EASTERN UNIVERSITY Course outline Course No and Name: CSE167/ EEE 147 Circuit Analysis I [3.0] Cr. Hrs: 3.0 Pre-requisite(s): MAT 117 Faculty: Engineering & Technology Program: BSCSE & BSEEE Semester: Spring 2007 Beginning on March 11, 2007. Hours/wk: 3 (2 sessions each one and half hour duration). Total Wks: 13 Tutorial Class: 1.5 hour duration (Mandatory) Total Contact Hrs: 39 Instructor: Afsana Ahamed, Lecturer, E & T, Eastern University Offices: Campus-2, Room # 400(Faculty Room) 3rd Floor The Course EEE148: Circuit I Lab [1.0] will run concurrently with this course. Course Goals: To provide the participants the fundamental concepts related to electrical circuits, their use and applications in practice. Expectation: To achieve these goals, students are expected to Read the section of text book before the materials is presented in class. Attend all lectures. Complete all homework assignments with sincerity and integrity. Discuss problems with other students. Academic Honesty: It is obligation of each student to understand the university’s policies regarding academic honesty and to upload the standards. Students are encouraged to talk about the problems, should write up the solution individually. Students should acknowledge the assistance of any books, student or teacher. Course Descriptions: Circuit variables and elements: voltage, current, power, energy, independent and dependent sources, resistance. Basic laws: Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws. Simple resistive circuits: Series and Parallel circuits, voltage and current division, wye-delta transformation. Techniques of circuit analysis: nodal and mesh analysis including supernode and supermesh. Network theorems: source transformation, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem and superposition theorem with applications in circuits having independent and dependent sources, maximum power transfer condition and reciprocity theorem. Energy storage elements: inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors and capacitors. Responses of RL and RC circuits: natural and step responses. Magnetic quantities and variables: flux, permeability and reluctance, magnetic field strength, magnetic potential, flux density, magnetization curve. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohm’s laws and ampere’s circuital law. Magnetic circuit: series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Basis of Evaluation of Participants: 1. Attendance 8.0% 2. Random Quizzes & Assignments 12.0% 3. Class Test 10.0% 4. First Term Exam 20.0% 5. Second Term Exam 20.0% 6. Final Exam 30.0% ============ Total 100.0% Course Outcomes: After successfully completing the course, each participant will be familiar with the fundamentals of Electrical circuits, their use and applications. Text Required: 1. Introductory Circuit Analysis-----Robert L Boylestad 2. Electrical Technology-----------------B L Thereja 3. Basic Electrical Engineering --------R P Ward The contents from other books will be presented depending on the requirements of the course. Course Policies and Procedures: General policies are as described in the university (EU) bulletin. Should there be any necessity; any consideration /provision for improving grade of a student will be tied up with the performance demonstrated by the student in the areas related to the continuous assessment (attendance and class tests) over the entire semester. Attendance records will be given the highest importance in determining a student’s eligibility to avail any special consideration /provision. To be eligible for sitting in the Final Exam a student has to have minimum 75% class attendance. Attendance of anyone who will enter the class after the attendance register is closed may not be recorded. As and when needed, extra classes will be arranged to make up (possible) slow progress of the course. These classes will be considered as regular. Decisions regarding the schedules for these classes will be made in the class when most of the students remain present in the class. No separate notice will be served for this purpose. Class Test/ Quizzes: All class tests/quizzes will be conducted on random basis. Random class tests/quizzes will not be made up other than for a student who is evaluated to be regular (100% attendance) before the day of the quiz in question and who can produce the evidence that he/she has the reason (s) for missing the class test/quiz. Wearing a sports cap during the periods of quizzes and exams is not allowed. Class Schedule of EEE 147 or CSE 167 Lec. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Topic(s) scheduled to be covered Reference Reading Reading Assignment Due date Circuit variables and elements: voltage, current, power, energy, independent and dependent sources, resistance Continuation of class lec 1 Basic laws: Ohm’s law Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws. Simple resistive circuits: Series and Parallel circuits, voltage and current division, Techniques of circuit analysis: nodal and mesh analysis including supernode and supermesh + Network theorems: source transformation, e.i,. Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem and superposition theorem with applications in circuits having independent and dependent sources Term I Exam (up to the topics covered on the 7 th lecture) Exam review + Theorem applications in circuits having independent and dependent sources reciprocity theorem wye-delta transformation Theorem maximum power transfer Theorem Energy storage elements: inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors and capacitors. Responses of RL and RC circuits: Term II Exam (up to the topics covered on the 14 th lecture. Topics of the First Term Exam are not included.) Exam review + Responses of RL and RC circuits: natural and step responses continuation of lecture 17 Magnetic quantities and variables: flux, permeability and reluctance, magnetic field strength, magnetic potential, flux density , magnetization cu rve. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohm’s laws and. do ampere’s circuital law Magnetic circuit: series Parallel circuits, series-parallel circuits Review Final Exam as per schedule set by the Registrar’s office (The topic up to the Second Term Exam are not included) Publication of Results Course No and Name: EEE 157 Circuit Analysis I [3.0] Cr. Hrs: 3.0 Pre-requisite(s): EEE 147 Faculty: Engineering & Technology Program: BSEEE Semester: Spring 2007 beginning on 11 Mar 2007. Hours/wk: 3 (2 sessions each one and half hours duration) Total Wks: 13 Total Contact Hrs: 39 Instructor: Md Abul Kalam Azad, PhD Offices: Campus-2, Room #408 Office Hrs: Friday 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Campus-2, Room #408 Office Hrs: Monday, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Tutorial Hrs: Friday, 11:10 am – 12:40 pm The Course EEE158: Circuit I Lab [1.0] will run concurrently with this course. Course Goals: To provide the participants the fundamental concepts related to electrical circuits, their use and applications in practice. Course Descriptions: Sinusoidal functions: Instantaneous current, voltage, power, effective current & voltage, average power, Phasors and complex quantities, impedance, real and reactive power, power factor. Analysis of 1-ph ac circuits: series and parallel RL, RC, and RLC circuits, nodal and mesh analysis, application of network theorems in ac circuits, circuit with nonsinusoidal excitations, transients in ac passive filters. Resonance in ac circuits: series and parallel resonance. Magnetically coupled circuits. Analysis of 3-ph circuits: 3-ph supply, balance and unbalanced circuits, power calculations. Basis of Evaluation of Participants: 1. Attendance 2. Assignments 3. Class Test/Quizzes 4. First Term Exam 5. Second Term Exam 6. Final Exam Total+ 08.0% 10.0% 12.0% 20.0% 20.0% 30.0% ============ 100.0% Course Outcomes: After successfully completing the course, each participant will be familiar with the fundamentals of Electrical circuits, their use and applications. Text Required: 1. Alternating Current Circuits----------Kerchner and Corcoran 2. Introduction to Circuit Analysis-----Robert L Boylestad 3. Electrical Technology-----------------B L Thereja The contents from other books will be presented depending on the requirements of the course. Course Policies and Procedures: General policies are as described in the University (EU) Bulletin. Attendance records will be given the highest importance in determining a student’s eligibility to avail any special consideration/ provision. To be eligible for sitting in the final Exam a student has to have minimum 75% class attendance. Attendance of anyone who will enter the class after the attendance register is closed may not be recorded. As and when needed, extra class will be arranged to make up (possible) slow progress of the course. These classes will be considered as regular. Decisions regarding the schedules for these classes will be made in the class when most of the students remain present in the class. No separate notice will be served for this purpose. Students will have to use separate note book (s) exclusively meant for this course. Class Test/ Quizzes: All class tests/quizzes will be conducted on random basis. Random class tests/quizzes will not be made up other than for a student who is evaluated to be regular (100% attendance) before the day of the quiz in question and who can produce the evidence that he/she has the reason (s) for missing the class test/quiz. Assignments: The details of assignments will be mentioned in the class as and when appropriate. No late, erroneous or incomplete home assignments will be accepted. There will be NO partial grading for home assignments. Every assignment must have the following information at the top of the first page of the assignment. ID#: Name: Assignment #: Date assigned: Due date: Any assignment not conforming to this format may be subjected to random penalty. Assignments are to be submitted in ‘letter size’ or ‘A4’ size paper. Wearing a sports cap during the periods of quizzes and exams is not allowed. Class Schedule of EEE 157 Lec .No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Topic(s) scheduled to be covered Sinusoidal functions: Instantaneous current, voltage, complex quantities, impedance power, average power, effective current & voltage real and reactive power,. power factor Phasor Algebra to ac circuits +do Analysis of 1-ph ac circuits: series, parallel ac circuits of RL, RC, and RLC circuits Term I Exam (up to the topics covered on the 7th lecture) Exam review + do of lec 8 Resonance in ac circuits: series parallel resonance Nodal and mesh analysis application of network theorems in ac circuits Maximum power transfer in ac circuits transients in ac passive filters Term II Exam (up to the topics covered on the 14th lecture. Topics of the First Term Exam are not included.) Exam review + transients in ac passive filters circuit with non-sinusoidal excitations Coupled circuits: conductively Magnetically coupled circuits + Do Analysis of 3-ph circuits: 3-ph supply, Balance Circuits and its calculations + Do unbalanced circuits and its calculations + Do Final Exam as per schedule set by the Registrar’s office (The topic up to the Second Term Exam are not included) Publication of Results Reference Reading Reading Assignment Due date