The Gymkhana Committee conducted its most successful Gymkhana in May 1970
with 120 children competing from Narrabri, Wee Waa, Pilliga, Bellata and Yarrie Lake
areas. Gymkhanas were held in July and October also this year. Mr W Sewell,
Secretary of the committee, reported that a profit had been made during the year as
a result of these Gymkhanas and so on behalf of the Committee he presented the
Narrabri District Pony Club with a cheque for $100.
It was decided that four dozen white towels be purchased to gradually change from
primrose to white saddlecloths within the Club. The primrose towels to be the
property of the Club and be kept for Jamboree use only and returned to the
Secretary after each Jamboree.
This year 137 children attended Narrabri District Pony Camp, with a few riders
coming from Sydney. It was agreed at the February meeting that the Club abide by
the age limit rules of Pony Club Association of NSW but ask Associates to assist at
camp. Camp Commandant was again Mr Sid Campbell, Camp Hostesses were Mrs
Fay Colyvan, Mrs Wright and Mrs Ross. Exchange of Instructors with Walgett Pony
Club again took place for the duration of camp. Chief Instructor was Mr P Schofield,
with Troop Leaders R Paton, Albert Cameron, Vince Leehy, Peter Dampney, John
Simshauser, Jack Terbutt and Peter Etheridge for Tartan Troop. Groundsman was
Peter Campbell, for his third consecutive year. Grand Champion Rider was Debbie
Old Rolly has been part of the Melbourne family for more than 30 years. He turned
out on Saturday for the Pony Club Gymkhana with the youngest rider in the family, 3
year old Lachlan Melbourne. They proved a winning combination with Lachlan judged
the Best Rider Under 6 years. All the Melbourne children learnt to ride on him as did
their father Mr John Melbourne. Most of the children from neighbouring properties
also learnt to ride on Old Rolly. He was originally obtained by John's father, Mr
Charles Melbourne, and retained in the family since he was a foal. Zone 5 Jamboree
was held at Manilla. Both major trophies were won by Narrabri, for the second year.
The Campbell Trophy for highest point scoring team and Waterhouse Trophy for
riders from one club scoring the highest points. The team representing Narrabri were
Beth Tufrey, Debbie Rabey, Jenny Crawford and Alex Campbell. Beth Tufrey was also
the highest individual point scorer. Mr McMaster in his closing address of the
November 1970 meeting, stated he had pleasure in announcing the conferment of
the Honorary Life Membership of the Narrabri District Pony Club on Mr J McBurney.
The Annual General Meeting of Narrabri District Pony Club again commenced the
year. Mr C. Crawford in his third annual report reviewed the great successesachieved
by the Club during 1969, with both major trophies being won at Jamboree,
participating members gaining their Instructors Certificates.
Considerable improvements have been made to the kitchen and dinning areas,
installation of a hot water system, stove, large refrigerator and the making of tables
and trestles. A skillion has been erected outside the kitchen to shelter the washing
up area. Mr Crawford stated he would like to see the practice of trophy donors
presenting their trophies at Gymkhanas continue. Mr C Crawford declined re-election
and thanked everyone for their support during his three years in office. Mr McMaster
spoke highly of Mr C Crawford as a President, worker and friend - this was supported
by Mr A Brett. Mr R Dwyer gave his 4th Annual Treasurers Report and spoke of all
the improvements which had been carried out in the last year, and the Club was
starting the year with a credit balance of $200.74. The Patrons were re-elected
unopposed. Mr Alan McMaster and Mr AFalkiner were both nominated for President
but after a secret vote, Mr McMaster was elected President, he stated how honoured
he felt at being elected to its Presidency. Mr A Brett and Mr P Schofield were elected
Vice Presidents. Mrs H Schofield was reelected for her 2nd term as Secretary. Mr R
Dwyer re-elected Treasurer.
Kitchen improvements carried out included the lining and painting of the kitchen and
the installation of a suction fan. The two twelve inch electric suction fans were
donated by Mr A Brett for the showground kitchen. The shower rooms were also
painted. These works were done at two working bees and especially thanked were Mr
L Wright and Mr V Yandell. It was decided to leave the replacing of gauze in the
kitchen to the PA&H Association as they had not contributed to the other works
Cementing the County Council Pavilion was discussed but the County Council were
unwilling to share the cost so it was decided to leave this project until the Clubs
finances permitted.
At the February meeting it was decided that Instructors and Instructor Examiners
Certificate holders who were non-active were at the to be contacted and asked to
explain their reasons for their non-activity.
The names of those who did not reply to the letters were to be forwarded to the
Zone 5 Executive.