Advanced Placement Chemistry Syllabus

Basic Chemistry Syllabus
Ms. Marshall
J. B. Conant High School
Science Dept. Phone 847-755-3816
 Basic Chemistry 2nd edition, Timberlake & Timberlake, Pearson Publishing, 2003
This course is designed to be the equivalent of a general chemistry course usually taken during
high school. This is an academic, quantitative chemistry course. In order to be successful here
are some helpful hints:
 Come to class daily and on time.
 Participate actively and ask questions as soon as you need help.
 Keep detailed notes about demonstrations and examples presented in class.
 Keep up with your work.
 Be open to a variety of learning styles and activities.
 Be willing to receive help from your peers and help others.
It may be helpful to carry the following items with you every day to class:
 Blue/black pen, pencil, ruler
 Folder/binder to organize your paperwork
 Notebook dedicated to Chemistry only
 Periodic Table – protected (laminated?)
Grades are determined by dividing the number of points you accumulate by the total amount
available and multiplying by 100. The scale to be used will be:
100-89.5% = A
89.4-79.5 = B
79.4-69.5 = C
69.4-59.5% =D
Types of Evaluation:
1. Daily Homework (15% of total grade) – assignments are to be completed on loose-leaf
paper and not paper torn out of a notebook. Students are required to hand in assignments
at the beginning of class on the due date to receive full credit. Also, you should show
formulas, units, work and circled/boxed answers in order to receive full credit.
Assignments will be accepted late however, 10% will be deducted from the total points
for each day it is late. Students with an excused absence will follow the standard protocol
for CHS. Students requesting assistance from a tutor may turn a homework assignment in
for full credit as long as it is turned in the signature, date and time the tutoring occurred
at the top of the page.
2. Quizzes (25% of total grade) – these will cover pertinent information and will occur
throughout the year. Some will be announced ahead of time and some will not. Therefore,
class notes should be studied frequently
3. Exams (35% of total grade) - these will consist of multiple formats. Exams total 100
points. Calculators are allowed on calculation based chapters.
4. Laboratory Experiments (25% of total grade) – students are expected to read all materials
pertinent to the upcoming lab before doing the experiment. Pre-lab work and write-ups
will be checked before entering the laboratory and therefore, should be prepared ahead of
time. Any student who fails to perform proper lab safety in the lab or adequately prepare
for the lab will receive a zero. Labs are usually performed with a partner or group,
depending on the lab. If a student will be absent on a lab day he or she needs to discuss a
make-up time that is mutually convenient.
Help…Office Hours: I am available most days before school (7:15-8:10) and after school (3:30
– 4:40) on Monday. If you need to see me for more than just a quick question, then you need to
make a specific appointment. Please come with your materials, attempted work and specific
Tutoring: There is formal tutoring in the library after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays in the library. Please attend one of these sessions as soon as you see yourself struggle.
Class Behavior: Safety and respect are the key words.
1. Students are to complete all assignments before arriving to class and are to bring all of
the necessary materials, including textbook, pen or pencil, paper, etc., to class EVERY
2. Students are to sit in their assigned seats and to PAY ATTENTION when the bell rings.
We only have a limited time together so we must efficiently utilize that time.
3. Due to the fact that this is a Chemistry class, there is absolutely no eating or drinking in
the classroom.
4. The bell doesn’t dismiss the class. The teacher dismisses the class.
5. Please raise your hand when you have a comment instead of blurting out in class.
6. No electronic devices (other than a calculator) are to be used in the classroom.
7. Students are to pick up missed handouts from the front of the room and refer to the
posted schedule online for missed assignment, after returning to class from an excused
8. Please use the restroom during your passing periods as class time is very valuable
and should only be missed as necessary.
Academic integrity: Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in
obtaining credit for work that is not their own. Any student(s) caught cheating will receive a zero
for the assignment, a phone call home and a meeting with their administrator will be made.