STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 1ST SQDN 18TH CAVALRY UNIT INVENTORIES Effective Date 1 December 2003 Supplementation or modification of this SOP is prohibited without approval of the SQDN Commander. This SOP will be reviewed annually by the SQDN Commander and within 60 days after assumption of command. This document is provided specifically for the use of the Commander of each troop. The intent of this document is to assist in the establishment of unit inventory procedures that are in compliance with regulatory guidance. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. GENERAL 1. Purpose 2. Policy 3. Scope 3 3 3 3 II. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3 III. INVENTORIES 3 IV. REFERENCES 6 2 SECTION I: GENERAL 1. PURPOSE: To establish a set of standards and procedures to follow in the area of Unit inventories. 2. POLICY: Inventory procedures and policies will be IAW the references listed in section III of this SOP. a. Troop commander and supply personnel will use the references in Section III and this SOP as guidance for all unit property book inventories. b. Deviations from existing regulations or this SOP are not authorized unless the SQDN Commander gives approval. 3. SCOPE: Inventory procedures that are of concern to unit commanders and supply personnel will be contained herein. SECTION II: DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Responsibility: It is imperative that some individual be responsible at all times for the care and safekeeping of property. A receipt for property is true evidence of property responsibility. However, any individual, regardless of whether he or she has signed a receipt, may incur responsibility for the care and custody of property. This responsibility may be based on possession of the property or the scope of the individual’s employment or duty. Specific responsibilities are listed in AR 735-5, and provide a brief outline of responsibilities of commanders, supervisors, and hand receipt holders. The following is a list of duties and responsibilities within the 1st Sqdn 18th Cavalry: (a) S-4 – Provides organizational support of CSDP and monitors Squadron logistical readiness. (b) Cdr’s – Ensures compliance with regulatory directives and develops CSDP specific to their troop. (c) 1SG – Ensures CSDP is implemented in accordance with Cdr’s program. (d) Supply SGT – Provides operational support to the CDR CSDP program. Responsible for shelf counts, monitors logistical readiness in the troop. (e) Plt/Sect. SGT – Responsible for Major End Items and control of Sets Kits and Outfits on sub handreceipts. (f) Individual – Responsible for OCIE and Individual components. SECTION III: INVENTORIES 1. Inventories: (a) Inventories will be conducted IAW TABLE 2-1, AR 710-2; DA PAM 710-2-1, AR 735-5, CPBO, USPFO-CA, and DIV Reg/SOPs. (b) The following types of inventories will be conducted by this unit: 3 (1) Receipt and Issue of Property - When property is picked up, it will be inventoried immediately. Count all items to ensure the quantity received agrees with the quantity recorded on the receipt document. Do not sign for any items that have not been accounted for. (a) When equipment/supplies are received by commercial carrier at the Unit, all cartons will be inspected for damage. Any damage will be noted on the carrier’s bill of lading. Within 24 hours after receipt, the property will be inventoried. Any discrepancies will be noted on a report of discrepancy IAW AR 55-38. All receipt documents will be forwarded to the Property Book Office, Attn: Team 7, through Sqdn S-4 within 30 days. (2) Change of Command/Responsible Officer Inventory - All property not issued on a valid hand receipt will be inventoried. The inventory will be conducted within 30 days prior to effective date of assumption of duties. All actions taken will be IAW AR 710-2, Para 2-12i; DA Pam 710-2-1, Para 9-5.2; and AR 735-5, 40th Inf Div (M) Change of Primary Handreceipt Holder SOP dated 1 April 2000. (3) Change of Hand Receipt Holder - A joint inventory will be conducted of all property listed on the hand receipt before the new hand receipt holder assumes responsibility for the property. The inventory will be conducted IAW DA PAM 710-2-1, Para 9-5.1 and using ULLS-S4 Procedures. (4) PHRH Inventory - This inventory will be conducted as directed by the PBO. (a) All unit property will be inventoried within a 12 month window, as determined by the date the commander assumed command of the unit or the date of the last inventory, using the 25% cyclic inventory Procedures. After completion of the inventory, a formal memorandum issue by CPBO will be prepared stating a 100% inventory of the unit's property was completed. A copy of the formal memorandum will be provided to CPBO 40th DIV (M) IAW DA Pam 710-2-1. (5) Cyclic – A quarterly cyclic inventory listing and memorandum will be sent through channels from the Property Book Office to the Sqdn S-4 within the first week of the quarter. Quarters are based on a calendar year and fall on the months of Jan, Apr, July, and Oct. (a) Prior to the IDT period of each quarter the S-4 will forward the cyclic inventory memorandum and listing from the PBO to the appropriate troop. (b) End items identified on the listing will be inventoried. These items make up 25 % of the troops property, IAW AR 710-2-1, Para 9-6. (c) Commanders have two months to complete this inventory. The cyclic inventory is due to the Sqdn S-4 30 days prior to the suspense date on the memorandum. (d) The cyclic listing will be submitted with all annotations made, any documentation that is needed to support a discrepancy, and with the troop commander’s signature. NOTE: A discrepancy is any difference between inventoried quantity or type/model and the printed on-hand quantity for each type/model. (e) The cyclic memorandum that is signed by the PBO must be returned with the inventory listing. (f) Commanders will ensure that a copy of the completed inventory and memorandum from the PBO is maintained at the troop level. 4 (6) Quarterly Sensitive Item - The PHRH/unit commander will ensure inventory of all sensitive, explosive, and hazardous items except weapons and ammunition (which are done monthly) are conducted on a quarterly basis. A quarterly sensitive item listing and memorandum will be sent through channels from the Property Book Office to the Sqdn S-4 within the first week of the quarter. Quarters are based on a calendar year and fall on the months of Jan, Apr, July, and Oct. (a) Prior to the IDT period of each quarter the S-4 will forward the sensitive item listing and memorandum from the PBO to the appropriate troop. (b) End items identified on the listing will be inventoried. (c) Commanders will complete this inventory and ensure that it is submitted to the Sqdn S-4 the evening of Command and Staff, proceeding the IDT period of the suspense date annotated on the memorandum signed by the PBO. (d) The quarterly sensitive item listing will be returned to SQDN S-4 with all annotations made, any documentation that is needed to support a discrepancy, and with the troop commander’s signature. (e) The sensitive item memorandum that is signed by the PBO must be returned with the inventory listing. (f) Commanders will ensure that a copy of the completed inventory and memorandum from the PBO is maintained at the troop level. (g) Commanders will ensure that a monthly sensitive item inventory is completed, using the last quarterly sensitive item print out from the Sqdn S4. Make a copy of that listing and use it to conduct your monthly inventory. Make annotations on this listing as you would the quarterly sensitive item inventory. Maintain a troop copy. By COB on the last day of an IDT period status and results of the inventory will be forwarded to SQDN HQ’s by comment on the closing report. Fax the signed copy to the S-4 by the same suspense. (7) Quarterly Weapons Inventory - A serial number inventory will be conducted on a quarterly basis (at a minimum) by the PHRH/unit commander or his designated representative which may be an NCO (E7 or above), WO, Officer, or DOD civilian. The same person will not conduct the inventory in consecutive quarters. The individual conducting the inventory will certify that the serial numbers listed on the preprinted memorandum correspond with the property book. The completed memorandum will be signed by the person conducting the inventory. The unit armor will NOT conduct this inventory. This inventory will be conducted IAW DA Pam 710-2-1, Para 9-11b. Discrepancies will be reported IAW AR 735-5 and AR 190-11. (8) Monthly Weapons Inventory - A physical count of all units’ weapons will be conducted monthly. The inventory will be completed per DA PAM 710-2-1. (9) Monthly Ammunition Inventory - A lot number inventory of ammunition will be conducted on a monthly basis by the PHRH/unit commander or his designated representative. The same person will not conduct the inventory on consecutive months. This inventory will be conducted IAW DA Pam 710-2-1, Para 9-11b. (10) Command Directed Inventory - These will be conducted as prescribed by directives from this unit's higher headquarters, or the unit commander/PBO. 5 (11) Change of Custody of Arms Storage Facility Keys Inventory - When the responsibility for the custody of the arms storage facility keys is transferred between authorized persons, both parties will conduct a physical count of all weapons and ammunition. The results of the inventory will be recorded on DA Form 2062, IAW DA PAM 710-2-1, and Para 9-11a. (12) Annual Personal Clothing Inventory/Inspection- Each enlisted soldier, grades E1 through E9, is required to have a showdown inspection/inventory of personal clothing, as issued on DA Form 4886, at least once a year. The showdown inspection/inventory will be conducted by the commander or his/her designated representative(s). Soldiers in grades E5 through E9, when authorized, in writing, by the commander, may provide a statement that their personal clothing items are in the quantities reflected on their DA Form 4886 and are in a serviceable condition (IAW AR 670), IAW AR 700-84, Para 14-5. (13) All Commanders’ will store their soldiers TA-50 and OCIE in the supply room in their duffle bags. At the discretion of the Commander he may allow E6 above to store their equipment at home, as long as there is a written policy posted in the supply room. A Commander may allow soldiers E-5 and below to take their equipment home for servicing or cleaning as long as it is signed out and signed back in and returned no later than the next drill. Soldiers E-5 and below will not be allowed to store their equipment at home for longer than 30 days. SECTION IV: REFERENCES The following is a list of references required to perform unit inventories IAW this SOP. A list of recommended publications can be found in the 40th DIV (M) Reg 710-2. ARMY REGULATIONS AR 710-2 DA PHAMPHLETS DA PAM 710-2-1 TECHNICAL MANUALS FOR EAC ITEM OF EQUIPMENT AS REFERENCED ON THE UNIT PROPERTY BOOK PAGES STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES CPBO EXTERNAL SOP 40TH DISCOM EXTERNAL SOP SUPPLY SUPPORT ACTIVITY USPFO-CA SOP CA ARNG LOGISTICAL SOP 6 The proponent of this SOP is the Commander, (HQ’s 1st Sqdn 18th Cavalry) comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to Commander, HQ 1st Sqdn 18th Cavalry, 950 N. Cucamonga Ave., Ontario, CA 91764-2999. ////original signed////////// PHILLIP M. SUMMERS LTC, AV Commanding