Part 1 - Enerlon

Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
Part 1
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and service necessary for a complete and
operating networked Building Automation System (BAS), utilizing Direct Digital
Controls as shown on the drawings and as described herein. Drawings are
diagrammatic only. The BAS shall be capable of total integration of the facility
infrastructure systems with user access to all system data either locally attached to
the network communications media, a secure Intranet within the building, or by
remote access utilizing a standard Web Browser over the Internet. Capabilities to
include heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration (HVACR) interior/exterior
lighting control, electrical/gas/water metering, energy management control strategies,
security/personnel access control, fire-life safety systems, and all trending, alarm
reporting, scheduling, and control network maintenance and management functions
related to normal building operations all as indicated on the drawings or elsewhere in
this specification.
B. The BAS will consist of a flat, open architecture that utilizes ANSI/EIA standard 709.1,
the LonTalk protocol, as the common communication protocol between all controlled
and controlling devices. Where necessary or desired, LonTalk packets may be
encapsulated into TCP/IP messages to take advantage of existing infrastructure or to
increase network bandwidth. Any such encapsulation of the LonTalk protocol into IP
datagrams shall conform to existing LonMark guidelines for such encapsulation. The
BAS shall be comprised of a network of distributed, peer-to-peer LonWorks, standalone controllers. All controllers and software shall be Year 2000 compliant and shall
be provided with compliance documentation from the manufacturer.
C. The BAS is intended to seamlessly connect devices throughout the building
regardless of subsystem type, i.e. HVAC, lighting, and security devices should easily
coexists on the same network channel. Gateways shall not be used unless
specifically authorized by the project engineer. Use of a gateway requires submittal of
the documentation detailed in Substitutions Section. It is the intent of this
specification that gateways be limited to integrating legacy systems. Gateways used
to separate channels of open devices will not be allowed.
D. The products used in constructing the BAS shall be at minimum LonMark compliant.
In those instances in which LonMark devices are not available, the Network Integrator
(NI) shall provide LonWorks devices with application source code, device resource
files, and external interface definitions as described in Substitutions Section The
software tools required to install and commission the device shall be provided for nonLonMark devices.
E. System shall consist of all stand-alone intelligent control devices, legacy I/O devices,
sensors, automatic valves, actuators, dampers, operating software, approved
submittal, operation and maintenance manuals, start-test-check documentation, asbuilt documents, operator training, installation labor, warranty and all other necessary
material and labor to provide a complete and workable system.
F. Network services for the BAS shall be provided by applications compatible with
LonWorks Network Services (LNS) network operating system. Proposed network
service alternatives must demonstrate industry standardization by documenting an
ability to support tools, applications, and products manufactured by no fewer than ten
(10) distinct companies in the building control industry. Proposed alternatives will
then be field tested with network management tools from at least five (5) distinct
G. System Monitoring and Supervisory Control shall be provided through the installation
of Human Machine Interface (HMI) software applications that support either a direct
driver to the LNS database, a fast DDE interface, and/or a standard web browser
based user interface.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
H. The system shall operate as a low-voltage multiplexed data system, with supervisory
operator console communication with the BAS over the device communications
media, via standard telephone lines, or over TCP/IP channels. Failure of the BAS
communication shall cause controllers to revert to independent control. The controls
and instrumentation specified herein shall be fully integrated and installed as a
complete package by the NI contractor.
I. The Work under this Section shall include furnishing and installing wiring, conduit,
connectors, terminal strips, and any other equipment required to interface each
sensor or control point to the control system.
J. All hardware components necessary for a complete system shall include: field
devices of all types (i.e. sensors, actuators, relays, contactors), transformers, wiring,
conduit, raceways, and piping unless otherwise noted.
K. All application programming, databases, graphics and other activities related to
computer software or firmware shall be included as required to implement the generic
start-up logic and the graphics screens defined in this specification.
L. A complete installation of all non-BAS and emergency controls listed in this
specification shall be included
M. Included are all necessary labor and supervision for the installation, calibration,
adjustments, checkouts, commissioning of all components and devices provided, and
substantial performance requirements.
N. Complete documentation of the installed system, with commissioning reports and
Operations and Maintenance manuals shall be provided
A. This section describes the scope of work for the Network Integrator (NI) on the
project. This section also coordinates the responsibilities of the Mechanical (Div. 15)
and Electrical trade (Div. 16) contractors pertaining to control products or systems,
furnished by each trade, that will be integrated by the NI. The low voltage and
communication raceway systems, wiring and termination responsibilities for control
products and systems are also identified in this section.
B. The entire Building Automation System (BAS) shall be comprised of a peer to peer
network of interoperable, stand-alone intelligent LonWorks based digital controllers,
graphical user interface tools, and installation/maintenance tools all communicating
on a common open & interoperable communication network. A central LonWorks
Network Services (LNS) based operating system and database residing on a server
computer (locally or remotely as indicated on the construction drawings) will maintain
a common database of network device configurations and provide a network
management system that allows multiple client applications to access network data
and perform network management functions. The network tools shall access the
network and the network operating system either locally on the network media,
remotely via TCP/IP, or via standard telephone communications (POTS). The
network operating system running on a server computer shall provide additional
capabilities to perform network maintenance task such as device adds, moves,
changes, replacement, testing, application upgrades, and integration of 3rd party
devices and network tools
C. Work under this section includes: Example
PC-based dedicated file servers, fixed operator work stations and
portable operator workstations (Laptop computers), all software and
complete configuration.
Control system network including passive and active components.
Control and monitoring for all mechanical systems installed under this
Contract, including:
VAV boxes
Baggage claim area carbon monoxide control system
Communications Room cooling
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
Electrical Room Cooling
Toilet exhaust fans
Relocated domestic hot water circulation system
New controls for the remaining existing system in the basement
mechanical room
Providing sequences of operation described in Section 15940.
Installation of control instrumentation and hardware specified in Section
15910 necessary for a complete system of controls.
Installation of VFDs specified in Section 15915
Testing and Acceptance procedures described in Section 15945.
D. It is the responsibility of the contractor prior to the bid to review the pre-existing
condition of the equipment, wiring and controls. Identify conditions that will need to be
corrected for proper operation of the system and include these changes in the bid.
E. The Work also includes the provision of new Web Server devices and an Internet
Information Server to provide browser-based access to monitor system information
and change system setpoints from anywhere in the controls network, anywhere on
the facility LAN/WAN, or from the Internet. The system shall be configured such that
a failure of the Supervisory System shall not impair access to the BAS via a web
browser. A failure of the web browser system shall not impair the Supervisory
F. All network cabling, routers, Ethernet switches and other devices required for the
system are included in this Work, except as specifically noted or shown on the
drawings. The Owner will make connectivity to the Internet available and will provide
for limited connections to the Owner’s LAN/WAN. This Contractor shall coordinate
with the Owner to allow the Owner adequate time to have the Owner’s network
services available.
G. All programming information, graphics, bindings, databases, HTML and other
information required to restore the entire system in the event of equipment failure or
malfunction or human error shall be protected with a centralized back-up system.
H. PC functionality is intended to provide programming, program storage and retrieval,
database functions, operator interface with the BAS and monitoring and control of
other subsystems noted elsewhere. Operator interface with the system includes
monitoring of system parameters, set-point adjustment, alarm reporting and
acknowledgement and analysis of historical information.
I. Systems shall be designed to maximize multiple-vendor flexibility to replace or modify
any portion of the system.
J. Open and standardized protocols shall be used for all communications: LonTalk and
K. No BAS system components requiring the use of Gateways will be accepted.
L. To provide future flexibility, router channels shall not exceed nominally 75% of the
maximum number of devices on the channel, unless specified otherwise.
M. All software upgrades for all PC and control network operating systems, the
supervisory system, web browser, programming/binding tools, etc., without limitation
shall be provided at no additional charge for a period of one year after Substantial
Completion of the BAS.
N. Include all software used in installation, development of graphics, and network
management tasks.
O. All work described in this section shall be installed, wired, circuit tested and calibrated
by its local factory certified manufacturers representative. The installing office shall
have a minimum of ten years of installation experience and shall provide
documentation in submittal package verifying experience on designated component
types referenced in this specification. Supervision, calibration and checkout of the
system shall be by the employees of the local exclusive factory authorized
manufactures representative.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
P. Comply with applicable codes and ordinances. If any conflict arises between these
Specification and Drawings or codes and ordinances, immediately notify the Architect.
Do not deviate from the Drawings and Specifications nor install any work, which may
be in conflict with codes and ordinances until the conflict is resolved and the solution
accepted by the Architect.
Q. The Drawings show the general arrangement of the respective systems. Follow
these drawings, as closely as actual building construction and the work of other
trades will permit. Provide devices, fittings, and accessories, which may be required
but not shown on the Drawings or specified herein. Investigate conditions affecting
the work and arrange the work accordingly. Provide modifications and accessories
as may be required to meet such conditions.
A. The intent of this specification is to provide a peer-to-peer networked, stand-alone,
distributed control system. The BAS requires the incorporation of LonWorks
Technologies using Free Topology Transceivers (FTT-10), and specific conformance
to the LONMARK Interoperability Association’s v3.0 Physical and logical Layer HMI
guidelines in all unitary, terminal unit and other devices.
B. LonTalk communications protocol will be used on the communication network
between BAS controllers and other LonWorks devices to assure interoperability
between all devices within the network.
C. The BAS shall support the direct integration of standard and non-standard
communicating systems. The BAS shall be capable of delivering connectivity at the
LON, Ethernet, and HMI levels through standard offerings. The BAS shall offer as a
standard available solution the capability to integrate 300 existing control systems.
D. The BAS shall provide a standard development kit for the generation of additional
E. The BAS shall be extensible through the use of standard intelligent LonWorks
routers, available from a minimum of (3) manufacturers, with the following
connectivity options. NI contractor shall provide documentation in submittal package
verifying router availability options.
F. ETHERNET - The Network Interface shall employ Carrier Sense Multiple
Access/Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) contention type protocol, which adheres to the
industry standard format IEEE 802.3. The Network Interface shall be fully Internet
Protocol (IP) compliant allowing connection to currently installed IEEE 802.3
compliant Ethernet Networks. The Network Interface shall directly support
connectivity to a variety of cabling types. As a minimum provide the following
connectivity: 10Base2 (ThinNet RG-58 A/U Coaxial cabling with BNC connectors),
10BaseT (Twisted-Pair RJ-45 terminated UTP cabling).
G. LonWorks - The BAS shall employ LonTalk communications utilizing the LonWorks
Neuron chip or equal microprocessor, which conforms to the International Standards
Organization’s (ISO) seven layer Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) network protocol
model. The content of the messages shall be standard network variable types (SNVT)
from currently released LonMark master SNVT list for all control point data and
explicit messaging for non LonMark standard functions. The Neuron chip and a
transformer-isolated transceiver shall provide for either FTT-10A or 1.25 MBPS
communications over approved Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling.
H. The BAS shall have the capability of bi-directional remote communication via modem
over standard telephone lines. System shall be capable of connection via the HMI,
GP, and VT-100 terminal emulation. System shall be capable of solicited and
unsolicited communications from the Local Operating Network (LON) for remote
alarm annunciation and trend reporting to printers, pagers, facsimile, and e-mail.
I. Power wiring run in conduit with signal wiring and/or communications trunk shall not
exceed 30 VAC rms. voltage. All power wiring exceeding 30 VAC rms. shall be run in
separate conduit from signal wiring and/or communication trunk.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
The intent of this specification is to provide a true peer-to-peer networked, standalone, distributed control system with the capability to integrate EIA 709.1 LonTalk
protocol technology in one open, interoperable system. Access to all network data
points shall be possible from any location on the network.
When necessary, LonTalk packets may be encapsulated into TCP/IP packets to take
advantage of existing infrastructure or to increase network bandwidth. Any such
encapsulation into IP datagrams shall conform to existing LonMark HMI guidelines for
such encapsulation.
The intent of this specification is to seamlessly connect devices throughout the facility
regardless of subsystem type, i.e. HVAC, security, lighting, etc. Gateways shall not be
used unless specifically authorized by the project engineer.
Location and quantities of server, operator workstations, graphical user interfaces,
and network tools shall be as specified on single line control drawings supplied with
this specification.
The control devices used in constructing this project shall be LonMark certified unless
otherwise specifically authorized by the project engineer.
The network operating system shall be LonWorks Network Services (LNS). Proposed
alternatives must demonstrate the ability to provide a client/server architecture and
support multiple 3rd party configuration tools as well as perform network operation
tasks as described in section 3.
System monitoring and supervision shall be performed through installation of
graphical user interface software utilizing direct LNS drivers or a DDE driver
application. Web browser based interfaces may also be utilized for monitoring and
control of network variables as specified in section 2.04
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
1.25M LonTalk or
a suitable Ethernet
LonTalk router
LonTalk router
1.25M LonTalk
Life Safety or
Legacy Gateway as required
1.25M LonTalk
Gateway to legacy system:
Object or message mapping
must be documented.
Performance parameters of
gateway must also be identified.
78K Free
Topology wiring
78K Bus or 1.25M
bus wiring
Application Specific Controller
Application Generic Controller
Custom Application Controller
Intelligent Device
Figure No. 1: Open System Architecture - all LonTalk communication
*** Implementation notes:
In this approach, a 1.25M LonTalk backbone is used to connect 78k control
channels to each other. Each channel may represent a room, a floor, or a wing
depending on the number of devices and distances involved. This approach is
used when the control system is to remain independent of the standard data
network. Note that the workstations might also contain ethernet cards and
interface to a common IP data network.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
IP Data & Control Backbone
Data IP router
IP/LonTalk router
Legacy Gateway
IP/LonTalk router
78K Free
Topology wiring
78K Free
Topology wiring
Data network
Gateway to legacy system:
Object or message mapping
must be documented.
Performance parameters of
gateway must also be identified.
Owner must be trained in
mapping and tool to modify
mapping must be left with
Application Specific Controller
Application Generic Controller
Intelligent Device
Figure No. 2: Open System Architecture - LonTalk using IP
*** Implementation notes:
In this approach, a 1.25M LonTalk backbone is used to connect 78k Free
topology control channels to each other. An IP network then connects the 1.25M
LonTalk channels. Each 1.25M channel may represent a room, a floor, or a wing
depending on the number of devices and distances involved. This approach is
used to take advantage of IP infrastructure. In this approach, a limited number
of LonTalk to IP routers connected to the IP backbone in the building. Note
that it is still possible to install independent network interface cards (NIC) into
each workstation and provide the wiring for a separate ip data network.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
B. Pay applicable building permit fees, structural engineering fees, taxes, and license
C. Pay licensing fees required in connection with the use of patented devices and
installation software.
D. SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT - The Owner shall sign a copy of the
manufacturer’s standard software and firmware licensing agreement as a condition of
this contract. Such license shall grant use of all programs and application software to
Owner as defined by the manufacturer’s license agreement, but shall protect
manufacturer’s rights to disclosure of trade secrets contained within such software.
E. JOB CONDITIONS: Cooperate with Other Trades: Coordinate the Work of this
section with that of other sections to insure that the Work will be carried out in an
orderly fashion. It shall be this Contractor’s responsibility to check the Contract
Documents for possible conflicts between his Work and that of other crafts in
equipment location, pipe, duct and conduit runs, electrical outlets and fixtures, air
F. SPARE PARTS: Spare Parts: Provide the following products used on this project as
spare parts. Deliver the spare parts to the Owner’s representative prior to final
Base Bid (Example)
Occupancy Sensor
Room Temperature Sensor with setpoint adjustment
Digital Output control device
Analog Output Damper Operator device
Intelligent Valve Operators
VAV Control Unit
The spare parts shall be used by the contractor during the warranty period
for replacement of failed parts. The contractor shall replace all spare parts
used prior to completion of the warranty period.
G. UNACCEPTABLE BIDS - Bids by contractors, franchised dealers, or any other firm
whose principal business is not that of manufacturing or installing automatic
temperature control systems shall not be acceptable. Bid documents that are not
complete in their response to these documents or take exception to any of the
capabilities defined within these documents will be rejected.
H. SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE REVIEW - The NI contractor shall supply, at the
time of bid opening, a paragraph by paragraph specification compliance report. The
report shall indicate for each numbered paragraph, how the contractor meets the
criteria of the paragraph. The following format must be utilized in completing the
compliance report:
Comply - without exception.
Qualify - meet the functional intent. For each paragraph, the contractor
shall identify all differences in specific functions stated in the given
paragraph and provide a description of what is excluded or how the
qualifying system will meet the function specified.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
Does not comply - cannot meet specified function.
A. Approvals
1. Provide materials and equipment, including required tests, inspections, per
applicable provisions of federal, state and local government laws and ordinances
and referenced codes/Governing laws, ordinances.
2. All products of the BAS shall be provided with the following agency approvals.
With the submittal documents, verify that the approvals exist for all submitted
products, shall be provided. Systems or products not currently offering the
following approvals are not acceptable.
American National Standards Institute.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society for Testing and Materials
American Refrigeration Institute
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Instrument Society of America
Joint Industrial Council
LonMark™ LonWorks Interoperability Standards Association
National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.
National Fire Protection Association
Federal Communications Commission, Parts 15 and 16
UL 916
Energy Management Systems
UL Canadian Standards Association
FCC, Part 15, Subpart J, Class A Computing Devices
3. All products shall be labeled with the appropriate approval markings. System
installation shall comply with NFPA, NEMA, Local and National codes.
4. The BAS manufacturer shall provide documentation supporting compliance with
ISO-9001 certification mark from applicable registrar.
1. Comply with all current codes, ordinances, regulations, and the Owner’s
insurance underwriters. Specific attention should be paid to the fire and life
safety requirements of the (City/Village) of _______________ (Fill in with name of
Municipality) Building Code. In all cases of conflict between the work of this
Division and the (City/Village) of _______________ (Fill in with name of
Municipality) Building Code, or omission of items required for code compliance
shall be brought to the attention of the Architect at the time of bid proposal
submission. Any items of conflict or omission shall be deemed to be resolved
and included in the bid proposal price.
2. The BAS work shall comply with all applicable requirements of the following
codes. The latest edition is assumed unless stated otherwise or as amended by
the Local Code Authorities.
BOCA, UBC, SBC Building Code.
City/Village of ___________ (Fill in) Basic Building Code.
____________ (Fill in with name of State) Basic Building code.
National Electric Code, as modified by Local Code.
3. Where codes or standards are listed herein, the applicable portions of the latest
editions apply.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
4. Drawings, specifications, codes and standards are minimum requirements.
Where requirements differ, apply the more stringent.
5. Should any change in Drawings or Specifications be required to comply with
Governmental regulations, the Contractor shall notify the Architect prior to
execution of the Work and wait for direction from the Architect.
Algorithm: A logical procedure for solving a recurring problem.
Analog: A continuously varying signal value (temperature, current, velocity, etc.).
Binary: A two-state system where an “on” condition is represented by a high signal level
and an “off” condition is represented by a low signal level.
Bridge: A device that routes messages or isolates message traffic to a particular
segment, sub-net or domain of the same physical communication media.
Building Automation System (BAS). The complete facility control system comprised of
mechanical system automation, security control, lighting control, automatic
temperature control, etc., as defined in the contract documents.
Channel: A physical media serving a number of nodes.
Control Unit (CU): Control product that incorporates solid state components based upon
the Neuron chip to perform multiple control loops or functions. Control Unit shall
conform to the LonMark™ functional profiles and interoperability standards.
Control Wiring: Includes conduit, wire and wiring devices to install complete control
systems including motor control circuits, interlocks, thermostats, EP and IP switches
and like devices. Includes all wiring from Intelligent Devices and Controllers to all
sensors and points defined in the input/output summary shown on the drawings or
specified herein and required to execute the sequence of operation.
Deadband: A temperature range over which no heating or cooling energy is supplied,
such as 72-78 ° F, i.e. as opposed to single point changeover or overlap.
Distributed Control: A system whereby control processing is decentralized and
independent of a central computer.
Diagnostic Program: Machine-executable instructions used to detect and isolate system
and component malfunctions.
Gateway: A device that contains an I/O software driver to translate data from a particular
format to that conforming to LonTalk™ standard. LonTalk™ protocol is inserted on
outbound LonWorks® message and striped on all incoming messages.
Intelligent Devices (ID’s): Control products that incorporate solid state components based
around the Neuron chip to perform a single dedicated control loop or function (ex:
actuators, sensors, switches). Devise functional profiles are based on upon
LonMark™ Interoperability Association Standards.
LonWorks®: The generic technology that incorporates LonMark™ compliant products
that communicate using LonTalk™ Communication protocol. The technology
employees routers, gateways, bridges multimedia transceivers permitting topology
and media independent control solutions.
Human-Machine Interface (HMI): A graphical, object oriented method by which an
operator is capable of communicating with the BAS. Human-machine interfacing
allows the operator to manage, command, monitor, and program the system. Also
known as HMI (graphical user interface) or MMI (man machine interface)
Network: A system of distributed control units that are linked together on a
communication bus. A network allows sharing of point information between all control
units. Additionally, a network provides central monitoring and control of the entire
system from any distributed control unit location.
Operator Interface Terminal: An HMI device (PC, laptop or dumb display terminal) which
incorporates the LonWorks® Network Services Interface (NSI), Application Program
Interface (API) for remote network client services.
Operating System (OS): Software which controls the execution of computer programs
and which provides scheduling, debugging, input/output controls, accounting,
compilation, storage assignment, data management, and related services.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
Peripheral: Input/Output equipment used to communicate to and from the computer and
make hard copies of system outputs and magnetic files. Peripherals include CRT,
printer, hard drives, disk drives, modems, etc.,
Router: A device which routes or forwards messages destined for a node on another
subnet or domain of the control network. The device controls message traffic based
on node address and priority. Routers shall also serve as communication interfaces
between powerline, twisted pair and RF medias.
Supervising Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Node: A MMI incorporating a
graphical object oriented user interface software application provides supervisory
control and data acquisition from a high level processing personnel computer.
Supervisory Control Unit (SCU): A controller that incorporates LonWorks® network
services host API to perform localized network management and network access
services over a group of channel(s). Supervises groups of intelligent devices and
Control Units to perform a global sequence of operation (ex: fire and life safety
control). Can be configured to serve as a SCADA client on the BAS, Tier 1, Local
Area Network.
Deg. or °
Dia. or diam.
Page 11
American National Standards Institute
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning
American Society of Plumbing Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society for Testing and Materials
Automatic Temperature Control System
Building Automation System
Building Control System
Central Communications Controller
Central Control Unit
Change of State
Central Processing Unit
Cathode Ray Tube
Degree Fahrenheit
Direct Memory Access
Fan powered VAV box
Feet per minute.
Fire Alarm Control Panel
Fire Command Center
Firefighters’ Control and Indicating Panel
Facility Management Control System
Fire Management System
Gallons per minute
Graphical User Interface
Human Machine Interface
Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
LonWorks® Network Services Architecture
Network Services Server
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
PSI (g)
Network Services Interface
Minimum, Minute
Man Machine Interface
Mass Storage Control Protocol
National Electrical Code
Not in Contract
National Fire Protection Association
On Center
Outside Diameter
Operating System
According to, in accordance with
Pressure Reducing Valve
Furnish and install
Pounds per square inch (gauge)
Random Access Memory
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
Systems Integrator
Uniform Building code
Underwriters’ Laboratory
Uniform Mechanical Code
Variable Air Volume
Voice Communication System
Water Column
LonMark™ Product Information File
1. Within thirty (30) days after date of execution of General Contractor/SubContractor agreement, submit for acceptance a list of all material and equipment
manufacturers whose products are proposed, as well as names of all
subcontractors whom the NI proposes to employ.
2. Submittal shall include a single line schematic diagram, top level subsystem,
depicting the network architecture. The top level subsystem shall illustrate the
network media, channel transceiver types, subsystems, network interfaces,
human machine interfaces (HMI), routers, repeaters, and terminators if utilized.
3. Network Control Devices. Provide in schedule form on 8½ x 11 sheets a
complete listing of network control devices (or proposed control devices) and
submit the documentation detailed below. ANY control device that is furnished
without XIF files, LonMark functional profiles, or LNS based configuration plug-ins
shall be submitted under separate cover with indication of non-compliance to
specification and shall not be installed prior to approval from the architect or the
owners representative.
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External Interface Files (XIF) (floppy or Zip disk format)
Product literature and datasheets
LonMark standard functional profile specification
LonMark compliance level
LNS based configuration plug-in
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
LNS compatible resource files that document user defined network variable types
and user defined configuration property types
g. Logical control diagram indicating the Network Variables in and out of control unit
with message bindings visually indicated.
h. Descriptive sequence of operation.
i. Wiring interconnection diagrams for power, communication and external I/O.
j. Input/Output capacity, signal type, accuracy
k. Power supply requirement
l. Transceiver type
m. Number of Address table entries
n. Support for network variable alias’
o. Agency approval certifications
4. Network Infrastructure Components. Provide in schedule form on 8½ x 11 sheets
a complete listing of network infrastructure components. The schedule shall
indicate manufacturer, model number, performance data, size, range, accuracy,
span, control signal type, operating parameters, etc. including but not limited to
the following. Attach product literature, manufacturer data sheets, and applicable
configuration parameter tool requirements
a. Network media
b. Terminators
c. Network Routers
d. Gateways, Bridges
e. TCP/IP devices
f. Physical Layer Repeaters
g. Network tool interfaces
h. Device power supplies
i. Ethernet LAN Hubs, Switches, and Routers.
j. Operator Interface Workstation with all Accessories.
k. Printers.
l. Infrastructure power supplies
5. Network Tools. Provide in schedule form on 8½ x 11 sheets a complete listing of
network tools. The schedule shall indicate manufacturer, model number,
performance data, operating system, etc. including but not limited to the following.
Attach product literature, manufacturer data sheets, and applicable configuration
parameter tool requirements
a. LNS Network Design software
b. LNS Network Commissioning software
c. Network Programming software
d. Human Machine Interface HMI monitoring & control software
e. Associated LNS based DDE or OPC driver software
f. LNS Network management software
g. Web based user interface software
h. Scheduling software
i. Alarming software
j. Trending software
k. Energy management demand limiting software
l. Network diagnostic tools and protocol analyzers
6. Submittal shall also include a complete point list of all physical, logical, and data
points associated with and connected to the DDC system. Provide in schedule
form on 8½ x 11 sheets a complete listing of all physical input/output points,
logical points, and data points included within the network design. The schedule
shall be organized by columns to define the point location, subsystem served, and
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
equipment/control unit source. The schedule shall indicate, where applicable,
manufacturer, model no., performance data, size, range, accuracy, span, control
signal type, operating parameters, scheduling parameters, alarming parameters,
trending parameters, point type, etc. including but not limited to the following
equipment. Attach product literature and manufacturer data sheets for physical
equipment provided as part of the network control system.
Automatic Valves.
Automatic Dampers.
Temperature Sensors.
Humidity Sensors.
Air Quality Sensors.
Smoke Detectors.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
Heat Detectors.
Pressure Transducers and Transmitters.
Digital Input/Output to Pneumatic Transducers.
Analog Output to Pneumatic Transducers
HVACR controlled equipment
Variable speed motor drives
Lighting controls
Occupancy sensors
Security/access controlled equipment
Irrigation systems
Process control equipment
Elevator control equipment
Life safety systems
Setpoint controls
Alarm outputs
Software documentation regarding the proposed PC operating system, third party
utilities and application programs,
List of specific personnel who will be involved in the system installation and
Instrumentation and methods to be used for device testing and calibrating during
point-to-point and basic function testing.
Protocol Analyzer performance tool documentation and procedures to be used in
verifying channel bandwidth consumption and device statistics.
Valve, damper actuator, pressure tap and temperature well schedules.
Submit performance calculations for all channels to indicate bandwidth utilization
A. Shop drawings shall contain complete wiring and schematic diagrams, software
descriptions, calculations, and any other details required to demonstrate that the
system has been coordinated and will properly function as a system. Terminal
identification for all control wiring shall be shown on the shop drawings. A complete
written Sequence of Operation as well as a hard copy graphical depiction of the
application control programs shall also be included with the submittal package.
B. Provide schematic diagrams for the following systems.
1. Local Area Network and LonWorks Architecture diagram indicating supervisory
controllers, Operator Interface Workstation(s) and database server(s) including all
devices and controllers installed by other trade contractors. This should be
accompanied by explicit information regarding configuration of Routers, Bridges
and Repeaters.
2. Interface requirements with other systems including but not limited to: security
systems, lighting control, fire alarm, elevator status, and power monitoring
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
systems. Diagrams detailing the variables mapped between protocols shall be
submitted for all gateways.
3. Provide AutoCAD or Visio generated floor plans indicating exact installed location
of the following equipment and/or devices. Include Neuron ID bar codes labels for
each LonWorks device depicted on the drawings (May be included on As-Built
Network media
Operator workstations
Application Generic controllers.
Application Specific controllers.
Programmable Controllers.
Sensors located in Finished Areas.
I/O installed in mechanical systems (ductwork, pipes, AHU’s, etcetera).
Routers, Gateways and Bridges.
Units installed by Division M and E trade contractors.
Other BAS related components, sensors and actuators.
4. HVAC system flow diagram with sensing, control and interlock devices.
5. Internal control panel layouts, control panel cover layouts, pneumatic connections
inside control panels.
6. Internal control panel layouts, control panel cover layouts, electrical connections
inside control panels.
7. Ladder-type wiring diagrams showing interlock, monitoring and control wiring to
and from equipment provided by Division 15 and Division 16, including control
systems equipment.
8. Communications wiring schematic drawings indicating interconnections between
all network devices, peripheral input/output devices, and power supplies.
9. Flow-chart control sequences.
10. Provide installation details and specific instructions for three-way valves, mixed
air damper actuators, flow sensors, temperature wells and pressure taps.
11. Air Compressor sizing calculations.
12. Specific locations for AC main power required for control panels
13. Upon completion of the work, provide a complete set of ‘as-built’ drawings and
application software on magnetic floppy disk media or compact disk. Drawings
shall be provided as Visio™ compatible files. Eight copies of the ‘as-built’
drawings shall be provided in addition to the documents on magnetic floppy disk
media or compact disk.
14. Electrical low voltage power wiring schematic indicating voltage drop calculations,
wire size, node power consumption, maximum full load circuit amperage.
15. Submit functional control diagrams for each mechanical and electrical system
served by the BAS. Indicate and Tag each input/output served by each network
control device.
16. Electrical low voltage power wiring schematic indicating voltage drop calculations,
wire size, node power consumption, maximum full load circuit amperage.
17. Submit functional temperature control diagrams for each mechanical system
served by the BAS. Indicate and Tag each input/output served by each Control
Unit or Intelligent Device.
1. After review and acceptance by the Architect, submit shop drawing and diagrams
to the *** insert governing body here as required.
2. Submit details defining the proposed method of integration with the fire
management systems as required by the authority having jurisdiction.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
3. Plan check fees, structural engineering costs, and permit fees for the BAS
system are the responsibility of the network integration vendor.
A. Within 10 days following contract award, submit the following product samples for the
review and approval by the project engineer. For LonMark products, include XIF files,
plug-in configuration tools, and an exact sample for each proposed product.
(a) Space temperature Sensor
(b) Duct temperature sensor
(c) Hydronic temperature sensor
(d) Duct static pressure sensor
(e) Lux Level sensors
(f) Occupancy Sensor
(g) Lighting controller
(h) VAV controller
(i) HVAC unitary controller
(j) Application generic controller
(k) Programmable controller
(l) CO or CO2 Sensor & controller.
(m) Sunblind controller
(n) Humidity Sensor.
(o) Damper actuator.
(p) Door access controller
(q) Card reader device
(r) Graphical User interface demonstration software
1. Provide maintenance manuals in accordance with the Contract Documents and
as modified herein.
2. Provide five (5) copies of each manual.
3. Manuals shall be standard size for country of operation and provided in hard back
3-ring loose-leaf binders. Plans, schematics and riser diagrams shall be printed
on sheets large enough to be legible and folded to fit in binders.
4. Submit one (1) copy of each manual to Architect. After review, assemble other
5. Manuals shall be completed and in Owner’s possession prior to Owner’s
acceptance and at least 10 days prior to instruction of operating personnel.
6. A CD ROM record copy of all submittal data.
1. Provide a Table of Contents.
2. Include the following information in the Operations & Maintenance Manual in an
Introduction section following the Table of Contents:
(a) Project Description
(b) Single line control diagram (top level subsystem drawing)
(c) Alphabetical list of all system components, with the name, address, and 24hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each item
during the first year of operation.
(d) Contractor’s name, address and telephone number.
(e) Name, signature and title of Contractor’s representative responsible for
preparation of technical manual.
(f) Date of issuance of manual and revision number.
(g) Contractor’s job control number.
3. Include the following information as a minimum in a General section
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
(a) BAS point list as provided with submittals including all physical, logical, and
virtual data points.
(b) Valve tag list. (Coordinate with Mechanical Contractor. Use similar format or
add onto the procedure initiated by the Mechanical Contractor).
(c) Device inventory Report including
i. Location ID, Mfr., model, vendor, cost, VA, accessories
ii. Infrastructure inventory - mfr., model, vendor, cost, accessories
iii. Channel media
iv. Routers/terminators
v. Network interface
vi. Power supplies
(d) Controlled equipment inventory listing all mechanical and electrical equipment
affected by the BAS control system
(e) Preventive maintenance instructions and intervals as recommended by each
manufacturer for each piece of equipment
(f) Table of multi-conductor cable tag number and corresponding system and
building, floor or area served. Include location of network access points for
network management & diagnostic tools.
(g) Charts showing normal operating conditions, setpoints, and high and low
limit alarm values.
(h) Corrective diagnostic trouble shooting procedures.
(i) Parts list with manufacturer’s catalog numbers and manufacturer’s order
(j) Installation instructions for each piece of equipment installed under this
(k) List of ordinary and special tools, operating materials and supplies and test
equipment recommended for operation and servicing.
(l) Network traffic report summary including estimated peak and sustained
bandwidth for each network channel. Report shall also include measured
sustained bandwidth per channel as performed by a protocol analyzer
(m) Subsystem drawings including sequence of operations for each subsystem
(n) Device statistics report that includes complete report of device state, mode,
and neuron error log statistics.
(o) Scheduling report including time based (drum timer) and time/condition
based (state machines) event documentation
(p) Manufacturer submittals & warranties including vendor contact information
(q) Network management computer, LNS server computer, Operator workstation
computer, and web based user interface PC hardware documentation & user
(r) Manufacturer’s software documentation including network management tool
user guide, Plug-in user guides, HMI user guide, HMI DDE or OPC server
guide, web server user guide, and schedule creation applications.
(s) Backup Data files including network design drawings, network database,
schedule database
(t) Software license documentation for all software products supplied with the
BAS designating ownership to the project owner.
(u) Electronic versions of Visio Technical (most current release) drawing files for
all drawing submittals.
(v) Provide Software User Manuals on CD ROM for the following software:
(w) Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000.
(x) LNS Network Management Application (LonMaker for Windows or other).
(y) HMI Operator Software, including database, I/O servers, etc.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
A. The network control system shall be free from defects in workmanship and material
under normal use and service. If within 12 months from the date of substantial
completion the installed equipment is found to be defective in operation, workmanship
or materials - the NI will replace, repair or adjust the defect at no cost to the Owner,
provided that the defect is reported within seven (7) days of failure occurrence.
Service shall be provided within 24 hours upon notice from the Owner.
B. The warranty shall extend to material that is furnished and installed by the NI
Contractor. Materials furnished by, but not installed by, the NI Contractor shall be
covered to the extent of the product only. Installation labor shall be the responsibility
of the trade contractor performing the installation. NI Contractor shall assume cost to
trouble shoot and diagnose network communication problems resulting from
LonMark™ products provided by other trades. Replacement cost of defective
products provided by other trades shall be the responsibility of the installing trade.
C. Corrective software and hardware modifications made during warranty service
periods shall be updated on all user documentation and on user and manufacturer
archived software disks.
A. Provide instruction to operating personnel in accordance with the Contract
B. The following general requirements are in addition to those in other Sections.
C. Instruct Owner’s operating personnel in proper starting sequences, operation, shut
down, and maintenance procedures, including normal and emergency procedures.
D. Instruction shall be by personnel skilled in operation of equipment. Instruction for
major equipment shall be by equipment manufacture’s representatives.
E. Reference instructions contained in the Operating and Maintenance Manuals.
Instructions cannot be substituted for manuals.
F. Provide equipment and materials required for classroom training.
G. Include in the submittal package a syllabus outlining the proposed training program.
Subject to approval by owner or owner representative
H. Indicate the location, length and proposed format for each phase of the training
program. If outside training is proposed, indicate the proposed professional training
I. Submit resumes and/or company qualifications for all phases of the training program.
***coordination this section with other divisions to avoid work omissions and/or
A. General Trades Contract provides:
1. Concrete work, including equipment housekeeping pads, inertia blocks, curbs,
2. Base and counter flashing for materials penetrating walls or roofs.
***Coordinate which Division provides control power wiring and control
communication wiring here and in schedule of responsibilities.
B. Electrical Division provides
1. Motor controllers and starters other than those included with factory-preassembled equipment as specified hereinafter such as air compressors,
2. Power wiring for motors and motor controllers,Line Voltage Control wiring for the
(a) Control and electrical wiring for condenser water treatment system.
(b) Final AC power connection from a local junction box.
(c) Control wiring for solenoid valves, water meters and remote conductivity
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Sample Specification
Lighting control units and intelligent devices.
Security control units and intelligent devices.
Fire management system.
Power monitoring system control units and intelligent devices.
***ValVes and Dampers must be scheduled and sized for Mechanical Contractor to furnish
and install. Choose division m scope from following suggestions.
C. Mechanical Division provides:
1. All mechanical equipment specified on the mechanical drawings and listed in the
mechanical equipment schedules including chillers, cooling towers, boilers,
exhaust/makeup air fans, air handling units, condensing units, fan coils, package
units, related piping, pumps, valves, actuators, compressors, gas meters,
variable speed drives, and other mechanical equipment contained within the
Division 15 specification. Included but not limited to the following
(a) Air terminal units
(b) Installation of automatic control valves and dampers
(c) Packaged air conditioning equipment with Control Units.
(d) Heat pumps.
(e) Rooftop units.
(f) Unitary air conditioners.
(g) Fan coil units.
(h) Air Handling Units.
(i) Packaged Refrigeration and Heating equipment with Control Units.
(j) Boilers, Hot Water Generators, etcetera.
(k) Chillers.
(l) Packaged Pumping Systems.
(m) Variable Frequency Drives
2. Taps and installation of wells in piping and ducts for control system sensors and
flow measurement devices.
3. Installation of control system dampers, fire dampers, isolation dampers, and
motorized valves (unless otherwise noted)
4. Unobstructed access to sensor and actuator locations.
***this section must be closely coordinated with electrical contract to ensure that the
electrical installation work is covered by either division e or ni.
1. Provide terminations for twisted pair communication media between all nodes,
routers, gateways, and bridges.
2. Provide raceway systems and wiring for inputs and outputs from control units to
the I/O devices, including:
EMT conduit.
100% fill tubing.
Cable tray.
I/O wiring.
E/P transducers.
Pneumatic solenoids and relays.
Local control panels (for installation of transducers, solenoids and relays).
1. The following schedule identifies the responsible Division for the installation of the
building automation system. This schedule should be used as a general HMIde.
The General Contractor is the central authority governing the total responsibility of
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
all trade contractors. Therefore, deviations and clarifications of this schedule are
permitted provided the General Contractor assumes responsibility to coordinate
the trade contractors different than as indicated herein. If deviations or
clarifications to this schedule are implemented, submit a record copy to the
***consultant/SPECIFIER MUST edit following schedule to indicate contractor
responsible for given SCOPE OF WORK.
Equipment Motors
Magnetic Motor Starters:
Wiring By
Automatically controlled,
with or without HOA
Manually controlled.
Manually controlled, and
which are furnished as part of
factory wired equipment.
Special duty type (part
winding, multi-speed, etc.)
See Note
See Note 1.
Adjustable frequency drives
with manual bypass.
See Note 2.
Domestic booster pump.
Motor Controls
General equipment disconnect switches, thermal
overload switches, manual operating switches.
Sprinkler system water flow and tamper switches.
Outside fire alarm horn and light (at Siamese
Line voltage contactors.
Control relay transformers (other than starters).
Main fuel oil tank alarms (high and low level) and
remote indicating lights.
Day tank fuel oil alarms (high and low level) and
remote indicating lights.
Line voltage control items such as line voltage
thermostats not connected to control panel systems.
Loose controls and instruments furnished as part of
the packaged mechanical equipment or required for
operation such as valves, float controls, relays,
sensors, etc.
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Sample Specification
Control and Instrumentation panels
15. Automatic control valves, automatic dampers and
Wiring By
damper operators, solenoid valves, insertion
temperature and pressure sensors.
Duct type fire and smoke detectors, including
relays for fan shut down.
Contactors for cooling tower basin heaters.
Mechanical piping heat tracing (including relays,
contactors, thermostats, etc.)
Emergency power off (EPO) shut down
pushbutton(s) (break glass station) and controls.
21. Control interlock wiring or software bindings
between chillers, pumps and cooling towers, fans
and air handling units and other miscellaneous
mechanical equipment.
Electric radiant heating panels unducted electric
unit heaters and cabinet heaters, and electric
baseboard radiation.
Airflow control devices with transmitter.
Air terminal devices (i.e., VAV and fan powered
25. Intelligent Devices and Control Units provided
with packaged mechanical equipment such as:
Valve and damper operators.
Heat pumps, AC units.
Fan Coil Units.
Air Terminal Units.
Boilers, chillers.
26. Intelligent Devices and Control Units provided
with electrical systems such as:
Occupancy/motion sensors.
Lighting Control Panels.
Switches and Dimmers.
Switch Multiplexing Control Units.
Door Entry Control Units.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
Wiring By
Gateways for protocol conversion with a nonLONWORKS based system
28. Routers, Bridges and Repeaters.
Furnished by
Installed by
Power Wiring Connection, Low and Medium Voltage
Network Integrator
Mechanical Contractor
Electrical Contractor
Notes to Schedule of Responsibilities:
1. Magnetic motor starters (special duty type) shall be set in place under electrical division except when part of factory wired
equipment, in which case set in place under mechanical division.
2. Where a remote motor disconnect is required in addition to the one provided integral to an Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), the
NI Contractor shall provide the necessary control interlock between the disconnects.
3. The NI shall inform the Mechanical Contractor and the Electrical Contractor of the additional capacity required of control
power transformers.
4. The Mechanical Contractor shall refer to the electrical specifications and plans for all power and control wiring and shall
advise the Architect of any discrepancies prior to bidding. The NI shall be responsible for all control wiring as outlined,
whether called for by the mechanical or electrical drawings and specifications.
A. All products shall conform to the Interoperability requirements outlined in the LonMark
Interoperability Association guidelines or be submitted clearly marked as noncompliant. All products shall be certified to be LonMark compliant prior to delivery of
submittals to the Architect for review.
B. The manufacturers of network control devices, sensors, and actuators shall provide
documentation supporting compliance with ISO-9001 (Model for Quality Assurance in
Design/Development, Production, Installation and Servicing). Product literature
provided by the BAS digital controller manufacturer shall contain the ISO-9001
Certification Mark from the applicable registrar. All components and systems shall be
year 2000 (Y2K) compliant.
1. All work performed on system local area network shall be performed under the
supervision of Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE).
2. All work performed on system local operating network shall be performed under
the supervision of Echelon trained Authorized Network Integrators (ANI).
3. The NI contractor shall be certified as an authorized installer by the respective
manufacturer for all BAS equipment installed.
D. Network Integrator Contractor Qualifications
1. The NI shall have an office that is staffed with engineers trained in Integrating
Interoperable Systems and technicians fully capable of providing LonWorks
instruction and routine emergency maintenance service on all system
2. NI shall have in house capabilities to provide control strategies for whole building
control. This includes HVAC, lighting, access, and security applications.
3. NI shall be a company willing and able to supply product from a variety of
manufacturers. Companies owned by product manufacturers will be considered
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Sample Specification
Page 23
only if they submit a letter of intent with their bid stating their intention to provide
an open system as defined herein that is comprised of products from multiple
NI must possess a LonManager® Protocol Analyzer or equivalent product and be
familiar with the capabilities and use of this equipment.
NI shall have a service facility, staffed with qualified service personnel, capable of
providing instructions and routine emergency maintenance service for networked
control systems.
Submit resumes with the bid proposal indicating passing certificates for Echelon
Corporation’s LonWorks Network Design training course, or proof of equivalent
training. Such proof must include summary of coursework and indicate both
written and laboratory requirements of alternate training.
Submit a list of similar projects, which have Building Automation Systems
installed by the NI. These projects must be on-line and functional such that the
Owners/Users representative can observe the BAS in full operation.
Submit an organizational diagram indicating the key technical staff proposed for
the project including, Project Manager, Superintendent, Electrical Foreman,
Submit qualification checklist with bid proposal indicating certified NIs, network
architecture, network management tools, LonMark products, and LonMark
profiles to be used on this project.
Submit a list of no less than three (3) similar projects using the peer to peer
LONWORKS technology, having Building Automation Systems installed by the
HVAC Control Installer. These projects must be on-line and functional such that
the Owners/Users representative can observe the HVAC Control System in full
Submit resumes with the bid proposal indicating passing certificates for Echelon
Corporation’s Integrating Interoperable systems course, or proof of equivalent
training. Such proof must include summary of coursework and indicate both
written and laboratory requirements of alternate training.
At least one key person permanently assigned to the project shall be certified as
a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. The above key personnel shall be
stationed permanently at an office within the specified distance from the project
site as defined below.
Company shall have a service facility, staffed with qualified service personnel,
capable of providing emergency and routine emergency maintenance service for
networked HVAC control systems.
Service facility shall be within a 120-mile radius of the project site.
Technical support shall be available, 24 hrs, 7 days per week.
Emergency on-site service and full parts shall be provided within a 4 hour period
upon notice from the Owner.
Contractors Licenses. The NI shall be properly licensed by the state contractors
license board within the jurisdiction of the project location. License classifications
shall include related trades associated with the application areas included in the
control sequence of operations. For example, if the NI shall be performing
installation and programming of refrigeration devices then the NI must carry a
current refrigeration classification.
The NI shall carry general liability and workmans compensation insurance as
required by local and state jurisdictions at amounts and limitations set forth by the
Owner or the representative Architect
If the NI furnishes and installs products manufactured by the NI parent or
subsidiary company, materials and equipment shall be catalogued products and
shall be manufacturer’s latest standard design that complies with the specification
requirements. Where two or more units of the same type are required, these
units shall be products of a the same manufacturer. Individual components
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
attached to or integrated within each units need not be of a single manufacturer,
but must be directly interchangeable..
1. At conclusion of each day’s work, clean up and remove from the site all rubbish,
debris and trash accumulated during the day as a result of work of the Contractor.
Sidewalks and streets adjoining the property shall be kept broom clean and free
of debris, rubbish, trash and obstructions of any kind caused by work of this
Contract which will affect the condition of streets, walks, utilities and property.
2. Upon completion of the work and at times during progress of the work when
requested by the Architect, the Contractor shall remove all surplus materials,
rubbish, and debris resulting from the operation, and shall leave the entire
building and involved portions of the site, insofar as the work of the Contract is
concerned, in neat, clean and acceptable conditions as approved by the
1. Should the Owner request that any portion of the systems or equipment be
operated prior to the final completion and acceptance of the work, the NI
Contractor shall consent. Such operation shall be under the direct supervision of
the NI Contractor, but the expense thereof shall be borne by the Owner. The cost
for the temporary operation (Utilities, Operating, Labor, etc.) shall be separate
from any money paid towards the Contract sum. Such preliminary operation, or
payment thereof, shall not be construed as an acceptance of any of the work.
2. If final completion of the work is not completed in accordance with the approved
construction schedule, and operation of the equipment is required to meet
Owner’s lease commitments as defined in the construction schedule, the cost of
temporary operation of the equipment shall be the NI Contractors responsibility.
3. The warranty period for work and systems of this project, as described in General
Conditions and Supplementary Conditions shall commence after the Owner’s
final acceptance.
1. The NI Contractor shall provide adequate means for and shall fully protect all
finish parts of the materials and equipment against damage from whatever cause
during the progress of the work until final acceptance. All materials and
equipment in storage and during construction shall be covered in such a manner
that no finished surfaces will be damaged or marred, and all moving parts shall
be kept clean and dry.
2. Equipment and accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned of cement, plaster, and
other materials; grease and oil spots shall be removed with cleaning solvent and
surfaces carefully wiped.
1. Provide factory-shipping cartons for each piece of equipment and control device.
Maintain cartons through shipping, storage, and handling as required to prevent
equipment damage. Store equipment and materials inside and protected from
weatherll products and materials shall be new, clean, and free of defects,
damage and corrosion. Refer to Division 1 - General Conditions for additional
2. Ship and store products and materials in a manner which will protect them from
damage, weather, and entry of debris. Do not install damaged items, but take
immediate steps to obtain replacement or repair.
A. Wherever the words for “review” or “acceptance” are used in regard to manufactured
specialties, or wherever it is desired to substitute a different make or type of
apparatus for that specified, submit all information pertinent to the adequacy and
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
adaptability of the proposed apparatus to the Architect and secure their approval
before apparatus is ordered.
B. Wherever system performance such as material quantities, operating pressure,
network throughput, or the like are specified, or a definite make and size of apparatus
is specified, for which such quantities are readily determinable, the make and size of
the apparatus proposed must conform substantially to the quantities specified or
implied. Critical dimensions relating to the installation of apparatus and coordination
with the rest of the system, shall be considered and adhered to whenever possible.
Substitution of equipment or apparatus shall include all necessary revisions and their
costs required to complete the installation.
C. Approval of request for substitutions may be given only after receipt of complete and
satisfactory performance data covering the complete range of operating conditions in
tabular and graphical form. Furnish complete and satisfactory information relative to
equipment performance, features and accessories, etcetera. Additional construction
and design costs incurred as a result of any accepted substitution shall be borne by
the Systems Integrator.
Page 25
1. Proposed changes and substitutions of systems, apparatus, equipment and
manufacturers will be considered subject to the approval of the Architect. The
proposal shall include the following information:
2. A description of the difference between the existing contract requirements and
that proposed, the comparative features of each, and the effect of the change on
the end result performance. Include the impact of changes on other Contractors
and/or subcontractors and acknowledge the inclusion of implementation costs.
3. Schematic drawings and details to supplement the descriptions.
4. A list of the contract requirements that must be revised if the change is accepted,
including any suggested specification revisions.
5. Complete list of materials and equipment proposed for use in the change.
6. Include a description and estimate of costs the Owner may incur in implementing
the change, such as test, evaluation, operating and support costs.
7. A projection of any effects the proposed change would have on collateral costs to
the owner.
8. A statement of the time by which a contract modification accepting the change
must be issued, noting any effect on the contract completion time or the delivery
9. A statement indicating the reduction to the contract price if the Owner accepts the
change. The Contractor shall be responsible for appropriate modification of
10. Wherever the words for “review” or “acceptance” are used in regard to
manufactured specialties, or wherever it is desired to substitute a different make
or type of apparatus for that specified, submit all information pertinent to the
adequacy and adaptability of the proposed apparatus to the Architect and secure
their approval before apparatus is ordered.
11. Wherever system performance such as material quantities, operating pressure,
network throughput, or the like are specified, or a definite make and size of
apparatus is specified, for which such quantities are readily determinable, the
make and size of the apparatus proposed must conform substantially to the
quantities specified or implied. Critical dimensions relating to the installation of
apparatus and coordination with the rest of the system, shall be considered and
adhered to whenever possible. Substitution of equipment or apparatus shall
include all necessary revisions and their costs required to complete the
12. Approval of request for substitutions may be given only after receipt of complete
and satisfactory performance data covering the complete range of operating
conditions in tabular and graphical form. Furnish complete and satisfactory
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
information relative to equipment performance, features and accessories, etc.
Additional construction and design costs incurred as a result of any accepted
substitution shall be the responsibility of the NI Contractor.
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Sample Specification
Part 2
A. Products shall be provided with complete documentation. This shall include diagrams
of all LonMark objects supported by the product as well as relevant technical
specifications. Undocumented products must be tagged and accepted by Architect or
Engineer prior to installation. Do not install undocumented products without such
B. All products and materials shall be new, clean, and free of defects, damage and
C. Ship and store products and materials in a manner that will protect them from
damage, weather, and entry of debris. Do not install damaged items, but take
immediate steps to obtain replacement or repair.
A. Comply with LonMark Interoperability Association, Interoperability Guidelines for all
products. Utilize published functional profiles for all device functions that include
network variable and configuration parameters. Where published profiles do not
exist, utilize draft profile standards or submit a proposed draft as part of the
submittals required in Section 1. All drafts shall also be submitted simultaneously to
the LonMark Interoperability Association and a copy of such transmittal submitted to
the Architect
B. All products shall conform to the Interoperability requirements outlined in the LonMark
Interoperability Association Guidelines or be submitted clearly marked as noncompliant. All products shall be certified to be LonMark compliant prior to delivery of
submittals to the Architect for review.
C. Utilize Standard Configuration Parameter Types (SCPT’s) for all product configuration
parameters. Do not use network variables for this purpose. If User Defined
Configuration Parameters (UCPT’s) are used, provide resource files to allow
adjustment of configuration of device parameters by 3rd party tools.
D. Provide LonMark compliant products that communicate on multiple channels to meet
the functional specifications of this Division and the dedicated product functional
specifications and profiles specified in other Sections or Divisions of this
E. Provide LonTalk routers as required to combine different communication channels
onto a common field bus backbone as depicted on project drawings, i.e. Open
System Architecture.
F. Provide Application Specific Controllers (ASC), Application Generic Controllers
(AGC), and Custom Application Controllers (CAC) as herein specified and as
indicated on the BAS drawings.
G. NI shall furnish and install LonWorks products manufactured by multiple
manufacturers as required. Materials and equipment shall be catalogued products
and shall be manufacturer’s latest standard design that complies with the
specification requirements.
H. All microprocessor based control products (excluding workstations) used shall include
a Neuron Chip or other processor with complete implementation of the LonTalk
protocol stack. Devices that use the Neuron Chip as a communications co-processor
shall be distinctly identified in submittals with the heading ‘MIP Device’ and are
subject to additional submittal requirements and testing to ensure interoperability.
I. Individual products shall conform to the LonMark Interoperability Standards. If
products are not certified by the LonMark organization - requests for substitution
must include external interface file, resource files, LNS based plug-in configuration
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Sample Specification
tool and complete documentation regarding all network variables and configuration
properties supported by the device.
Control devices connected to the LonWorks control network should be readily
replaceable with devices from multiple manufacturers.
A. General
1. Provide the network communications media, raceway systems, junction boxes,
splicing hardware, and terminators for all network segments.
2. Provide wire, raceway systems, junction boxes, enclosures, and suitable low
voltage power supplies and final connections to network devices provided by this
Division and network devices as provided by other Divisions.
(a) Intelligent Air Terminal Device Controllers (i.e., VAV, Dual Duct, FPB,
(b) Intelligent Occupancy Sensors.
(c) Intelligent Damper Operators.
(d) Intelligent Valve Operators.
(e) Packaged Air Handling Units.
(f) Packaged Unitary Air Conditioning Units (i.e., Roof Top Units, Heat Pumps,
Condensing Units, etc.)
(g) Other HVAC Equipment (Chillers, Steam Generators etcetera).
(h) Packaged lighting control and power panels.
(i) Power Monitoring Control Units.
(j) Security System Control Units.
(k) Access Control.
(l) Fire Alarm System Control Units.
(m) Vertical Transportation Control Units.
(n) Additional Intelligent Devices and Control Units outlined herein or on the
Mechanical and Electrical Drawings.
B. Network Media
1. Cable selection for use with TP/FT-10 networks
(a) Use only cable Echelon has qualified for use with TP/FT-10 networks. Based
on the cost, performance and availability of these different cable types,
system designers can choose the most appropriate cable for their application.
Echelon has qualified three generic cable types as follows:
i. A generic 16AWG (1.3mm diameter) cable
ii. NEMA Level 4 cable
iii. TIA Category 5 cable
Max Bus length
(Bus topology)
Max total wire length
(free topology)
Max node-to-node
distance (free topology
Belden 85102
Belden 8471
Level IV, 22AWG
JT(St) 2x2x0.8
TIA Category 5
For a TP/FT-10 channel operating in a bus topology with one of the above cable types, the maximum stub
length is 3 meters.
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1. Cable selection for use with TP/XF-1250 networks
Two cable types have been validated for the TP/XF-1250 channel.
Cable type
Max bus length
Max stub length
TIA 568A Category 5
Level IV cable
The following specifications can be used by cable suppliers to produce an equivalent
DC Resistance, each
DC Resistance Unbalance
20ºC per
ASTM D 4566
20ºC per
ASTM D 4566
per ASTM D
Mutual Capacitance
Characteristic Impedance
Page 29
Propagation Delay
64Khz to
1MHz per
ASTM D 4566
20ºC per
ASTM D 4566
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
2. Level 4 cable may be used with TP/FT-10, TP/XF-78 or TP/XF-1250 channels.
The Level 4 cable specification used by Echelon and as originally defined by the
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) differs from the Category4
specification proposed by the Electronics Industries
Association/Telecommunications Industry Association (EIA/TIA). The following
specifications can be by cable suppliers to identify a compliant Level 4 cable or
produce an equivalent cable:
Specifications apply to shielded or unshielded 22AWG (0.65mm) cable, 24AWG (0.5mm)cable shown
in brackets [] if different
18.0 [28.6]
D-C Resistance (Ohms/1000 feet at 20ºC)
maximum for a single copper conductor regardless
of whether it is sold or stranded and is or is not
D-C Resistance Unbalance (%) maximum
Mutual capacitance of a pair (pF/foot) maximum
Pair-to-Ground Capacitance Unbalance (pF/1000 1000
feet) maximum
Characteristic Impedance (Ohms)
Worst Pair Near_end Crosstalk (dB) minimum. Values are shown for information only. The minimum
NEXT coupling loss for any pair combination at room temperature is to be greater than the value
determined using the formula NEXT(FMHz )>NEXT(0.772)-15log10(FMHz/0.772)
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B. Network Interfaces - A LONW ORKS Network Interface is the adapter between a PCstyle computer and the LONW ORKS network. For local operation from a PC (laptop or
desktop) computer, a whole range of network interface cards are available from
Echelon, covering almost any possible combination of PC connector and LONW ORKS
channel type.
1. Network interfaces shall support downloadable firmware images for future
upgrade purposes
2. Network interfaces shall NSI firmware for LNS applications
3. The following table lists the approved LONW ORKS network interfaces for local
PC Port P’n’P
Not Supported
Any via
PC Card
external pod
W/NT ≥ 4.0
and WfW as
Any via SMX
and WfW as
For remote access, i.e. access from a PC in a different location than the network. The currently available
approved network interface hardware for remote connectivity are:
PC Port
and WfW as
Non-LNS based
1. Equip each router and bridge with a network transceiver on each network port
(inbound and outbound) as dictated by the network type (Type 1 - FTT, Type 2 TP, Type 3 - PL, Type 4 - LP, Type 5 - RF, Ethernet).
2. The network router shall be designed to route messages from a segment, subnet, or domain in full duplex communication mode.
3. Routers and bridges shall utilize LonTalk protocol transport, network, session
layers to transparently route messages bound for a node address in another subnet or domain.
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4. Routers, bridges and repeaters shall be fully programmable and permit a systems
integrator to define message traffic, destination, and other network management
functions utilizing LonWorks technology.
5. Routers, bridges, and repeaters shall be capable of Rack, DIN rail, or panel
mounting and be equipped with status LED lights for Network traffic and power.
6. Provide a minimum of (2) Neuron 3150 Chip processors for use as the network
router communication controller for all power line, twisted pair and RF routers.
7. ANSI/EIA 709.1 (LonTalk) Ethernet Routers shall have 32 bit RISC processors to
allow for high packet throughput in control networks.
8. ANSI/EIA 709.1 (LonTalk) Ethernet Routers shall be capable of installation
utilizing LonWorks Installation tools, and supported by Echelon’s LNS Network
Services architecture.
9. ANSI/EIA 709.1 (LonTalk) Ethernet Routers shall support standard
internetworking protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, SNMP, (MIB II), ICMP, SNTP,
TOS, MD5, HTTP, and FTP.
10. ANSI/EIA 709.1 (LonTalk) Ethernet Routers shall support standard
internetworking protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, SNMP, (MIB II), ICMP, SNTP,
TOS, MD5, HTTP, and FTP.
1. Each network device shall be at a minimum LonMark compliant and will adhere to
the current LonMark interoperability guidelines.
2. Each network device must include a plug-in configuration software tool
compatible with the network installation tool that provides a graphical user-friendly
method of adjusting device configuration values and have the ability to be
launched from within the network design/installation tool.
3. Each network device must include the manufacture supplied external interface file
(XIF) and device resource files (DRF’s) for the device that fully describe network
variable/ configuration property structures, types, associations, and data
4. Each network device must include support for network variable aliasing and
include a minimum of 15 address table entries
5. Each network device shall be equipped with either a Neuron 3120® or 3150®
Chip microprocessor controller, a minimum of 64K programmable non-volatile
(flash) memory for general data processing, power supply, input/output modules,
termination blocks, network transceivers.
6. Two Bar code identification stickers shall be provided for each device that contain
the devices’ unique Neuron ID number.
7. Each network device system software, custom operating sequence software and
application programs shall be stored in programmable, non-volatile memory
memory to allow downloadable application upgrades. Applications held on PROM
chips shall not be allowed
8. Each network device packaging shall be such that complete installation and
check-out of field wiring can be performed prior to the installation of electronic
boards. Make all board terminations by means of plug-in connectors to facilitate
troubleshooting, repair and replacement.
9. Each network device shall be configured, not programmed, via PC based
interface software. This software shall be a program applet, which runs within the
network management tool chosen. Intimate knowledge of operation of ASC shall
not be required for configuration.
10. Each network device shall operate in standalone mode as needed for specified
control applications if network communication fails. Software shall include a
complete operating system (O.S.), communications handler, point processing,
standard control algorithms, and specific control sequences.
11. Each network device shall contain built in diagnostics and self test routines.
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12. All network devices supplied under this contract shall be true “peer-to-peer”
communicating devices capable of sharing data with other devices on the
network. Components or controllers requiring “polling” by a host to pass data shall
not be acceptable.
13. System wide control devices shall reside on the network media and provide
network wide functions required by or utilized by field control devices, network
management tools, and network monitoring & control tools. System control
devices shall be capable of executing application control programs to provide the
following functions:
(a) Calendar functions
(b) Time of Day Scheduling
(c) Time & Condition based algorithims (state machines)
(d) Point Trending
(e) Point statistical functions such as averaging/hi/low selection
(f) Alarm monitoring and reporting
(g) Time synchronization
(h) Device Management functions
(i) Counter functions
(j) Equipment run time accumulation
14. Run Time Totalization Devices
(a) Run time shall be accumulated based on the status of a digital input point. It
shall be possible to totalize either on time or off time up to 10,000 hours with
one-minute resolution. Run time counts shall be resident in non-volatile
memory and have CU resident run time limits assignable through the
operator's terminal.
(b) Totalized run time or trended data shall be batch downloaded using FTP to
the SCU on a daily or weekly basis. Trended data shall reside on the SCADA
database server. The automatic update of this data shall be determined by
the SCADA and facility management application requirements.
(c) Transition Counting: A transition counter shall be provided to accumulate the
number of times a device has been cycled on or off. Counter is to be nonvolatile and be capable of accumulating 600,000 switching cycles. Limits shall
be assignable to counts to provide maintenance alarm printouts.
(a) The HMI Web Server shall be capable of displaying web pages in HTML
without the need for downloaded software applets, or controls.
(b) The HMI Web Server shall support Javascript, XML, and DHTML
(b) The HMI Web Server shall be capable of reading and writing to network
variables from web pages using a standard web browser such as Netscape
4.0 (or higher), and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (or higher)
(c) The HMI Web Server shall be capable of supporting non-Windows users with
a JAVA enabled platform.
(d) The HMI Web Server shall use a standard FTP client to upload HTML pages.
(e) Internet Server features shall include:
i. True layer 3 routing, Cisco Certified
ii. Built-in web server
iii. Supports Read and Write of network variables through web pages
iv. High speed LonWorks/IP LNS 3.0 capable, with ability to route all
master/slave, peer-to-peer and network management devices over the
LonWorks or Ethernet networks
v. Supports DHCP, SNMP, ICMP and FTP
vi. Monitoring Performance with LonWorks/IP: >5,000 packets/sec
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Sample Specification
(f) Do not exceed 75% of the memory storage capacity of any single Internet
Server, including memory required for an intuitive plain-English descriptor for
each item of information.
16. Agency Approvals - Network devices shall include approval by the appropriate
safety and certifications agencies as required by local building department
17. Network devices shall support device management tasks from the network
management tool and shall include:
i. Enable/Disable functions
ii. Override functions
iii. Self Test functions that report Neuron error log statistics
iv. Wink functions that confirm physical address
v. Service pin identification
A. The network operating system shall provide the foundation for the open/interoperable
network tools. The operating system shall provide for a client/server architecture that
allows multiple tools to coexist on the network simultaneously and seamlessly. The
operating system will allow technicians to plug intelligent service tools into any point in
the network and access all network services and data.
B. The network operating system shall be component based and utilize an objectoriented programming model. Included is a standard Microsoft OLE and ActiveX
interface to the network.
C. The network operating system shall include a Network Services Server (NSS) that
enables and coordinates multiple points of access to network management services
and network data. It will also maintain a network database and a directory of all
network and application providers/event generators.
D. Clients shall connect to the network using a Network Services Interface (NSI) or a
Virtual Network Interface (VNI). NSI’s shall consist of a hardware component
installed in the client PC that enables communication of the client application directly
to the network media. The VNI shall allow the client application to communicate to the
network via TCP/IP channels through the client PC Network Interface Card (NIC) over
a LAN or WAN connection. Further, the VNI shall provide for multiple simultaneous
outgoing transactions and allow a single server to manage multiple network domains.
E. The network operating system shall be host independent, supporting clients that
utilize any platform, including embedded microcontrollers, Windows PC’s, and UNIX
F. The PC operating system shall be Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0, with
Service Pack 4 or higher.
A. The network design and installation tool software shall employ object-oriented
technology (OOT) for representation of all data and control devices within the system.
In addition, adherence to industry standards including EIA 709.1 LonTalk and
LonMark guidelines to assure interoperability between all system components is
required. Further, the tool must be compatible with the LNS network operating
B. The network design tool shall include the following design capabilities
(a) Can perform design in Ad hoc, Engineered mode, or combination
(b) Supports grouping and bundling of objects, connections, and devices
(c) Create multiple nested subsystems and multiple drawings consisting of
multiple pages
(d) Support copy/paste functions for objects, configurations, and subsystems
(e) Support stencils and custom master shapes
(f) Import and export commonly used CAD files
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Sample Specification
(g) Can change device channel and subsystem locations
(h) Includes network explorer navigation
(i) Includes network merge capability
The network design tool shall include the following installation capabilities
(a) Commissions devices using manual entry, service pin, or auto discovery
(b) Adjustment of device CPs using software Plug-ins
(c) Adjustment and monitoring of CPs and NV’s using generic browser
(d) Can use CPs defined in device by 3rd party installation tool
(e) Operates over multiple channel media, including IP
(f) Uploads device external interface (.xif) files or load from manufacture
supplied file
(g) Verify device locations with Wink commands
The network design tool shall include the following management capabilities
(a) Performs device replacement
(b) Performs functional object override
(c) Performs device and object disable and enable functions
(d) Places devices in online/offline states
(e) Performs self-test of devices and functional objects
(f) Can perform device application reset
(g) Supports user profiles and password protected access privileges
(h) Includes network recovery function that creates an LNS database and
drawings for legacy networks
The network design tool shall include the following maintenance capabilities
(a) Maintains as-built control drawings
(b) Produce property reports that document network resources
(c) Monitor and display current NV update values on the drawing page
(d) Perform download of new device applications
(e) Include database and drawing backup and restore features
(f) Create user defined custom properties for all drawing objects and shapes
The network design tool software shall run on the following minimum hardware
(a) The computer shall be an Intel Pentium based computer (minimum
processing speed of 400 MHz with 256 MB RAM and a 10-gigabyte minimum
hard drive). It shall include a 32X CD-ROM drive, 3.5” floppy drive, a 100 MB
Zip drive, 2-parallel ports, 2-asynchronous serial ports, 2-USB ports, and 2spare PCI or ISA slots for the network interface hardware.
(b) The PC operating system shall be Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0,
with Service Pack 4 or higher
(c) The network design tool shall be accessible onsite at all times by
maintenance personnel.
A. The Local Area Network (LAN) shall be either a 10 or 100 Megabits/sec Ethernet
network supporting Java, XML, HTTP, and CORBA IIOP for maximum flexibility for
integration of building data with enterprise information systems and providing support
for multiple user workstations and, if specified, a local or remote network server
computer system.
B. Local area network minimum physical and media access requirements:
(a) Ethernet; IEEE standard 802.3
(b) Cable; 10 Base-T, UTP-8 wire, category 5
(c) Minimum throughput; 10 Mbps, with ability to increase to 100 Mbps
C. The Network Management Network Services Server Application (NSS) shall reside on
the BAS Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) server/ Operator
Interface Workstation. This application shall support multiple clients on the
LAN/WAN and by using Operator Interface will be capable of managing network
devices anywhere on the BAS LAN or WAN.
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(a) Fixed Station Operator Interface Workstations shall include as a mimimum:
i. Intel Pentium II Xeon Processor 450MHz with 512K Cache
ii. 256MB 100 Mhx ECC SDRAM expandable to 2 GB
iii. VX1100 21” Color Monitor
iv. 8MB Accelgraphics Permedia II Graphics Card
v. 9GB 10K Ultra2 SCSI drive w/Ultra2 Controller
vi. 3.5” 1.44MB Diskette Drive
vii. 13Xmin. / 32Xmax. SCSI CD-ROM
viii. Slots: One AGP, Five PCI and One ISA
ix. 10-bay Tower Case
x. 104+Keyboard
xi. 3COM PCI 10/100 Twisted Pair Ethernet w/WOL
xii. MS IntelliMouse and Mouse Pad
xiii. Intel LANDesk Client Manager Software Version 3.3
xiv. Microsoft Windows NT V4.0 Workstation
xv. McAfee Anti-Virus Software
xvi. One (1) parallel printer: Epson LX-300, 80 column 160 cps tractor feed,
for reports, alarms and exception messages.
xvii. A built-in read/write CD-ROM, for the purpose of manually and
automatically backing up fixed system data, shall be provided.
Provide HMI to HMI communications via an IEEE 802.3 10/100 Mbps
Ethernet Network Adapter. The Ethernet adapter shall support early
token release for improved efficiency.
(b) The Fixed Operator Interface Device shall be capable of supporting all
LonWorks network transceiver types (FTT, PL, RF, Ethernet/TCP\IP,
etcetera) and provide for the ability to serve multiple control channels through
LonWorks Networks Interface for the appropriate network type.
(c) The Fixed Operator Interface Device shall include a factory-installed
Operating System to include Microsoft Windows NT4.0 or newer.
(d) The Fixed Operator Workstation Interface Device shall include factoryinstalled client software to include Microsoft Office Professional (Including
Internet Explorer).
(e) The Fixed Operator Workstation Interface Device shall include the Network
Management Application operating in a client/server fashion to the NSS
(Network Services Server).
(f) The Fixed Operators Workstation Interface Device shall be equipped with
manufacturer specific program and configuration applications or “plug-ins” for
all devices on the control network.
(a) Provide Portable Operator Terminal Interface Device(s), for use by the
operating engineer to remotely access the LonWorks Control Network. The
POT shall incorporate the following items as a minimum requirement.
i. PCMCIA LonWorks Network Interface (Free Topology Transceiver, FTT10).
ii. PCMCIA or Cad Bus 10/100 Ethernet Network Interface card.
iii. PCC10 Protocol Analyzer Network Interface card
iv. Operating System Software.
v. LonWorks Network Interface API to function as a NSI terminal.
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Sample Specification
User Display Screen (13.3 inch XGA Active matrix.).
256 MB RAM, minimum.
Pentium 600 MHz PIII processor (or greater).
One 4.8GB hard drive.
One 56Kbaud modem.
Touch pad mouse.
(b) Portable Operator Terminal Interface Device shall be capable of supporting
all LonWorks network transceiver types present on the control network (FTT,
PL, RF, Ethernet/TCP\IP, etcetera) and provide for the ability to serve
multiple control channels by utilizing a PCMCIA network card for the
appropriate network type.
(c) The Portable Operator Interface Device shall have a factory-installed
Operating System to include Microsoft Windows 98 Professional, or latest
(d) The Portable Operator Interface Device shall have factory-installed client
software to include Microsoft Office Professional (Including Internet Explorer.)
(e) The Portable Operator Interface Device shall be capable of Client Server
operations to NSS via FTT10, or Ethernet TCP/IP LonWorks channels.
(f) The POT shall be equipped with manufacturer specific program and
configuration applications or “plug-ins” for all devices on the control network.
(a) Provide printer(s) at the fixed operator workstation location(s) for recording
alarms, operator transactions, and reports, meeting the following minimum
16 pages per minute print speed.
1200 dpi laser.
(b) Provide color printer(s) locate as directed by the owner representative during
construction for printing of graphics and other screen displays. Printer shall
include as a minimum:
8 color pages per minute.
Suitable for the application.
1. The HMI shall be a fully integrated suite of modular components. Each major
component (i.e. visualization, alarm annunciation, data logging, data server, and
web server) shall have the ability to operate independently. Each component
shall be modular such that any one or more may be distributed and used
individually on separate physical platforms.
2. The HMI shall be a 32 bit, object oriented application that is interoperable with all
16 and 32 bit non- BAS applications. System shall support Microsoft long file
name designations. Systems not utilizing a 32 bit, object oriented structure are
not acceptable. The ability to develop displays and presentations in multiple
screen resolutions shall be provided.
3. The HMI shall be icon driven, multi-tasking and employing a graphical operating
environment. All functions shall be available through the use of a mouse, without
dependence on the keyboard. Up to 16 applications may collect data dynamically
and simultaneously without HMI speed degradation. The HMI shall have the
ability to allow the passing of data freely to Microsoft Windows applications that
incorporate the use of Dynamic Data Exchange.
4. The HMI shall be capable of communicating to 250 remote client locations bidirectionally.
5. The HMI shall support the following standard network configurations: Ethernet,
Arcnet, Token Ring, LonTalk and Serial. The HMI shall support the following
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standard network protocols: TCP/IP, PPTP, IPX/SPX, NetBeui, LonTalk, BacNet,
and PPP.
The HMI shall be capable of real-time access to all integrated systems on the
LAN as well as for information management, including the manipulation of all real
time or archived system information, via spreadsheets, databases, etc. Complete
file management and data transfer (such as copying, moving or transferring files)
automatically and manually shall be provided via Dynamic Data Exchange.
The HMI shall be a multi-threaded, multi-tasking 32-bit object oriented
application. The HMI shall allow non-related third party applications to be
executed without interruptions to the operation of the HMI.
Active-X Component Object Module (COM) objects shall be supported to allow
for easy system tailoring and customization. Systems not supporting Active-X
Controls shall provide a full definition of how the operator can customize the
presentation of the system.
DDE I/O Server Interfaces shall provide the following
(a) Only points on an active screen, alarm points, historically logged points, or
points in background logic shall be polled. Also, to optimize communication
performance, report by exception.
(b) Dynamically configure polling lists
(c) Menu driven configuration
(d) DDE I/O Server Interfaces shall be standalone Windows programs capable of
communicating via DDE to any other Windows based program in the system.
Servers must be available for all major brands of programmable controllers
including, but not limited to, the following:
i. Allen-Bradley
ii. LonWorks
iii. General Electric
iv. Modicon Modbus
v. TI/Siemens
vi. Reliance
vii. Square D
The HMI shall support third party Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) and OLE
for Process Control (OPC) I/O Servers for integration to non-standard, noninteroperable systems.
The HMI must support the Structured Query Language (SQL) component of the
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard. Utilities that extend the power
and functionality of the SQL component are desirable. Definition of these ODBC
extensions is required. Systems that do not extend the ODBC standard shall
define how system expansion will be supported.
This HMI shall provide a simple method of launching third party applications.
Systems that require the use of Windows Explorer or other Tree format as the
shell or entry point to other programs, shall be rejected.
This HMI shall utilize dynamic push buttons. Each pushbutton shall be user
configurable to allow access to any of the HMIs applications. A push-button shall
display a user selectable ICON and text describing visually the linked application.
Any object including gauges, buttons, and other animated components shall be
capable of launching an application or a specific file from a dynamic display
Predefined graphical wizards shall be provided for creating interactive objects.
Systems not providing standard wizards shall include a minimum of 80 hours of
specific HMI training with the base bid.
The HMI shall provide a scripting language allowing customized sequences and
BAS control functions. The scripting language shall provide advanced math and
Boolean functions, simulation, prototyping and background calculating
capabilities. HMI’s not providing scripting functions will require an additional
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controller with the aforementioned capabilities to be provided for every 10 devices
on the submittal drawings to allow for expansion.
The HMI shall be capable of client connections via a common Web Browser
application allowing access to BAS dynamic data from an intranet and/or the
HMI shall automatically re-launch following a power failure reset of the hardware,
without operator intervention. Multiple servers shall be supported with full time
system performance monitoring and the ability to restore system functionality by
automatically selecting a new server, upon failure of the primary server, without
operator intervention. In addition, monitoring of GC connectivity points shall be
provided on an automatic basis, allowing for automatic redirection of bus
connectivity upon reported failure.
HMI System Security shall be on an application by application basis. System
Administrator shall setup and define access privileges per user, per application
and per setpoint levels. The Users shall be assigned discrete user names and
passwords, both of which must be entered in order to access any particular
application or function within the system. Standard Microsoft Windows NTFS
privileges may also be utilized for access to applications and/or files. A minimum
of 10,000 levels of user-definable access must be provided.
(a) The HMI shall allow access to any system information by either selecting a
transfer point or screens individually with a Windows Explorer view. All
system navigation shall be capable through the use of a mouse. HMI’s that
require the use of keyboard commands to edit dynamic shall provide 8 hours
of system command training.
(b) The HMI shall be capable of importing background images in the following
formats: .dwg, .bmp, .gif, .jpg . Systems that utilize proprietary image formats
will not be accepted.
(c) The temperature control contractor shall provide an interactive display frame
for the following as referenced on designated project: Overall site plan, each
individual building, each floor plan or wing, each piece of mechanical
equipment, and each integrated controller, (i.e. lighting panel, card access
entry point, elevator, generator). All graphics shall be individually labeled. All
graphics shall be logically linked allowing navigation through the overall
system, at any time returning immediately to the associated subsystem
overall site plan via graphic element.
(d) The HMI shall allow for the development and editing of dynamic graphics.
Wizards shall be utilized to assist the operator with their manipulation of the
graphic system. The HMI shall be capable of alternating between edit and
monitoring mode with a single mouse click from any display frame. The HMI
shall enable edit ability based on access level permissions.
(e) The HMI shall provide animation of system data via graphic elements on the
display frames. Standard graphic element library shall be provided to assist
the operator with their implementation. The ability to define and add new
animated graphic elements shall be provided. The ability to move, size, draw,
arrange, align, layer, space, rotate, invert, duplicate, cut, copy, paste, erase
any animated element shall be provided. System parameters and setpoints
shall be user-definable by the animated graphic elements.
(f) The HMI shall provide the ability to simultaneously display a dynamic X/Y
Chart of selected points. The chart shall be an element of the graphic display
and shall automatically update with the display data. The chart shall allow for
dynamic manipulation to modify the range, rate, and timeframe of view, in
both a real-time as well as historical configuration. A minimum of 4 values
shall be included on any chart display element. The quantity of chart
elements displayed on a graphic frame. Trace colors and X values shall be
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
user configurable. Systems not providing this capability are required to
provide an equivalent charting package with the HMI offering.
(g) The HMI shall contain full on-line system documentation. It shall not be
necessary to maintain printed copies of user or programming manuals.
Context sensitive help files shall be provided for all applications within the
HMI. The ability to update on-line documentation must be provided via
electronic updates, definition of update procedure(s) shall be provided.
(h) The ability to modify or override current control values shall be available at
any individual graphical element. A self-prompting pop-up window shall be
displayed providing the ability to modify the selected control value.
Instructions in the use of the pop-up window shall be provided.
(i) The HMI shall provide graphically displayed global scheduling and editing
functions. The ability to link these functions to the associated equipment or
zone frames shall be a standard feature. A calendar shall be provided for
display and modification of time clock functions. The User shall be able to
view daily, weekly, monthly, annual, special, or holiday schedules from a
defined display frame.
(a) The HMI shall provide, as standard, the ability to annunciate, view,
acknowledge, delete and manipulate real-time and historical alarms on every
display frame. The ability to provide a unique and custom alarm display for
every display frame shall be provided. The alarm display shall be viewed
continuously or upon request.
(b) The HMI shall be capable of invoking a display frame, response instruction
display, an audible enunciator, full conversation instructions, visual real-time
video display, and any executable file upon alarm conditions
(c) The HMI shall provide user-definable alarm logging. The HMI shall be
capable of displaying and/or routing alarms to an HMI display frame, local
printer, network printer, facsimile, e-mail, alpha numeric pager, voice pagers,
digital PCS telephones, speaker, radios, intercom systems, file, and SQL
compatible database. Alarm groupings shall be priority based. The quantity
of alarms logged by the HMI (including historical data archiving) shall be
unlimited. Systems possessing limits will be required to define the
(d) The system shall be capable of real-time verbal alarm notification
acknowledgement, data acquisition, and control from any land or cellular
(e) The HMI shall provide at minimum 999 alarm priorities and 5 separate color
displays based on alarm status and priority.
(a) The HMI shall automatically perform time based, user defined, and periodic
collection of real time point data. The HMI shall be capable of displaying data
as an X/Y Chart in any display frame and storing data in a SQL or ODBC
format for access from third party applications.
(b) The HMI shall be capable of logging at minimum 20,000 real-time data points
in 20 milliseconds or less. Systems unable to log data at the aforementioned
rates shall provide one dedicated HMI platform as a trend server for future
(c) The HMI sampling rates shall be user-definable from one per second to once
a week. Collection of data shall be user-definable to start and stop on
specific times and dates.
(d) The HMI shall have the ability to display an unlimited number of X/Y charts
within a display frame. The HMI shall be capable of logging any point in the
system. Analytical data shall be displayed for any of the selected points in a
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Sample Specification
clearly displayed X/Y Chart. The system shall be capable of visually
formatting the data as follows: Average Mean, Standard Deviation, Simple
Average, Current Value, Cycle Length, Cycle High and Cycle Low. X/Y
Charting shall provide for the following chart manipulation: display, zoom,
scroll, centering, pen legend and export to a Microsoft Excel compatible
(a) The HMI shall incorporate user configurable daily, weekly, monthly
scheduling of reports. The HMI shall provide a graphical wizard for report
development. Information contained in the reports, as a minimum, shall
include time, date stamp, alarm history, and trend data.
(b) The HMI shall compile and print reports by user, company, department, time,
date, period, and data points.
(c) The HMI shall provide user-definable report definitions to be saved allowing
reports to be printed on demand or at timed intervals. Printed reports shall
automatically identify the operator, time, date, and configurable parameters
on a cover page. The HMI shall allow any or all information to be combined,
sorted, displayed, archived, and/or printed as a single report.
1. The software package shall include the following three tools for network analysis
and monitoring with the listed diagnostics functions:
(a) Protocol Analyzer Packet Logging Tool.
i. Packet Display Contents: Packet number, packet size, time stamp,
packet attributes, service type, transaction number, source address,
destination address, network variable, message class and message
ii. Packet Display Attributes: Priority, alternate path, authentication and
iii. Configurable Display Attributes: Visible packet fields, font name and size
and column widths.
iv. Packet Log Options: Log size and fixed size or circular log.
v. Packet Match Options: Node name, network variable name, message
code and transactions.
vi. Packet Type Receive Filter Options: Ack, acked, acked/reminder,
challenge, reply, request, request/reminder, response, unacked, unacked
repeat and unknown.
vii. Packet Source Node Receive Filter Options: Node name, Neuron ID and
subnet/node ID.
viii. Packet Destination Node Receive Filter Options: Node name, Neuron ID,
subnet/node ID, group ID and broadcast address.
ix. Packet Source or Destination Receive Filter Options: Network variable
name and message code name.
x. Detected Error Conditions: CRC error, time-out error, packet too short,
packet too long, preamble too short and preamble too long.
(b) Traffic Analysis Tool.
i. Collective Options: Cumulative or snapshot.
ii. Summary Data: Start time, update time, elapsed time, total packets
received, average packet size, average packets per second, maximum
packets per second, bandwidth utilization, packet counts, network error
counts, total errors and error rate.
iii. Packet Count Categories: Ack, acked, acked/reminder, challenge, reply,
request, request/reminder, response, unacked, and unacked repeat and
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Sample Specification
iv. Network Error Count Categories: CRC errors, time-out error, packet too
long, preamble too short, preamble too long and packets lost.
v. Data Available via DDE: All summary data.
(c) Network Diagnostics Tool.
i. Commands: Ping, proxy ping, status (test), proxy status, reset, off-line,
on-line, wink and clear error log, reset cause and statistics.
ii. Test Data: Software version, most recent error, and most recent reset
cause and node statistics.
iii. Command Options: Interval or number of operations.
iv. Node Statistics: Transaction errors, transaction time-outs, receive
transactions full, lost messages, missed messages, number of packets
transmitted at layer 3, number of packets received at layer 3, number of
packets received at layer 4, retries, backlog overflow, late
acknowledgments and collisions.
(a) Provide one dedicated computer to allow access to the network database by
remote client tools The computer shall serve as the network database server
during the installation and commissioning of network subsystems or channels
that are commissioned prior to the BAS LAN being commissioned.
(b) The network management database server shall include the following
minimum specifications:
i. Intel Pentium III Xeon Processor 450MHz with 512K Cache
ii. 256MB 100 Mhx ECC SDRAM expandable to 2 GB
iii. VX1100 19” Color Monitor
iv. 9GB 10K Ultra2 SCSI drive w/Ultra2 Controller
v. 3.5” 1.44MB Diskette Drive
vi. 13Xmin. / 32Xmax. SCSI CD-ROM
vii. Slots: One AGP, Five PCI and One ISA
viii. 10-bay Tower Case
ix. 104+Keyboard
x. 3COM PCI 10/100 Twisted Pair Ethernet w/WOL
xi. MS IntelliMouse and Mouse Pad
xii. Intel LANDesk Client Manager Software Version 3.3
xiii. Microsoft Windows NT V4.0 Workstation
xiv. McAfee Anti-Virus Software
xv. One (1) parallel printer: Epson LX-300, 80 column 160 cps tractor feed,
for reports, alarms and exception messages.
xvi. A built-in read/write CD-ROM, for the purpose of manually and
automatically backing up fixed system data, shall be provided.
xvii. Provide HMI to HMI communications via an IEEE 802.3 10/100 Mbps
Ethernet Network Adapter. The Ethernet adapter shall support early
token release for improved efficiency.
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Sample Specification
A. Sensors and Transmitters
1. Provide sensors and transmitters required as outlined in the input/output
summary and sequence of operation, and as required to achieve the specified
accuracy as specified herein.
2. Temperature transmitters shall be equipped with individual zero and span
adjustments. The zero and span adjustments shall be non-interactive to permit
calibration without iterative operations. Provide a loop test signal to aid in sensor
3. Temperature transmitters shall be sized and constructed to be compatible with
the medium to be monitored. Transmitters shall be equipped with a linearization
circuit to compensate for non-linearities of the sensor and bridge and provide a
true linear output signal.
4. Temperature sensors shall be of the resistance type and shall be either threewire 100 ohm platinum RTD, or two-wire 1000 ohm platinum RTD.
5. Thermistors are acceptable provided the mathematical relationship of a
thermistor with respect to resistance and temperature with the thermistor fitting
constraints is contained with the CU operating software and the listed accuracy’s
can be obtained. Submit proof of the software mathematical equation and
thermistor manufacturer fitting constants used in the thermistor
mathematical/expressions. Thermistors shall be of the Thermistor (NTC) Type
with a minimum of 100 ohm/F. resistance change versus temperature to insure
good resolution and accuracy. Thermistors shall be certified to be stable ±0.24F.
over 5 years and ±0.36F. accurate and free from drift for 5 years.
6. CU operating software shall be equipped with a self-calibrating feature for
temperature sensors.
7. The following point type accuracies are required and include errors associated
with the sensor, lead wire and A to D conversion.
Point Type
Outside Air
Chilled Water
Room Temperature
Hot Water/Steam
Duct Temperature
8. Sensors used in BTU or process calculations shall be accurate to ±0.10. over
the process temperature range. Submit a manufacturer's calibration report
indicating that the calibration certification is traceable to the National Bureau of
Standards (NBS) Calibration Report Nos. 209527/222173.
9. Thermowells
(a) When thermowells are required, the sensor and well shall be supplied as a
complete assembly including well head and greenfield fitting.
(b) Thermowells shall be pressure rated and constructed in accordance with the
system working pressure
(c) Thermowells and sensors shall be mounted in a threadolet or 1/2" NPT
saddle and allow easy access to the sensor for repair or replacement.
(d) Thermowells shall be constructed of the following materials:
i. Chilled and Hot Water; brass.
ii. Condenser Water and Steam; 316 stainless steel.
iii. Brine (salt solutions): marine grade stainless steel.
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Sample Specification
10. Outside Air Sensors
(a) Outside air sensors shall be designed to withstand the environmental
conditions to which they will be exposed. They shall also be provided with a
solar shield.
(b) Sensors exposed to wind velocity pressures shall be shielded by a perforated
plate surrounding the sensor element.
(c) Temperature transmitters shall be of NEMA 3R construction and rated for
ambient temperatures.
11. Duct Type Sensors
(a) Duct mount sensors shall mount in a hand box through a hole in the duct and
be positioned so as to be easily accessible for repair or replacement. A
neoprene grommet (sealtite fitting and mounting plate) shall be used on the
sensor assembly to prevent air leaks.
(b) Duct sensors shall be insertion type and constructed as a complete assembly
including lock nut and mounting plate. Duct sensors probe shall be
constructed of 304 stainless steel.
(c) For outdoor air duct applications, use a weatherproof mounting box with
weatherproof cover and gasket.
12. Averaging Duct Type Sensors
(a) For ductwork greater any dimension than 48 inches and/or where air
temperature stratification exists, utilize an averaging sensor with multiple
sensing points. The averaging sensor shall be a 304 stainless steel tube with
holes extending across the duct or plenum to be sampled. A bleed hole
outside the duct or plenum causes air to enter the sample tube and exit at the
bleed hole, thus bathing the sensor in average air. The averaging sensor
shall be installed complete with end cap, compression fittings, gaskets,
mounting flange and required accessories.
(b) Provide capillary supports at the sides of the duct to support the sensing
13. Intelligent LonMark Room Sensors
(a) Room temperature sensors are to be provided with a cover to prevent
accidental damage.
(b) Terminal unit temperature sensors all are of the thermistor (NTC) type with a
100 ohm resistance change versus temperature change to insure good
resolution and accuracy.
(c) Sensor shall be supplied with a vertical base for mounting on a standard
single gang junction box supplied by the NI .
(d) Provide an integrated thermistor, Neuron Chip and (Power Line, FTT)
Transceiver for communication with the VAV power line communication
(e) Temperature sensor cover plate shall be vandal proof, flush mounted
stainless steel with hex head hardware.
(f) Sensor shall include network access points wired directly to network media
14. Relative Humidity Sensors/Transmitter
(a) The sensor shall be a solid state, resistance type relative humidity sensor of
the Bulk Polymer Design. The sensor element shall be washable and shall
resist surface contaminations.
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(b) Humidity transmitter shall be equipped with non-interactive span and zero
adjustments, a 2 wire isolated loop powered, 4-20ma, 0-100 VDC linear
proportional output.
(c) The humidity transmitter shall meet the following overall accuracy including
lead loss and A to D conversion.
i. Room Type Sensor ±3% RH
ii. Duct Type Sensor ±2% RH
(d) Outside air relative humidity sensors shall be installed in a rain proof,
perforated cover. The transmitter shall be installed in a NEMA 3R enclosure
with sealtite fittings and stainless steel bushings.
(e) Provide a single point humidity calibrator, if required, for field calibration.
Transmitters shall be shipped factory pre-calibrated.
(f) Duct type sensing probes shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel and be
equipped with a neoprene grommet, bushings and a mounting bracket.
15. Differential Pressure Transmitters and Accessories
(a) Pressure transmitters shall be constructed to withstand 100% pressure overrange without damage and to hold calibrated accuracy when subject to a
momentary 40% over-range input.
(b) Pressure transmitters shall provide the option to transmit a 0 to 5V dc, 0 to
10V dc, or 4 to 20 mA output signal.
(c) Differential pressure transmitters used for flow measurement shall be sized to
the flow sensing device and shall be supplied with shutoff and bleed valves in
the high and low sensing pick-up lines (3 valve manifolds).
(d) Provide a minimum of a NEMA 1 housing for the transmitter. Locate
transmitters in accessible local control panels wherever possible.
(e) Low air pressure, differential pressure transmitters used for room
pressurization control (i.e. laboratories, OR’s clean rooms, etcetera) shall be
equipped with a LED display indicating the transmitter output signal.
(f) Duct sensing pressure applications shall utilize a static pressure traverse
16. Low Air Pressure Applications
(a) The pressure transmitter shall be capable of transmitting a linear electronic
signal proportional to the differential of the room and reference static
pressure input signals with the following minimum performance
Span: Not greater than two times the design space DP.
Accuracy: Plus or minus 0.5% of F.S.
Dead Band: Less than 0.3% of output.
Repeatability: Within 0.2% of output.
Linearity: Plus or minus 0.2% of span.
Response: Less than one second for full span input.
Temperature Stability: Less than 0.01% output shift per degree change.
(b) The transmitter shall utilize variable capacitance sensor technology and be
immune to shock and vibration.
17. Medium to High Air Pressure Applications
(a) The pressure transmitter shall be similar to the Low Air Pressure Transmitter
except the performance specifications are not as severe. Provide differential
pressure transmitters, which meet the following performance requirements.
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Sample Specification
Zero & span: (% F.S./Deg.): .041% including linearity, hysteresis and
ii. Accuracy: 1% F.S. (best straight line)
iii. Static Pressure Effect: 0.5% F.S.
iv. Thermal Effects: <±.03% F.S./Deg.
18. Low Differential, Water Pressure Applications
(a) The differential pressure transmitter shall be of industrial quality and transmit
a linear, 4 to 20mA output in response to variation of flow meter differential
pressure or water pressure sensing points.
(b) The differential pressure transmitter shall have non-interactive zero and span
adjustments adjustable from the outside cover and meet the following
performance specifications.
.Suitable input differential pressure range
4 - 20 mA output
Maintain accuracy up to 20 to 1 ratio turndown
Reference Accuracy:  0.2% of full span
(c) Provide a two-year warranty for each transmitter. Replace all transmitters
found to be defective at no cost to the Owner during the warranty period.
19. Medium to High Differential Water Pressure Applications
(a) The differential pressure transmitter shall meet the low pressure transmitter
specifications except the following:
Differential pressure range.
Reference Accuracy: ±l% of full span (includes non-linearity, hysteresis,
and repeatability)
iii. Warrantee: 1 year.
20. Bypass Valve Assembly: Mount stand-alone pressure transmitters in a bypass
valve assembly panel. The panel shall be constructed to NEMA 1 standards. The
transmitter shall be installed in the panel with hi and low connections piped and
valved. Air bleed units, bypass valves and compression fittings shall be provided.
21. Intelligent Space Static Pressure Sensors:
i. Low pressure type differential pressure transmitter.
ii. Integrated Neuron Chip controller.
iii. Power Line or TP/FT-10 network transceiver.
iv. Integral power supply for transmitter controller and transceiver.
B. Valve & Damper Actuators
1. Electronic Valve & Damper Actuators
(a) Electronic actuators shall be electric, direct-coupled type capable of being
mounted over the shaft of the damper. They shall be approved by a suitable
safety or regulatory agency and the manufacturer shall provide a 2-year
unconditional warranty from the date of commissioning. Power consumption
shall not exceed 8 watts or 15 VA of transformer sizing capacity per high
torque actuator nor 2 watts or 4 VA for VAV actuators. Sound level shall not
exceed 45 dB for high torque or 35 dB for VAV actuators.
(b) Electronic overload protection shall protect actuator motor from damage. If
damper jams actuator shall not burn-out. Internal end switch type actuators
are not acceptable. Actuators may be mechanically and electrically paralleled
on the same shaft to multiply the available torque. A reversing switch shall be
provided to change action from direct to reverse in relation to control signal
as operation requires.
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Sample Specification
2. Control Dampers Actuators
(a) OA, RA and EXH actuators shall be spring return type for safety functions.
Individual battery backup or capacitor return is not acceptable. With approval
a central battery pack NSV system similar to a UPS system may be used with
a battery checking circuit to the DDC automation system. Daily verification of
battery performance shall be incorporated in the programming.
(b) The control circuit shall be fully modulating using 2 - 10 volt or 4 - 20 mA
signals. Accuracy and repeatability shall be within + or -1/21 of control signal.
A 2 - 10 v or 4 - 20 mA signal shall be produced by the actuator which is
directly proportional to the shaft clamp position which can be used to control
actuators which are paralleled off a master motor or to provide a feedback
signal to the automation system indicating damper position. Accuracy shall be
within + or - 2.5%.
(c) Face and bypass dampers and other control dampers shall be modulating
using the same control circuit detailed above but shall not be spring return.
3. Miscellaneous Damper Actuators
(a) OA combustion and ventilation air intake and EXH damper actuators shall be
2 position spring return closed if any water piping, coils or other equipment in
the space which the damper serves needs to be protected from freezing.
Otherwise drive open, drive closed type 2 position may be used.
(b) Provide auxiliary switches on damper shaft or blade switch to prove damper
has opened on all air handling equipment handling 100% outside air and
greater than 2.5" TSP.
4. Air Terminals
(a) Air terminal actuators shall be fully modulating floating (drive open, drive
closed) 3 wire control or use control circuit as detailed in control dampers
depending on the controllers requirements.
5. Inlet Vanes Actuators
(a) Inlet vane actuators shall provide at least 150% of the minimum torque
specified by the manufacturer as necessary to operate vanes properly. Either
direct coupled or gear train with linkages are acceptable as required. The
control loop for static control or the actuator shall operate slowly enough to
avoid hunting and maintain stable control. See automation system
specifications for details.
6. Combination Smoke and Fire Damper Actuators
(a) Actuators shall be factory mounted and connected to the damper section and
shall conform to suitable safety or regulatory agency approved specifications.
7. Valve Actuators
(a) Actuators shall have a gear release button on all non-spring return models to
allow manual setting. The actuator shall have either an insulating air gap
between it and the linkage or a non-conducting thermoplastic linkage. Care
shall be taken to maintain the actuator's operating temperatures and humidity
within its specifications. Pipes shall be fully insulated and heat shields shall
be installed if necessary. Condensation may not form on actuators and shall
be prevented by a combination of insulation, air gap, or other thermal break.
(b) The control circuit shall be fully modulating using 2 - 10 volt or 4 - 20 mA
signals. Accuracy and repeatability shall be within 1/21 of control signal. A 2 10 v or 4 - 20 mA signal shall be produced by the actuator which is directly
proportional to the shaft clamp position which can be used to control
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Sample Specification
actuators which are paralleled off a master motor or to provide a feedback
signal to the automation system indicating valve position.
(c) Valve body and actuators shall be shipped fully assembled and tested at the
valve factory prior to shipment.
8. Control Valve Actuators (4 inch and larger).
(a) The valve actuator shall consist of a permanent split capacitor, reversible
type electric motor which drives a compound epicycle gear. The electric
actuator shall have visual mechanical position indication, readable from a
distance, showing output shaft and valve position. Unit shall be mounting
directly to the valves without brackets and adapters, or readily adapted to suit
all other types quarter-turn valves.
(b) The actuator shall have an integral terminal strip, which, through conduit
entries, will ensure simple wiring to power supplies. Cable entries shall have
been approved by a suitable safety or regulatory agency, recommended
gland stops within the NPT hole to prevent glands from being screwed in too
far and damaging cable.
(c) The actuator shall be constructed to withstand high shock and vibrations
without operations failure. The actuator cover shall have captive bolts to
eliminate loss of bolts when removing the cover from the base. One copy of
the wiring diagram shall be provided with the actuator.
(d) The actuator shall have a self-locking gear train that is permanently lubricated
at the factory. The gearing shall be run on ball and needle bearings.
Actuators with high output torque shall have two adjustable factory calibrated
mechanical torque limit switches of the single-pole, double-throw type. The
motor shall be fitted with thermal overload protection. Motor rotor shaft shall
run in ball bearings at each end of motor.
(e) The actuator housing shall be hard anodized aluminum for full environmental
(f) The environmental temperature range of the actuator shall be -30C to +60C
(-20F to +140F).
(g) For intermittent on/off service, the actuator shall be rated at a 20% duty cycle
(i.e., 12 minutes extended duty in every hour, or alternatively; one complete
cycle every 2 minutes). For more frequent cycling and modulating service, an
actuator shall be rated for continuous duty. The actuator rated for continuous
duty shall be capable of operating 100% of the time at an ambient
temperature of 40C.
(h) The actuator shall have an integral self-locking gear train. Motor brakes shall
not be required to maintain desired valve position. Levers or latches shall not
be required to engage or disengage the manual override. Mechanical travel
stops, adjustable to 15 in each direction of 90 rotation shall be standard, as
well as two adjustable travel limit switches with electrically isolated contacts.
Additional adjustable switches shall be available as option.
(i) Single Phase Motor: The motor shall have Class B insulation capable of
withstanding locked-rotor for 25 seconds without overheating. Wiring shall
also be Class B insulation. An auto-reset thermal cut-out protector shall be
embedded in the motor windings to limit heat rise to 80C in a 40C ambient.
All motors shall be capable of being replaced by simply disconnecting the
wires and then removing mounting bolts. Disassembly of gears shall not be
required to remove the motor.
(j) Materials of Construction: The electric actuator shall have a pressure diecast, hard anodized aluminum base and cover. The compound gear shall be
made of die-cast, hard anodized aluminum or steel. An alloy steel worm gear
shall be provided for manual override and torque limiting. Bearings for gears
shall be of the ball and needle type; bronze bearings shall be used on the
shafting parts.
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Sample Specification
(k) Accessories: Potentiometer for providing continuous feedback of actuator
position at the CU (for valves specified position feedback).
(a) Differential Pressure Switches. All pressure-sensing elements shall be
corrosion resistant. Pressure sensing elements shall be bourdon tubes,
bellows, or diaphragm type. Units shall have tamper-proof adjustable range
and differential pressure settings.
(b) Pressure sensor switch contacts shall be snap action micro-switch type.
Sensor assembly shall operate automatically and reset automatically when
conditions return to normal. Complete sensor assembly shall be protected
against vibration at all critical movement pivots, slides and so forth.
(c) Differential pressure switches shall be vented to withstand a 50% increase in
working pressure without loss of calibration.
2. Electric Low Limit Thermostat (Freeze Stat)
(a) Duct type, fixed differential, range. Sensing element shall be a capillary tube
responding to the lowest temperature sensed along any segment of bulb
length. Switch shall be rated for 10 amps at full load. Unit shall be manually
reset. Provide one low limit thermostat for each section of coil surface area.
(b) Provide automatic reset type thermostat set at above freezing on each air
handling unit, with a 0 to 120 second delay before the fan shuts down.
(c) Provide an additional auto reset type thermostat for remote indication alarm
set at above freezing.
(d) Provide thermostat override on air handling units for smoke containment in
area being served.
3. Water Flow Switches
(a) Suitable safety or regulatory agency approved device, suitable for all service
application conditions. Body minimum working pressure rating shall equal or
exceed service pressure. Unit shall have two SPDT switches. Actuating flow
rated shall be field adjustable for the specified and indicated service. Switch
location shall preclude exposure to turbulent or pulsating flow conditions.
Flow switch shall not cause pressure drop at maximum system flow rate.
4. Strap-On Aquastat
(a) Suitable safety or regulatory agency approved device, provided with a
suitable removable spring clip for attaching aquastat to pipe and a snapaction SPDT switch. Switch setpoint shall be as indicated.
5. Duct Type Smoke Detector
(a) Suitable safety or regulatory agency approved device, duct averaging,
photoelectric type smoke detector with low voltage snap-action SPST switch.
Provide all fittings, bushings and junction boxes for airtight duct installation.
Page 49
1. Traverse Probe Air Flow Measuring Stations
(a) Traverse probes shall be a dual manifolded, cylindrical, type constructed of
3003 extruded aluminum with an anodized finish to eliminate surface pitting
and unnecessary air friction. The multiple total pressure manifold shall have
sensors located along the stagnation plane of the approaching air flow and
without the physical presence of forward projecting sensors into the
airstream. The static pressure manifold shall incorporate dual offset static
tips on opposing sides of the averaging manifold so as to be insensitive to
flow-angle variations of as much as ±20o in the approaching airstream.
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
(b) The airflow traverse probe shall not induce a measurable pressure drop, nor
shall the sound level within the duct be amplified by its singular or multiple
presences in the airstreams. Each airflow-measuring probe shall contain
multiple total and static pressure sensors placed at equal distances along the
probe length. The number of sensors on each probe and the quantity of
probes utilized at each installation shall comply with the ASHRAE Standards
for duct traversing.
(c) Traverse probes shall be accurate to ±25% of the measured airflow range.
2. Shielded Static Pressure Sensor
(a) Provide for each zone where required a shielded static pressure sensor
suitable for ceiling surface mounting, complete with multiple sensing ports,
pressure impulse suppression chamber, airflow shielding, compression
takeoff fittings, all contained in a welded stainless steel casing, with polish
finish on the exposed surfaces.
(b) These probes shall be capable of sensing the static pressure in the proximity
of the sensor to within 1% of the actual pressure value. while being subjected
to a maximum airflow from a radial source.
(c) The shielded static sensing devices shall be used for both reference and
space pressure sensing.
(d) Pressure sensors used for outside air pressure reference purposes shall be
equipped with a conduit seal for pneumatic tubing and bushings for a weather
tight installation.
3. Static Pressure Traverse Probe
(a) Provide multipoint traverse probes in the duct at each point where static
pressure sensing is required.
(b) Each duct static traverse probe shall contain multiple static pressure sensors
located along the exterior surface of the cylindrical probe. Pressure sensing
points shall not protrude beyond the surface of the probe.
(c) The duct static traverse probe shall be of 304 stainless steel construction and
be complete with threaded end support rod, sealing washer and nut, and
mounting plate with gasket and static pressure signal fitting. The static
traverse probe shall be capable of producing a steady, nonpulsating signal of
standard static pressure without need for correction factors, with an
instrument accuracy of 5% full range
4. Venturi Flowmeter
(a) Pressure drop on venturi type flowmeters shall not exceed 0.25" WC. Each
venturi low and high-pressure taps shall be equipped with nipples, valves and
quick disconnects.
(b) Equip each venturi with a metal identification tag indicating the size, location,
GPM and meter reading for the GPM specified.
(c) Provide (1) dial differential pressure meter of the proper range to determine
piping system flow rate. The meter shall be the property of the Owner.
(d) Venturi meters shall utilize flanged or screwed connections for removal
purposes and shall be rated for the system operating pressures.
(e) The venturi flow meter shall be factory calibrated to provide a minimum of
flow accuracy between actual and factory flow calibration data.
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Current Transformers
(a) The current transformers shall be designed to be installed or removed without
dismantling the primary bus or cables. The transformer shall be of a split core
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
(b) The core and windings shall be completely encased in a suitable safety or
regulatory agency approved thermoplastic rated 94VA. No metal parts shall
be exposed other than the terminals.
(c) The current transformers shall meet the following specifications:
(d) Frequency Limits: 50 to 400 Hz.
(e) Insulation: 0.6 KV Class, 10 KV BIL.
(f) Accuracy:  1% at 5.0 to 25.0 VA accuracy class with U.P.F. burden.
(g) Provide a disconnect switch for each current transformer.
6. Current Sensing Switches
(a) Current sensing switch shall be self-powered with solid-state circuitry and a
dry contact output. Current sensing switches shall consist of a solid state
current sensing circuit, adjustable trip point, solid state switch, SPDT relay
and an LED indicating the on or off status. A conductor of the load shall be
passed through the window of the device. It shall accept overcurrent up to
twice its trip into range.
A. General Control Valve Requirements
(a) All automatic control valves shall be linear, fully proportioning, with
modulating ball, plug or V-port inner guidelines unless otherwise specified.
The valves shall be quiet in operation and fail safe in either normally open or
normally closed position in the event of control air failure or loss of electronic
output signal.
(b) All valves shall be capable of operating in sequence when required by the
sequence of operation. All control valves shall be sized by the control
manufacturer, and shall be guaranteed to meet the heating and cooling loads
as specified. All control valves shall be suitable for the pressure conditions,
and shall close against the differential pressures involved. Valve body
pressure rating and connection type (screwed or flanged) shall conform to
ANSI pressure classifications appropriate for the system working pressures.
B. Steam Control Valves
(a) Steam control valves shall be single-seated type with equal percentage flow
characteristics. Preheat valves and direct radiation valves shall be normally
open type. Reheat and water heater valves shall be normally closed type.
(b) The valve discs shall be composition type for steam pressure up to 35 psig,
and shall be of 316 stainless steel for steam pressures above 35 psig or
where subject to super heat after pressure reducing valves.
(c) Whenever the steam flow rate is such as to require a single valve larger than
2", there shall be installed two valves in parallel (which shall operate
sequentially), one of which shall not be in excess of 2" in size.
(d) Valves shall be sized for full pressure drop when the inlet pressure is 10 psig
or below. When the inlet pressure is above 10 psig the valves shall be sized
for a pressure drop equal to 45% of absolute inlet pressure PSIA.
C. Hot and Cold Water Control Valves
(a) Hot and cold water globe type control valves shall be single-seated type, with
equal percentage flow characteristics. The valve discs shall be composition
type and shall be sized using ISA methods.
(b) Pressure drop through the valves shall not exceed 5 PSI unless otherwise
(c) Ball valves shall be equipped with 316 stainless steel trim, Teflon seals and
adjustable packing gland nuts. Provide a handle for manual operation during
start-up and maintenance.
D. Air Terminal Reheat Valves
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1. Reheat valves shall be modulating logarithmic equal percentage type globe or
control ball valves as detailed in paragraph C above. 2-position control is not
E. Two Position Control Valves
1. For open/closed and/or three-way diverting applications, butterfly valves are
acceptable and shall be heavy-duty pattern with a body rating comparable to the
pipe rating.
2. Provide each butterfly valve with a replaceable lining suitable for temperature and
service requirements.
3. Equip each with a butterfly valve with disc and stainless steel stem.
4. Valves used for shut-off or isolation purposes shall be bubble-tight.
F. Automatic Control Dampers
1. Automatic dampers shall be multiple blade and sized for the application by the
BAS Contractor and/or as indicated on the Drawings.
2. Submit a schedule of damper sizes to the Vent Contractor, with a copy to the
Architect/Engineer within 15 days after being awarded the contract.
3. Dampers used for throttling airflow shall be of the opposed blade type arranged
for normally open or normally closed operation as required. The damper is to be
sized so that when wide open the pressure drop is a sufficient amount of its
close-off pressure drop to shift the characteristic curve to near linear. Multisection dampers must be provided with sufficient interconnecting hardware or
jackshaft to provide unison operation of all blades in the entire assembly.
4. Damper frames and blades shall be constructed of either minimum 16 gauge
galvanized steel or 14 gauge aluminum and arranged to facilitate field assembly
of several individual sections into a large damper area and allow secure fastening
of damper frame to the surrounding ductwork, collar or fan housing. Maximum
blade length in any section shall be 48". Additional stiffening or bracing shall be
provided for any section exceeding 48" in height.
5. Damper blades shall not exceed eight (8) inches in width. All blades except for
fume hood exhaust systems shall be galvanized sheet steel. Blades shall be
suitable for high velocity performance.
6. All damper bearings to be made of nylon. Bushings that turn in the bearing are to
be oil impregnated sintered metal. Dampers shall be tight closing, low leakage
type with synthetic elastomer seals on the blade edges and on the top, bottom
and sides of the frame. Dampers shall not leak in excess of 8 CFM per square
foot when closing against 4" w.g. static pressure.
7. Leakage and flow characteristics charts shall be submitted to the Architect for
1. Pneumatic control air lines shall be hard drawn copper tubing where a run is
exposed, with either hard drawn or annealed tubing used where concealed. Runs
shall be parallel to or at right angles to the structure and only tool made bends will
be acceptable. Special FR (Fire Retardant) tubing may be run in covered
raceways. Runouts from raceways to the control devices shall not exceed three
feet. Main and branch lines above dropped ceilings and in other concealed but
accessible locations may be FR tubing, provided that it is run parallel to or at right
angles to the structure, properly supported and installed in a neat and
workmanlike manner.
2. Identify each item, mounted on the face of a control panel, with an engraved
nameplate (1/4” high engraved letters minimum). Identify each item of control
equipment (except room sensors and thermostats), with stamped tape, firmly
attached to equipment (1/4” high letters minimum).
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Sample Specification
3. Thermostats or sensors mounted on outside walls shall be mounted on 1”
minimum thickness, rigid fiberglass insulating base (or equal).
4. All thermostat bulbs in water lines shall be installed in separable wells, packed
with heat conductive compound.
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Part 3
A. Provide related items and work indicated on the Mechanical, Electrical and Building
Automation System Drawings and items and work called for in this Section of the
Specifications. This includes all incidentals, equipment, services, hoisting,
scaffolding, supports, tools, supervision, labor, consumable items, fees, licenses, etc.,
necessary to provide complete systems. Perform start up and commissioning on
each control product, subsystem, and system to provide fully operable systems in
accordance with the specified functional performance.
B. Provide and install devices, relays, switches, thermostats, sensors, dampers, conduit,
wiring, and tubing to provide a complete temperature regulation and control operation
system. All wiring shall be run according to building lines (no angles) and concealed
where possible. All wiring shall be installed in a workmanlike manner as outlined in
the National Electrical Code. Electrical inspection sign off does not remove Owner’s
right to refuse acceptance of the electrical installation for incorrect or noncompliance
with NEC. Installation must comply with all local control system electrical codes.
C. Comply with applicable codes and ordinances. If any conflict arises between these
Specification and Drawings or codes and ordinances, immediately notify the Architect.
Do not deviate from the Drawings and Specifications nor install any work, which may
be in conflict with codes and ordinances until the conflict is resolved and the solution
accepted by the Architect.
D. Contractor is responsible for providing a complete and operational system as called
out in the description of operation and/or in the points list summary and/or the
mechanical/electrical drawings for this project. Any item referenced in one part of the
system documentation but not listed elsewhere shall be covered under contractors
pricing (i.e. damper called out in sequence but not indicated on drawings).
E. In addition to the requirements for submittals stated in the General Conditions of the
project specifications provide additional submittals as specified in this Division of
F. The Mechanical, Electrical and Building Automation System Drawings show the
general arrangement of the respective systems. Follow these drawings, as closely as
actual building construction and the work of other trades will permit. Provide devices,
fittings, and accessories, which may be required but not shown on the Drawings or
specified herein. Investigate conditions affecting the work and arrange the work
accordingly. Provide modifications and accessories as may be required to meet such
A. Examine and compare the BAS Specifications and Drawings with the Specifications
and Drawings of the other trades and report any discrepancies between them to the
Architect. Obtain the Architect’s written instructions for changes necessary in the
BAS work. Install and coordinate the BAS work in cooperation with the other trades
installing interrelated work. All changes required in the work of the Contractor,
caused by noncompliance with the specifications, shall be made at contractor’s
B. Other trades may provide certain LonMark compliant products and systems.
Examine the Contract Documents to ascertain these requirements.
C. Carefully check space requirements with other trades to insure that all material can
be installed in the allotted spaces, including above finished suspended ceilings.
D. Wherever work interconnects with work of other trades, coordinate with other trades
to insure that all trades have the information necessary so that they may properly
install all the necessary connections and equipment.
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E. Coordinate, protect and schedule work with other trades in accordance with the
construction sequence.
F. Install the BAS work to permit removal (without damage to other parts) of other parts
requiring periodic replacement or maintenance.
G. Make certain that all materials selected directly or selected by suppliers conform to
the requirements of the Specifications. Transmittal of such Specification information
to persons manufacturing and supplying materials to the project, and rigid adherence
thereto, is the Contractor’s responsibility.
1. Mark the covers of all EMCS junction boxes with “EMCS” using a permanent
2. Provide supervised field-wiring for all alarm panel monitoring points, asset
protection points (safeties, sump pumps, maintenance alarms) and all points
identified to include supervised wiring on the points schedule.
3. Where conduit is attached to vibrating or rotating equipment, flexible metal
conduit with a minimum length of 18 inches and maximum length of 36 inches
shall be installed and anchored in such a manner that vibration and equipment
noise will not be transmitted to the rigid conduit.
4. Where exposed to the elements or in damp or wet locations, waterproof flexible
conduit shall be installed. Installation shall be as specified for flexible metal
5. Comply with all Installation Requirements of the Electrical Division.
B. Wiring greater than 30 volts:
1. Install all conductors and cable enclosed in raceway.
2. Exposed, unfinished locations, such as mechanical rooms and below accessible
raised flooring: Conductors and cable plenum rated (where local code or officials
3. Concealed, unfinished locations, such as ceiling plenums, ceiling spaces, shafts,
crawl spaces, tunnels: Conductors enclosed in raceway and cable enclosed in
raceway or plenum-rated cable (where local code or officials allow).
4. Control panels: route all wiring and cabling via cable trough and wrap with flexible
connection at the door hinge.
5. For industrial/manufacturing space provide, at a minimum, conduit protection of
all control system wiring up to 20 feet from floor. All control wiring overhead must
be routed with other conduit, duct, or structural beams.
C. Twisted-Pair Communications Media
1. Do not install shielded cable for the twisted pair network communication
channels. Avoid running the cable near excessively electrically noisy equipment.
If shielded cable is necessary and specified on the contract drawings, terminate
the shield to ground at each device on the segment using the RC circuit specified
in the Echelon Junction box and Wiring guide
2. Install the network communications segments for device channels in a bus
topology. Install the network communications segments for all backbone channels
in a bus topology.
3. Provide all network communication cable terminations to network control devices
and network infrastructure components.
4. Only use the transceiver manufacturers recommended cable types. Do not mix
cable types from different manufacturers on the same segment.
5. In the case of link powered segments, ensure that the cable type chosen and the
channel link power loading delivers the correct supply voltage to link powered
devices over all temperatures.
6. Ensure that the cable length for the main run and stubs do not exceed the
maximum recommended length for Bus Topology (TP/XF-1250 & TP/FT-10).
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TP/XF-1250 stubs shall not exceed .3 meters and TP/FT-10 stubs shall not
exceed 3 meters.
7. Splicing of stubs to the communications bus shall be accomplished using vapor
tight connections such as soldered, screw terminal blocks, or crimped
connectors. Wire nut connections are not acceptable
8. Only use physical layer repeaters or routers to extend segment lengths. Do not
exceed one physical layer repeater per segment.
9. Communication conduits shall not be installed closer than six feet from high
power transformers or run parallel within six feet of electrical high power cables.
Care shall be taken to route the cable as far from interference generating devices
as possible.
10. There shall be no power wiring, in excess of 120 VAC RMS, run in conduit with
communications wiring. In cases where power wiring is run in conduit raceways
with communication wiring, all communication wiring and signal wiring shall
include the same insulation ratings.
11. Ensure that the correct segment termination method is used. Doubly terminate
TP/XF-1250 and TP/FT-10 segments in bus topology. Use single point
termination for TP/FT-10 segments in free topology. Only use the recommended
termination network.
12. Locate the link power supply for a segment so that the voltage to link powered
devices is kept within specification. Typically it helps to install the link power
supply in the middle of the segment.
13. For TP/XF-1250 and TP/FT-10 segments, ensure that the node count and
distribution complies with that specified in the Echelon Junction Box and Wiring
Guidelines and the transceiver users guides.
14. For TP/FT-10 segments using free topology, ensure that the node count and
maximum node to node distance is not exceeded. Label each segment every 5
meters with the channel identification and label each junction box with the
channel number identification contained within.
15. Provide network access points for each device channel consisting of an
accessible wall mounted miniature mono female communications jack. Label
each access point with the associated channel number.
1. All LonWorks terminators are AC coupled resistors or RC-combinations and
present a complex impedance to the network. DC-based multi-meter devices are
therefore not appropriate to measure or verify the correct termination of a
LonWorks network. The complex impedance “Z” must be measured using an AC
2. It is imperative in the case of a link power channel, that the link power supply is
turned off and fully discharged before any measurements are taken. In the case
of power line transceiver based networks, any supply voltage must also be
3. Measure and record the impedance between the network cable pair at any point
on a channel. Given a measurement at 1kHz, the readings should be in the
magnitude indicated by the following table:
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|Z| @ 1kHz
55 Ω
54 Ω
220 Ω
Bus Topology
Bus Topology
170 Ω
The values for Z in the table do not take into account cable loop resistance and other factors such
as the input impedance of any devices on the channel. However, a reading in the indicated area
should be sufficient as an indicator for correct termination in most cases.
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Control Power Wiring
1. 120 VAC emergency power or UPS power circuits where required shall be
installed by Division 16 contractor.
2. Power wiring to Division 15 equipment is by Division 16.
3. Control contractor to provide list/location of all control panels requiring 120 VAC
power. 120 VAC dedicated circuits shall be requested for all SGC’s associated
with emergency generator system or UPS power backup control sequences or
4. Request 120 VAC UPS dedicated circuits from Division 16 where required for
emergency operation or when available.
5. Control contractor shall provide final low voltage power supplies and termination
of power wiring to network devices and infrastructure components where
6. Provide interlock wiring between supply and return fans, electrical wiring for
relays (including power feed) for temperature and pressure indication. Provide
interlock wiring between refrigeration machines, pumps and condensing
equipment as required for the specified sequence of operation and the
refrigeration system integral controller(s). Do not provide interlock wiring if a
dedicated digital output has been specified for the equipment or the sequence of
operation requires independent start/stop.
Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
7. Provide power wiring, conduit and connections for low temperature thermostats,
high temperature thermostats, alarms, flow switches, actuating devices for
temperature, humidity, pressure and flow indication, point resets and user
disconnect switches for electric heating, appliances controlled by this Section.
F. Input/Output Control Wiring
1. RTD wiring shall be three-wire or four-wire twisted, shielded, minimum number 22
2. Other analog inputs shall be a minimum of number 22 gauge, twisted, shielded.
3. Binary control function wiring shall be a minimum of number 18 gauge.
4. Analog output control functions shall be a minimum of number 22 gauge, twisted,
5. Binary input wiring shall be a minimum of number 22 gauge.
6. Thermistors shall be equipped with the manufacturers calibrated lead wiring.
7. 120 VAC control wiring shall be #14 THHN in 1/2” conduit. Provide 20% fill extra
wire in each conduit.
G. Conduit and Fittings
1. Conduit for Control Wiring, Control Cable and Transmission Cable: Electrical
metallic tubing (EMT) with compression fittings, cold rolled steel, zinc coated or
zinc-coated rigid steel with threaded connections.
2. Outlet Boxes (Dry Location): Sheradized or galvanized drawn steel suited to each
application, in general, four inches square or octagon with suitable raised cover.
3. Outlet Boxes (Exposed to Weather): Threaded hub cast aluminum or iron boxes
with gasket device plate.
4. Pull and Junction Boxes: Size according to number, size, and position of entering
raceway as required by National Electrical Codes. Enclosure type shall be suited
to location.
H. Relays
1. Relays other than those associated with digital output cards shall be general
purpose, enclosed plug-in type protected by a heat and shock resistant duct
cover. Number of contacts and operational function shall be as required.
2. Solid State Relays (SSR): Input/output isolation shall be greater than lOE9 ohms
with a breakdown voltage of 1500V root mean square or greater at 60 Hz. The
contact life shall be 10 x 10 E6 operations or greater. The ambient temperature
range of SSR’s shall be 20 to +140F. Input impedance shall not be less than 500
ohms. Relays shall be rated for the application. Operating and release time shall
be for 100 milliseconds or less. Transient suppression shall be provided as an
integral part of the relay.
3. Contactors: Contactors shall be of the single coil, electrically operated,
mechanically held type. Positive locking shall be obtained without the use of
hooks, latches, or semi permanent magnets. Contractor shall be double-break
silver-to-silver type protected by arcing contacts. The number of contacts and
rating shall be selected for the application. Operating and release times shall be
100 milliseconds or less. Contactors shall be equipped with coil transient
suppression devices.
1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
2. Mount compressor and tank unit on vibration isolation consisting of springs, with
minimum (1.5 inch) static deflection and one inch clearance to floor. Isolate air
supply with wire-braid reinforced rubber hose.
3. Supply instrument air from compressor units through filter, pressure reducing
valve, pressure relief valve, with pressure gauges, and shutoff and bypass valves.
4. Install pressure reducing stations consisting of pressure reducing valve, particle
filter, valve bypass, pressure gauge on inlet and outlet, and pressure relief valve.
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5. Locate refrigerated air dryer in discharge airline from tank. Mount dryer on wall on
rubber in shear mounts. Install pressure regulator downstream of dryer. Pipe
automatic drain to nearest floor drain.
6. Mechanically attach tubing to supporting surfaces. Sleeve through concrete
surfaces in minimum one-inch (25 mm) sleeves, extend 2 inches (50 mm) above
floors and one inch (25 mm) below bottom surface of slabs.
7. Purge tubing with dry, oil-free compressed air before connecting control
8. Provide instrument air tubing with check and hand valves to expansion tanks with
Schraeder fittings and hose. Install pressure gauges on branch lines at each
signal line and at each transmitter excepting individual room controllers.
9. Check and verify location of thermostats and other exposed control sensors with
plans and room details before installation. Locate room thermostats 48 inches (1
200 nm) above floor. Align with lighting switches.
10. Mount freeze protection thermostats using flanges and element holders.
11. Provide separable sockets for liquids and flanges for air bulb elements.
12. Provide valves with position indicators and with pilot positioners where sequenced
with other controls.
13. Provide pilot positioners on damper operators sequenced with other controls.
14. Test pneumatic systems to system pressure maximum of 30 psig (200 kPa).
Check calibration of instruments. Recalibrate or replace.
1. Temperature and pressure sensors shall require no field calibrations.
2. Temperature and pressure sensor assemblies shall be readily accessible and
adaptable to each type of application in such manner as to allow for quick, easy
replacement and servicing without special tools or skills.
3. Strap-on mountings, utilizing helical screw stainless steel clamps, shall only be
permitted on hot water piping up to 2 inches. All other water temperature sensors
shall be in wells.
4. Outdoor installations shall be; of weatherproof construction or in appropriate
NEMA enclosures. These installations shall be protected from solar radiation and
wind effects. Protective shield shall be stainless steel.
5. Sensors shall be with enclosure where located in finished space.
6. Sensors in ducts shall be mounted in locations to sense the correct temperature
of the air only and shall not be located in dead air spaces or positions obstructed
by ducts, equipment, and so forth. Locations where installed shall be within the
vibration and velocity limit of the sensing element. Ducts shall be securely sealed
where elements or connections penetrate ducts to avoid measuring false
7. All sensors measuring temperatures in pipes larger than 2 inches in diameter or
in pressure vessels shall be supplied with wells properly fabricated for the
service. Wells shall be noncorrosive to the medium being measured and shall
have sufficient physical strength to withstand pressures and velocities to which
they are subjected. Wells shall be installed in the piping at elbows where piping is
smaller than the length of the well to effect proper flow across the entire area of
the well.
1. Where damper motors operate outdoor relief, exhaust and fresh air dampers,
pretension damper drive linkage to ensure tight closure.
2. Do not install damper motors on ductwork of less than 0.76 mm thick without first
reinforcing it.
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3. Where a damper motor is installed on an insulated surface of a duct plenum,
mount it on a stand-off bracket so as not to interfere with the continuity of the
4. Locate damper motors so that they are easily accessible for testing and servicing.
5. Damper motors shall be selected for the torque requirements of the damper.
Damper operators that are undersized for the application shall be replaced with
larger operators, at no extra cost.
6. Provide one damper motor and linkage for every 2 m2 damper section area, or as
required to meet the torque requirements of the damper under design air-flow
conditions (or minimum of one damper motor per damper section). Do not use
two motors linked together on one shaft, or by jackshaft.
A. All network infrastructure components and wiring shall be installed prior to control
device installation. For twisted pair networks - install, test, and document test results
and physical locations of cabling, conduit, and junction boxes on as-built drawings.
B. Install and commission all routers, physical layer repeaters, and terminators prior to
control device installations. Test routers with the network management tool,
document results, and identify physical locations of all routers, repeaters, and
terminators on as-built drawings.
C. Coordinate with the electrical contractor and install necessary power supplies for
infrastructure components and devices prior to device installation where possible prior
to device installation. Document power source location indicating panel number and
breaker id on the set of as built drawings, at the source panel, and at each device or
infrastructure component. Network
D. Closely coordinate with the Owner’s Information Technology department for all
features involving the Owner’s LAN/WAN, Internet access, IP address allocation and
coordination, coordination with the Owner’s firewall(s), etc. Submit a list of specific
Owner-coordination items required not less than ninety (90) calendar days after
award of contract.
A. Within 15 days of contract award, coordinate with mechanical and electrical
contractors and identify each physical network device location. Document locations
on shop drawings and include with submittals provided to architect or owners
B. Provide all isolation and interfacing, and wiring complete the installation of equipment
items that have integral control systems such as packaged air conditioners, heating
units and boiler firing systems. Provide all components and circuits and
interdisciplinary coordination required to interface the controls system for all required
status monitoring, operational features, and fire management functions. Completely
test and adjust all systems.
C. Prior to device installation confirm that wiring for all network media, power supply, and
I/O has been completed and is available at each location. Notify architect and/or
owners representative immediately of any discrepancies or missing items.
D. Install each network device as physically close as possible to that device’s associated
I/O hardware with respect to environmental and electrical noise conditions.
E. All node installation and network installation procedures shall be under the direct
supervision of a qualified LonWorks NI.
F. Install and bind nodes in accordance with the manufacturer's written installation
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A. All network device programming, Supervisory HMI, and web browser monitoring and
control graphics shall be included to implement the controls sequences specified in
Section 15940, and to implement the systems and features included in Divisions 15
and 16. It shall not be necessary for the Owner to further program the system.
B. Provide licensed copies of all software tools and programming aids used to install,
develop and troubleshoot the controls system to the Owner.
C. Graphical Displays: Create graphical displays of all major mechanical equipment for
this project and shall install graphics on the Owner’s PC-based workstations. At a
minimum, these graphical displays shall include building floor plans derived from
architectural AutoCAD representations and graphical representations of the
equipment controlled under this contract.
D. Implement the control sequences for the equipment on this project as prescribed in
the construction documents and drawing sequence of operation descriptions.
A. All VAV terminal controllers, static pressure controllers, and variable speed drive
controllers shall support a fully prompted Air Balance sequence utilizing a compatible
plug-in configuration tool launched from within the network design/commissioning
tool. The air balance sequence shall step the balancing contractor through the
checkout and calibration of the VAV controls and static pressure controls. Upon
completion of the balancing sequence, the flow values presented shall match those
observed by the balancing contractor’s measurement equipment. Additionally, upon
completion of the air balance, the Control Contractor shall document the initial
balance settings for future use if the controller were to require replacement. The
Controls Contractor shall assign an individual full time to assist the air balance
technician during the air-balancing process to assure full balance compliance.
B. The air balance plug-in shall have the ability to globally override local setpoint values
and command all VAV air terminal devices to fully closed, fully open, minimum, and
maximum damper positions. All air balance settings and values shall be documented
on the As-Built control drawings for future reference.
A. General
1. The successful completion of a SEVEN(7)-day acceptance test as described
herein is a prerequisite to granting Substantial Performance. Before the
SEVEN(7)-day acceptance test may begin, the control network must be
completely operational including the following:
2. Every point shall be checked end to end to ensure accuracy and integrity of
systems and be signed off by the Contractor and the Landlord’s mechanical
3. Time schedules shall be built and in control of time-controlled equipment.
4. Graphic displays shall be installed and fully operational for each graphic
5. Each control loop measured variable, controlled variable and set point if
calculated, shall be placed on a FIFTEEN (15)- minute continuous trend for at
least TWENTY-FOUR (24) hours to prove stability of loop.
6. Each space sensor shall be placed on a THREE (3)-hour trend for One Hundred
(100) samples.
7. Runtime totalizer shall be set on all digital outputs.
8. All features of system shall have been exercised.
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9. The operator shall have been briefed on operation of system.
10. A trend on one panel shall be set up for a point from every other panel. These
points shall also be trended in their own panels for the same intervals.
Comparison of the two groups of trends will indicate if any communication
problems are occurring during the SEVEN(7)-day test.
11. All alarms shall be operational.
12. Calibration of all sensors shall be complete.
B. SEVEN(7)-Day performance Test
1. The fire alarm shall be activated to ensure correct action of all fire and smoke
2. Network traffic for each device channel shall be measured for 24 hours utilizing a
protocol analyzer tool. Channel analysis shall include bandwidth utilization, and
error statistics. Reconfigure nodes and/or install additional routers as necessary
to maintain traffic to at a maximum of 60% of channel bandwidth capacity.
Backbone channels that contain permanent HMI’s shall consume no more than
30% of total bandwidth capacity.
3. Each network control device, intelligent router, and network interface shall be
tested and health verified using the protocol analyzer diagnostics application. The
test results shall be recorded and submitted to the architect or owners
representative. Test results shall include neuron error log statistics, self test
results, and device state information
4. A power failure for the building shall be simulated and system recovery
monitored. A protocol analyzer log shall record the network traffic for each
channel for a 60 minute period following building power restoration.
5. Disable all sending (upstream) devices and simulate connection failures for
receiving devices (downstream) that implement fail safe configuration settings.
Verify that downstream devices play failsafe values in the event that network
variable updates are not detected by downstream devices within the minimum
receive update intervals.
6. The network control system shall be available for the architect or owner
representative to exercise all features of the system.
7. Load/save of panel programs shall be demonstrated.
8. Demonstration of modem operation shall be required. All network management,
monitoring, and control functions of the control network shall be accessed
through the modem to verify operation.
9. Demonstration of hardware low limits and damper interlocks shall be required.
10. Spot checks of points end-to-end integrity will be carried out. If several problems
are identified, a complete reconfirmation of system integrity shall be carried out by
the Contractor. When reconfirmation has been completed, the SEVEN(7)-day
test will be restarted.
11. Any upset of system operational functionality greater than 2 hours during the
SEVEN(7)-day test shall cause the test to be restarted.
12. A temporary, fully functional operator interface and alarm printer shall be supplied
by the Contractor for the SEVEN(7)-day test period. The printer shall be left on for
the entire test. All printouts will be kept for review at completion of the test.
13. Results of all tests shall be documented by the Contractor and submitted to the
architect and owner representative for review.
C. Training and Demonstrations
1. The complete training program shall be carried out. It may be convenient to
schedule the training during the SEVEN(7)-day test period.
D. Documentation
1. The following documentation shall be in place before completion of SEVEN(7)day test and the granting of Substantial Performance:
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Sample Specification
2. Control Panel layout sheets complete with point name, point address and wire
identification number. One copy attached to each respective panel door.
3. All points tagged with point name, point address and panel number.
4. System generated data sheets and graphics signed off by both the contractor and
the consultant showing successful commissioning of each point.
5. As-Built control drawings showing interface with existing controls.
6. As-Built wiring diagrams showing all device locations, infrastructure component
locations, control panels, sensors, actuators, ladder diagrams, for associated
hardware interlocks, and sequence of operation descriptions for each subsystem
within the network design.
7. Complete Operations & Maintenance Manual.
8. A copy of each HMI graphical screen page shall be signed off and dated by the
Contractor and the Landlord’s mechanical consultant. Any changes shall be
noted. This signed set shall be left on site as the “as-installed drawings”.
9. In addition, a point summary print-out generated by the supplied system of each
group of point types for each panel shall be printed after commissioning and
calibration. Each sheet shall be signed by the Contractor’s commissioning
person, and the Landlord’s mechanical consultant. The print-out shall be stored
in a binder on site for reference by all parties. If any changes are noted during
spot checks they shall be manually written on the original print out with the date
and signature of person noting changes.
A. Once the basic requirements are met and all other features of the system are
complete and acceptable, Substantial Performance shall be granted. A deficiency list
shall be prepared and holdbacks applied. All deficiencies shall be corrected prior to
Total Performance. Warranty shall start from the date of Substantial Performance of
the work.
A. The Contractor shall provide adequate means for and shall fully protect all finish parts
of the materials and equipment against damage during the progress of the work until
final acceptance.
B. Equipment and accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned of cement, plaster, and other
materials; grease and oil spots shall be removed with cleaning solvent and surfaces
carefully wiped.
A. Identify all equipment and panels. Identification shall be with labels describing
equipment and panel use and function. Include point names, physical address, and
space number of the area served on field sensors and actuators.
B. Labels shall be engraved with contrasting text using bakelite, plastic or metal
material. Labels shall be mechanically fastened. Valve actuator, control device and
monitoring equipment identification shall be by labels that are chain attached or
securely fastened to the equipment or device.
C. All wires and cables shall be identified with permanent markers at each end. The
wire designations shall match those on the shop and installation drawings.
D. Panel labels shall be engraved bakelite or silk screened on metal. Plastic tape labels
are not acceptable. Submit drawing of panel layout prior to fabrication.
1. Equipment, materials and workmanship incorporated into the work shall be
warranted for a period of one year from the time of system acceptance.
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
2. Within this period, upon notice by the Owner, any defects in the BAS due to faulty
materials, methods of installation or workmanship shall be promptly (within 48
hours after receipt of notice) repaired or replaced by the Temperature Control
sub-contractor at no expense to the Owner
1. The Owner shall grant to the Temperature Control sub-contractor, reasonable
access to the BAS during the warranty period. The owner shall allow the
contractor to access the BAS from a remote location for the purpose of
diagnostics and troubleshooting, via the Internet, during the warranty period.
1. Upon completion of the installation, the NI contractor shall load all system
software and start-up the system. The NI contractor shall perform all necessary
calibration, testing and de-bugging and perform all required operational checks to
insure that the system is functioning in full accordance with these specifications.
2. The NI contractor shall perform tests to verify proper performance of
components, routines, and points. Repeat tests until proper performance results.
This testing shall include a point-by-point log to validate 100% of the input and
output points of the DDC system operation.
3. Upon completion of the performance tests described above, repeat these tests,
point by point as described in the validation log above in presence of Owner’s
Representative, as required. Properly schedule these tests so testing is complete
at a time directed by the Owner’s Representative. Do not delay tests so as to
prevent delay of occupancy permits or building occupancy.
4. System Acceptance: Satisfactory completion is when the NI contractor has
performed successfully all the required testing to show performance compliance
with the requirements of the Contract Documents to the satisfaction of the
Owner’s Representative. System acceptance shall be contingent upon completion
and review of all corrected deficiencies.
1. For each system listed, provide the sequence of operation as stated in this
Note to specifiers: This section is designed to provide a clear understanding of what
points are to be provided in the user interface and what they must be able to do.
For each building system to be included list the points and the actions the
Graphical User Interface and/or the Web browser interface must support. Each
table represents a single system. In each table, enter the name of the system, the
points desired, and place an “X” in the column indicating the required
1. The points in the following table shall be accessible from the Graphical User
Interface (HMI) and/or the Web browser interface (WBI). The supplier of the IDC
and IBC devices shall ensure that the points listed in this table are accessible on
their respective networks, by the Network Area Controller (NAC).
2. The following abbreviations apply to the point table to indicate what level of
functionality must be provided:
1. D = Display only
2. M = Modify value
3. A = Alarm
4. L = Log
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
S = Schedule
GC = Global supervisory control routine such as demand limiting
A. Contractor to provide certification from the manufacturer that controller, sensor, and
actuator component testing has been completed. Copies of reports shall be made
available within one week of request of copy. Contractor to test project specific
database software routines and provide a written test report before downloading at
the site for start-up - point to point and basic function testing.
A. Upon completion of component or system installation, the NI contractor shall initiate
comprehensive point-to-point and basic function testing. Factory calibration and
bench testing will not be considered acceptable alternates to onsite field-testing.
B. Start-up/Point to Point Scope
2. Test all end field devices through proper input/output to graphic and operator
3. Testing must be complete, detailed and documented on approved point-to-point
verification forms.
4. All field calibration must be done with high quality instrumentation. Test
instrumentation selected for calibrating field devices shall be suitable for
application. Instruments shall display current (12-month) NIST traceable
calibration sticker. Associated instrument calibration certificates shall be made
available within 24 hours of request for copy.
5. Testing and documentation criteria
(a) Field device and functionality
i. Verify all field devices installed are properly sized or ranged for anticipated
operating range. Devices are adjusted for correct position, orientation and full
(b) Conductor Integrity
i. Test all wiring continuity from field devices to correct input/output.
(c) Conductor Termination
i. Verify all device wire terminations are per submittal package.
ii. Verify all input/output wire terminations are correct.
iii. Verify field devices communicate to operator interface.
(d) Conductor to Output
Test linear-scaling calibration of every analog output point
(e) Alarm Graphics Interlocking
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Open/Interoperable Building Controls
Sample Specification
Verify all alarm signals from device initiation through all required notification
components. (Workstation, pager, e-mail, local annunciation, etcetera)
(f) Device Calibration
All field devices are to be field calibrated. All thermistor sensors shall be
tested for accuracy.
Calibration must be done at or close to normal operating conditions.
(g) Calibration Criteria
Space Temperature
Air Temperature - Unitary
Fluid Temperature
Air Flow Rate
Liquid Flow Rate
Differential Pressure
Gage Pressure
Relative Humidity
CO Monitor
CO2 Monitor
± 1°
Refrigerant Monitor
± 5% at 50 PPM
± 5%
± 5%
± 3%
± 5%
± 2%
± 5% mid range
± 5% mid range
A. Within one business day of deficiency notification, contractor shall resolve or provide
written response indicating the earliest possible time and date the deficiency can and
will be resolved.
B. Control deficiencies discovered during commissioning process that result in the need
for retest are subject to cost impacts.
A. Should the Owner request that any portion of the systems or equipment be operated
prior to the final completion and acceptance of the work, the NI shall consent. Such
operation shall be under the direct supervision of the NI, but the expense thereof shall
be borne by the Owner. The cost for the temporary operation (Utilities, Operating,
Labor, etc. shall be separate from any money paid towards the Contract sum. Such
preliminary operation, or payment thereof, shall not be construed as an acceptance of
any of the work.
B. If final completion of the work is not completed in accordance with the approved
construction schedule, and operation of the equipment is required to meet Owner’s
lease commitments as defined in the construction schedule, the cost of temporary
operation of the equipment shall be the NI’s.
C. The warranty period for work and systems of this project shall commence after the
Owner’s final acceptance.
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