Five Types of Bullying - Hardin County Schools


Five Types of Bullying


The first scenario is “Cyber Bullying”. Several kids get on their computer or smart phones, usually from their homes and begin to post negative comments about one kid in particular for no good reason. Comments can be true, lies or just rumors.


Some kids may have threatened or carried out physical violence on another child. Even though the threat of physical harm may not have happened, it’s still considered

“Physical Bullying”.


There is also “Resource Bullying”. These individuals are motivated by materialistic objects. Hiding objects to prevent others from seeing them. Hoarding, Bragging,

Flaunting and stealing without returning.


“Relational Bullying” Female youth practice what has been called relational intimidation. Withholding friendships, manipulation of relationships or ignoring another individual. Encouraging ostracism of an individual.


“Emotional Intimidation” The act of using verbal or written insults, name calling, raised voices, gossip or taunting to impose dominance over another. Verbal aggression, isolating or excluding someone, threatening physical harm to oneself or others and spreading rumors or lies to humiliate.

Antonio Stephens

Officer Antonio E. Stephens

From the Desk…….

Officer Antonio E. Stephens

Hardin County Schools

District Resource Officer

65 W.A. Jenkins Road

Elizabethtown, Ky 42701

Office: (270) 769-8862


From the Desk…….

Officer Antonio E. Stephens

Hardin County Schools

District Resource Officer

65 W.A. Jenkins Road

Elizabethtown, Ky 42701

Office: (270) 769-8862

