Title: Notebooks for LOC/PE Classes

Standard Operating Policies
Page No.
North Valley Military
Effective Date
1 August 2014
SOP Number
Title: Notebooks for LOC/PE Classes
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Revision Date
1 August 2017
M. Ryan, Ph.D.
All cadets will have an LOC/PE Five-Subject Notebook provided at the beginning of each school year
for the purpose of maintaining weekly assignments from the LOC and PE classes. Ideally, these
notebooks will correspond in color to their company colors – Alpha – red, Bravo – green, Charlie –
yellow, Delta – Blue.
A. Cadets will be required to purchase a five-subject notebook at the beginning of each school
year for the purpose of keeping weekly LOC and PE assignments.
B. The notebooks will be available for purchase from the Hawk Exchange during the registration
period or as soon as possible thereafter.
C. Immediately upon receipt, cadets will write their name, grade, and company on the outside
front AND back of the notebook for easy identification. No other writing will be allowed on
the outside of the notebook. TAC Teams may opt to preprint labels with this information for
each cadet in their company.
D. Each entry will be dated on the TOP RIGHT of each page, either with the date of the
assignment, or in the case of a week-long assignment, the phrase “Week of ___ through ___.”
No other heading is necessary because the cadet’s name, grade, and company are on the outside
of the notebook and notebook sections are already labeled. Dates must be entered in military
format: 10 September 2014 or 10 Sep 14.
E. Once an entry is turned in and graded, it will NOT be removed from the notebook.
F. Cadets should use BOTH sides of all pages to maximize space.
G. The five sections of the notebook, IN ORDER, will be labeled as follows:
a. Academic Vocabulary – LOC and PE
b. Cornell Notes – LOC
c. Current Events - LOC
d. Cornell Notes – PE
e. Wellness Journals and PT Goal Tracking – PE
H. In each section, cadets will accomplish the following:
a. Academic Vocabulary – Cadets create by hand a chart in the format as follows and fill it
in with the correct information:
Words in the Family
b. Cornell Notes – LOC and PE (same format)
NVMI Standard Operating Procedure
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c. Current Events – Cadets do not need to write the question in the notebook, but they DO
have to answer in complete sentences by including the question in the answer to all ten
questions. For example, if the question was “What is the name of the first President of
the United States?” the cadet would answer something like, “George Washington is the
first President of the United States.”
d. Wellness Journal and PT Goals – Cadets will copy the formats in the planner in their
own writing:
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NVMI Standard Operating Procedure
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