Pg. 1
1. amorous (adj.)
in love; enamored
2. comeliness (n.)
condition of being comely (good-looking);
pleasing appearance;
(ant. homeliness)
3. connoisseur (n.)
person competent to act as a judge
in matters involving taste and
appreciation; expert
4. disconcert (v.)
throw in mental confusion; upset;
confuse; embarrass
5. hectic (adj.)
filled with excitement or confusion;
characterized by turmoil or feverish
activity; restless
6. opinionated (adj.)
unduly adhering to personal opinions or
preconceived notions; obstinate
7. ostensibly (adv.)
to all outward appearances; apparently;
in an ostensible (open-to-view) manner
(ant.) actually, really)
8. reprove (n.)
administer a rebuke to; scold
9. shallowness (n.)
of little depth; the condition of being
shallow; lack of intellectual depth;
(ant.) profundity)
10. vituperation (n.)
sustained and bitter scolding and
condemnation; abusive language;
(ant.) acclaim, praise
Pg 2
Exercise 1. Which of the two choices makes the sentence correct? Write the
letter of your answer in the space provided.
1. They think they can fool people ______ of the time. I marvel at their shallowness.
A. all
B. some
2._____ is a work in which you might expect to find an amorous character.
A. “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
B. The Courtship of Miles Standish
3. Russell is opinionated; he ______ his mind.
A. hardly ever changes
B. cannot make up
4. When Dolores is concentrating, she turns ______ the hi-fi because she finds the
music disconcerting.
A. on
B. off
5. A person enters a phone booth ostensibly to ______.
A. eat a sandwich
B. make a phone call
6. You cannot be a connoisseur if you do not have a _______.
A. highly specialized knowledge in
a particular area
B. broad educational background
and familiarity with a variety of
7. The trip was hectic; ________ .
A. we left at 9 a.m. and arrived a few
minutes before noon
B. the traffic lights were out and we
had to make detours due to the
flooding and fallen trees
8. You should have heard the _____ . Never have I witnessed such vituperation.
A. cheers and applause
B. denunciation and jeers
9. Comeliness has nothing to do with ______ .
A. personal appearance
B. intelligence
10. If you are reproved, you will be _______ .
A. rebuked for committing a fault
B. shown to have been right all along
Pg 3
Exercise 2. Replace the italicized words with a single word from the vocabulary list.
Vocabulary List
1. What makes you think you are a (an) competent judge
of Eskimo carvings?
1. _________________
2. As the deadline neared, the negotiations were
characterized by feverish activity.
2. _________________
3. If you do not stop, we will leave. We refuse to
listen to such abusive language!
3. _________________
4. Never did it enter the minds of the doting parents to
administer a rebuke to their mischievous child.
4. _________________
5. Which of the suitors is the most inclined to love?
5. _________________
6. The store, to all outward appearances, was an
ordinary hardware shop.
6. _________________
7. Some stretches of the river are unnavigable because
of lack of depth.
7. _________________
8. These needlessly long and complicated instructions
are sure to throw the reader into mental confusion.
8. _________________
9. Perhaps you can reason with Sam. We find him
unduly adhering to preconceived notions.
9. _________________
10. Janet’s wit and pleasing appearance won our hearts
at once.
10. _________________
Pg 4
Exercise 3. Fill the blanks in column A with the required synonyms and
antonyms, selecting them from column B.
Column A
Column B
_____________________ 1. synonym for upset
_____________________ 2. synonym for scold
_____________________ 3. antonym for acclaim
_____________________ 4. synonym for restless
_____________________ 5. synonym for affectionate
_____________________ 6. antonym for shallowness
_____________________ 7. synonym for expert
_____________________ 8. antonym for homeliness
_____________________ 9. synonym for obstinate
____________________ 10. antonym for really
Pg 5
Exercise 4. Read the following statements. Then complete each sentence by
inserting the most appropriate proper name from these statements.
When Martinez reached the office, he had Miss Wells phone the airport to cancel his
reservations on the 10 p.m. flight to London.
Longfellow fell in love with Miss Appleton,
the daughter of a Boston merchant, but she
did not give him too much encouragement.
This evening Peggy was again told that
she had left the lights on in her room
before leaving in the morning.
Jim got up at six to finish an assignment, gulped his breakfast, was nearly late for school,
attended track practice, kept a 5:45 appointment with the dentist, and returned a book to the
library before coming home.
For suggesting an end to the feud with our
rivals, Atkins was called a traitor, an ingrate
and a fool.
Jason could sing, dance, and act, but he
obviously did not have the appearance
usually associated with a leading man.
At the family gathering, Pat was embarrassed when his mother referred to the difficulties he
was having with chemistry.
Bennett chided his colleagues for their
superficial treatment of the problem of
poverty and their failure to confront its
basic causes.
Despite the fact that the textbook, the
teacher, most of her classmates showed
that she was wrong, Ingrid kept insisting
she was right.
When Sarah took the old clock she had bought at the auction to be appraised, she was
surprised to learn that it was more than one hundred years old and worth about five hundred
Pg 6
1. ____________________ had a hectic day.
2. ____________________ was reproved.
3. ____________________ seemed to be opinionated.
4. ____________________ ostensibly had planned to go abroad.
5. ____________________ was subjected to vituperation.
6. ____________________ consulted a connoisseur.
7. ____________________ was cool to an amorous admirer.
8. ____________________ opposed shallowness.
9. ____________________ was somewhat lacking in comeliness.
10. ____________________ was disconcerted.