Business Essentials Syllabus - Hutchings Career Center 2011-2012

Course Title: Business Essentials
Course Description: Business Essentials is a foundations course for the Small Business
Development Career Pathway. The course will help students build a strong knowledge
base and develop management skills as they study forms of business ownership,
functions of management, budgeting and finance, technology, communications,
legislation, leadership and teamwork, marketing, and economics.
Prerequisites: Computer Applications
Instructor: Mrs. Maggie Bruce
Course Standards: Georgia Performance Standards for Business Essentials
Communications (1-3)
Leadership and Teamwork (4-5)
Business Concepts (6-9)
Entrepreneurial Discovery (10)
Ethics (11-15)
Forms of Business Ownership (16-20)
Functions of Management (21-25)
Budgeting and Finance (26-29)
Business Law (30-33)
Risk Management (34-35)
Marketing (36-37)
Job Acquisition Process (38)
Methods of Instruction: Various technological tools and learning strategies will be used
to assist students in achieving the course objectives. Guest speakers and work-based
learning activities may be incorporated into this course.
Student Evaluation:
Final Exam
Projects, Participation in Class
Tutor Assistance: Students can tutor each other at the direction of the instructor or
request my assistance during class and after school upon permission and scheduling.
Internet Use: Students will be using the Internet for research. You will be required to
sign an Acceptable Use Policy and will be expected to follow the guidelines set forth in
the Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in consequences
as set forth in the Policy.
Industry Certification: The Business Department at Hutchings Career Center is
Industry Certified. Industry Certification is a program implemented to promote high
quality instruction in business education at the high school level. Industry Certification
provides recognition to high schools that have exceptional business education programs
and documents them through the use of Certification Criteria. What are the benefits to
Leadership Opportunities
Career Exploration Opportunities
Opportunity to Advance Interpersonal Skills
Obtain Skills and Competencies for Employment
Program Certification Distinction
Career Opportunities:
 Business Analysis
 Computer Operator
 Controller
 Human Resources
 Management
 Marketing
 Risk Manager
Textbook, Website, and Supplies:
Intro to Business, Fourth Edition
Notebook or binder to be used solely for this class, notebook
paper, pen and pencils
Final Thoughts
I look forward to having you in my class. You will find this course both challenging and
enjoyable. It will require a lot of effort from you. You will be expected to follow
assignment schedules, take notes and be prepared every day. You will be expected to
give 100%.
Mrs. Bruce
Business Education Instructor
Hutchings Career Center
Parents and Students:
Please read this syllabus and complete the following:
I have read this syllabus and the guidelines/requirements for Business Essentials and
understand what I must do to achieve my maximum grade.
Student name
Student signature
Parent Signature
Parent phone number (cell/home)
Parent Email
Parent work phone number(s)