Math ASAP IN 4.5.3 /4.5.4/4.5.5 Perimeter and Area Grade Level: 4 Subject: Math Prepared By: TIS Overview & Purpose 4.5.3 Know and use formulas for finding the perimeters of rectangles and squares. Education Standards Addressed 4.5.3 Know and use formulas for finding the perimeters of rectangles and squares. 4.5.4 Know and use formulas for finding the areas of rectangles and squares. 4.5.4 Know and use formulas for finding the areas of rectangles and squares. 4.5.5 Estimate and calculate the area of rectangles and squares by using appropriate units, such ft², yd ², cm² 4.5.5 Estimate and calculate the area of rectangles and squares by using appropriate units, such ft², yd ², cm² Problem of the Day: Show a rectangle on graph paper (transparency or projector) and have students determine the perimeter and area. Also ask them to include the secret formula in order to solve. Teacher Guide Engage: THINK ALOUD Teacher will introduce the daily problem of the day to solve. The teacher will guide the students through each step of the problem of the day. The students may use manipulatives, drawings and other concrete materials to extend the thinking processes. The students may work together in pairs to completed steps in the problem solving process. If time allows, continue with problem of the day using IN Curriculum Framework Lesson, Not So Secret Formulas which will engage students in working with perimeter and area. Teacher Notes Materials Needed Pencil Problem Solving Mat (pdf in Grade 4 folder) Grid Paper (provided in IN Curriculum Framework Lesson.) Explore: WORKOUTS The teachers will guide the students through the DS Tutorial related to the day’s standard. The teachers will use problems identified for whole group instructions through exploration. Students will complete the IN 4.5.3 Area/Perimeter Activity in Destination Success. Walk around lab and pull those students who show lack of understanding. EDUCATION CITY-Grade 4 Students may also complete Tomb of Doom which focuses on area and perimeter High Rise emphasizes perimeter. Evaluate Have students do the following worksheets with manipulatives, o Classroom Assessment Option A o Classroom Assessment Option B Materials Needed Practice or Homework WS Pencil Extend Each student will complete a 10 minutes a day in the school’s computer lab to complete math fact practice using an addition site recommended by TIS Team Additional Online Resources Funbrain’s Area Game Area and Perimeter Tutorial and Game Area and Perimeter Games Cyberchase Perimeter Math Playground Area and Perimeter Additional Practice/Assessment Perimeter and Area Perimeter and Area Reteach 18.1 Perimeter and Area Practice 18.1 Perimeter and Area Homework 18.1 Perimeter and Area Problem Solving 18.1 Perimeter Perimeter Reteach 18.2 Perimeter Practice 18.2 Perimeter Homework 18.2 Perimeter Problem Solving 18.2 Area Area Reteach 18.3 Area Practice 18.3 Area Homework 18.3 Area Problem Solving 18.3