SAWBRIDGEWORTH TOWN COUNCIL MEETING NOTES BY THE TOWN CLERK TOWN ACTION PLAN 2014-18 Meeting held at 19:30 on Wednesday 13 November 2013 at Sayesbury Manor, Bell Street Sawbridgeworth Those present: Cllr Eric Buckmaster Cllr Joyce Vincent – STC Cllr Angela Alder - STC Hazel Mead Richard Bowran – Town Clerk STC Joanne Kenny – Town Projects Manager STC 1 Apologies for absence: Cllr Peter Mitchell; Cllr Ruth Buckmaster; Liz Scott; 2 S.W.O.T. Analysis The SWOT analysis that was carried out at the meeting of 02 October 2013 were reviewed and amended in the light of current thinking. The revised analysis is attached as Appendix 1. 3 Project Priorities The main projects for the period of the plan were discussed and are attached as Appendix 2 to these notes. 4 Other Business There was none. 5 Next Meeting Will be at 19:30hrs.on Wednesday 22 January 2014 at the Town Council. 1|Page Appendix 1 SWOT ANALYSIS – 12 November 2013 STRENGTHS Friendly Community Responsive Town Council Play Grounds Transport Links Schools Farmers’ Market Large Annual Town Events: o Xmas Lights; o Proms Concert o Carol Singing o May Fayre Young People: o Scouting and Guiding o Youth Club & ATC Community Policing Sports Facilities OPPORTUNITIES Encourage Tourism: o Tourist office o One stop shop Community Events Increase footfall : Retailers Gen Power of Competence Pishiobury as an LNR? Surgery Development Appropriate Housing Dvt. District Plan Com’ty Infrastructure Levy Infrastructure Projects: o Conveniences o Fair Green o Town Hub o Town Signs and Maps WEAKNESSES Lack of Parking GP’s Surgery : Capacity Traffic congestion No “Town Centre” Housing supply for our: o Ageing population o Young people Schools Capacity Lack of Football Pitches Sports Facilities are Private Communications THREATS Funding shortfall o Free Car Parking? o Farmers’ Mkt : Sun? Harlow North Anti-Social Behaviour: o People redistribution o Vandalism Orchard Development Parking Capacity 2|Page Appendix 1 PROJECT IDEAS – 12 November 2013 PROJECT DESCRIPTION LEAD The Green Landscaping and developing into a town centre focal point – ask Christine Walkden? JK Bell Street Conveniences Modernisation : Working in partnership with EHDC RB War Memorial Refurbishment in time for 2014 centenary RB Community Bus service Develop Sawbobus 1 (and Sawbobus 2 as a hospital service) RB Fair Green Take over ownership from “The Lord of the Manor” RB Economic Development Enhance the town centre offering parishioners and visitors to the town JK Parking in the Town Maintaining parking capacity in the town centre RB Tourist Information Open up a staffed tourist information office; give resources to retailers; schools; buses JK Memories Project Gather legacy recollections members of the population JK Street Surgeries Man a gazebo in the car park to invite a dialogue with parishioners of to older JK 3|Page