n Evaluation of Service Quality in Jordanina Tourism Resort

The influence of external environment on Jordan tourist marketing -
Jordan has seen significant developments in the tourism sector in the past decade as a
result of the government's attention, and has been significant investment of Arab and
foreign towards this vital sector, which contributed to the spread of hotels and tourist
facilities in various parts of Jordan.
However, there are factors that affect the marketing of tourism, whether external and
internal factors, affects development in the Kingdom, with varying degrees of impact of
such factors as quality and relevance. Factors, including political, economic, social and
In a study to identify the impact of the external environment and foreign investment,
tourism marketing, where the study is contained in four chapters, the first of which deals
with the study's methodology, and the second theoretical framework, and the third
practical framework, and the fourth results and recommendations .
*Using Geographic Information System to Visualize Travel Patterns and Market
Potentials of Petra City in Jordan
The role of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology in tourism analysis and site
selection is well established. The tourism industry have widely adopted information
technology (IT) to reduce costs, enhance operational efficiency, and most importantly to
improve service quality and customer experience. The paper explores the applications of
GIS that present travel patterns related data obtained from Petra city in Jordan. The paper
demonstrates that (GIS) is increasingly becoming critical for the competitive operations
of the tourism sites as well as hospitality organizations in Jordan. As proposed by the
system used in this study the paper provides various utilities and a proposal for the
application of GIS in marketing of tourist sites in Jordan. Furthermore, the paper will
highlight the barriers the researchers encounter in applying GIS in marketing of tourist
sites in Petra city and Jordan in general.
Key Words: Tourism Marketing, Geographic Information System (GIS), Petra city.
The European Tourist Perception Concerning the Jordanian Touristic
This Research aims at identifying the real image of European tourists of the Jordanian
tourism Product; investigating the obstacles facing the Jordanian tourism and explore the
promotional measures that advance the best use of the available resources. The
methodology follows a descriptive and analytical approach (One sample mean t-test, Two
independent sample means test and variance analysis) (ANOVA). However, the approach
is based upon selecting convenience random sample of 350 Tourists primarily due to
limited available time and close financial circumstances of researcher. Guests’ perception
and reactions to quality standards are considered. The research findings show that the
European tourist places a high value on the human aspect of tourism. The Research
recommends that authorized personnel of the tourism industry must adopt effective
policies and programs to the weak areas and activities of the industries and to improve
the employee attitude. The pursuance of effective marketing tourism strategies in Jordan
was also recommended. Based upon the findings of research the following conclusions
were reached:The research indicated the importance of improving the quality and number of tourism
A consolidated team of local and international tourism and marketing experts must hold
several meetings and concessions in order to pinpoint the blue planning draft of the
national tourism Jordanian plan for the short, middle and long term for the purpose of
improving the tourism sector as a whole. Highly-acknowledged, experienced and high
ranking individuals must demand the present Government to increase the budget mainly
to develop a better tourism Infrastructure and superstructure as well as better tourism
promotional Campaigns all over Europe. Standards, code of practice and ethics, relevant
polices must be established by the authorized ministry, to define issues concerned with
prices, services quality control and assurance. Consolidated, profound attention should be
directed toward proper use of this strategic, potential source of revenue and strong efforts
must be focused to enhance Jordanian tourism. Corporations operating in tourism sector
must work toward enhancing the operations and promotion efforts for the sake of the
nation as a whole.
This study aims at reveal the relationship between the major
components of marketing information system, and decision-making in
Jordanian shareholding medicines production companies. It also aimed at
introduce the concept, elements, and components of marketing information
system. The data required for this study has been gained from two sources:
the first is represented in the books, studies and previous research, while the
second was field study. All Jordanian shareholding medicines production
companies registered in Amman financial market were surveyed. The
number of these was (7). For the purpose of this study a pre-designed
questionnaire has been distributed on marketing managers, and the
marketing information system staff working in these companies. At the end
of this study, the researcher reached the following results: There is a
statistically significant relation between each of the following marketing
information system components, and decision-making: internal records,
marketing research, and marketing intelligence. There is no specialized
organizational unit for marketing information system in five of the seven
companies under study. There is a weakness in the appointment of
appropriate, qualified, and specialized staff who have the ability to do the
work required by the marketing information system in Jordanian
shareholding medicines production companies properly
Key words: marketing information system, internal records, marketing
research, marketing intelligence, marketing decision-making.
*n Evaluation of Service Quality in Jordanina Tourism Resort
)Applied Study (
The purpose of this study is to identify the Jordanian destinations
attendees assessments about the quality of services Jordanian destinations
offer. It also aimed at identifying the differences in Jordanian destinations
attendees in evaluating to the quality of services in Jordanian destinations
attributed to a number of demographic variables. The researcher adopted two
types of data in this study,: The first was the data gleaned from books,
studies and previous research, the second was the field study, which
included: designing and distributing a questionnaire to collect data from
attendees of Jordanian destinations tourist. The questionnaire includes two
parts: the first: the general characteristics of the sample of the study,
included: sex, educational qualification, monthly income. The second: data
on the subject of study: a measure to assess the quality of services in the
tourist Jordanian destinations. Cronbach's Alpha reliability test was
performed to determine the reliability of the questionnaire as a tool of
collecting data. The population of the study represents the attendees of the
nine Jordanian destinations tourist (Amman, Jerash, Ajloun, Um Qais, the
Dead Sea, Karak, Petra, Aqaba, Wadi Rum). A comprehensive survey of the
population of the study has been used. A set of results has been found, and
can be summarized as follows: The Jordanian destinations attendees
assessments to the quality of services provided were positive. There is no
differences in Jordanian destinations attendees in evaluating to the quality of
services in Jordanian destinations tourist attributed to sex, and educational
qualification. There is a difference in Jordanian destinations attendees in
evaluating to the quality of services in Jordanian destinations tourist
attributed to the monthly income.
*Role of Tourism
Sector on Jordan’s Economy
Many countries nowadays recognize the important role of tourism in
economic growth and social progress this is why they try to exploit their
tourism potential. This study seeks to analyze the impact of tourism on
economic growth in Jordan by using secondary data obtained from
different sources. The study investigates the impact of number of tourists’
arrivals and real effective exchange rate on economic growth in Jordan;
however, the results depict the positive effect of both variables during the
period 2003-2009.The study also find that while the economic indicators of
this sector are promising and huge steps have been taken by Jordanian
authorities to promote the sustainable development in the sector, the state
of tourism sector is widely regarded as below the potential. Finally, based
on the findings of the study valuable recommendations are given.
*The Classical Theory Of Organization It,s Relevance.E urojournals