Curriculum for Excellence: Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Design Support Material Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport Physical Education Physical education provides learners with a platform from which they can build physical competences, improve aspects of fitness, and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes. It enables learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport, dance and outdoor learning, and enhances their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle. They encounter a variety of practical learning experiences, including working on their own, with a partner and in small and large groups, and using small and large equipment and apparatus, both outdoors and indoors. Learning in, through and about physical education is enhanced by participating on a regular basis in a wide range of purposeful, challenging, progressive and enjoyable physical activities with choice built in for all learners. The Scottish Government expects schools to continue to work towards the provision of at least two hours of good quality physical education for every child, every week. Early Movement skills, competencies and concepts Learning Experiences and Outcomes I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space. HWB 0-21a I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play. HWB 0-22a Cooperation and competition Evaluating and appreciating I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feelings especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I recognise the need to follow rules. HWB 0-23a By exploring and observing movement, I can describe what I have learned about it. HWB 0-24a Examples of Activity Links Across H&WB Outcomes Cross Curricular Links Possible PE Activities (Basic Movement Focus): Imaginative play (e.g. animal movements) Forest Kindergarten Action Songs Action Games Dance Specific Focus Play Equipment (Indoor / Outdoor) Turn-taking Games Picture Cards / Photographs / moving images HWB 0-11a EXA 0-01a HWB 0-15a EXA 0-08a HWB 0-16a EXA 0-09a HWB 0-18a EXA 0-10a HWB 0-19a EXA 0-11a HWB 0-25a LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a Possible crosscurricular activities: Word Play Presentation Showcase HWB 0-27a HWB 0-28a HWB 0-01a HWB 0-09a HWB 0-11a Resources Basic Movement materials e.g. TOPP’s, ESP, Basic Moves, etc Activity-specific Equipment Music LIT 0-04a Appropriate Picture Cards / Media (show-me games, balances, etc) LIT 0-09a Ground Markings LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a LIT 0-10a MNU 0-11a RME 0-09a SCN 0-07a SCN 0-12a SOC 0-17a TCH 0-01a TCH 0-04a TCH 0-04b Play Structures School & Partnership Working Opportunities Active Sports Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) Specialists within wider community (inc’ High Schools) Visiting Specialists Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) First Movement skills, competencies and concepts Learning Experiences and Outcomes I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a I am developing skills and techniques and improving my level of performance and fitness. HWB 1-22a Cooperation and competition Evaluating and appreciating I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities. HWB 1-23a I can recognise progress and achievement by discussing my thoughts and feelings and giving and accepting feedback. HWB 1-24a Examples of Activity Possible PE Activities (Basic Movement Focus): Imaginative Play Sports / Athletics / Gymnastics related activities Activity Games Dance Movement Concept Games Open-ended activities Peer / Paired Activities Log Books (PB’s, etc) Movement Stations / Circuits Games-making Sport Education Model (Personal Competition) Possible crosscurricular activities: Word Play Presentation Showcase (inc’: Posters, Comic Strips, PowerPoint) Simple Statistics / Data Handling School & Partnership Working Opportunities Links Across H&WB Outcomes Cross Curricular Links Resources HWB 1-11a EXA 1-01a Movement Toolkit Cards Active Sports HWB 1-15a EXA 1-08a HWB 1-16a EXA 1-09a HWB 1-18a EXA 1-10a Basic Movement materials e.g. TOPPs, ESP, Basic Moves, UK Athletics, etc Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) HWB 1-27a EXA 1-11a HWB 1-28a LIT 1-02a HWB 1-25a LIT 1-04a Sports-specific Teaching Materials / Resources Specialists within wider community (inc’ High Schools) HWB 1-01a LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29a LIT 1-07a Grounds Markings Visiting Specialists Play Structures Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) HWB 1-09a HWB 1-11a HWB 1-19a ENG 1-31a MNU 1-20a Music MTH 1-21a SCN 1-12a Appropriate Picture Cards / Media (showme games, balances, etc) SOC 1-17a Log Book Formats RME 1-09b SCN 1-07a TCH 1-01a TCH 1-03a TCH 1-03b TCH 1-04a TCH 1-04b Second Movement skills, competencies and concepts Learning Experiences and Outcomes As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 2-21a / HWB 3-21a I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 2-22a / HWB 3-22a Cooperation and competition Evaluating and appreciating While working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills, demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23a By reflecting on my own and others’ work and evaluating it against shared criteria, I can recognise improvement and achievement and use this to progress further. HWB 2-24a Examples of Activity Possible PE Activities: Specific-focus Activities (Sports, Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics) Sport Education Model (Peer Competition) Peer / Paired Activities Log Books (PB’s, etc) Problem Solving / Team Building Games Games-making Open-ended movement investigation Orienteering Possible crosscurricular activities: Presentation Showcase (inc’: Posters, Comic Strips, PowerPoint, movies, animations) Statistics / Data Handling Imaginative Writing (e.g. Team / Player Biographies) Functional Writing (e.g. Instructional Writing, Game Rules) School & Partnership Working Opportunities Links Across H&WB Outcomes Cross Curricular Links Resources HWB 2-11a EXA 2-01a Movement Toolkit Cards Active Sports HWB 2-15a EXA 2-08a HWB 2-16a EXA 2-09a HWB 2-18a EXA 2-10a Specific PE materials e.g. TOPPs, ESP, UK Athletics, etc Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) HWB 2-27a EXA 2-11a HWB 2-28a LIT 2-02a HWB 2-25a LIT 2-07a HWB 2-26a LIT 2-26a Grounds Markings HWB 2-01a LIT 2-28a Play Structures HWB 2-09a ENG 2-31a HWB 2-11a MNU 2-10a HWB 2-19a MNU 2-10b Sports-specific Teaching Materials / Resources Visiting Specialists Music MTH 2-21a Appropriate Picture Cards / Media (showme games, balances, etc) MNU 2-07a Log Book Formats MNU 2-20a MNU 2-07b MTH 2-07c RME 2-09c SCN 2-07a SCN 2-08a SCN 2-12a SCN 2-12b TCH 2-03a TCH 2-03b TCH 2-04a TCH 2-04b SOC 2-19a Specialists within wider community (inc’ High Schools) Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) Third Movement skills, competencies and concepts Learning Experiences and Outcomes As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 3-21a I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 3-22a Cooperation and competition I am developing the skills to lead and recognise strengths of group members, including myself. I contribute to groups and teams through my knowledge of individual strengths, group tactics, and strategies. HWB 3-23a Examples of Activity Possible PE Activities: Pupil led Warm Up/Cool Down within each activity Floor/Apparatus sequence in Gymnastics Selecting tactics within a team sport (i.e Zone Defence) Use of varying techniques within Athletics (i.e. High Jump) Dance (scottish/creative) Fitness testing Peer assessment Peer recording Possible crosscurricular activities: Petanque European Handball Team Building Orienteering Links Across H&WB Outcomes Cross Curricular Links HWB 3-11a EXA 3-01b HWB 3-14a EXA 3-04a HWB 3-15a EXA 3-08a HWB 3-16a EXA 3-11a HWB 3-18a LIT 3-02a HWB 3-19a LIT 3-06a HWB 3-25a LIT 3-09a HWB 3-27a LIT 3-10a HWB 3-28a LIT 3-28a HWB 3-41a MNU 3-01a MNU 3-03b MNU 3-05a MNU 3-07a MNU 3-10a MTH 3-18a MTH 3-21a TCH 3-04a Resources Activity-specific Equipment Music Appropriate Pictures/ Media in relation to Activity Ground Markings (i.e. Athletics) ASN from Support Services ICT (powerpoint) School & Partnership Working Opportunities Active Schools Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) Specialists within wider community (i.e. SRU, SFA) Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) Local Sports Facilities (i.e. swimming pool, golf club, running clubs, dance clubs) Community Use Evaluating and appreciating I can analyse and discuss elements of my own and others’ work, recognising strengths and identifying areas where improvements can be made. HWB 3-24a Dance Through dance, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. Creating and performing will be the core activities for all learners, and taking part in dance contributes to their physical education and physical activity. Learners develop their technical skills and the quality of their movement, and use their imagination and skills to create and choreograph dance sequences. They further develop their knowledge and understanding and their capacity to enjoy dance through evaluating performances and commenting on their work and the work of others. Third Learning Experiences and Outcomes I have created and taken part in dance from a range of styles and cultures. EXA 3-08a Examples of Activity Possible PE Activities: Dance (scottish/creative) Lunchtime or after school clubs (street dance, break dance) Possible crosscurricular activities: Talent Show Dance Festival (e.g. relating to specific culture) Links Across Cross Curricular Links H&WB Outcomes HWB 3-11a EXA 3-01b HWB 3-14a EXA 3-04a HWB 3-15a EXA 3-08a HWB 3-16a LIT 3-02a HWB 3-18a LIT 3-06a HWB 3-19a LIT 3-09a HWB 3-21a LIT 3-10a HWB 3-22a LIT 3-28a HWB 3-23a MNU 3-03b HWB 3-24a MNU 3-10a HWB 3-25a MTH 3-18a HWB 3-27a TCH 3-04a HWB 3-28a HWB 3-41a Resources Activity-specific Equipment Music Appropriate Pictures/ Media in relation to Activity ASN from Support Services School & Partnership Working Opportunities Active Schools Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) Specialists within wider community (i.e. SRU, SFA) Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) ICT (powerpoint) Local Sports Facilities (i.e. swimming pool, golf club, running clubs, dance clubs) Community Use Fourth Movement skills, competencies and concepts Learning Experiences and Outcomes As I encounter a variety of challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select and apply a wide range of complex movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with consistency and control. HWB 4-21a I can organise my time to practise, consolidate and refine my skills to achieve my highest quality performance in a range of contexts. I am developing and sustaining my level of performance across all aspects of fitness. HWB 4-22a Cooperation and competition While learning together, and in leadership situations, I can: experience different roles and take responsibility in organising a physical event contribute to a supportive and inclusive Examples of Activity Possible PE Activities: Pupil led Warm Up/Cool Down within each activity Video performances (used as model performer) Curricular Activities Dance (scottish/creative) Fitness testing Peer assessment Peer recording Sport Education Model Sports Leadership Adopting varying roles within sports ( referee, timekeeper) Training programmes Pupil led lessons Links Across H&WB Outcomes Cross Curricular Links HWB 4-11a EXA 4-01a HWB 4-14a EXA 4-02a HWB 4-15a EXA 4-04a HWB 4-16a EXA 4-05a HWB 4-18a EXA 4-08a HWB 4-19a EXA 4-09a HWB 4-25a EXA 4-10a HWB 4-26a EXA 4-11a HWB 4-41a LIT 4-02a Activity-specific Equipment Music Appropriate Pictures/ Media in relation to Activity Ground Markings (i.e. Athletics) ASN from Support Services Active Schools Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) Specialists within wider community (i.e. SRU, SFA) Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) LIT 4-06a LIT 4-09a LIT 4-10a LIT 4-24a ICT (powerpoint) Local Sports Facilities (i.e. swimming pool, golf club, running clubs, dance clubs) LIT 4-25a Community Use LIT 4-28a Local Primary’s MNU 4-11a MTH 4-13c MTH 4-13d Possible crosscurricular activities: Mental Health Activities (Yoga, Tai Chi) Team Building Orienteering House competitions Reward Days Resources School & Partnership Working Opportunities MTH 4-18a MNU 4-20a MTH 4-21a SOC 4-01a SOC 4-02a SOC 4-06a TCH 4-03b TCH 4-04a environment demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play. HWB 4-23a Evaluating and appreciating I can: observe closely, reflect, describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’ performances make informed judgements, specific to an activity monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a Dance Through dance, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. Creating and performing will be the core activities for all learners, and taking part in dance contributes to their physical education and physical activity. Learners develop their technical skills and the quality of their movement, and use their imagination and skills to create and choreograph dance sequences. They further develop their knowledge and understanding and their capacity to enjoy dance through evaluating performances and commenting on their work and the work of others. Fourth Learning Experiences and Outcomes I can apply my performance skills to dance with accuracy, control, body awareness, sensitivity and movement flow. I can communicate my artistic intention and take account of different audience groups. EXA 4-08a I can select ideas from a range of stimuli to choreograph dance motifs in creative ways. EXA 4-09a Examples of Activity Possible PE Activities: Dance (scottish/creative) Lunchtime or after school clubs (street dance, break dance) Rhythmic Gymnastic Routines Possible cross-curricular activities: Talent Show Dance Festival (e.g. relating to specific culture) Links Across H&WB Outcomes Cross Curricular Links Resources HWB 4-11a EXA 4-01a Activity-specific Equipment HWB 4-14a EXA 4-02a HWB 4-15a EXA 4-04a HWB 4-16a EXA 4-05a HWB 4-18a LIT 4-02a HWB 4-19a LIT 4-06a HWB 4-21a LIT 4-09a HWB 4-22a LIT 4-10a HWB 4-23a LIT 4-24a HWB 4-24a LIT 4-25a HWB 4-41a LIT 4-28a Active Schools Music Parents with Expertise (e.g. Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches, etc) Appropriate Pictures/ Media in relation to Activity Specialists within wider community (i.e. SRU, SFA) ASN from Support Services ICT (powerpoint) Intra-school Specialism (Colleagues with specific expertise) Local Sports Facilities (i.e. swimming pool, golf club, running clubs, dance clubs) MNU 4-11a Community Use MTH 4-13c Local Primary’s MTH 4-13d MTH 4-18a MNU 4-20a MTH 4-21a I can participate in dance styles and activities which challenge and extend my repertoire of movement and my knowledge of the styles and cultures of School & Partnership Working Opportunities SOC 4-01a SOC 4-02a SOC 4-06a TCH 4-03b TCH 4-04a dance. EXA 4-10a I can analyse technical aspects of dance, make informed judgements and express personal opinions on my own and others’ work. EXA 4-11a Fife Council Education Service Curriculum for Excellence – Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes Topic Area – Physical Activity and Sport, Physical Activity and Health, Level: Early and First Learners develop an understanding of their physical health and the contribution made by participation in physical education, physical activity and sport to keep them healthy and preparing them for life beyond school. They investigate the relationship between diet and physical activity and their role in the prevention of obesity. The experiences and outcomes are intended to establish a pattern of daily physical activity which, research has shown, is most likely to lead to sustained physical activity in adult life. Physical activity and sport take place in addition to planned physical education sessions, at break times and lunchtimes in and beyond the place of learning. Learning Experiences and Outcomes Examples of Activity Forest Kindegarten play@home Start to Play – Youth Sports Trust Play resources pack HWB 0-25a Travelling to school I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play both outdoors and indoors (early) Within and beyond my place of learning I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in physical activities and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor space (first) HWB 1-25a I know that being active is a healthy way to be (early) play@home Shake it up DVD School walking programmes Play resources pack School grounds Travelling to school Links across H&WB outcomes HWB 0-18a HWB 0-13a HWB1-18a MNU 0-11a 110c SCN0-12a 112a SCN0-07a 107a HWB 0-27a HWB 0-47a Resources Play@home bags Start to play resources Play resource pack play@home bag LIT0-02a, 1-02a LIT0-04a LIT0-09a LIT 1-07a PA resource pack I can describe how I feel after PA resource pack taking part in energetic activities and I am becoming aware of some of the Cross Curricular Links EXA 0-08a EXA 0-09a EXA 0-10a EXA 0-11a EXA1-08a EXA1-09a EXA1-10a EXA1-11a DVD Walking booklet School and Partnership Working Opportunities Active Schools Sports Development play@home development worker health professionals Active Schools Sports Development play@home development worker health professionals Play resource pack Active Schools School Nurses Active Schools School Nurses changes that take place in my body (early) HWB 0-28a I am aware of the role physical activity plays in keeping me healthy and know that I also need to sleep and rest to look after my body (first) PA resource pack HWB 1-47a Food for fuel diaries HWB 1-30a HWB 1-27a I understand that my body needs energy to function and that this comes from the food I eat. I am exploring how physical activity contributes to my health and wellbeing (first) HWB 1-28a TCH 0-04b 104b TCH 0-01a 101a Fife Council Education Service Curriculum for Excellence – Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes Topic Area – Physical Activity and Sport, Physical Activity and Health, Level: Second and Third Learners develop an understanding of their physical health and the contribution made by participation in physical education, physical activity and sport to keep them healthy and preparing them for life beyond school. They investigate the relationship between diet and physical activity and their role in the prevention of obesity. The experiences and outcomes are intended to establish a pattern of daily physical activity which, research has shown, is most likely to lead to sustained physical activity in adult life. Physical activity and sport take place in addition to planned physical education sessions, at break times and lunchtimes in and beyond the place of learning. Learning Experiences and Outcomes Activity Walking and cycling to & from school Natural connections Physical activity transition programmes Active School programmes Community Use Programmes HWB 2-25a-3-25a FSLT programmes I have investigated the role of PE after school activities sport and the opportunities it Community Use may offer me. I am able to Programmes access opportunities for Sports Development participation in sport and the programmes development of my Fit for Girls programme performance in my place of Sports Leader Awards learning and beyond I am experiencing enjoyment and achievement on a daily basis by taking part in different kinds of energetic physical activities of my choosing including sport an opportunities for outdoor learning, available at my place of learning. Links across H&WB outcomes HWH 2-18a HWB 3-18a HWB 2-12a HWB 3-12a HWB 2-13a HWB 3-13a HWB 2-12a HWB 3-12a HWB 2-13a HWB 3-13a PA resource pack Resources School travel plan resources Natural connections Active Schools School and Partnership Working Opportunities Active Schools Travel plan officers Outdoor Learning Officers EXA 3-08a EXA 3-11a LIT 2-02a LIT 2-07a LIT 3-02a MNU 2-10a MNU 2-10b Youth Sports Trust Sports Development PE department Community Use MNU 3-10a MNU 3-11a HWB 2-26a-3-26a I can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintain god health and try to achieve a good balance of Cross Curricular Links EXA 2-08a EXA 2-09a EXA 2-10a EXA 2-11a HWB 2-15a HWB 3-15a HWB 2-30a HWB3-30a SCN 2-12a SCN 2-10b SCN 2-12a SCN 2-12b SCN 2-08 SCN 2-07a PA resource pack PE department Active Schools sleep, rest and physical activity. HWB2-47a HWB 2-47a HWB 2-27a-3-27a I can explain the links between the energy I use while being physically active, the food I eat and my health and wellbeing. HWB 2-28a-3-28a PA resource pack HWB 2-30a HWB3-30a HWB 3-31a HWB 3-34a SCN 3-12a SCN 3-12b SCN 3-07a TCH 2-04b TCH 3-04a SOC 2-19a PA resource pack PE department Active Schools Fife Council Education Service Curriculum for Excellence – Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes Topic Area – Physical Activity and Sport, Physical Activity and Health Level: Fourth Learners develop an understanding of their physical health and the contribution made by participation in physical education, physical activity and sport to keep them healthy and preparing them for life beyond school. They investigate the relationship between diet and physical activity and their role in the prevention of obesity. The experiences and outcomes are intended to establish a pattern of daily physical activity which, research has shown, is most likely to lead to sustained physical activity in adult life. Physical activity and sport take place in addition to planned physical education sessions, at break times and lunchtimes in and beyond the place of learning. Learning Experiences and Outcomes I continue to enjoy daily participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity and sport and can demonstrate that it can : Contribute to and promote my learning Develop my fitness and physical and mental wellbeing Develop my social skills, positive attitudes and values Make and important contribution to living a healthy lifestyle. Activity Sports Leader Awards Travelling to school Links across H&WB outcomes HWB4-18a HWB 4-15a HWB 4-12a HWB 4-13a LIT 4-02a MNU 4-10 MNU 4-10b MNU 4-11a SCN 4-12a SCN 4-07b TCH 4-10b HWB 4-25a I can explain the role of sport in cultural heritage and have explored the opportunities available for me to participate in school sport and sporting events. I make use of Cross Curricular Links EXA 4-08a EXA 4-09a EXA 4-10a EXA 4-11a HWB 4-12a HWB 4-13a Resources School and Partnership Working Opportunities participation and performance pathways that allow me to continued and extend my sporting experience in my place of learning and beyond. HWB 4-26a I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices. HWB 4-28a HWB 4-30a HWB 4-34a HWB 4-47a