Ko taku wawata Rita-Lee.doc

Ko Taku Wawata/My Future Job
Have you ever wondered what you would like to
do when you grow up? A lawyer? A teacher? Or
maybe even a Chef! Well I know what I want to do
when I grow up!
Come closer and listen carefully as I share my
dream job with you.
When I grow up I want to be an art teacher.
The skills you need to become art teacher is
patience and an eye for detail.
I want to be an art teacher because I like to draw a
Everyday I try to copy my aunty’s artwork.
I want to inspire other people to follow their
dreams and help them become what I want to be
when I grow up.
To be a great art teacher is to believe in yourself
that you can do it.
I know I need to do is to go to University and study
different types of media like paint, textures and
Whatever you want to do when you grow up
believe that you can do it.
Written by Rita-Lee Harrison Stephens
Room 21