calculated into the reading standard grade, and that without these points, a student may find it very difficult to earn an A in the class. We understand the value of developing and maintaining a habit of reading a wide variety of materials because it benefits students by building their virtual experiences as well as by improving their general education and testing ability. ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== Congratulations! You’ve finished. (Whew!) Please email ewalsh@washoeschools.net to confirm that you have reviewed these pages of information with your student. Please send in or pay online (http://tinyurl.com/Walshclassfees) the $10 English lab fee.