SIGNATURE OF THE SERVICE PROVISION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE G.E.I.E. DU TUNNEL DU MONT BLANC AND THE FRENCH AND ITALIAN PUBLIC EMERGENCY SERVICES COVERING INITIAL EMERGENCY AND FIREFIGHTING RESPONSE IN THE MONT BLANC TUNNEL COURMAYEUR, 23 June 2001 Press information: GEIE-TMB tel I (0039)0165 89421 tel F (0033)(0)45053 0615 fax(0039)0165 89548 IIN NT TR RO OD DU UC CT TIIO ON N The Groupement Européen d’Intérêt Economique du tunnel du Mont Blanc (GEIE-TMB), the Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours de HauteSavoie (SDIS 74), and the Regione Autonoma della Valle d'Aosta (RAVA) will sign a service agreement on 23 June in Courmayeur. The agreement defines the resources (human, technical, financial and organisational) that the three parties to the agreement undertake to deploy to ensure safety and first emergency response after the Mont Blanc Tunnel reopens to traffic. The signature of this agreement is the first public act of the new organisation set up by the concession companies to operate the Mont Blanc Tunnel. Its content reflects several months of work on the part of the GEIE-TMB Operations Project Group, its Experts and the ATMB and SITMB companies working with the Officers of the SDIS 74 and RAVA fire brigades, their experts and the SDIS 74 and RAVA oversight authorities. This work is part of the quest for the best possible safety conditions in the renovated Mont Blanc tunnel, a quest which brought together personnel from GEIE-TMB, the ATMB and SITMB Joint Technical Department and the Public Emergency Services mobilised by both governments and overseen by the Safety Committee reporting to the Mont Blanc Tunnel Intergovernmental Control Committee. In parallel with the negotiation of this Agreement and consistent with it, the Internal Response and Safety Plan and the Binational Rescue Plan were drafted and the prototype bi-frontal fire-fighting vehicle was developed. The signature of the Agreement, which refers to these plans and to the supply of a bi-frontal vehicle at each of the emergency response stations, was made possible by these joint efforts. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 2 Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 3 IIM MM ME ED DIIA ATTE ER RE ES SP PO ON NS SE E TTA AS SK KS SE EN NTTR RU US STTE ED D TTO O TTH HE E F FRREENNCCHH AANNDD IITTAALLIIAANN FFIIRREE--FFIIG GH HTTIIN NG GA AN ND DE EM ME ER RG GE EN NC CY Y S SE ER RV VIIC CE ES SB BY YG GE EIIE E--T TM MB B The agreement signed on 23 June stipulates that GEIE-TMB will entrust to the SDIS 74 and RAVA professional fire-fighting services the immediate response missions incumbent on them as defined by the Internal Response and Safety Plan. OBJECTIVE: Ensure efficiency of response initiated by the GEIE-TMB command post. Ensure rapid action at the site of the initiating event by the professional fire-fighters on duty 24 hours a day at the three GEIE-TMB emergency response stations located at each portal and in the centre of the tunnel. Ensure renewal and ongoing training of these immediate response teams by calling on the fire safety professionals of the nearby emergency services. Ensure that the teams of the emergency services of the two countries called upon to carry out emergency operations under the Binational Rescue Plan are fully familiar with tunnel equipment. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 4 C CRREEAATTIIO ON NO OFF A AG GRRO OU UP PE EM ME EN NTT M MIIXXTTEE D DU UT TUUNNNNEELL DDUU M MO ON NTT B BLLAANNCC SDIS 74 and RAVA teams will provide the services entrusted to them by GEIE-TMB, which will be coordinated within the Groupement Mixte du Tunnel du Mont Blanc: THESE TASKS INCLUDE IN PARTICULAR: uninterrupted operation of the immediate response system, with 3 professional fire-fighters on duty at each of the tunnel's three emergency response stations 24 hours a day. emergency response within the framework set out by the Internal Response and Safety Plan (fire-fighting, rescue, assistance and forecasting). support for emergency services when they take command of operations under the Binational Rescue Plan. support for tunnel accident prevention and operating risk assessment (preparation of procedures, participation in working groups, inspection and verification of safety equipment, etc.). provision of information to GEIE-TMB on technical improvements to Mont Blanc Tunnel safety. THE GROUPEMENT MIXTE DU TUNNEL DU MONT BLANC WILL ALSO WORK WITH GEIE-TMB TEAMS TO: bring tunnel users to safety and evacuate them train GEIE-TMB teams having safety responsibilities perform risk prevention analysis and activities. Without distinction based on nationality, the Groupement Mixte du Tunnel du Mont Blanc will provide its services throughout the site managed by GEIETMB, i.e. the tunnel itself and the French and Italian platforms. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 5 G GE EIIE ET TM MB BO OBBLLIIG GA ATTIIO ON NS S UNDER THE AGREEMENT, GEIE-TMB MUST IN PARTICULAR: Provide GMTMB teams with full information required to carry out their missions: technical changes in the tunnel, organisational changes, works and maintenance programme, etc. Ensure coordination between the immediate response teams provided by the Groupement Mixte du Tunnel du Mont Blanc and its own safety/traffic and maintenance teams as well as with all other subcontractors called upon to work in the tunnel. Supply the equipment, facilities and premises required. Carry out its share of specific tunnel training, in particular training to foster bicultural cooperation and action. Reimburse expenses incurred by each of the emergency services. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 6 S SAAFFEETTYY AANNDD EEM ME ER RG GE EN NC CY YR RE ES SP PO ON NS SE EP PLLA AN NS S THE INTERNAL RESPONSE AND SAFETY PLAN (PIIS) Immediate response procedures are set out in the Internal Response and Safety Plan (PIIS). This plan is implemented by GEIE-TMB to manage all incidents. This plan indicates in particular the conditions under which GEIE-TMB may, within the framework of the PIIS, request outside emergency service response or initiation of the Binational Rescue Plan. THE BINATIONAL RESCUE PLAN (PSB) Depending on the incident, the Binational Emergency Plan overseen by the Prefects of the Haute Savoie and the Vale d'Aosta can take over from the PIIS. The PSB sets out, in particular, the practical details of the response by the emergency services of the two countries and organises management of rescue operations. If the PSB is initiated, GEIE-TMB teams, especially those set up under this agreement by the Groupement Mixte du Tunnel du Mont Blanc, will be placed at the disposal of the Director of Emergency Operations appointed by the French and Italian public authorities. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 7 R REESSO OU UR RC CE ES SE EM MP PLLO OY YE ED D IIN N TTH HE EF FRRAAM ME EW WO OR RK KO OFF TTH HE E A AG GR RE EE EM ME EN NTT The forecast annual cost for implementing this agreement is 3.1 million euros for the supply, by the two public emergency services, of the GEIE-TMB immediate response teams. Costs relating to the supply of equipment, facilities and premises must be added. The total budget amounts to approximately 4 million euros, covered entirely by GEIE TMB. HUMAN RESOURCES SDIS 74 and RAVA must each supply five people to man the tunnel's three immediate response stations at all times. To ensure optimum performance by their personnel, SDIS and RAVA will also organise the duty roster of response team personnel at their nearby emergency service centres. TRAINING OF THE GROUPEMENT MIXTE DU TUNNEL DU MONT BLANC TEAMS SDIS 74 and RAVA will ensure ongoing training of the personnel making up the GEIE-TMB immediate response teams, especially in use of equipment made available to the latter by GEIE-TMB. The Groupement Mixte du Tunnel du Mont Blanc teams will receive: initial training related to their new responsibilities specialised training related to site-specific risks, special training related to uniform response and coordination with the GEIE-TMB operating teams (ex: Italian and French language training). Overall, the training programme covers 440 trainee-days in the first year. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 8 R REESSO OU UR RC CE ES SE EM MP PLLO OY YE ED D IIN N TTH HE EF FRRAAM ME EW WO OR RK KO OFF TTH HE E A AG GR RE EE EM ME EN NTT ((C CO ON NTTIIN NU UE ED D)) TRAINING OF GEIE TEAMS GEIE safety personnel will receive training provided by Groupement Mixte du Tunnel du Mont Blanc team members. This training will cover, in particular, rescue operations, installation of mobile emergency infrastructure, respiratory protection, fire-fighting, etc. MATERIAL RESOURCES Premises The three emergency stations located at the two portals and in the centre of the tunnel will include working and staff premises equipped with full resources needed to perform services in compliance with the health and safety rules applying in the two countries. Vehicles Three "heavy" bi-frontal fire-fighting vehicles Three "light" emergency vehicles Vehicles for team changeover and replacement Equipment Fire-fighting. Respiratory protection. First aid. Personal protection. Extrication. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 9 The brochure for the prototype "Janus" bi-frontal vehicle, drawn up for GEIETMB by the BAI company in conjunction with SDIS 74, RAVA, ATMB and SITMB and their advisers HBI, SITEC and SCETAUROUTE/SPEA, is appended Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 10 IIM MP PLLE EM ME EN NTTA ATTIIO ON NO OFF TTH HE EA AG GR RE EE EM ME EN NTT S Siiggnnaattuurree ooff tthhee aaggrreeeem meenntt ppaavveess tthhee w waayy ffoorr ffuurrtthheerr ddeevveellooppm meenntt ooff tthhee eexxiissttiinngg eexxeem p l a r y c o o p e r a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e R A V A a n d S D I S 7 4 f mplary cooperation between the RAVA and SDIS 74 fiirree bbrriiggaaddeess aanndd TTM MB B eennggiinneeeerrss.. W Wiitthhiinn tthhee ffrraam meew woorrkk ooff tthhee ttuunnnneell rreennoovvaattiioonn pprrooggrraam mm mee,, tthhee ttw woo eem meerrggeennccyy sseerrvviicceess hhaavvee aallrreeaaddyy ccoonnttrriibbuutteedd tthheeiirr eexxppeerrttiissee aanndd ssuuppppoorrtt ttoo w woorrkkssiittee ssaaffeettyy.. IItt w waass w wiitthhiinn tthhaatt ffrraam meew woorrkk tthhaatt ""JJaannuuss"" w waass ddeessiiggnneedd.. TThhee eem meerrggeennccyy sseerrvviicceess aanndd G GE EIIE E--TTM MB Bm muusstt ccoom mpplleettee pprreeppaarraattiioonn ooff tthhee ssaaffeettyy aanndd rreessccuuee ppllaannss,, pprreeppaarree ddrriilllss ttoo bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt pprriioorr ttoo tthhee ddeecciissiioonn ttoo rreeooppeenn tthhee ttuunnnneell aanndd ttrraaiinn ppeerrssoonnnneell iinn tthhee ppllaannss,, pprroocceedduurreess aanndd ooppeerraattiinngg pprroocceedduurreess ccuurrrreennttllyy bbeeiinngg ddeevveellooppeedd.. TToo tthhiiss eenndd tthhee C Coooorrddiinnaattiinngg C Coom mm miitttteeee pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr iinn tthhee aaggrreeeem meenntt w wiilll m e e t v e r y s o o n . meet very soon. IItt w wiilll ddeeffiinnee tthhee aaccttiioonn ttoo bbee ttaakkeenn aanndd sscchheedduullee iitt.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, aa jjooiinntt sseem miinnaarr ffoorr G GM MTTM MB B aanndd G GE EIIE E--TTM MB B m maannaaggeem meenntt ppeerrssoonnnneell iiss ccuurrrreennttllyy bbeeiinngg ppllaannnneedd.. TThhee oobbjjeeccttiivvee sseett bbyy G GE EIIE E--TTM MB B iiss ttoo bbee rreeaaddyy oonn 2244 S Seepptteem mbbeerr ttoo m moovvee iinnttoo tthhee tteessttiinngg aanndd ttrriiaall rruunn ddrriilll pphhaasseess.. TThhee iim p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e a g r e e m mplementation of the agreemeenntt iiss iinn lliinnee w wiitthh tthhiiss oobbjjeeccttiivvee.. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 11 T THHEE G GE EIIE EM MA AN NA AG GE EM ME EN NTT TTE EA AM M IIS S IIN NP PLLA AC CE E FFO OR R R RE EO OP PE EN NIIN NG G On the day of the signature of the agreement with SDIS 74 and RAVA, the GEIE-TMB team which will be operational when the tunnel reopens was already in place This team, which is preparing the reopening of the tunnel, was appointed for a period that will end 30 months after tunnel reopening. Starting in early June 2001, Ms Bianca Vetrino-Nicola, Chairman of SITMB, will chair the GEIE –TMB Supervisory Board, alternating with Rémy Chardon, Chairman of ATMB, in accordance with the GEIE statutes. Jean-Marc Berthier, Managing Director: He joined GEIE-TMB as Director at the beginning of the year to prepare the setting up of the future tunnel teams. He was appointed Managing Director in June 2001. He succeeds Vincenzo Pozzi, who will henceforth work with Jean-Yves Lapierre within the ATMB and SITMB Common Technical Department which is in charge of the tunnel works programme. Jean-Marc Berthier, 55, a spent most of his career at AREA (Autoroutes Rhône-Alpes), where he was head of operations for 5 years. He carried out a large number of international assignments, in particular in Malaysia and Australia where he set up operation of motorways with tunnels. Immediately after joining GEIE-TMB, he was posted to Sydney, Australia, where he prepared the operation of a motorway with a 4 km tunnel for the EGIS Group. Jean-Marc Berthier is assisted by two Directors, Michele Tropiano and PierreFrançois Linares. Together they make up the GEIE Management Committee. Michele Tropiano, appointed GEIE –TMB Director by SITMB in June 2001, had been in charge of tunnel operations since 1992. He spent most of his career with the Mont Blanc Tunnel, which he joined when it opened in 1965. Pierre-François Linares joined the GEIE team as a Director in April 2001 to take part in the tunnel reopening project group, covering technical organisation and maintenance, especially future information systems in the Mont Blanc Tunnel. As an officer in the French Navy since 1976, Pierre-François Linares previously worked within the Armed Forces Staff where he was in charge of technical affairs in the Telecommunications, Information Systems and Command Division. Signature d’une Convention entre le GEIE du tunnel du Mont Blanc et les services de secours français et italiens 23 juin 2001 12