PLANNING COMMITTEE WARE TOWN COUNCIL A meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE was held in the Priory Hall, Ware Priory, Ware on Monday 7 October 2013 at 7.30 pm when the following business was transacted. PRESENT Councillors I Devonshire (in the Chair), P Ballam, S Reed ATTENDING J Rowlinson (Town Clerk); County Cllr Andrews; members of the public 193. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Cllr’s R Lester and R Standley. 194. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Devonshire had a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 196 applications 158 and 159 and left the room for discussion of these items. 195. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 2 September were received, approved and adopted and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 196. CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS Application 158 Site adjacent, 80 Berkeley Close, Ware 3/13/1469/FP demolition of garages and erection of a pair of two storey one bedroom houses with associated parking and landscaping. Provision of 5 replacement parking 26 spaces. Cllr Devonshire left the room this item as he had a disclosable pecuniary interest. Mr Rist addressed the meeting on behalf of residents of Berkeley Close and summarised residents’ objections. If the scheme went ahead the loss of garages would mean a loss of up to 12 parking spaces. The 5 new spaces would be on amenity land Residents would lose amenity land 65 PLANNING COMMITTEE Parking would be communal and not allocated Parking would be up against windows causing pollution Photos in the application were over 5 years old and the parking situation had changed since then The parking assessment had been carried out at 2.30 am The existing garages were combined with sheds and the sheds would also be lost The houses would be opposite existing flats and the ground floor flats would lose light The distance between the new buildings and the existing flats would only be 11 metres The houses would extend onto the amenity land for the flats which would affect families living in the area. It was noted that the meeting was inquorate and the two councillors present agreed to put the following RECOMMENDATION to the Council meeting on 21 October: That Ware Town Council objects to the application on the following grounds: The proximity of the proposed development to existing dwellings would constitute overdevelopment Loss of amenity open space The loss of amenity open space would be detrimental to the street scene The proposal fails to compensate for loss of parking from the garages in an area which is already congested for parking. The proposed development would be too close to existing dwellings (11 metres) resulting in loss of light to existing residents Access for the emergency services would be difficult. The Town Clerk would let residents know when the application would go to East Herts Development Management Committee. Application 158/13 Former Co-op Site, Star Street, Ware 3/13/0513/FP, demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 no. 1 bedroomed flat, 4 no. 2 bedroomed flats, 9 no. 2 bedroomed houses, 4 no. retail units with A1, A2, B1(a) B1(b), B1(c) use and associated car parking and landscaping. Cllr Devonshire left the room this item as he had a disclosable pecuniary interest. 66 PLANNING COMMITTEE It was noted that the meeting was inquorate and the two councillors present agreed to put the following RECOMMENDATION to the Council meeting on 21 October: That Ware Town Council has no objection to the application but is concerned about insufficient parking provision. Application numbers 160/13 – 173/13 were before the Committee. It was RESOLVED that comments on Application Nos. 160/13 – 173/13 as scheduled and attached to the Minutes be submitted to the Director of Planning, East Herts District Council. 197. ASDA STORE 3/10/0386/FP PARKING MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS The proposals had been circulated. It was RESOLVED that the proposals were acceptable. 198. PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED TO DATE Received and noted. 199. APPEALS It was noted that the appeal for The Roebuck Hotel, Baldock Street 3/13/0333/FP would be determined by the informal hearing procedure. The Town Council had already submitted the following comments: Ware Town Council objects on the grounds of loss of hotel, loss of amenity, loss of employment and overdevelopment. Concerns re number of properties accessing and egressing onto Watton Road. 200. S106 AGREEMENTS Nothing further to report. 201. UPDATE ON EAST HERTS DISTRICT PLAN i) District Planning Bulletin No. 10 had been circulated and was noted. Cllr Andrews stated that with schools coming out of local authority control, the County Council was now the provider of last resort for education which was making for planning future places difficult. 67 PLANNING COMMITTEE ii) Strategic Land Availability Assessment Briefing Note had been circulated and was noted. iii) Minutes of East Herts Association of Parish & Town Councils meeting of 20 September had been circulated and were noted. 202. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN A progress report was given. 203. FLYPOSTING, GRAFFITI AND LITTER Cllr Andrews stated that flyposted posters had not been removed by the Town Council. The Town Clerk asked councillors to report any flyposting to the Town Council office so this could be removed as the Town Council did not have sufficient resources to patrol the town. 204. MUSLEY SCHOOL SITE At the last meeting it was reported that an application had been made to East Herts Council for Musley School to be included on the List of Assets of Community Value. The effect of this would be that if the site was offered for sale there would be a delay of 6 months but if it was already owned by the developer then work could start. It was RESOLVED to take this item off the agenda. 205. BROADMEADS FOOTPATH CLOSURE It was RESOLVED to take this item off the agenda. 206. RIVER – COMMON WHARF The Town Clerk was still corresponding with Canal and River Trust regarding the mooring. 207. HIGHWAY MATTERS (i) Traffic Calming Wulfrath Way Cllr Andrews reported that Highways had found no justification for this. 68 PLANNING COMMITTEE (ii) 20mph Speed Zones It was RESOLVED to respond as follows:1. Should 20mph areas be self enforcing? How can HCC ensure all the locality where a request is received actually want a 20mph zone. – Canvass opinion of residents. 2. How effective are 20mph areas in relation to road safety? They are effective in reducing deaths and injuries from accidents as death is less likely to occur from an impact at 20 mph than 30 mph. 3. What are the benefits of 20 mph areas: a) in areas where speeds are already low? reducing deaths and injuries from accidents as death is less likely to occur from an impact at 20 mph than 30 mph. b) in areas where the speeds have been reduced? reducing deaths and injuries from accidents as death is less likely to occur from an impact at 20 mph than 30 mph. 208. ANY OTHER PLANNING MATTERS None. 209. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 28 October 2013 at 7.30 pm. 210. CLOSE OF MEETING The meeting closed at 9.40 pm. 69