
SAP Logon
Server: _____________
Client #: ____________
User ID: ____________
Initial password: ____________
Please note: Some of the screen shots
may show screens from the previous
version of SAP. The overall look and
functionality is the same.
If you have logged on to ERPsim you will initially see a
customized screen, as the example shows.
You can easily view the standard SAP Easy Access menu by
clicking the SAP menu icon.
Menu Paths and Transaction Codes
SAP has a navigation hierarchy on the left side of the screen. This expands and collapses similar to
Windows Explorer except “folders” are modules and “files” are programs or transactions. SAP uses
the term transaction for an SAP software program.
At the top of the module hierarchy you can see
logistics, accounting, information systems, and
others. Try expanding these to see what is listed
withint these headings. Click the triangle beside a
module name to expand/collapse that module.
Expand Logistics.
Expand Sales and Distribution.
If you were going to process a sales order, you would follow
this expansion path: Sales … Order … Create. Try it.
When you double-click Create, a transaction
opens. This is the first screen in a series for
processing a sales order.
Click the “back” icon
to back out of this screen.
The green button with the left-pointing arrow, the
yellow button with the upward pointing arrow, and
the red button with the “X” all navigate from the
current screen. They correspond to BACK, EXIT
The menu path to creating a sales order is: Logistics … Sales and Distribution … Sales … Order
… Create
Note: If you want to collapse the entire expanded menu hierarchy, click
near the
top left of the menu hierarchy and all the submenus will collapse into the original, toplevel menu.
Though the menu hierarchy is lengthy and can be confusing, people who
work with SAP in their jobs often only use a handful of transactions. They
can make use of the “favorites” feature to create a streamlined list of
transactions. You’ll find this feature useful, too, when you are managing
your company later in the semester.
To save a transaction to “favorites” you can use drag-n-drop with the mouse
or the drop-down menu you see if you right-click Create. There’s an option
listed to add to the favorites section.
You can also use add or delete “favorites” with the Add or Delete icons.
Since the word “create” is a little ambiguous, you might want to edit the title listed in Favorites.
Right-click Create and select the option to change the favorite.
Test this link in Favorites by double-clicking it. The sales order transaction will open.
Transaction Codes
In SAP every transaction (program) is assigned a transaction code. This is usually a short, cryptic list
of letters and numbers. For example, the “create sales order” transaction code is VA01 (see the
screen shot near the top of this page). People who use SAP quickly learn the transaction codes for the
work they need to do.
If you log in to SAP and the transactions codes aren’t
displayed, you can turn their display on. From the
menu along the top, select Extras then select Settings.
Make sure the
“Display technical names” is checked then click the checkmark.
If you know a transaction code you can jump to that screen immediately from anywhere in the SAP
navigation systems. In the command field
type: /nva01
The “/n” is needed to tell SAP to start “from
the top” of the menu structure (similar to the
root directory in an operating system). The
“va01”, of course, specifies which program to
open. After you type /nva01 hit enter or click the checkmark button
If the command field is not visible, it may be opened by clicking on the triangle to the right of the
checkmark button.
Important Icons
You’ve already used some of the SAP icons. Here are a few more
that are helpful to know.
Usually the SAVE icon is used to move to the next step in
a transaction process after some basic data is entered in an initial screen of a transaction.
Hitting the enter key will achieve the same result as clicking on the enter icon.
Note: It is important to realize that the Enter icon does not save data. To
save data you must click the Save icon.
The BACK icon exits a transaction without saving data.
The CANCEL icon is similar to the the BACK or EXIT icons, depending on what screen you in.
The EXIT button exits a transaction.
The EXECUTE icon initiate a process that is typically time consuming, like creating a report or
calculating a new material requirements plan.
The SAVE icon saves data in the current screen.
Customize the Interface
Though it won’t be apparent to you just yet why setting values for data entry is helpful, you’ll see it
usefulness soon. Every SAP user can set default values for data he/she often enters. To set default
values use this path: System … user profile … own data.
Note that following this menu path will create a new session (a new window). In SAP you can have
several windows open, each showing a different transaction. Using multiple windows will be extremely
helpful to you later on. In the Defaults tab you can specify the language, date format and other
settings. For now, exit this screen.
Multiple Sessions -
Sometimes it is useful to be able to see more than one SAP screen. To open
another screen click the New Session icon
System Status
From the menu along the top, select System then select
Status. A screen like the example here is shown. It shows
a lot of technical information about the version of SAP you’re
logged into and also shows your user ID and log-in data.
Click the checkmark or X to exit this display window.
Return to the ERPsim custom menu.
You can return to the ERPsim custom menu by click the user menu
Once we start working with ERPsim, you’ll need some “favorites” for transactions you
use often in the ERP simulation game.
From the Create the standard SAP Easy Access menu, create following “favorites” even though you’re
not familiar with these transactions yet. Create the favorite and edit it’s text to match the following
information. Note: Some of the paths listed on the left may be a little different than what you see in
SAP. Look around in the menu until you find the transaction.
SAP Menu Path to Transaction
Edited “favorite” text
Logistics / Production / Production planning / Demand
Management / Planned Independent Requirements /
Create a forecast (independent
Logistics / Production / MRP / Planning / Total Planning
/ Online
Production planning
Logistics / Production / MRP / Evaluations /
Stock/Requirements List
Stock/Requirements list
Logistics / Materials Management / Purchasing /
Purchase order / Create / Automatically via Purchase
Logistics / Materials Management / Inventory
Management / Goods Movement / Goods Receipt / For
Purchase Order / P.O. Number Known
Logistics / Materials Management / Purchasing /
Purchase Order / Follow-on Functions / Logistics
Invoice Verification
Automatically generate purchase orders
Goods Movement - Receive raw materials
Post vendor’s invoice
Accounting / Financial Accounting / Accounts Payable /
Document entry / Outgoing payment / Post
Pay vendor’s invoice
Logistics / Production / Shop Floor Control /
Confirmation / Enter / For order
Confirm production execution
There will probably be other favorites you’ll want to add later depending on your responsibilities in
your company during the simulation.
When you are done, expand your favorites and open the System … Status screen. Move the status
screen so that it is just below your expanded favorites list. In Windows 7 use the “Snipping Tool” or
use the Print Screen key to take a screen shot of the SAP Easy Access Menu with your favorites and
system status showing. Paste this screen shot into a Microsoft Word file. Save the file and submit it
through the online course.
NOTE: Your screen shot of favorites must show the SAP transaction codes for each
favorite. See the example shown.