SCL Minutes- 16th September 2015 – Chair approved

Executive Meeting Minutes
Chair: Ciara Eastell
Committee support:
Helen Drakard
Date/ Time:
16th Sept 2015 10:00 – 15.30
CILIP HQ, Ridgmount Street, London
Apologies: Mark Freeman, Simon May, Steve Hardman, Ann Jones, Muriel Todd & Alison Wheeler
Present: Ciara Eastell, Helen Drakard, Neil MacInnes, Lesley Sim, Carol Boswarthack, Sarah Mears, Andrew
Bignell, Julie Spencer, Bev Rice, Marie Brett, Peter Gaw, Elizabeth Elford, Janene Cox, Carol Stump, Barry
Clark, Ayub Khan, Medi Bernard, Jayne Wilkins, Nick Stopforth, Julie Griffiths & Fiona Williams.
Item Subject
Key messages from 4th Taskforce meeting
Ciara gave fedback from the 4th Taskforce meeting. She informed Exec members that –
 Members of the Taskforce had met with SCL and the library stakeholders that morning.
 The Taskforce were doing a lot of behind the scenes work to secure support from Local
Authority Chief Executives.
 The Taskforce had also met with Ed Vaizey, Lord Freud and Iain Duncan Smith.
 Presentations were given by; Tabitha Witherick and Darren Smart (SCL’s Digital
Leadership Programme graduates) who talked about a piece of work they had been
commissioned to do for the Taskforce looking at how to share best practice across
libraries, Roly Keating presented the BL’s Living Network proposition and Nick Poole
talked about CILIP’s Workforce mapping project.
 CIPFA and library survey data was discussed.
 Julia Chandler has been appointed as the Taskforce’s Communications Officer and she
will be setting up a communications forum which Elizabeth Elford will be part of.
 Sue Wills and Sharon Kirkpartick have been seconded to the Taskforce from library
services (Poole and Dorset).
 SCL has a slot at the next Taskforce meeting to talk about the Universal Offers.
 The Taskforce’s 6 month report to the Minister and LGA is due to be published soon.
 Wi-fi funding bids are being evaluated. Letters will be sent out to applicants on 21st
October and an announcement made on 26th October.
 Discussion to take place at Nov Exec to discuss how SCL’s relationship with the Taskforce
should evolve.
The British Library’s work with public libraries: An outline of the Living Knowledge Network
proposition - Liz White, Head of Strategy Development, British Library
Liz White gave a presentation to Exec members outlining the BL’s proposition to expand the
number of public libraries they are working with from 6 (their existing Business and IP Centres
network) to 8 and ultimately 20 libraries with the aim that all public libraries would benefit in
some way.
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Executive Meeting Minutes
The presentation showed how the BL are trying to build on 6 areas of work (research, business,
custodianship, international, learning, culture) and develop key principles based on the BL’s
values particularly focusing on spaces, people and knowledge.
The BL have secured funding to develop the proposal and hope to have a draft ready for
discussion early in 2016.
A pilot is taking place at the Library of Birmingham around Shakespeare 2016 which includes a
joint exhibition and skills sharing.
Liz asked Exec members to discuss which activities could add value for libraries and users, how it
might be funded and how they decide where to target?
Highlights from the discussion included
 Skills sharing – i.e. the areas the Tate have previously shared through their network
retail, security, due diligence. Potentially anything the BL do could be shared and there
is the opportunity to link to partners such as Wellcome as well.
 Opportunity to expand cultural offer, exhibitions and events programme.
 Digital content – should also be considered.
 Generating excitement about national culture and engaging/connecting at a local
 Might help libraries access the ACE touring grants.
 Opportunity for marketing across a wider area.
 Local collections can add to the BL collection and generate extra excitement in areas
across the whole of England.
 Create legacy materials.
 Opportunity to link with HE through existing library partnership.
 It could bring the BL to people and allow them to tap into their resources.
 Needs to be more than just a BL roadshow it needs to have a local flavour as well.
 Libraries can help to add local community element/involvement/resources.
 Staff training BL and public library staff.
 Create clearer paths for public library staff to contact the BL.
Notes from future workshop will be brought back to the Exec.
Libraries Taskforce update - Kathy Settle, CEO of the Taskforce
Kathy informed Exec members that the Taskforce will soon release its 6 month report. The
report will pull together what the Taskforce partner members have contributed giving a picture
of the work taking place around public libraries.
Kathy went on to updated those present on the progress of the Taskforce, in the following
1. Comprehensive Spending Review
The Taskforce have been in discussions with various Government departments trying to
influence budgets and department bids. The spending review will be announced on 25th
Nov. The Taskforce are particularly focusing its efforts on the March 2016 budget.
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SCL members may be contacted and asked for ideas about where libraries would like
funding and the costs and benefits.
2. Welfare reform
The Taskforce have been talking with DWP trying to improve Job centre/library
relationships. There may be opportunities for libraries around co-location with job centres
and the role libraries can play in supporting universal credit.
3. Sharing best practice
Participants from SCL’s Digital Leadership Programme have conducted a pilot looking at best
practice sharing around Health and Wellbeing in public libraries. As a result of the pilot they
have been able to develop a process for sharing best practice across libraries which can be
implemented in other areas.
4. Alternative delivery models
The Taskforce have been talking to DCMS and asking for funding to support Local
Authorities to look at new models of service delivery specifically for libraries.
Kathy then answered questions from Exec members.
 Kathy Settle to be invited back to Exec in January.
 Ciara to continue to update Exec on Taskforce progress.
 SCL Members asked to let the Taskforce’s Communication’s Officer, Julia Chandler, know
about any big events taking place locally or opportunities for libraries to unite during the
Universal Offers Update
1. Information
1.1. Assisted Digital/Digital Inclusion Update
Jayne Wilkins explained the latest developments around procurement to Exec
members. The main points were –
 Digital Inclusion has now been added to the Assisted Digital procurement
approach and there will be two separate strands - one for assisted digital and
the other for digital inclusion.
 There are different tiers of supplier.
o Tier 1 suppliers will be informed when a project requires support and
they will be able to bid for any funding available.
o Tier 2 suppliers will not be able to bid directly for funding but can be
commissioned by Tier 1 suppliers to carry out work.
 It may be possible for SCL to be part of a consortium supplier (Tier 2) and a
supplier on its own (Tier 1).
 The Framework will go live in October and tenders will be invited from
organisations wishing to become a supplier.
 Jayne was due to attend a meeting later in the day to discuss plans with
Exec members agreed that they would like SCL to tender to become a Tier 1 supplier on its own
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and, if possible, as part of a consortium as well.
Exec members identified a need to increase SCL’s capacity in order to tender to become a
supplier and respond to bids as they arose. A number of options were discussed.
 Jayne Wilkins to contact SLIC.
 Jayne Wilkins to feedback to Exec members after her afternoon meeting.
 Ciara Eastell, Jayne Wilkins and Bev Rice to draw up a job description for a role to
support SCL’s tender and consider if this would be a short-term or long-term role.
 Regional Representatives to feedback to regions and Elizabeth Elford and Jayne Wilkins
to develop some key messages.
Bev Rice updated Exec members on the areas around Assisted Digital and Universal Credit which
had been identified as requiring development.
Bev Rice also reported back from a survey that had been undertaken looking at public access
internet provision in public libraries. After analysis the responses to the survey showed that free
access to the internet was not a problem. Exec members asked it be noted that in some areas
broadband internet was not available
Bev Rice to add actions and Assisted Digital model to Eve Jarvis’ short report and put the report
on website. The report can then be used in regions to inform and update SCL members.
1.2. Workforce development plans
Bev Rice informed Exec members that SCL have been shortlisted for a “Return on
Investment” Learning Pool Live award and Learning Pool have also been shortlisted for
the Learning Technologies E-Learning Awards, in the area of Best Learning
Management System Implementation.
Bev Rice explained to Exec members that she had had a number of requests from other
council departments in the UK and abroad to use the modules we have developed. SCL
pay a subscription to Learning Pool based on the number of users per year and
therefore we are unable to share without incurring a charge. Bev presented a number
of options for how SCL might offer access to the modules. After discussion it was
agreed that more work was required to gauge demand and further explore some of the
Bev informed Exec members that the Universal Credit module is progressing well and
should be ready by Dec/Jan and that existing modules are being updated and will be
moving platforms shortly.
Ciara Eastell thanked Bev and Jayne for all their work and for picking up this complex
 Bev Rice to look at costing and demand for the modules.
 Ciara Eastell, Jayne Wilkins and Bev Rice to look at the Assisted Digital role to consider
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including a workforce development element.
 Bev Rice to speak to Leaning Pool to see if they would be interested in buying the
 Time to be allocated at the November Exec meeting to discuss capacity.
Data – Ben Lee, Shared Intelligence
Ben explained some recent work he had done, on SCL’s behalf, looking at trends for CIPFA data.
It was agreed that this was an initial piece of work, which would require more robust analysis
before it could be effectively used as a piece of robust insight.
It was agreed that SCL should support Taskforce discussions to improve data collection.
 Fiona Williams volunteered to take on the role of CIPFA representative and Chair of the
Adult Plus group.
 Ciara Eastell to ask Jonathan Gordon if the CIPFA working group is still active and if it is
who is on the group.
 Ciara to liaise with the Taskforce on the plans for a working group looking at CIPFA data.
Universal Offers Update (continued)
2. Digital
 Nick Stopforth updated Exec members on the latest Digital Offer developments
 Wi-fi funding - 74 local authorities have indicated that they will be applying for the
funding and the aim is for 98-99% coverage across England by March 2016.
 Get Online Week – Tinder are planning to run ‘Digital Surgeries’ with local MP’s in
 Digital Friends – 25% of libraries services are on board but would like to increase this to
 The Digital Offer group are working with JISC investigating the option of having a single
federated access to online resources.
It was agreed that this should be piloted with some library services.
2.1. Digital presence stakeholder workshop, 15th Sept
Nick informed Exec members that Stage 1 of this project will be signed off soon. A
workshop was held on 15th Sept at the BL with key partners from over 20 different
organisations to test the idea and get feedback on the proposal before finalising the
report. There was a positive discussion and the main challenges identified were
investment, skills programme, leadership and governance.
2.2. Progress on rolling out digital leadership programme
Nick informed Exec members that cohorts 2 and 3 would be ready to roll out soon.
There had been 83 applications showing there is a huge demand for the course. The 38
successful applicants were being notified and the remaining applicants will be placed
on a waiting list.
 Nick Stopforth to re-send the information about the Digital Friends and how to sign up.
 Nick to circulate information on Get Online Week.
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3. Reading
Janene Cox updated Exec members on work being done around the Books and Reading
Offer –
 The Books and Reading group met in June and looked at the work programme for the
next 12 months.
 There are plans to develop a workforce development module.
 The Books and Reading group are going to produce a PowerPoint presentation to
show what the Books and Reading Offer is to re-engage with library staff.
 Author Andy McNab is going on a trek which has been tagged ‘Reading Journey’ and
he will be blogging throughout his travels. SCL had been asked to support and Exec
members agreed.
3.1. Shakespeare Week plans
Janene Cox informed Exec members that the G4A Shakespeare bid had been
 Janene Cox and Elizabeth Elford to devise some key messages to link to Andy McNab’s
Reading Journey.
 Ayub Khan to clarify with ACE that the SCL Shakespeare bid is separate from TRA’s
although we plan to work together.
4. Health
Julie Spencer updated Exec members on the latest work taking place around the Health Offer
 A webinar was recently delivered on Reading Well Books on Prescription for the
community learning network funded by BiS to pilot adult education courses to help
adults recover from mild to moderate mental health conditions.
 The final version of the Devon Public Health impact case study has now been signed off
and is available for use as an advocacy tool and to support conversations with
commissioners and public health colleagues. It was agreed that this case study would be
made available on the SCL website.
 The Children and Young People’s list is progressing and it was agreed that the
communications around the list should make it clear who the list is aimed and how the
list differs from the list which will soon be launched in Wales.
 The Big Lottery has approached TRA about setting up a reading challenge for adults with
a focus on health. There is funding for research and a pilot to take place in 5/6 library
Exec members agreed that they were happy for the initial research and pilots to take
Ciara informed Exec members that SCL were leading a health roundtable in October aiming to
maximise potential and bring people/organisations together.
Update on Wellcome partnership
Julie Spencer informed Exec members that a partnership proposal for Reading Well Books on
Prescription has been accepted by Wellcome Trust and Arts Council England. It has been
prepared jointly by The Reading Agency and The Society of Chief Librarians. A total of £120,000
has been secured.
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5. Learning
Julie Griffiths updated Exec members on the work of the Learning Offer group
 Most regions have now signed up to the offer.
 Katie Pekacar has been appointed as the Learning Offer Project Officer.
 The launch of the Learning Offer has been confirmed for the 5th November.
 Make it Digital – is a BBC project which includes a number of initiatives that libraries
could become involved in such as Weather Watch and Micro:bit (the micro:bit is a
pocket-sized codeable computer with motion detection, a built-in compass and
Bluetooth technology, which the BBC is going to give free to every child in year 7 or
equivalent across the UK). It is hoped that the Libraries Minister will announce that
libraries are a BBC ‘Make it Digital’ partner.
5.1. Access to Research Update
Access to Research – there will be a report for the November Exec meeting.
6. ASCEL/Children’s Promise Update
Sarah Mears updated Exec members on work taking place around the Children’s Promise
and ASCEL.
 Children’s Promise has had an 80% sign up but the aim is to get 100% so remaining
authorities are being chased.
 ASCEL Conference 2015: Life Changing Libraries is looking at how libraries support
the health, well-being and inclusion of children and young people will take place
13th and 14th November 2015. They have received some quality applications for
the free places and will be letting the successful people know soon.
 ASCEL have surveyed its members to gather examples of libraries and health
partnerships. They have received lots of examples of work taking place with early
years but need more examples of primary age projects.
 Workforce Development modules are being developed and YLG are part of the
 If SCL members have any examples of libraries and health partnerships with primary
aged children please let Sarah Mears know.
 Helen Drakard to update Sarah Mears on the take up of the Children’s Promise.
7. Six Steps Update
An update had been circulated and was noted.
Update on the external environment
1. Meeting with BBC, 23rd July
Ciara informed Exec members that Elizabeth Elford, Neil MacInnes and she had met with
the BBC to discuss their relationship with libraries. The BBC and SCL are looking at the
existing model and how they can change it to have more impact. Another meeting is
taking place next week.
It was noted that ‘Make it Digital’ would be a good opportunity to work with the BBC.
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2. Meeting with Booktrust new CEO, Diana Gerald
Ciara Eastell informed Exec members that Sarah Mears, Mark Freeman and she had met
with Diana Gerald, Booktrust’s CEO and discussed the potential for working together in
the future.
3. Interns day, 10th July
Ciara Eastell gave to Exec members about the intern day held in July.
Some library services have taken on extra interns but there are still places remaining.
4. Stakeholders Meeting 10th Sept
Ciara Eastell informed Exec members that the members of the Taskforce had attended
this meeting. The Taskforce members updated the stakeholders on the work they had
been undertaking and the stakeholders urged the taskforce to be radicle in their plans.
The stakeholders expressed that they were appreciative of what SCL do.
It was mutually agreed that the stakeholders and SCL would continue to meet.
 A BBC representative to be invited to a future Exec meeting.
 Helen Drakard to send another call out to members to fill the remaining intern places.
Seminar & Masterclass Programme
1. Seminar Evaluation
Ciara Eastell informed Exec members that the feedback from the seminar had been very
positive and that the first planning meeting for the 2016 seminar would take place next
2. Communicating the Positive Impact of Libraries Masterclass, 6 th November
Elizabeth Elford informed Exec members that the masterclass was oversubscribed.
3. IPA - Effective staff engagement in local service change
Ciara Eastell ask Exec members if they thought there would be demand for a
masterclass run by Nita Clarke looking at effective staff engagement in local service
change. There had been very positive feedback from her talk at the seminar and a
number of people had suggested a masterclass on this topic in their evaluation.
It was agreed that a masterclass would be well received if funding could be found to run
the workshop.
 Ciara Eastell to investigate potential funding for an ‘Effective staff engagement in local
service change’ masterclass.
Communication Update
1. National Libraries Day – 6th Feb
Elizabeth Elford informed Exec members that the planning group behind National Libraries day
2016 were hoping it would be a ‘golden moment’ and they are planning to do more than they
have in previous years. The aim in 2016 will be to get even more libraries and local authorities
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Exec members were keen to get involved but asked that the planning group be mindful that the
date is close to when budgets will be announced.
2. Universal Offer Newsletter
Elizabeth thanked the offer leads for completing the new template. The draft newsletter will be
circulated after the meeting for offer leads to feedback on before the final version is sent to all
members as a pdf.
It was agreed that the newsletter could also be shared with partners.
 Elizabeth Elford to circulate draft newsletter to offer leads for comment and sign off.
 Final newsletter to be circulated to all SCL members.
Subscription levels 16/17
Ciara Eastell informed Exec members that Elizabeth Elford is working on an advocacy document
to go out to members highlighting what they get in exchange for their membership fees.
It was agreed that the advocacy piece will be brought to the November Exec meeting along with
a paper on subscription levels for 2016/17.
Treasurer’s Update
The proposal Simon May had submitted was discussed and it was agreed that Helen Drakard
would take on the additional book keeping role as recommended.
Libraries Welcoming Refugees
Ciara Eastell proposed that SCL work with CILIP and potentially other partners (including ASCEL
to produce a communication document to show how libraries can help refugees. It was agreed
that SCL should lead on this and the draft would be circulated to regions prior to release.
 Elizabeth Elford to draw together a national message for refugees.
 SCL members should pass any quotes from refugees/asylum seekers using libraries to
Elizabeth Elford.
Dates of Future Meetings
25th Nov 2015 – Free Word Centre - London
20th Jan 2016
23rd Mar 2016
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