Geometry Think Tac Toe

Geometry Think-Tac-Toe
Directions: Choose activities in a tic-tac-toe design. When you have
completed the activities in a row–horizontally, vertically, or diagonally–you
may decide to be finished. Circle the activities you chose to do. You may
decide to keep going and complete more activities if you choose.
All assignments and projects are due by: ___________________________________
Draw an irregular
pentagon and a regular
pentagon. Find the
Perimeter of each
pentagon, and compare
the perimeters using an
Write about two real-life
situations that you will
need to know how to
compute area and
perimeter to solve.
Choose any item to
measure using
centimeters. Name the
type of shape that the
item was, and find the
items area and perimeter.
Complete the practice
Perimeter and Area
Write a poem, rhyme, or
rap that includes
geometry terms with their
Create your own
geometry review
worksheet with an answer
key. Your worksheet
must have ten problems
and two of the problems
must be story problems.
Define the following
geometry terms: triangle,
quadrilateral, pentagon,
rectangle, square,
trapezoid, rhombus, and
Design a poster that
shows how to find area
and perimeter. List out
step-by-step how to find
the area and perimeter of
a figure. Provide an
example with your steps.
Write three real-life
situation word problems
for finding area or
perimeter and provide an
answer key with each