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OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
Forensic Investigation & Investigative Response Services
The goal of the Verizon Investigative Response service offering is to assist our
customers in responding rapidly and effectively to perceived threats to sensitive
information, customer data, and network quality of service. Verizon is a registered
and assessed provider of incident response services under the CREST cyber
incident response scheme, a scheme led by CREST and endorsed by GCHQ and
CPNI, which focuses on appropriate standards for incident response aligned to
demand from all sectors of industry, the wider public sector and academia.
The Investigative Response process follows the following process which is
described in the next section of the document.
Figure 1 – Investigative Response Process
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
Investigation steps
The following tasks are to be performed by our specialists:
1. Initial Incident Response Phase
a. Introduction
The Initial Incident Response Phase begins when a potentially harmful incident is
first suspected. The goal of this phase is to mobilize quickly to identify the source
of the unwanted activity and contain it. The primary objective of the Initial Incident
Response phase is to identify the breach take appropriate steps to contain the
compromise, while at the same time, taking steps to maintain the integrity of the
b. Approach
During the Initial Incident Response phase, Verizon will coordinate with Customer
IT security personnel to identify the source of the unwanted activity for the
purposes of analysis, documentation, and potential reporting / disclosure.
c. Methodology
The following elements are critical components of the Verizon Initial Incident
Response process:
i.Identify the Source: Verizon will work in close coordination with Customer IT
Security personnel to analyze network and application activity, in addition
to the impacts of any internal analysis, to identify the source of any
perceived unwanted activity.
ii.Containment: Once the source of the unwanted activity has been
conclusively identified, the next critical objectives of the phase are to
contain the breach and take appropriate steps to contain the compromise.
This component of the process may involve network and/or system-level
modifications to Customer systems. All modifications should be carried
out by Customer under the direction of Verizon.
iii.Evidence Preservation: In situations involving the theft of sensitive
information, Customer must provide Verizon all necessary approvals so
that Verizon may clearly understand the cause and full extent of the
breach. Verizon will make best efforts to maintain the quality and integrity
of the crime scene. At the conclusion of the phase, relevant forensics
data sources identified will be transitioned to the Investigative Response
team for further analysis, regardless of whether that role is fulfilled by
Verizon, Customer, or law enforcement.
d. Customer Responsibilities
During the Initial Incident Response phase of the Investigative Response
engagement, Customer agrees to:
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
i.Provide Verizon with copies of all configuration information, log files, network
and connectivity diagrams, intrusion detection events, and other forensic
data deemed relevant to the Incident and its analysis;
ii.Manage the collection and dissemination of all information regarding an
Incident with Customer technical and managerial personnel, legal and
public relations departments, others within Customer enterprise, and other
involved companies;
iii.Be responsible for and facilitate all communications between the Investigative
Response Team and any third-party vendors, including Internet service
providers and content-hosting firms, utilized by Customer;
iv.Provide a secure office or work area equipped with desks, chairs, telephones,
and laptop computer connections (or analog telephone lines, as Verizon
specifies) for use by the Investigative Response Team while working onsite at Customer premises;
v.Provide the Investigative Response Team with supervised access to
computer systems and computer networks during the agreed upon
vi.Be responsible for the decision and authority to implement (or not to
implement) any recommendations, the actions taken to do so, and the
results achieved from such implementation; and
vii.Be responsible for the actual content of any data file, selection, and
implementation of controls and use, and security of stored data.
e. Verizon Responsibilities
Verizon will provide consulting services and support in the following areas of
Initial Incident Response:
i.Threat Identification: Personnel interviews and analysis of forensics data
sources to clearly identify the source of the perceived unwanted activity;
ii.Containment: Coordinate with Customer to identify the unwanted activity, and
take appropriate steps to contain the compromise; and
iii.Evidence Preservation: Identify and maintain the integrity of relevant forensic
data sources that may be necessary for the purposes of forensic analysis
and transition that information to the Investigative Response team.
Upon completion, Verizon will provide Customer with documentation outlining the
specific impacts and findings relative to the Initial Incident Response phase of the
engagement. Depending upon the requirements of Customer, this report may
either be in the form of an Incident Report Short Form or Statement of Preliminary
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
2. Computer Forensic Analysis Phase
a. Introduction
Computer Forensic Analysis commences only after the Initial Incident Response
phase has completed and the perceived unwanted activity has been identified
and contained. This second stage of the Investigative Response engagement is
intended to document the source and full extent of the breach for the purposes of
the Incident Post-mortem process as well as to support criminal prosecution or
other litigation support relative to a civil matter.
b. Approach
The Verizon Investigative Response Team utilizes a combination of open-source,
commercially available, and proprietary forensic tools in efforts to gain multiple
analysis vantage points.
c. Methodology
During the Computer Forensic Analysis phase of the Investigative Response
engagement, Verizon will make efforts to clearly establish the full extent of the
security breach or data compromise event. The full extent of the breach may
include the source, the initial point of entry, the tools and methods employed by
the intruder(s), and a listing of the systems, accounts, and third-parties exposed.
More importantly, in situations involving the theft of sensitive information, the full
extent may include the quantities and types of information compromised as a
result of the breach.
To support the Computer Forensic Analysis phase, Verizon may use a number of
forensic, network, and/or application analysis tools. These tools may include, but
are not limited to, the following:
i.FTK: An over-the-counter forensic tool that features powerful file filtering and
search functionality, allowing the user to search through thousands of files
to find evidence quickly;
ii.EnCase: A versatile over-the-counter Windows-based forensic analysis tool
supporting data acquisition, data recovery, and de-duplication. ;
iii.IDA Pro: A Freeware multi-platform disassembly and debugger;
iv.iLook: A non-commercially-available tool. ILook is commonly used to capture
and analyze images from computer drives and other external storage
media; and
v.Coroner’s Toolkit (TCT): A Freeware tool used for Post-mortem analysis of a
UNIX system. Notable TCT components are the Grave-Robber tool that
captures information, the ILS and MACTIME tools that display access
patterns of files, dead or alive, the UNRM and LAZARUS tools that
recover deleted files, and the FINDKEY tool that recovers cryptographic
keys from a running process or from files.
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
Also during the Computer Forensic Analysis phase, Verizon may use several
techniques to identify relevant data:
i.Time line of file, application, network, and system event activity;
ii.Analysis of allocated disk sectors, files, and directories for the purposes of
recovering deleted data;
iii.Analysis of unallocated file system space for relevant information that may
have been deleted;
iv.In-depth analysis of file system binaries and executables for evidence of
tampering or misuse;
v.Recovery of relevant data stored on damaged or otherwise unusable media;
vi.Analysis of tapes, optical media, and other backup related mediums for
evidence of relevant information.
The specific results of this type of file recovery analysis may restore the target
data files to their original locations on the disk or media they were recovered
from. In many cases, Verizon may be able to recover most of the files and
individual file versions that have existed on a given target system. Note: due to
the variables encountered when attempting to recover deleted, destroyed, or
otherwise unrecoverable data, results cannot be guaranteed.
d. Customer Responsibilities
During the Computer Forensic Analysis phase of the Investigative Response
engagement, Customer agrees to:
i.Provide Verizon with copies of all configuration information, log files, network
and connectivity diagrams, intrusion detection events, and other forensic
data sources deemed relevant to the Incident and its analysis;
ii.Manage the collection and dissemination of all information regarding an
Incident with Customer technical and managerial personnel, legal and
public relations departments, others within Customer enterprise, and
other involved companies;
iii.Be responsible for and facilitate all communications between the Analysis
Team and any third-party vendors, including Internet service providers
and content-hosting firms, utilized by Customer;
iv.Provide a secure office or work area equipped with desks, chairs, telephones,
and laptop computer connections (or analog telephone lines, as Verizon
specifies) for use by the Analysis Team while working on-site at Customer
v.Provide the Analysis Team with supervised access to computer systems and
computer networks during the hours agreed upon;
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
vi.Be responsible for the decision and approval to implement (or not to
implement) our recommendations, the actions taken to do so, and the
results achieved from such implementation;
vii.Be responsible for the actual content of any data file, selection and
implementation of controls on its access and use, and security of stored
data; and
viii.Be responsible for the decision to notify any outside parties, including law
enforcement, of the findings.
e. Verizon Responsibilities
Verizon will provide consulting services and support in the following areas of
Computer Forensic Analysis:
i.Evidence Acquisition and Analysis: Verizon will utilize a combination of opensource, proprietary, and commercially available forensic and network
analysis tools to acquire and analyze relevant evidence.
ii.Maintaining Chain of Custody: All evidence acquired for the purposes of the
investigation, including electronic media, forensic images, and paperbased reports, will be handled in accordance with industry-practices in
relation to maintaining chain of custody. Verizon will securely transport
and store all acquired evidence to maintain the confidentiality and integrity
of the data;
iii.Achieving Informational Objectives: Data acquisition and analysis will be
performed specifically for the purposes of understanding the source and
extent of the breach. Achieving the informational objectives of the
investigation, as stated above, will set up the litigation and/or prosecution
phase and serve to minimize any potential fraud losses or impact to
At the conclusion of the Computer Forensics Analysis phase, Verizon will provide
Customer with an Investigative Management Report. This report will detail the
specific findings of the investigation and the extent of the breach.
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
3. Litigation Support Phase
a. Introduction
Successfully pursuing the prosecution of the intruders, or achieving any
successes in civil proceedings, will be in reliance of Customer meeting Customer
obligations, as defined herein so that Verizon may achieve the informational and
milestone objectives outlined in the Initial Incident Response and Computer
Forensic Analysis phases. Litigation Support activities commence at the
conclusion of the first two phases of the Incident Response lifecycle and may
involve electronic data recovery, case evidence preparation, transitioning of case
evidence to law enforcement, and expert witness testimony.
b. Approach
The Verizon Investigative Response team uses a very careful and detailed
approach to the first two phases of the Investigative Response lifecycle that
assists in the Litigation Support Phase. Verizon can assist if Customer chooses to
pursue the prosecution of the intruder(s), notify outside parties of the Incident, or
engage law enforcement officials.
c. Methodology
The Verizon Investigative Response includes both assisting customers in public
disclosure following a data compromise event and working in coordination with
law enforcement to assist in the capture and successful prosecution of the
intruder(s). Verizon may also provide expert witness as needed by Customer.
Note: the Litigation Support phase does not always come into play following an
Incident. Given the background and facts of the case, the requirement for
Litigation Support may be very clear at the onset of an Investigative Response
engagement. If not, services in this regard are not scoped or priced as part of the
initial engagement. In these circumstances, Litigation Support services are priced
and scoped separately if deemed necessary by Customer.
d. Customer Responsibilities
During the Litigation Support phase of the Investigative Response engagement,
Customer agrees to:
i.Provide Verizon with copies of all configuration information, log files, network
and connectivity diagrams, intrusion detection events, and other forensic
data sources deemed relevant to the Litigation Support activity;
ii.Manage the collection and dissemination of all information regarding an
Incident with Customer technical and managerial personnel, legal, and
public relations departments, as well as any others individuals deemed
necessary by Customer;
iii.Be responsible for and facilitating and arranging all necessary court time,
evidence discovery, and other trial related requirements;
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016
OnDemand Forensic & Incident Response
Service Description
iv.Provide a secure office or work area equipped with desks, chairs, telephones,
and laptop computer connections (or analog telephone lines, as Verizon
specifies) for use by the Litigation Support Team while working on-site at
Customer premises;
v.Be responsible for the decision and proper approval to implement (or not to
implement) any recommendations, the actions taken to do so, and the
results achieved from such implementation; and
vi.Be responsible for the actual content of any data file, selection, and
implementation of controls on its access and use, and security of stored
e. Deliverables
Unlike situations involving Initial Incident Response and advanced Computer
Forensic Analysis, Litigation Support activities can vary greatly depending upon
the circumstances and the specific Customer needs. At the onset of any
Litigation Support engagement, Verizon will agree to a suitable documentation
format that will satisfy reporting needs.
Note - engagement deliverables will be formatted in accordance with payment
industry guidelines.
Also note - as an approved QFI - Verizon is required to provide the Associations
(MasterCard and Visa) with copies of all engagement deliverables upon request
unless there is a national law preventing this or there is a previous contract with
an NDA in place between Verizon and the customer prior to this investigation.
Always check with your legal department or your legal advisor if these
investigative steps can be taken or if additional requirements are necessary.
Verizon does NOT provide legal services but is well experienced in liaising with
legal advisors.
Customers are advised to store the original investigative items themselves in a
secure location. Any evidentiary items that are processed by the IR lab in the
course of an investigation are retained for 18 months. After the investigation they
are securely deleted or can handed over to the customer or the party of your
choice upon request.
This document contains Verizon proprietary and confidential material that shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.
07 March 2016