Egg Osmosis Lab: Hypotonic, Hypertonic Solutions

Name ________________________________
Hour _________________
Egg Osmosis Lab
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate what happens when an animal cell is
exposed to varying osmotic environments
Questions to Think About:
What happens when a cell is subjected to a solution where the water concentration
is higher than that inside a cell (hypotonic solution)?
What happens when a cell is subjected to a solution where the water
concentration is lower than that inside a cell (hypertonic solution)?
What happens when a cell is subjected to a solution where the water concentration
is equal to that inside a cell (isotonic solution)?
The cell is like a salty sea that is mostly water. The cell membrane in an animal cell is
both a protective barrier and a filter to keep unwanted materials out and bring needed
materials inside. Water can move freely through the cell membrane with osmosis. So
can small molecules such as sodium and calcium ions. Large molecules like
polysaccharides and proteins need assistance in moving through the cell membrane. In
this experiment, you will be looking at the movement of water.
3 Eggs
3 Plastic cups
Corn syrup
Paper towels
Day 1
1. Grab a cup and mark it with your period number, group number, and water, using
a sharpie.
2. One group member should take an egg from the egg crate, weigh it on a scale and
place the egg in the correctly marked cup.
3. Record the starting weight of the egg in the table on the student worksheet.
4. Gently pour water into the cup so that the egg is just covered by it.
5. Repeat steps 1 thru 4 with an egg for vinegar, and an egg for corn syrup instead of
6. Put your cups together on a tray designated by your teacher.
7. Once you have completed this part of the lab, answer the pre-lab prediction
questions on the student worksheet.
Name ________________________________
Hour _________________
Day 2
1. One group member should take the egg gently out of each cup, rinse gently
under tap water, pat it dry with a paper towel, and weigh it on a scale.
2. Record the final weight of each egg in the table of your student worksheet.
3. Dispose of the liquids down the drains, and throw the eggs into the trash.
4. Once you have done this, complete the rest of the table, and answer the analysis
Name ________________________________
Hour _________________
Student worksheet
Pre-Lab Predictions:
1. What will happen to the weight of the egg in corn syrup? Why?
2. What will happen to the weight of the egg in the water? Why?
3. What will happen to the weight of the egg in the vinegar? Why?
Weight at the
Weight at the end
Difference in
Corn Syrup
Analysis Questions:
1. How did the results compare to your pre-lab predictions?
Which of the solutions were hypertonic? What is your evidence?
3. Which of the solutions were hypotonic? What is your evidence?
Increase or