The Recapture of Jerusalem

The Recapture of Jerusalem
Name: __________________________
Period: _____________
Date: ________________
Date Due: _____________
Directions: Answer the questions on a SEPARATE piece of paper and your answers
MUST be in complete sentences!
Definition: Latins ~ Name given to the crusaders who lived in Jerusalem. They were
called this because they were members of the Roman Catholic Church and used the Latin
language for their church services.
1. Who was Saladin?
2. In terms of the truce with Guy of Lusignan, how did Saladin display that he was an
honorable man?
3. After Saladin captured the crusaders on July 4, 1187, how did he show he was an
honorable man, but also a man who held a grudge?
4. Why were the crusaders at a disadvantage after the battle of Hattin?
5. What does the term BREACH mean in this sentence? Saladin’s soldiers worked hard
to breach the wall so that the army could pour through.
6. Saladin’s actions were different than those of the crusaders when the Christians took
over Jerusalem. Explain the difference.
7. After Saladin took over Jerusalem, Saladin’s agreement with his enemies was both
honorable and profitable. Explain how this was an honorable gesture and at the same time
profitable to the Muslims.
8. Saladin’s army who accompanied those fleeing Jerusalem also acted with compassion.
Why do you think this was the case?
9. Referring to the Dome of the Rock, how did Saladin display to the non-Muslims living
in Jerusalem that it was now in Muslim hands?
10. Saladin was thought to be one of the greatest heroes in the history of Islam. It is
evident that he was a powerful leader in battle, but how did the power transfer into their
culture/way of life?
11. What is a JIZYA and why is it important to the Muslim economy?
12. How did the Greek Orthodox Church benefit from the crusaders leaving Jerusalem?
13. Scholarship and learning was important to the Muslim culture. How was this evident
after Saladin took over Jerusalem?
14. Name one thing that you found interesting/shocking in this article.
Crusades ~ Czulada