Chapter 8- 1. What determines how the message strategy will be

Chapter 81. What determines how the message strategy will be executed?
A. Creative strategy
B. Creative tactics
C. Creative media
D. None of the above
2. These are all part of Young’s Creative Process EXCEPT?
A. Immersion
B. Digestion
C. Incubation
D. Disposal
3. A ______________ specifies the basic elements of the creative strategy.
A. Paste
B. Copy Platform
C. Undo
D. Tactic
4. Inputs to the creative process include all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Preparation
B. Incubation
C. Illumination
D. Demonstration
5. What is NOT an example of a general preplanning input?
A. Books
B. Periodicals
C. Pictures
D. Movie trailers
6.) _______ is the ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate ideas that can be used as
solutions to communications problems.
B.) Advertising Creativity
C.) Advertising Appeal
D.)Advertising Substantiation
7.) _______ is a comprehensive advertising plan that consist of a series of messages in a
variety of media that center on a single theme or idea
A.)Advertising Promotion
B.) Advertising
C.) Advertising Appeal
D.) Advertising Campaign
8.) An advertising strategy that focuses on a product or service attribute that is distinctive
to a particular brand and offers an important benefit to the customer.
A.) Unique Selling Proposition
B.)User Provided Content
C.)Shock Advertising
D.) Source Content
9.) Advertising that creates an identity for a product or service by emphasizing
psychological meaning or symbolic association with certain values, lifestyles, and that like.
A.) Image Promotion
B.) Image Advertising
C.) Image
D.) Image Transfer
10.) What company brand had the top advertising slogan of the century?
A.) Avis
B.) Nike
C.) DeBeers
D.) Coca Cola
11.) _______ Can be used to guide the creative process?
A.) Copy Platform Outline
12.) What is the last step in the Copy Platform Outline?
A.) Advertising and communications objectives
B.) Target audience
C.) Major selling Ideas
D.) Supporting information and requirements
13.) Reebok's "I am what I am" campaign uses which style of advertising?
A.) Slogan
B.) Promotional
C.) Image
D.) Benefit
14. Focus groups usually have around how many people in them?
A. 4-6
B. 8-9
C. 10-12
D. 20 or more
15. _________ determines what the advertising message will communicate?
A. Creative strategy
B. Creative tactics
C. Customers
D. None of the above
16. The creative strategy used to sell these products is based on the development of a
strong, memorable identity for the brand is called what?
A. image advertising
B. image branding
C. brand image
D. advertising
17. An apprach yo advertising that focuses on the benefits or characteristics that lead a
consumer to purchase a product or service and uses dramatic elements to emphasize is?
A. in house agency
B. inherent drama
C. focus groups
D. research
18. Account planning is
A. a process that involves conducting research and gathering all relevent information about
a clients product or service, brand, and consumers in the target audience.
B. a process that involves conducting information and recieving the consumers feedback
C. communicating the information to the consumer
D. planning the advertising for the product
19. The central message that is communicated in all the advertising and other promotional
activites is
A. copy platform
B.campaign theme
C. advertising campaign
D. campaign advertising
20. What is another name for Copy Platform
A. brand image
B. creative advertising
C. creative brief
D. planned work
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. B
9. B
10. C
11. A
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C