MMC 5440 Wang Fall2013

Florida International University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Department of Advertising and Public Relations
MMC 5440 Section RX2 Applied Research Methods
Instructor: Weirui Wang, Ph.D.
Office: Academic II 328
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:00-4:50 p.m. and by appointment
Phone: 305-919-4428
Class Hours and Location: Thursdays 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. AC1- 226
Course Description: This class will prepare students to design, conduct and interpret research in their
future careers as advertising and PR professionals. Students will be provided the knowledge necessary to
develop a solid understanding of the principles and methods of social scientific research as it applies to the
advertising and PR fields. To be better prepared for conducting research in their future careers, students
will be introduced to methods of primary research in strategic communication such as interview, focus
group, survey and experimental research. Students will also be introduced basic statistical techniques using
SPSS statistical package.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the successful student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of research in strategic communication;
2. Gain an understanding of the nature of the research process, as well as the principles and
methods of social scientific research;
3. Conduct research using appropriate research methods;
4. Communicate research results correctly, clearly and professionally in forms and styles
appropriate for research presentations in advertising and public relations professions;
5. Critically evaluate research conducted by self and others for accuracy, appropriateness, fairness
and clarity;
6. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts;
7. Apply research tools and technologies appropriate for the advertising and marketing professions.
Required Text:
Zikmund, W. G., & Babin, B. J. (2010). Exploring marketing research. (10th Ed.). Mason, OH: SouthWestern Cengage Learning.
Course Requirements and Assignments
Students are expected to prepare thoroughly for class by reading assigned materials prior to class, to
participate actively in class discussions, and to complete the assigned tasks. These activities should be
completed on time and in a professional manner. The final grade is computed as follows.
Assignments (60 points): This course will include three large assignments throughout the
semester. Each assignment is worth 20 points toward the student’s final grade. There will be no
make-up or extensions unless you have a documented absence.
Exams (200 points): Two in-class open-book exams will be administered throughout the
semester. Each exam is worth 100 points towards the student’s final grade. If you know in advance
that you will be unable to take the exams on the scheduled dates, please let me know at least two
(2) weeks before the exam so we can make other arrangements. In the event that you miss the
exam, you must provide written documentation for your absence. A make-up exam will be
administered ONLY if legitimate, written documentation is provided within two (2) days of
the scheduled exam date. Otherwise, you will receive a zero.
Team Project (140 points): Students are required to work in a team on a research project. This
course is designed to give you "hands on" experience working with a research problem. Details of
this project will be spelled out as the semester progresses. In general, you are required to complete
three assignments to complete the team project. The breakdown of points is as follows:
o Situation Analysis (30 points)
o Measurement Instrument (20 points)
o Data collection (20 points)
o Data analysis and reporting the results (20 points)
o Research presentation (20 points)
o Final paper (30 points)
Peer evaluation: Your team members will evaluate your contribution from 0 to 10. The points
you get for your team project will be later adjusted based on the peer evaluation score you get. For
example, if you get 8 out of 10 for your peer evaluation and your team get 128 out of 140 for the
team project, your score for the team project will be adjusted to 128 * 80% = 102.4. Please
remember that you are required to participate in the team project throughout the whole process.
Class participation and attendance: Attendance and class participation are required and
expected. Attendance will be taken during each class. You may have three unexcused absences
with no penalty to your grade. Furthermore, you are expected to be in class on time. You will not
earn extra points for attendance and participation. However, if you fail to meet the minimal
requirements, you grade will be influenced.
Absences will be considered unexcused unless (a) you speak with the instructor BEFORE the
absence and get approval, or (b) you provide written (e.g. medical, legal, or academic)
documentation AFTER the absence. Repeated lateness will also affect your participation grade.
Class participation is very important. It enhances your learning experience. Make sure you read the
assigned materials and be ready to engage in group discussion, to share your ideas, and to ask
Grading Scale
Exam 1
Exam 2
Team project
Below 240
Please note: Your final score will NOT be rounded up (i.e., you will get B+ if you get 359.9 in
Discussion of Grades: Your questions or complaints about grades will be only taken in writing. All
inquiries must be submitted within one week of receiving the grade in question.
Important Course Policies
Electronic communication: This class will rely heavily on electronic communication.
Assignments and course materials will be posted on Blackboard. Students are required to
check for electronic messages and postings weekly. It is the student’s responsibility to have a
working email connected with Blackboard and check for messages and postings on
Deadlines and exam dates: Unless you have a documented excuse, there will be no make-ups
or extensions for the exams and assignments. When you submit your make-up exam or
assignment (all make-up work must be submitted in hard copy), please attach a copy of the
written documentation. Late assignments will receive a 10%-point deduction for each day is
Courtesy: Please turn off your cellular phones at the start of every class. If you must take a
call you must leave the class room. If you are late to class, avoid disrupting the class when you
enter. If a classmate is making a presentation, wait until they are finished before entering class
that is in progress. During class discussions, avoid interrupting fellow students and be
respectful of other people’s views and beliefs.
Office hours: My office hours are listed at the top of the syllabus. It is advisable to call or email before coming to my office to make sure I am available. If my office hours are not
convenient, please call or e-mail me and we will set up an appointment.
Academic honesty: Student must follow the Standards of Conduct described in the student
handbook. ( In course assignments and
exams, the use of literature, notes, aids, or assistance from other sources should be clearly.
Students are expected to use all resources, including books, journals, and computers only in
legal and authorized ways. Cheating or plagiarism will result in an automatic F on the related
assignment or exam, and possible further disciplinary measures.
Student with disabilities: If you have any special circumstances, please make me aware of
them so that you may be better accommodated. For questions and information about support
services, please call the FIU Office of Disability Services at 305-348-3532 (University Park
Campus: GC 190) or 305-919-5345 (Biscayne Bay Campus: WUC 139).
Important Dates
Sunday, August 25: Last day to register without $100 late fee
Tuesday, September 3: Last day to Add/Drop classes
Friday, September 20: Last day to withdraw with 25% refund
Monday, November 4: Last day to drop with a WI grade
Tentative Schedule
(Subject to Change)
8/27 Tuesday
8/29 Thursday
9/5 Thursday
9/5 Thursday
9/12 Thursday
Course Topic
Syllabus reading.
The role of
relations research
Research process
Organizational and
ethical issues
Problem Definition
Situation analysis &
Secondary data
9/12 Thursday
9/19 Thursday
9/19 Thursday
9/26 Thursday
9/26 Thursday
Final Project
Qualitative research
tools I
Qualitative research
tools II
Assignment & Final
project workshop
research tools &
Survey Research I
10/3 Thursday
Survey Research II
10/3 Thursday
Assignment & Final
project workshop
10/10 Thursday
Exam Review
10/10 Thursday
10/17 Thursday
Exam 1
Research I
Research II & Inclass assignment:
10/24 Thursday
Assignment & Final
10/17 Thursday
Assignment(s) Due
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 1
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 3
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 4
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 5
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 7
Final Group Project
Assignment 1:
Situation Analysis
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 6
In-class assignment 1:
Focus Group Research
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 8
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 8
Final Group Project
Assignment 1 Due
Final Group Project
Assignment 2: Survey
Questionnaire Assigned
Final Group Project
Assignment 2 Due &
Final Group Project
Assignment 3 Qualtrics
Set-up and Data
Collection Assigned
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 11
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 11
In-class Assignment 2:
Experimental Research
project workshop
10/24 Thursday
Measurement I
10/31 Thursday
Measurement II
10/31 Thursday
Sampling I
Zikmund & Babin
Chapters 13 & 14
Zikmund & Babin
Chapters 13 & 14
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 16
Final Group Project
Assignment 3 Due;
11/7 Thursday
Sampling II
11/7 Thursday
Introduction to
statistics I
11/14 Thursday
Introduction to
statistics II & Final
project workshop
research results
Final Project
Presentation Day
Holiday. No class
11/14 Thursday
11/21 Thursday
11/28 Thursday
12/5 Thursday
Exam Review
12/5 Thursday
Exam 2
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 16
In-class assignment 3:
sampling and
Zikmund & Babin
Chapters 17 & 20
Zikmund & Babin
Chapters 17 & 20
Final Group Project
Assignment 4: Data
analysis and report
Zikmund & Babin
Chapter 25
Final Group Project
Assignment 4 Due
Final paper due
How to access our class website through Blackboard
1. Go to
2. At the left top corner, please click on “Blackboard Login”
Or you can go to directly to log in.
3. The following page will show up. Enter your username and password.
4. After you log in, you should be able to see your courses that are using Blackboard.
Hope this helps!