LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION XYZ CORRIDOR CONCEPT REPORT MARCH 15, 2007 CURRENT SITUATION AND PROBLEM STATEMENT The XYZ Corridor (Xavier/Yaloo/Zapeda) is a major commuter route within Lincoln’s Department of Transportation’s (LDOT) jurisdictional boundaries. The corridor serves as a major link connecting the suburban developments of Yaloo and Zapeda with Xavier’s commercial/business districts. The recent housing boom in both Yaloo and Zapeda has resulted in a significant amount of people establishing homes in the northern portion of the study area and commuting into the city of Zapeda. This shift in origin and destinations has consequently resulted in congestion and safety problems within the region, particularly during the PM peak period. The XYZ corridor has experienced congestion and safety problems with the afternoon commute being the most severe. The traffic data on I-99 and the local arterial indicate multiple points where demand exceeds current capacity. The current capacity on the highway is estimated at 6,600 vehicles per hour. The freeway is saturated where it intersects with Penn Street, Lynn Street and Fourth Street. Those interchanges add excessive volume to the northbound Interstate 99. In addition the accident rates are greater at locations near these interchanges. This prompted the Lincoln Department of Transportation to access possible alternatives to address this problem. The parallel arterial to I-99 is also experiencing severe congestion. This is primarily at the traffic signals where demand also exceeds capacity. The intersections at Penn Street, Lynn Street and Fourth Street were again identified as problem areas. The current signal system has not had any significant timing changes recently. The majority of this arterial is under the control of Lincoln DOT and as such, would be included in the scope of this study. VISION AND GOAL The vision of this study is to improve mobility and safety on the corridor. The goal is to utilize the provided budget to enhance the operation. CORRIDOR DESCRIPTION: The XYZ Corridor is twenty miles long and serves I-99 and Bradley/Gilmore Street. I-99 is a six lane divided limited access facility and Bradley/Gilmore St. is a four lane divided arterial. The current speed limits along I-99 are 55 mph and 35 to 45 mph along the arterials. The existing PM peak period volumes along Gilmore/Bradley and I-99 are 2000 & 6000 vph respectively in each direction. Some bus transit service is provided on the arterial. This accounts for one percent of daily trips. In regards to accident statistics, the corridor experiences 234 crashes per year with 65% of all crashes occurring within a ½ mile of the existing interchanges. More than half of all incidents are cleared in 30 minutes or less. From a systems operations perspective, LDOT operates 64 signals on a closed loop system with Xavier utilizing a centrally controlled system that currently operates independently from the State’s system. Fiber optic cable has been installed along the freeway and select arterials, but utilization of this utility has been very limited. LDOT currently maintains a traffic operations center (TOC) for all areas outside of Xavier. At this point the centers primary functions have been to control the one existing dynamic message system (DMS) along northbound I-99 and placing messages on the Highway Advisory Radio (HAR). The TOC has the ability to receive inputs from CCTV cameras along the corridor, but there are currently no devices in place within the study area. 1 Freeway Traffic Analysis Zenn Street Penn Street 4th Street Lynn Street Mainline count 6000 6000 7000 7025 On-ramp count n/a 1000 25 300 Off-ramp count n/a 0 0 0 Total count 6000 7000 7025 7325 Gilmore Street Traffic Analysis Zenn Street Penn Street 4th Street Lynn Street Street count 2000 2000 2100 2500 Cross street turns n/a 100 400 25 Total count 2000 2100 2500 2525 APPROACH In order to address the concerns of the XYZ Corridor, an interdisciplinary team of planners, engineers, incident managers and first responders was formed to identify alternatives and provide recommendations. This team was made up of experts in the field of Traffic Management, Traveler Information and Incident Management. Prior to working with LDOT, these individuals worked for the states of Maryland, North Carolina, New York, Massachusetts and Arizona. There were local government representatives included. This final report documents the findings of this team. ALTERNATIVES A number of alternatives were reviewed to address the problems along the XYZ Corridor. These alternatives have been divided up into those that addressed the freeway, those that addressed the arterial, and those that addressed travel demand along the entire corridor. Freeway Alternatives The following alternatives were reviewed to address the problems on the freeway: Freeway Service Patrol – Service patrols could be utilized to assist stranded motorist and to provide traffic control during incidents. The use of these freeway patrols would reduce the impacts of crashes and would reduce secondary accidents. Given current constraints on hiring, the freeway service patrol would be provided through an LDOT contract. Traffic Operation Center – Personnel at the TOC could provide real time traffic management and incident support. The tools could be operated from the TOC. The TOC would be operated out of an existing state facility, but there should be links to the City of Xavier traffic signal system. Given current constraints in staffing, the operators for the Traffic Operation Center would come from LDOT contracts. This solution would require two operators, twelve hours per day, for five days per week. Inter-agency integration – there is a need for local and state agencies to better coordinate during incidents. There is a need for better exchange of information between the two agencies. This could be addressed through a very simple text messaging system. 2 Closed Circuit TV – Another option that was considered was the use of cameras to monitor conditions on the freeways and arterials. This could reduce response times for incidents and provide better information on conditions. Toll Roads – toll roads could be constructed to provide additional capacity, but given the limitation that no additional capacity could be built in the near term, this option was not considered further. Highway Advisory Radio – HAR is currently deployed through out the corridor. Consideration was given to better utilizing this system through traffic management. Dynamic Message Signs – there is currently one DMS on the freeway. One option that was considered was to add additional DMS to inform motorist of road conditions and to shift traffic from the freeway to the arterials when incidents occur. Sensors – Another option was to install sensors in the pavement or edge of the roadway to provide traffic counts and assist in incident detection. 800 MHz radio system – interoperability is a problem. A two-way radio system could enhance communication. Corridor Management Team – an interagency team could be developed to look at current management issues along the corridor. This team would be made up of city, county, state, and federal officials as well as representatives of the private sector, law enforcement and the planning organizations. High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes – HOV lanes could provide additional capacity and could reduce the number of vehicles on the roadway by encouraging people to carpool. The current direction is that no additional capacity could be built in the near term, so this option was not considered any further. Arterial Alternatives The following alternatives were considered to address the problems on the arterials: 800 MHz radio system – interoperability is a problem for incident management on the arterials. A two-way radio system would enhance communication. Arterial Dynamic Message Signs – small arterial message signs could be utilized to provide information to drivers on the current conditions of the arterial roadways. Traffic signal timing and transit signal priority– the current signals have not been updated recently. Previous changes in traffic flow dictate that the signal should be retimed. It is recommended that a total of 79 signals be retimed. This includes 64 signals within LDOT’s jurisdiction and 15 within the City of Xavier. This has a high potential to improve operations along the arterial street. Transit priority should be considered on selected intersections. Integrating signal systems – Another option that was considered was to integrate the existing LDOT signal system into the Xavier signals. This would involve software enhancements and a centralized master server to provide communication and monitoring of the existing signals. Demand Management Alternatives The following alternatives were considered to address the amount of demand on the corridor: Traveler Information – the goal of this alternative would be to provide real time, accurate information on the transportation system. Commuters would be able to make better informed decisions about mode and routes. Traveler information could be used to shift drivers from one route to another and could encourage the use of buses or car-pool. Telecommuting – public sector agencies and private sector employers could be encouraged to provide opportunities for their employees to work from home. This would directly reduce the traffic demand. Transit utilization – current transit utilization is about 1%. It is recommended that the demand management strategies include encouraging additional use of the transit system. 3 Flex-time – drivers could be encouraged to change their work hours so they are not commuting during peak periods. Employers could also have employees work 4/10’s or 9/80’s so that it would reduce the number of commuters. Carpooling – a program could be implemented to encourage drivers to share rides. This program could improve traffic conditions, air quality and fuel conservation. Park and ride - locations could be identified for park and ride facilities. Agreements would need to be secured to utilize the locations and proper signage and security features would need to be implemented. Public information and media outreach – A key consideration of this plan was to provide outreach and education to the public. It is suggested that professionals in the field be brought in to develop a plan and create materials for this outreach program. In order for the other options to be effective, it is important that the public be provided quality information. COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS Freeway Cost/benefits Freeway Strategies Ramp Metering CCTV HAR Sensors DMS Incident Management (Contract) Incident Management System - FSP text message/digital photo back to TOC 800 Mhz (Communication System) TOC Coordination - Integration into existing -Text message to all agencies - Operators (contract) Corridor Management Team Total Cost of Freeway Strategies Ops & Maint Costs Initial Costs $80,000 $250,000 $400,000 $1,500,000 $100,000 $500,000 $2,830,000 $8,000 $25,000 $0 $40,000 $150,000 $0 $0 incrSpeed reducIncDur reducDelay reducDelay Benefit Mobility Safety 24% 33% 4.50% 5% 0.50% 30% $0 $10,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $457,600 $0 $740,600 Arterial Cost /benefits Arterial Strategies Arterial Dynamic Message Signs Signal Retiming/ transit priority Integrated signal system Total for Arterial Solutions Ops & Maint Costs Initial Costs $500,000 $300,000 $200,000 $1,000,000 4 $50,000 $30,000 $20,000 $100,000 Benefit Mobility Safety 10% Travel Demand Cost /benefits Initial Travel Demand Strategies Costs Demand Management Plan $100,000 - Telecommunicating, Flex Time, Carpooling, Park & Ride Public Info Media $300,000 Total for Travel Demand Solutions $400,000 Ops & Maint Costs $10,000 $0 $30,000 $40,000 Benefit RECOMMENDATIONS Based on an analysis of the costs and benefits, the team recommends that the freeway congestion be addressed through ramp metering, freeway management, and incident management. This would include installing cameras, sensor, and dynamic message signs for managing freeways. It would also include freeway service patrol. The team also recommends provide freeway service patrol to address stranded motorist. A Traffic Operation Center should also be implemented to provide a central location for managing the system. It is recommended that the arterial system be improved through retiming of the signals and linking the multiple signals together. It is also recommended that a few message signs be placed on the arterial system. Finally, it is recommended that aggressive travel demand activities be undertaken to reduce the demand on the system. This includes telecommuting, flexible work weeks, carpooling, transit, and park and rides. It is further recommended that a public outreach campaign be performed to educate the public on this program. System Components Ramp Metering Freeway Management Meters Cameras Highway Advisory Radio Sensors Dynamic Message Signs Freeway Service Patrol Radio system Traffic Operation Center Incident Management Corridor Management Team Arterial Management Demand Management Arterial Dynamic Message Signs Signal Retiming Integrated Signal Systems Demand Management Plan Public Information Campaign It is estimated that the freeway solutions would cost approximately $3m. The arterial solution would cost about $1M and the travel demand solutions would cost another $.5M In addition another $.5M should be set aside for design and contingencies. The operational costs are expected to increase by about $1M per year. The next step is to provide a recommendation to the management of LDOT and the local stakeholders. If this plan is adopted then a full systems engineering analyses should be completed in order to insure that this program has a high probability of success. It is recommended that an implementation plan be developed to guide the project. 5 APPENDIX A In order to better assess the alternatives for this study, the team drafted a high level concept of operation. Concept of operations Conditions of surface transportation impact roadway safety, mobility, and productivity. Adverse road conditions due to congestion, work zones, crashes, special events, and weather, impact mobility by increasing travel time delay, reduce throughput and speeds, and increase speed variance. Such events influence productivity by disrupting access to road networks, and increasing road operating and maintenance costs. Participating Agencies Roles and Responsibilities The ITS Elements of XYZ localities and LDOT’s Field Equipment (DMS, CCTV, Sensors, Ramp metering, Traffic signal timing, Portable DMS and communication backbone), the equipment would be entirely operated and managed by LDOT. Under this project, additional field equipment would be integrated into the existing TOC. Signal control would be under the existing local agency control management; however traffic responsive system integrated with the corridor management would be supervised by LDOT. Three types of travel management strategies would be employed in response to such adverse conditions: advisory, control, and response strategies. Advisory strategies provide information on prevailing and predicted conditions to both the LDOT TOC and the motorists. Control strategies alter the state of roadway devices to permit or restrict traffic flow and regulate roadway capacity. Response strategies supply resources to minimize or mitigate impacts. Travel time is one of the most important pieces of information that could be given to motorists. It is exactly the information they want, need, and can easily interpret and tailor to their specific trips. The approach that would be used for this project would be based on point detection and CCTVs. The TOC would make en-route travel times available to the public via dynamic message signs (DMS's). Travel time or delay information would typically be given by destinations or roadway segments. Incident Management improvement, integration of law enforcement and LDOT TOC XYZ localities personnel and with a corridor coalition is of utmost importance in promoting interagency coordination and cooperation and in facilitating efficiency in incident and traffic management operations. It allows the LDOT TOC, XYZ cities and PD to share resources more efficiently. Performance, utilization, and effectiveness of the system would be measured through “before and after study” to assess the following 1. 2. 3. Reduction in travel time. Reduction in incidents and clearance time Improvement in planning for system operation The TOC would be operated by LDOT. Data would be shared among cities DOT, State and PD. Analysis of Alternate System Configurations and Technology Options As this project is an expansion and upgrade of the ITS systems for freeway management including incident management along other cities and state highway, a number of technology choices, communications, and technical design of the ITS implementation would be inherited from the existing implementation. This includes: 1. Functional compatibility of new ITS field equipment with existing sign technologies, cameras, and vehicle sensors, and the communications with field elements. 2. utilize existing communications including fiber optic network is built back to TOC, 6 Procurement Options The implementation of ITS system along the I99 would be an LDOT funded project and would be identified in the region’s Transportation Improvement Program. The design, specification, development and procurement documents would follow LDOT’s contract administration procedures. This would include development of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for the project prior to bid. System Integration and Life Cycle Costs Based on a preliminary engineering estimate developed by the LDOT, the total project cost and system integration cost were identified. The operation and maintenance annual costs were developed from information in the US DOT’s ITS Cost Benefits database. Operations and Maintenance Operations and maintenance annual cost for the field components and communications is estimated at $ 1 million. The O&M cost is based on 8% of the total project cost Requirements Definition The functional requirements defined in this Project Systems Engineering Analysis were derived from the information maintained in the LDOT Regional Architecture. Requirements for three ITS elements are defined below, as follows: System Freeway Management System Sub Systems Incident Management Field Equipment (CCTV and sensors, ) Field Equipment (DMS) Computerized Incident notification First responder trucks etc Public Advisory Field Equipment ( Ramp metering and Signals) TOC (Information and control) Process Specification – Ramp metering, Sensor, Signals This process shall control Ramps at the I99. It shall address device control and processes that are responsible for freeway management. Process Specification – Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Data Interface (ID: 7 This process shall provide the interface through which traffic operations personnel can obtain access traffic data, traffic video images, and weather information. This stored data shall comprise current and long term (historic) data on traffic conditions, and roadside equipment activity. The data shall apply to some or all of the freeways, surface street, and rural roadways served by the central system. Where appropriate and/or requested by the traffic operations personnel, the process shall provide the data output in the form of an overlay onto a map of the relevant part(s) of the freeways, surface street and rural roadways served by the instance of the function. Equipment Package – TOC Traffic Information Dissemination This Equipment package provides the capability to disseminate roadway condition information to travelers, potential travelers, and private information service providers. This process shall transfer data to processes responsible for controlling roadway information devices such as dynamic message signs (DMS). Applicable ITS Standards and Testing Procedures Selection of Applicable ITS Standards Based on an analysis of the architecture flows and market package selections for the project, the LDOT ITS Improvements I99 project would identify the ITS standards and test procedures. The table below shows the applicable NTCIP center to field communications standards. For the ITS Improvement project. The ITS Improvement project would not specify NTCIP standards for other ITS devices based on the following considerations: 1. Adding NTCIP communications for CCTV and sensors would require modification to the central software. The existing central software currently controls cameras based on a proprietary protocol. In order to integrate NTCIP compliant cameras, the central software would need to be modified to use the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), as defined by NTCIP as the transport of objects to/from ITS devices. 2. LDOT would need to develop a MIB (Management Information Base), as defined by the NTCIP, as the method of specifying device object definitions for the various devices The following summarizes the minimum necessary actions to develop the necessary project-specific NTCIP device object (specifications) for the CCTV and sensor devices: a. Develop an operational concept and requirements for the devices. b. Develop an NTCIP MIB for each of the device types that is conformant with LDOT’s operational concept and requirements, and the NTCIP conformance statement. c. Develop performance requirements for communications between the central system and devices List of Applicable ITS Communications Standards Document Number NTCIP 1101 NTCIP 1201 NTCIP 1203 Document Title Involved Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF) Global Object Definitions Object Definitions for Dynamic Message Signs 8