
Navigation 1: Initial Screen
1.1 Which meanings do the following symbols in the Standard Toolbar have?
(Tipp By
pausing the cursor over an icon, a help text is depicted. If there is no help text for each icon
you simply have to go into a transaction.)
Back (F3)
Customize Local Layout (Alt+F12)
Check (Enter)
1.2 Why is the icon
The icon
(Save) grayed out in the initial screen?
is used in transactions to save user entries, e.g. a customer master record. Since
the initial screen does not represent any business transaction in the SAP system, saving
entered values is unnecessary.
1.3 Which of the following icons can create a new session?
1.4 How many sessions can be open in the system parallel? (Tipp Click on the corresponding
icon until the system does not create another session.)
Depending on the SAP system settings between 2 and 30 sessions can be opened in parallel.
The default value is set to a maximum of six parallel sessions per user.
1.5 What is the difference between the icons
This icon ends a transaction, regardless of how many individual screens the
transaction consists of. The system gives you a warning, that unsaved data might get lost.
This icon cancels an action in the SAP system without confirmation.
Cancelling gives you the opportunity to leave a transaction without having to fill out all
required fields or correct input mistakes.
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Navigation 2: SAP Easy Access Menu
2.1 What is the difference between the transactions Display Current und Display at Key Date?
Materials – like trading and finished goods, but also services – are time-dependent master
data in the SAP system. This means, changes can be accurately recorded and tracked over
Display Current depicts the current state of the material. The initial screen of the
transaction Display at Key Date prompts the user to enter a key date in addition to
the material number.
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Navigation 3: Favorites
3.1 Exercise 3
Create/Expand your own favorites menu.
3.1 Add the SAP Help Portal using the URL
3.2 Add the following transaction as a favorite:
Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Sales ► Order ► Display
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Navigation 4: Transactions
4.1 Which business function is displayed with the transaction code VA03?
Sales Order
4.2 Which business function describes the menu path Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ►
Master Data► Business Partner ► Customer ► Display ► Complete ?
Shows Customer
4.3 What is the difference between the transactions VD03 and XD03?
Customer master data in the SAP-System, are like the material master data divided into
views. The debtors are divided into three categories: general data (across the company and
client), the company code data (per company code) and the sales area data (per sales area).
General data per customer and client exits just once. Transaction code XD03 shows attributes
of all views to the user, during the transaction code VD03 only shows the sales area data.
4.4 Which transactions do you call with the following transaction codes?
Create Vendor
Change Material
ME23N: Display Purchase Order
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Navigation 5: Help
Run transaction VA01 and click in the Distribution Channel field. Then, press the F1 key.
5.1 What is a distribution channel (in a few key words)?
A distribution channel specifies the way in which products reach the customer. Typical
examples of distribution channels are wholesale, retail and direct sales.
5.2 Close the window with the definition of the Distribution Channel. Stay in transaction VA01.
Click the field Order Type and press F4. What do the order types SO and OR stand for?
SO Rush Order
OR Standard Order
5.3 What is the difference between these two types of orders?
In a Rush Order, a customer wants to get the goods/services as quickly as possible.
In a Standard Order, the customer can specify a preferred delivery date.
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Navigation 6: Working at GBI
5.1 Check the stock of black Deluxe Touring Bikes (Plant HD00).
(Hint Run transaction MMBE.)
The transaction MMBE can alternatively be opened via the following menu path:
Logistics ► Materials Management ► Inventory Management► Environment ►
Stock ► Stock Overview
After opening the transaction, search for the material number of the black Deluxe Touring
Bike in the Material field. In order to do so, click into the Material field and use F4.
After that you do the following:
Material description
*### (your three digit ID)
After you confirm with Enter, your three Deluxe Touring Bikes in black, silver and red,
should be displayed in addition to the product group for all Deluxe Touring Bikes. Select
the black bike by double-clicking on it.
Back in the initial screen of the transaction, the number of your black Deluxe Bike
(DXTR1###) should be displayed in the Material field. Click
(Execute) in order to open
the stock overview. Write down the quantities in the Dallas, Miami and Heidelberg plants.
Plant Dallas:
Plant Heidelberg:
DC Miami:
5.2 Which GBI customers can you identify?
You can also use the following menu path: Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Master
Data ► Business Partner ► Customer ► Display ► Complete
After opening the transaction move the cursor into the Customer field and press F4. Then
enter the following data:
Search term
### (your three digit ID)
Company Code
DE## (your two digit Org-ID)
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After you confirm with Enter, several customers in Germany should be displayed.
5.3 What is a customer?
A person with whom a company has a business relationship, who orders, purchases, or
receives a product.
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