At the Birstall and Wanlip Annual Parish Meeting held at 7.20pm on Wednesday 11 April 2012 in St James the Great church Revd Jupp welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a reading from 1 Peter 2, vs 4-10. Present: There were 49 members present. Revd Vince Jupp, Revd Stephen Crofts, Mrs Cicely Plumb, Mr Tony Cox, Mrs Jenny Cox, Mrs Mary Bruce, Mrs Mary Houghton, Mr Peter Grange, Mr Tony Bloxam, Mrs Doreen Bloxam, Mrs Mary Belton, Mr Peter Moyers, Mrs Doreen Wilson, Mrs Betty Howard, Mrs Helen Tarry, Miss Sandra Robinson, Mrs Linda Mason, Mrs Brenda Todd, Mrs Freda Sewards, Mrs Janet Waters, Mrs Noreen Talbot, Mr Nicholas Black, Mr David Chater, Mrs Joan Folland, Mrs Cynthia Coltman, Mrs Dorothy Wakefield, Mr Alastair McHugh, Mrs Sheryl Jupp, Mrs Connie Nagle, Mrs Maureen Holland, Mrs Elaine White, Mrs Julie Ward, Mr John Ward, Mrs Beryl Mc\hugh, Mrs Velma Marriott, Mrs Kathryn Mobbs, Mr Clive Mobbs, Mrs Rose Parrott, Mrs Leigh Reid, Mr Colin Goddard, Mrs Annie Marlow, Mr Paul Tarry, Mr Bert Tegg, Mrs Marion Tegg, Mrs Therea Harding. Apologies were received from: Mr Martin Field, Mr Geoff Heath, Mrs Shelagh Noble, Mrs Lesley Walton, Mrs Monica Lucas, Mr Norman Coltman, Mrs Jane Scott, Miss Jo Burgess, Mr Alan Lewin, 1. Minutes of Annual Parish meeting 2011 The minutes were read to the meeting and subject to minor alterations, which would be amended before signature, the minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting. 2. Election of Churchwardens There were four nominations for churchwardens, namely Mr Tony Bloxam, Mrs Mary Bruce (Birstall) and Mr John Ward and Mr Peter Moyers (Wanlip). Revd Jupp proposed that all four be elected. This was seconded by Mr Clive Mobbs and carried unanimously. Revd Jupp expressed his thanks for all the support he had received from the churchwardens over the past year and said that he was looking forward to the coming year. The new churchwardens will be presented at the Visitation on10 May 2012 at 7.30pm at St Martin’s cathedral and he hoped everyone would attend to support the wardens. Refreshments would be served afterwards. Revd Jupp said a short prayer for the churchwardens. Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 1 of 7 At the Birstall and Wanlip Annual Parochial Church Meeting held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 11 April 2012 in St James the Great church Revd Jupp welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a reading from 1 Peter 2, v4-10. Present: There were 49 members present. Revd Vince Jupp, Revd Stephen Crofts, Mrs Cicely Plumb, Mr Tony Cox, Mrs Jenny Cox, Mrs Mary Bruce, Mrs Mary Houghton, Mr Peter Grange, Mr Tony Bloxam, Mrs Doreen Bloxam, Mrs Mary Belton, Mr Peter Moyers, Mrs Doreen Wilson, Mrs Betty Howard, Mrs Helen Tarry, Miss Sandra Robinson, Mrs Linda Mason, Mrs Brenda Todd, Mrs Freda Sewards, Mrs Janet Waters, Mrs Noreen Talbot, Mr Nicholas Black, Mr David Chater, Mrs Joan Folland, Mrs Cynthia Coltman, Mrs Dorothy Wakefield, Mr Alastair McHugh, Mrs Sheryl Jupp, Mrs Connie Nagle, Mrs Maureen Holland, Mrs Elaine White, Mrs Julie Ward, Mr John Ward, Mrs Beryl Mc\hugh, Mrs Velma Marriott, Mrs Kathryn Mobbs, Mr Clive Mobbs, Mrs Rose Parrott, Mrs Leigh Reid, Mr Colin Goddard, Mrs Annie Marlow, Mr Paul Tarry, Mr Bert Tegg, Mrs Marion Tegg, Mrs Therea Harding. Apologies were received from: Mr Martin Field, Mr Geoff Heath, Mrs Shelagh Noble, Mrs Lesley Walton, Mrs Monica Lucas, Mr Norman Coltman, Mrs Jane Scott, Miss Jo Burgess, Mr Alan Lewin, 1. Minutes of APCM 13 April 2011 Revd Jupp apologised for the lack of printed minutes due to some errors that would be corrected before signature. The minutes were read out and accepted as a true record of the meeting. Proposed:by Mr John Ward, seconded by Mrs Sheryl Jupp and carried unanimously. 2. Presentation of Annual Reports Revd Jupp explained to the meeting why written reports had not been requested from church groups this year. This was partly because it was felt that much of it was repetition and a large amount of paper had been wasted in previous years. Mandatory reports would be given by the churchwardens and the treasurer. Revd Jupp had requested Mr Tony Bloxam and Mrs Mary Bruce to prepare an overview of the activities in the church over the past year and Mr Bloxam read this to the meeting, as below: “ Mary and Tony were pleased to accept nominations for the posts of churchwardens at Birstall and were duly elected and sworn in at a service conducted by the Archdeacon at Barkby in May. The churchwardens’ first duty at the APCM is to report on the ornaments and fittings in the church for which the churchwardens are responsible; we are pleased to report that all are correct and in good order. We are further pleased to report that we survived a longer than expected interregnum and Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 2 of 7 extended a warm welcome to our new rector, Vince, together with Sheryl, Emma, Ashley and Mark. Vince was licensed by the Bishop last March. The Bishop joined us again in May when he preached at the 9.30am service. Vince brought a new enthusiasm to the parish and quickly settled to the job in hand. A new vision for the parish was established, where everyone was invited to contribute their views and ideas for the future direction of our mission. The long-awaited dedication of the reordered old church chancel and sanctuary took place in July when James Shakespeare made a welcome return, together with his family, to carry out the rededication. A book containing the dedications for all the new chairs donated was unveiled. New tables and chairs were also bought for use in the community space in the old church. The annual Church Fete survived some very threatening clouds and remained dry once again for the event which was well supported and proved to be an enjoyable occasion for everyone, with takings similar to last year. A well organised Alpha course took place in the autumn when lively discussions followed a hearty meal. There were a variety of well organised events by the Social Committee, ranging from kittle evenings to a parish holiday. “ Fabric report – Our Lady & St Nicholas, Wanlip Mr John Ward Mr John Ward read out the churchwarden’s report, as below: “ I am able to report that the ornaments and fitrments are all in good condition and accounted for. I would remind you that the Silver Flagon, whilst appearing in the Wanlip inventory, is stored for security at St James. The Terrier and inventory are available for inspection after this meeting. The fabric shows some deterioration, particularly the external pointing and internal finishes. The Quinquennial inspection is due this year and I suspect we will be required to undertake some remedial works. Major items of work undertaken during the year have been: The replacement of the organ blower Works to the electrical system to enable the issue of a 5-year test certificate (required b the insurers) The power cable serving the external light adjacent to the notice board in the church yard has rotted and has been disconnected. The cable will be replaced when funds allow. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all who have helped with the maintenance of the churchyard. We continue with the development of Church Rooms in partnership with the Wanlip Village meeting. We do need volunteers to serve on the management committee, working groups and “hands on”. “ Revd Jupp reported that Sheila Key has decided to stand down from organising the flower rota at Wanlip. It is worth noting that Sheila has been responsible for decorating Wanlip church on 1320 occasions and formal thanks will be given on another occasion. Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 3 of 7 3. Presentation of Electoral Roll Mrs Doreen Bloxam presented the Electoral Roll for Birstall and Wanlip 2012. In 2011 there were 185 members and in 2012 there are still 185 but eight names have been lost, three of whom have died. However eight new members have come on and three more forms have been given out but have not yet been returned. These will be added when the forms are returned. Revd Stephen Crofts proposed that the Electoral Roll be accepted; this was seconded by Mrs Doreen Wilson and carried unanimously. Revd Jupp thanks Mrs Bloxam for her work in getting the electoral roll up-todate. 4. Presentation of Annual Accounts In the absence of the Treasurer a summary of the annual income report had been made available to everyone in attendance. After a brief question and answer session Revd Jupp proposed that the report be accepted. This was seconded by Tony Bloxam and carried unanimously. Revd Jupp said that Mr Lewin had done a very good job in producing the report and he would convey our thanks to him. Revd Jupp reported that Mr Lewin had requested that the election of an Auditor should be left until a meeting when he could be present and this was agreed. 5. Fabric Report –St James the Great Mr Tony Bloxam and Mrs Mary Bruce Tony Bloxam presented the Birstall Fabric Report, as below: “ There has been extensive work on the buildings and maintenance front throughout the year, starting with a leaking cold-water tank; this provided an opportunity to take out the tank and the hot water cylinder (never used), with a view to installing a new hot water system. In January a small stained glass window was vandalised, the repair being covered by insurance. A repair to the copper roof was completed and “Smart Water” was applied to every copper panel on the entire roof and all the lead work. Our insurers required this, without it we would not be covered against any metal theft. Soon after applying “Smart Water” we had some copper stolen from the roof and we were fortunately able to claim for the replacement from our insurers. New panels were generously donated for the churchyard notice board. In addition, all the usual day-to-day maintenance, checks and inspections were carried out; servicing of heating, fire extinguishers, lightning conductors, bells, clock and portable electrical appliances. Work on upgrading the electrical distribution is ongoing. Although some of this work was done by various contractors, much has been done by willing hands within the congregation and this help extends to many other functions that are necessary to keep the church running smoothly. Our thanks are extended to you all. Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 4 of 7 One last item, during the year a number of people have been discerning the church needs with respect to the sound system and finally produced a specification that was offered to a number of contractors. Our preferred contractor was chosen and a petition for faculty was submitted in the week before Christmas – you will be “hearing” more in 2012. “ Revd Jupp thanked Tony and his team for all the hard work he and his team do for the church. 6. Election of 4 Parochial Church Councillors Four people were coming off the PCC this year, having served for three years, namely Mr Alastair McHugh, Mrs Gill Chester, Mrs Mary Belton and Mrs Anne Marlow. Mrs Theresa Harding was also coming off, having served for one year in place of someone who had resigned after two years. Revd Jupp thanked them for their service and their enthusiasm and contribution to the PCC. Two nominations had been received for this year, namely Mrs Gill Pope, proposed by Mrs Doreen Wilson and seconded by Miss Sandra Robinson and Mr Nicholas Black. Proposed by Miss Sandra Robinson and seconded by Mrs C Chapman. Two more places were available and Revd Jupp asked for nominations from the meeting. Mrs Beryl McHugh was proposed by Mrs Sheryl Jupp and seconded by Mrs Mary Belton; Mrs Maureen Holland was proposed by Mrs Connie Nagle and seconded by Mr Tony Bloxam. Discussion had ensued around the rules for service on the PCC as Mrs Theresa Harding had only actually served one year of the three years normally served, as she had taken someone’s place, but it was decided that she should not be allowed to serve again until 2013. Some concern was expressed about this decision and it was agreed that the rules of service on the PCC, as decided by the PCC some years ago, should be clarified. It was carried unanimously that Mrs Gill Pope, Mr Nicholas Black, Mrs Beryl McHugh and Mrs Maureen Holland should be elected to the PCC for three years. 7. Election of 3 Deputy Churchwardens (2 for Birstall and 1 for Wanlip Mrs Jean Fuller proposed that Mrs Janet Waters be re-elected as Deputy churchwarden for Birstall and this was seconded by Mrs Betty Howard and this was carried unanimously. Mr Geoff Heath had indicated that he did not wish to stand again as Deputy churchwarden for Wanlip and Revd Jupp expressed thanks for his previous service. Mr John Ward proposed that Mrs Mary Belton be elected and this was seconded by Mr Peter Moyers and carried unanimously. 8. Election of sidespersons Mr Tony Bloxam read out the list of all the current sidespersons for Birstall and Wanlip. Revd Jupp offered thanks to them for their continued service and it was unanimously agreed that all should be re-elected. Mr Bloxam pointed out that new sidespersons would always be welcome. Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 5 of 7 9. Date of next PCC meeting The next PCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 May 2012 at 7.30pmin Wanlip church rooms. 10. Rector’s Presentation Revd Jupp then gave a short slide presentation on the year past and of his hopes and expectations for the twelve months to come and Mrs Anne Marlow gave a brief update on the recently attended Leading Your Church into Growth course and how we can all be involved in the weeks and months to come. The meeting closed with the Grace --oo0oo-- Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 6 of 7 There followed a brief meeting of the PCC to elect a Vice-Chairman, Hon. PCC Treasurer, Hon PCC Secretary and two members for the Finance and Standing Committee. The election of the following officers took place: Vice-Chairman – Mrs Janet Waters Proposed by Revd Jupp, seconded by Mr John Ward, carried unanimously. Revd Jupp proposed that he and Mrs Waters should chair the PCC meeting on alternate occasions and this was agreed. Hon. PCC Treasurer – Mr Alan Lewin Proposed by Mr Clive Mobbs, seconded by Mrs Doreen Wilson and carried unanimously. Hon. PCC Secretary – Mrs Cicely Plumb Proposed by Mrs Beryl McHugh, seconded by Miss Sandra Robinson and carried unanimously. Election of 2 members to the Finance and Standing Committee 1. Mrs Doreen Wilson Proposed by Mr Tony Bloxam, seconded by Mrs Beryl McHugh, carried unanimously 2. Mrs Gill Pope Proposed by Mr John Ward, seconded by Mrs Doreen Wilson, carried unanimously The meeting closed with a prayer Birstall & Wanlip APM,APCM,PCC meeting April 2012-04-2 Page 7 of 7