PERFORMA NCE SCHOOL 2010 2011 2012 Date: February 24, 2014 6:00p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER 5:59pm A. RENEW Pledge of Allegiance to Flag B. Reading of JMCA Mission Statement James Madison Charter Academy’s mission is to provide students with opportunities to develop the lifelong learning skills needed to inspire and direct their lives in a multicultural world. C. ROLL CALL - Mrs. Nan Gracin, Mr. Mike Compton, Mrs. Charla Nunez, Mrs. Delaine Otwell, Mrs. Jennifer Hartzell. Additional attendees: Dr. Anne Shearer-Shineman, Principal, Mrs. Donna Smith, Business manager. D. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO BE HEARD -None Any resident, parent or employee of JMCA is welcome to address the Board of Directors at this time on items PERTAINING TO EDUCATION AND/OR THE OPERATION OF JMCA. Any person wishing to address the Board is requested to stand, sign in and state their name. Questions relating to employees of JMCA WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. Such questions should be referred to the Principal. It is requested that comments be limited to five (5) minutes. II. RECURRENT A. Approval of Minutes: - Motion made by Mrs. Hartzell to accept and approve minutes for meeting on January 27, 2014 (pending any revisions or changes). Seconded by Mr. Compton. Approved by unanimous vote. B. Upcoming JMCA Activities: - Feb. 24th – TCAP assembly, Gr. 3-6 - Feb. 25th & 26th – 3rd Grade Reading TCAP - Feb. 28th – Seuss Day (Read Across America) assembly at 8:15am - Mar. 5th – Panda Express Fundraiser (BAAC) 5-8pm - Mar. 12th – Class/group pictures rescheduled until Apr. 23rd - Mar. 14th – 3rd Quarter assembly 8:15am (with luau theme) Jeans & Greens Day (Free) PTO Luau Party 6-8pm - Mar. 17th – BAAC 4:15pm Board Meeting 6pm - Mar. 20th – McTeacher Night 5-8pm - Mar. 24th – Apr. 4th – Spring Break - TCAP dates: - Mar. 3rd – 14th: TCAP Testing – no visitors in building - Mar. 6th & 12th: NO school for Gr. K-3 C. Principal’s Report 1. TCAP/CMAS a. Everything is ready to go for TCAP testing. Logistics will be as in the past with testing starting first thing in the morning. Students will have a healthy snack provided prior to testing. For all but two days, we will have 2 testing sessions, 3 on Mar. 3rd & 4th. b. Training on CMAS administration will be the week prior to spring break. c. CMAS is the new testing done online and is 3 sessions of science for 5th graders, social studies for 4th graders. I do not foresee problems with this testing as we test each grade level in one or two groups. 2. Calendar for 2014-15 a. Dr. Shearer-Shineman confirmed with the District that they will have Spring Break the last week of March, so we want to have it at the same time. b. Dr. Shearer-Shineman worked with the staff to reconfigure how we do parent/ teacher conferences around Columbus Day. c. We added an “April Day” to provide a break during the long stretch between Spring Break and Memorial Day. D. Committee Reports 1. PTO: a. Providing lunch for staff on March 12th. b. Spring Fling with luau theme on March 14th, 6-8pm. c. Fundraiser April 9-23rd? : braided breads and popcorn like before d. Pancake breakfast in May. 2. BAAC: a. We made $735 on Schwan’s fundraiser; we don’t know yet the profit from our Texas Roadhouse event. b. We will send out the annual parent survey before Spring Break. c. We continue to design a new playground and put dollars to the plan. We have selected the equipment we hope to purchase for kinder playground and posted it on our fundraiser thermometer. d. We have more fundraisers planned this spring to raise more funds for grounds and playground work: March – Panda Express, March 5th April – Noodles Possibly selling I Top It cards Ongoing – Schwann’s online 3. DAAC: - Was cancelled due to District snow days. 4. Marketing: - No Meeting. 5. Other: None III. RECOMMENDED ACTION A. ACT ON Expenditures/Budget: - Motion by Mr. Compton for the Board to ratify the expenditures of $85, 133.16 for the month of December 2013. Seconded by Mrs. Otwell. Approved by unanimous vote. - January 2014 Financials were not available, will be presented at the March 2014 meeting. B. ACT ON Any Recent Issues not on this agenda. - Motion made by Mrs. Otwell for the Board to approve Recommendation 1, holding Board of Director elections on Thursday, May 15th, 2014. Seconded by Mr. Compton. Approved by unanimous vote. - Motion made by Mrs. Otwell for the Board to approve the proposed calendar for 2014-2015 (with the changes discussed). Seconded by Mrs. Nunez. Approved by unanimous vote. - Motion made by Mrs. Otwell to terminate Employee A. Seconded by Mr. Compton. Approved by unanimous vote. - Motion made by Mrs. Otwell to hire Employee B. Seconded by Mr. Compton. Approved by unanimous vote. - Motion made by Mrs. Otwell to hire Employee C. Seconded by Mr. Compton. Approved by unanimous vote. IV. NEXT MEETING: March 17, 2014 6pm V. ADJOURNMENT: 6:49 pm J A M E S M A D I S O N C H A R T E R A C A D E M Y • 660 S Y R A C U S E S T ., C O L O R A D O S P R I N G S , CO 80911 w w w.j m c a c o l o r a d o .o r g ● PH: ( 7 1 9 ) 3 9 1 - 3 9 7 7 ● FAX: (719) 391-1744